Let’s Get Real!


My movie star pose!

If you think this post is going to be all about coming clean and ‘fessing up to lying to y’all, you’ve thought wrong! It’s going to be a post about what I usually wear on an everyday basis. In my last post (missed it? Here it is: https://marshainthemiddle.com/10-on-the-10th-10-10-2021/), I talked about when I dress up. If you’ve been reading my blog for very long…of course, you haven’t, it’s not that old…you know my posts have mainly shown dresses and skirts with the odd pair of pants thrown into the mix. I dress up (as in dresses and skirts) on Saturdays, Sundays, and date nights. On any other day, you are likely to find me in jeans when it’s colder and shorts when it’s warmer.

Look at that foot!

When I walked downstairs for our photo shoot, Nigel actually asked, “Is that what you’re going to wear? Going grungy, today?” I just laughed and said, “Yep!” Because, my friends, this is me. I wear jeans on the daily. I wear tees or sweaters. In the colder months, I’ll drape a scarf around my neck to keep warm. I’m just a regular person! But, since beginning this blog, I find myself more purposefully dressing and accessorizing. While the “real” me used to stop at the jeans and top, the “new” me is pulling out necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and scarves to create more interesting looks. And, I’m liking the new version of me.

You might want to skip this…

In 2008/2009, I was really struggling with my left foot. There were times I could barely walk. Finally, I went to the orthopedic office where I met with a podiatrist. He prescribed insoles and a pair of Brooks shoes. So, I became that teacher who wore dresses with sneakers. I am not talking fashion sneakers either. They were big and clunky (similar to these: https://www.brooksrunning.com/en_us/addiction-walker-2-womens-walking-shoe/120307.html). My students gave me a hard time about those ugly shoes! And, to make matters worse, my legs just ached! These shoes were holding my feet in the correct alignment with my legs. I had to work my way up to wearing them all day.

I wore those shoes for almost an entire year before returning to the doctor. We had discussed surgery at my first appointment, but I wasn’t ready for that just yet. After that year of discomfort and dislike, I decided surgery had to be a better option! I met with the actual orthopedic surgeon. I wish I had known enough to ask good questions…like what are the possible complications and will this last forever. I only knew I wanted relief from the pains in my foot. My surgery was scheduled for January, 2010. I had five different incisions! The surgeon basically reconstructed my foot which now had all kinds of screws and a plate. The pain was excruciating.

Fast forward to 2017. I had developed a bump on the top of my foot. I insisted to Nigel, the retired engineer, a screw was popping out of my foot. That bump just ached and throbbed. He thought I was nuts. Since we had moved I went to a different orthopedic practice. An x-ray proved my theory correct! A screw was coming out of the plate on top of my foot. The surgeon said he could give me a local and just remove the screw. But, as a result of the first surgery (I swear it’s because of that surgery), I had a bunion. The surgeon recommended I have the old hardware removed and have the bunion corrected. I agreed and was quickly scheduled for this surgery (the doctor was retiring at the end of the year and moving to Hawaii…he’s younger than me by a decade). The two pictures above (they’re just slightly different) show the main scar on my foot. There is still a bump, which is probably scar tissue, on the top of my foot. I have to be careful not to hit it on anything, or the top of my head pops off! And, my three middle toes have been numb since my first surgery. They cling together and are beginning to arch a bit. This Frankenfoot of mine has resulted in so many erroneous shoe purchases!

Back to our regularly scheduled programming…

Nigel thought I should do a half tuck. I have never successfully achieved a half tuck! Nigel suggested tucking in just half. I think he was right! These jeans are new! Old Navy had jeans on sale this past weekend…50% off! I didn’t need any, but I thought I’d try on a pair or two. I tried on six or seven! Who decided button fly jeans were a good thing again? I don’t know about you, but I detest button fly jeans. When you gotta go, you gotta go! And, they’re so unwieldy the first couple of times you do them up (or down). I had also forgotten you need to start at the bottom and work your way up!

The Lewk

Since I’m a short waisted person, I didn’t know how extra high waisted jeans would work on me. Well, my friends! They are fabulous although they come almost up to my bosoms! When you wear high waisted or extra high waisted jeans, you don’t even have to think about muffin tops. Those old muffins are covered up, smoothed over, and forgotten about! The one thing I will note is that, after sitting for a bit, my torso ached a little. My sweater is three years old. I bought it in almost every color J Jill had, even a green one that doesn’t really suit my coloring! My necklace is an old Stella & Dot as are the earrings and bracelet. I had pulled out these old Born clogs I wore after my first surgery. I’m thinking of doing some kind of paint/wash to bring out the details on them. At the very least, they need polishing! You’ll note I didn’t wear them at all! But, I would have if we’d gone somewhere after the photoshoot.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

It’s funny. When we remodeled my closet a couple of years ago, I had maybe five pairs of jeans. Because I didn’t have them all in one place, I didn’t notice the deficit. I now have quite a few more pairs of jeans. What do you think of button front jeans? Yay or nay? Do you wear distressed denim? What about your feet? Are you taking care of them? I surely wish I had! Let’s have a conversation. Please drop a comment or two below! I promise to answer. And, if you haven’t already, won’t you consider subscribing to my blog? I’m getting nearer and nearer to 50 subscribers! You can also find me on Instagram at the_only_marsha_banks. Thanks so much for reading!


  1. Marsha, I just love your posts!! They are all REAL and I can relate to so much of what you say! I started my blog to force myself not to resort to my weekend uniform—shorts or jeans with a tee or sweatshirt—when I semi retired. I do mostly wear jeans so I have lots of versions. My husband, i.e. photographer, have similar conversations!! Lol!! Im so sorry about your foot issues. I’m so glad you followed your instincts with that screw! Ugh!! I think you may have unwittingly started the sneakers and dresses trend!! Have a great week, my friend.
    xx Darlene

    • Thanks so much, Darlene! I realized I needed to share a little more of me being casual which is what I am most of the time! Does your husband use his phone or a DSLR? We are learning as we go! My foot problem was a result of so many things…teaching on concrete in not great shoes and being overweight. I don’t think I started that trend…you should have seen those ugly shoes!

      Thanks for coming by!

  2. I have not worn then but would like to find jeans distressed only at the hem …but so far have only seen them in smaller sizes and I need a size 18…if you or any of your followers can link to a pair, much appreciated.
    I really enjoy your blog Marsha. and look forward to each new post.

    • Hi Nancy,
      If you mean the raw hem, here are a couple of options (and another is to cut off a pair you already have and make them how you want them!!!
      1- https://shopstyle.it/l/by0Rm
      If you want more options, feel free to email me (jtouchofstyle@gmail.com) because my affiliate program makes it pretty easy to search for these things.

    • Thanks so much, Nancy. That means the world to me that you enjoy my blog. I find myself thinking, “Now what am I going to write about?” And, then something just pops out! I like putting the clothing out there, but I don’t have the budget to go out and buy new clothes just to write a blog post (if I had that kind of budget, I think I’d spend it on something else anyway). So, I write the story and fill in the clothes! I hope I can always come up with something to say.

      You might check out Old Navy. I was amazed at the size range in the local store. I know they are making a push to be size inclusive. And, if you can’t find what you want, just whack off a pair that’s too long. That’s what I’ve done. I love the raw edge because at 5’1″, I hem most pants, skirts and dresses. I haven’t ever tried a jean hem, though. I’ve always been lucky to find straight sizes in a short inseam. But, the raw edge has changed my life! I hope that’s one trend that hangs on for a bit!

      Thanks so much, Nancy, for coming by! You’ve made my day with your lovely comments!

  3. I just LOVE that you are open to wearing distressed jeans Marsha!! I don’t know what it is about them, but don’t they make you feel bolder? Maybe it’s because it’s what all the young kids are wearing.
    Anyways, I have stayed away from the button fly, but maybe I’ll try them again!!

    • I love distressed jeans. They do make me feel like an edgy old lady! I’m sure there are plenty of eye rolls as I walk by, but I’m not wearing them for anyone but me (and Nigel, of course)! I have to say, after wearing the button fly for a day now, it’s a little easier to get them unbuttoned. These jeans are of that more cotton content, stiffer variety!

  4. I love your home clothes – you look lovely and relaxed. Ouch, your poor foot! I have plantar fasciitis on one foot, and did have a bunion but it sort of went away during the pandemic (wearing fewer dressy shoes).

    • Thanks, Sheila! I am not necessarily comfortable in all jeans. That’s why I try to wear dresses or skirts three or four days a week. But, I thought I should show some “regular” clothes,too!

      Yep, my Frankenfoot has been around for so long. I actually had named it Harold right after the first surgery. It just seemed like it needed a name…huge thing all covered with quite intricately woven bandages! I wish I could say the surgeries have been successes. I can’t, but there’s not going back!

      Thanks for coming by!

  5. I love the honesty in your posts! You look cool in these distressed jeans look.

    • Thanks so much, Lovely! I wasn’t sure about the extra high waist, but it really works well for me! I appreciate you coming by and commenting!

  6. Ouch, the foot problems sound so painful! I am loving this casual look on you. That sweater is fantastic and I love the distressed jeans on you. I only have one pair of slighty distressed jeans and when I wore them the other day, my husband asked what was wrong with my pants! I do have more pairs of jeans now than I used to as I am trying to branch out from my skinny jeans. I have spent too much money on clothes this year but I justify the purchases by getting rid of stuff I do not like anymore (mostly older items or mistakes I bought) and by telling myself that I am not breaking the bank. I can always tell myself it is my pay for being a stay at home mom!

    • Thanks so much, Mireille! I know it doesn’t look like it from my blog, but this is definitely a regular kind of look for me.

      One time, I tried to calculate how much I should be earning as a stay at home mom…no one could have afforded me! It is the job that is I loved the most! I have spent much more this year than last year. And, now I need to start buying Christmas gifts…but trying to get lists from everyone is almost impossible!

      Thanks for coming by!

  7. I used to love button fly jeans as a young adult, and still love the look, but honestly, I haven’t had any in ages. It’s interesting, since I’ve been “hanging out” with fashion bloggers, I’ve upped my game too. Except with this move. We are still digging through boxes and I haven’t located most of my clothes or jewelry yet.


    • Oh, we keep thinking about moving, but one of the things that stops me is the packing and unpacking! It wouldn’t even be across country! I am enjoying these jeans, but the button fly certainly adds bulk where I don’t need it! I know what you mean about upping my game! Now, I feel like I’d better add an accessory or two even if I’m just going to the local home improvement store!

      Thanks, for coming by, Michelle! And, good luck with the unpacking and discovery!

  8. I love this home look; the jeans are amazing. However, I don’t think they would look good on me. I also absolutely love your gray hair. It is beautiful. Nigel is a pretty good photographer.

    • Eh…he’s coming along! Actually, I think he’s enjoying it quite a bit…for an old fart, right? Can you believe this hair was just waiting for me? Girl, you never know what will look good until you try it! Can you imagine if I’d worn them on jeans day at school? OOOOOOhhhh!