10 on 10th: June!

I’m sure you can tell from the first graphic! June’s theme is vacations. Schools around here have been out for a couple of weeks now. That means vacations are on lots of people’s minds, including mine! Please link up your vacation plans, past, present, or future as well as any other posts you’d care to share! If you don’t have a blog, don’t despair! Just leave a comment or two about your vacation plans, dreams, or hopes!

October, 2016!
  • Are you planning to take a vacation anytime soon?  Please share!
    • I’m not sure if Nigel and I will be taking an extended vacation any time soon.  I’d love to go to Niagara Falls, cross into Canada, take the ferry across Lake Champlain, and end up in Burlington, Vermont.  Niagara Falls is one of those vacations we took when I was a kid so it holds a place in my heart.  Nigel and I ferried across Lake Champlain years ago and would like to do it again. 
  • Have you recently gone on vacation?  Tell us all about it!
    • I don’t know…do two day trips count as a vacation?  Originally, we were going to list our house for sale, go away for a couple of days, and return home to look at offers.  We actually received an offer to purchase the house before listing it the morning we were leaving!  But, we’d already paid for the hotel so off we trekked to Columbus, Ohio to the Franklin Conservatory.  You can read about that day here.
  • What is your favorite way to travel?
    • I may be in the minority, but my absolute favorite way to travel is by train!  I love the quirkiness of the roomettes, the observations cars, the rhythmic motion, and watching the scenery as the train passes by.  The food on the western routes is amazing!  But, the best part is meeting people!  When you enter the dining car, you are seated with your partner side by side.  That way, two more people are seated opposite you, and you are almost forced to talk to complete strangers.  We met some of the most fascinating people as we dined!
  • If money were no object, where would you go and why?
    • I would go to Europe for months, travel by train from one side to the other…north to south, east to west and everywhere in between!  Art museums, open air markets, restaurants, sidewalk bistros…wouldn’t that be glorious?  And, even though I’m an extroverted introvert, I love to meet new people.  I would hope to make lots of new friends, maybe meet up with some of my European blogger friends!
  • Who would be your favorite person (living or dead) to take on vacation?
    • While I know I should say Nigel, I would have to say it would be my dad.  He loved to go to museums and read.every.single.plaque!  I am the same way.  Nigel is almost out the door before I’ve left the first gallery!  I want to know it all…the whats, the wheres, and especially the whys!  And, Dad had such a wonderful sense of humor.  I’m sure we’d have a fabulous time!
  • What do you absolutely have to pack when you go on vacation?
    • I know, from experience, one of the first things I have to pack (if I’m wearing dresses or skirts) is a pair of anti-chub rub shorts (well, more than one pair, obviously).  I also must have my skincare, makeup, Velcro rollers, lots of hairspray, and really comfortable shoes!  I try to pack so that I can create several different outfits from a minimum number of items.  I usually will include one pair of good earrings but mostly take costume jewelry rather than more expensive. 
  • What are your memories of your all time favorite vacation?
    • Many, many years ago, I told Nigel I wanted to go to London for our 25th anniversary.  I didn’t think he’d really listened to me!  Nigel traveled a lot when he was working.  Luckily, the corporation he worked for let him keep his air miles as well as hotel points.  So, for our 25th anniversary, we flew Business Class to London and stayed in a suite at the Grand London Park Lane on Piccadilly.  We had terrible jet lag the first day or so.  Our youngest had gone to an outdoor, multi day concert with a couple of guys he’d just met.  When we didn’t hear from him or his older brother, I was convinced he’d been kidnapped!  After I’d had a couple of good nights’ sleep, I was better!  We spent ten days in London only venturing out to Stonehenge, Hampton Court, and Windsor Castle.  Nigel insists we breakfasted with Phil Collins one day because the fellow running the outdoor café looked just like him.  We explored the streets and alleys of Mayfair, spent lazy afternoons in Hyde park munching on croissants and pain au chocolat, dining at the original Hard Rock Café, and visiting all of the must see museums and sights in London.  We watched the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, walked all the way out to Abbey Lane to see THE studio, and saw the portraits of King Henry VIII and the Bronte sisters.  We took high tea in the Palm Court.  I learned I loved scones and clotted cream but could do without mushy peas!  We saw our first Dale Chihuly installation at the Victoria and Albert Museum.  Nigel discovered the food halls at Harrods and insisted we visit daily!  We have been back to London a handful of times, but that first time was truly magical! 
  • Where would you never ever go on vacation and why?
    • This is a hard one.  I don’t think I would ever go to Southeast Asia because of the heat and humidity.  That being said, if someone were to offer me an all expenses paid vacation, I’d probably go! 
  • What is the worst thing you ever experienced on vacation?
    • This is a tough one, too!  I don’t think anything really terrible has ever happened to me on vacation!  The only thing I can think of is the last family vacation my family took before Dad died.  I couldn’t go because of a bad reaction I’d had to penicillin.  We didn’t know I was allergic and was covered head to toe with an itchy rash.  I guess I’ve been lucky!
  • What is the best thing that ever happened to you on vacation?
    • I have experienced so many wonderful things on vacation.  Every time I start to answer this question, the same answer comes to me!  I cannot, for the life of me, remember what was happening in London, but Trafalgar Square was boarded over and Jumbotrons were up.  As we walked through the Square, Nigel stopped me, pulled out a small black velvet-covered box, and said quite loudly, “I love this woman!”  Do you remember that commercial?  I always said I thought that would be such a cool thing, and Nigel did it!  A man who was working there came over and snapped a photo of us!  I think it’s on an undeveloped roll of film somewhere!

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I recently became a Brand Ambassador for Sarah Flint shoes. You can use SARAHFLINT-BAMARSHA for $50 off your first pair. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

Honestly? I could have written forever about vacations I’ve taken and would still like to take! My mom loved to travel as do I. The difference between us was Mom would have traveled every day for the rest of her life (if she’d been healthy) and only been home to get clean underwear, and I like to be at home and go on vacation! I guess that means Mom would have just been on vacation 24/7 365 days a year if she could have! So, can we talk? What kinds of vacation plans or memories do you have? Do you have a bucket list for vacations (oh, that would have been a fabulous question)? Leave a comment with your ten answers or even just a few, and we can talk! Thank you to my subscribers! I appreciate all of you!

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in PinkBeing a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m also a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). And, of course, you can now find me here on the last Friday of the month! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also co-host Final Friday Print Mixing with Michelle on the last Friday of the month. I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

And, now it’s your turn!

I’m not having much luck with link party buttons. If it says something about clicking here, click there! You should be able to link there!


  1. Yeah you should travel through Europe and then come to Holland! Gerben also always reads everything in museums!

    • I would love to come to Holland to see all of the things I’ve only ever read about! There’s so much to see and do and so little time and money!

  2. We went to London, Scotland, and Ireland for our 25th – it was a whirlwind. I would have loved to spend more time in each of those places. But we did pack it in while in London and managed to see the changing of the guard, the Tower of London, and lots of other sights. I enjoyed it!
    My husband wants to go to Niagra Falls – I like your idea of taking the ferry to Burlington. I’m going to share that with him!
    So sweet that you’d love to vacay with your dad; so special!!!

    • We had planned to travel by train all around the UK, but then you know what happened! I’ll bet your vacation was wonderful. Nigel has a nephew who studied in Manchester. Our daughter went over to visit him, but, wouldn’t you know, he didn’t want to do the touristy things with her! She still had a blast! Oh, yes, do take the ferry…you know they say there’s a sea monster in Lake Champlain! And, Burlington is home to the flagship store of April Cornell (so I have an ulterior motive for wanting to go).

      I’m sure you’d love to go on another vacation with your dad, too, Kellyann. They’re just gone from our lives too soon.

  3. I used to love a good cruise but that’s gone out of the window now what with ‘you know what’ – won’t go again until that’s gone. I loved the dressing up and still have some lovely cruise frocks string unworn in a bag at the back of my wardrobe.

    Marsha I love trains too, and my most memorable holiday was when we traveled from Palm Springs to Philadelphia on a Silver Service train. To this day I remember that train and it was way back in 1999, Yes, it’s the people you meet and for me what a fantastic way to see America. If you fly what do you see? Nothing much from that height. But we travelled through small towns and big cities and it was just such an amazing experience. They really do say, New York, New York and ‘all aboard’. We got off at Charleston which was lovely and Washington, so interesting, and stayed two nights at both places. Again. Wonderful. Then we stayed a week with friends in Philadelphia – so very interesting. Oh it’s made me feel quite nostalgic! This year we are staying in a tiny wee little hamlet on the coast – Dungeness – it’s quite unique and lovely in its own way. Thanks for this – I really enjoyed remembering my trip to the States.

    • Penny, I’m so glad you enjoyed my post. I just can’t say enough about train travel. For me, except for driving, it’s the best way to see a country. You meet fabulous people, have splendid times when you get off the train, and have so much time to just sit and be. Your trip sounds like a wonderful time. My daughter lived in Charleston (my granddaughter was born there). It’s such a charming city. And, Washington is really a city full of so much to see and do. And, I do hope this virus would just quit mutating and slither away…I don’t look for that soon as so many people here still refuse to get their jabs. Your vacation spot sounds like a lovely place, but then where you live sounds wonderful, too! I do hope Nigel and I can make it back to the UK someday. I want to ride the train all around the country!

  4. Pingback:Some Thoughts (and Memories) of Vacation - Trading Ashes for Beauty

  5. Great post! My favorite person to take on vacation is my mom I think, because we like doing similar things 🙂 But my boyfriend is a great travel buddy, too! 😀

    Lots of love,
    Krissi of the marquise diamond

    • I know I should have picked my husband, but, honestly, he’s who I always travel with! I think it’s wonderful you vacation with your mom. You are lucky to have her in your life!

      Thanks, Krissi, for coming by!

  6. I loved this idea when I came across it on your page yesterday! Answering the travel questions brought back some great memories. Thanks!

    • Oh, I’m glad you enjoyed it and that you found my page! Come back any time! I’d love to have you!

  7. Aw I simply love your best thing!!

    And train travel! I have so many questions. My husband and I talk about it all the time, but.. the bathroom situation? What is that like? The one with the small little private bathroom?

    • Oh, Erin! I think you would really like it. We stayed in roomettes so we didn’t have a toilet in the room. We peeked into an empty one. The rooms are much larger, but the toilet is in the shower which I find weird and kinda gross! Each sleeper car has several bathrooms which are much like those you find on planes. Then, there are showers…but I never used one. Nigel said they were fine, but I just didn’t want to be that confined…I like roomy showers! I’m going to just have to write a blog post about train travel!

      • Yes do!!! Lol. That is my whole thought too! I am sort of weirded out by that as well! And then I saw that some sleeping rooms have the toilet like right next to the bed! I wonder if..I could get that one with the private bathroom and then just not shower. LOL.

        You should absolutely write a blog post!

  8. Pingback:It’s All About Vacations for June’s 10 on the 10th - My Bijou Life

  9. Your London vacation sounds very cool! And yes, if you can persuade Nigel to come to Europe, your blogger friends would love to meet up!
    I could have mentioned Niagara as one of our worst holiday experiences! We went there on a coach tour – we were visiting Canada and John was running in the Toronto Marathon. Unfortunately we misheard the courier telling us what time we had to be back on the coach, and by the time we casually ambled over, they were about to leave without us, and everyone was furious! Mortifying because I’m usually early for everything.

    • Oh, I think that’s one of the things I dislike about scheduled types of travel…worrying about whether or not you’ve got the right times and if you’re in the right place. We waited for an Uber at the LA train station for so long. Turns out he was on the other side of the station…we were in the right place…he was not! I hope you at least got a good look at the Falls! And, I’m working on him to get back to the UK, at least. I’m worried he’ll claim he’s too old for the whole traipsing around Europe thing (if we can ever get Covid under control even). I love going to London because you can always revisit things and see something you’d never noticed before as well as just the general vibe of the city.

  10. I so enjoyed this post! Every one of these allows me to know someone better. I can see why you and Nigel have been married for 50 years. That guy is definitely a keeper! Such a romantic gesture to hand you a gift and declare “I love this woman,” in the middle of Trafalgar Square.


    • Awww, thanks, Michelle! I was smiling so much…I was really surprised when he did it because he’s not one to be overtly romantic! And, yes, I love to read these kinds of posts because we do learn about each other! Can’t wait to read yours!

  11. I have never taken a train for an extended travel, but I always thought it might be fun. The thing is, it’s not less expensive, so we never thought to do it.

    • No, train travel is not inexpensive. Most times, it’s probably more expensive and much more time consuming, but it’s just an amazing adventure. I need to write a post about it sometime!

  12. Marsha, this was so fun to read! What a gem you have in Nigel! And he’s a pretty freaking lucky guy to have you, too! I had fun writing my post for these questions. I struggled with the last question but when my answer came to me I was so excited about it! I met one of my very best friends on vacation! You can’t really get a more meaningful souvenir than that!


    • Thanks, Shelbee! Some days, I’m sure he’d rather have all of the money I’ve spent! Not really…we have both been lucky in making this marriage work. Or, maybe we’ve just worked hard at making it work! And what a wonderful souvenir! There is nothing like a best friend, right?

  13. Your London trip sounds truly magical! (and you need to find that film and develop it!). I have never traveled by train (well, not longer than an hour or two anyway) and you make it sound rather magical.

    • Oh, Joanne, it is the best way to travel. You see so much of the scenery and meet the most amazing people! I highly recommend it! And, all of our London trips have been such fun. I hope we get to go again soon!

  14. Traveling by train sounds so fun! We did a Copper Canyon train in Mexico years and years ago and it was stunning!

    • We loved it. We made a loop from Chicago to Seattle to Los Angeles to New Orleans and back to Chicago. We went to San Antonio and New Orleans, and another trip to the Grand Canyon! I can’t wait for the next one!

  15. I loved all your answers. We did a trip one year before kids to PA to visit my hubby’s parents who lived there at the time, then drove to Ohio to see some of my family and then up to Niagra falls and upstate NY. Loved it.

    • Everyone always told us to travel before we had kids, but we didn’t. We didn’t really start to travel until the kids were a bit older and went with my mom on vacations! Isn’t upstate New York gorgeous? I’ve always thought I’d love to live in Buffalo where they get all of that snow!

      Thanks for coming by!

  16. Thanks for the party.

  17. I loved hearing about all your vacations! Nigel is too sweet and love that he took you to London for your anniversary. My favorite trips were ones that were firsts. My first trip to Disney World with my family, my first trip outside the US to Mexico, my first trip to Europe. My honeymoon in Costa Rica was something I will never forget because we stayed in the rainforest. So amazing!


    • Ooh, a stay in the rainforest! That would be something to remember! I do remember lots of firsts, too…great idea for that! Nigel has a teeny tiny romantic bone in his body that sometimes pokes him!! Thanks, Kathrine!

  18. This is a fun idea for a post and it’s nice to read on your happy travels of the past! It’s so interesting that you loved London – we visited Europe when we got engaged and it was our first stop – we really didn’t like it there! When we went back for our 10 year anniversary Europe trip (luckily before the pandemic!) we gave London a miss and spent our time in Scotland and Paris instead. I’ve love to travel around more of Europe one day, but will be staying close to home for a while as who knows, they might close the Australian border again if something happens like they did in 2020 and I wouldn’t want to be stuck unable to get home!

    Hope you had a good weekend! It was a fun one here with a birthday party each day!

    • I don’t blame you for not leaving…let’s hope nothing happens and the borders get closed. London can be intimidating, but we just bumbled our way around acting the tourists! We found people to be a little stand-offish at first but soon warmed to the Yanks! I hope we make it back to Europe and the UK…I’ve always wanted to go to Paris…my dream bucket list! And, Scotland just sounds wonderful!

      Our weekend was busy with packing. Your weekends are always fun but probably really quick!

  19. The best vacation i took has to be when i went with a friend to Australia for 2 wks. We went to Melbourne, Sidney (right after they won the bid for the 1996 Olympics.) Ayers rock, Brisbane. Snorkeling the Great barrier reef, driving on the opposite side of the road was freaky and we were in a taxi lol. The O.J. run thru the airport in Sydney to catch the next plane, Sydney opera house. 1956 Olympics in Melbourne, duck billed platypus, crocodiles, blue ?, glass bottom boat on the Reef. And all the different modes of transportation. Learning to throw a boomerang. Magical trip of a lifetime

    • Oh, Ainslie, that does sound like the trip of a lifetime! You packed a lot into two weeks! I could never get Mike to Australia because of how long the flight is. But, I’d love that glass bottom boat!

  20. I remember taking a train when we lived in Italy and it was so much fun. I’d totally forgotten about it until I read it in your post. It is a totally fun way to travel. You experience the world differently in a train car, don’t you?

    • Oh, I’m glad my post reminded you of that! I do love train travel…so many things to love about it. But, if you’re in a hurry, it’s definitely not the way to go! Luckily, we have the time!

  21. I enjoyed reading your answers to these questions. Your trip to London sounds wonderful!

  22. I’ve never traveled by train, but I would love to try it out on a vacation! I get pretty motion sick in the car, so I think if I could lay down on the train when I felt blah, it would be nice!

    • I highly recommend it! I loved meeting new people, watching the countryside as we went by, and just being still!

      Thanks for coming by!

  23. What great questions you put together for 10 on the 10th. I am preparing a post to participate. And I promise I will be ready to help in July. Do you have questions prepared for July? If not, let me know if you want me to create something or we can brainstorm some questions together.

    Thank you for taking this over for me. I am still feeling hazy and lazy with this Covid but every day is a little better.

    Now, to your post!! Love the descriptions you shared of that first magical trip to England! Wow, you guys did it all. Bravo!! I really want to go to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales before my traveling days come to an end. Watching the stock market today and thinking this summer might be the summer to vacation in our own backyard.

    Interesting that you would like to travel with your dad if you could. He sounds much like my dad. Read every plaque. Researched everything we ever visited so he had background knowledge on it and could share. But as kids, we weren’t into learning in great detail about the tectonic plates that created the Grand Canyon. Ha!! We just wanted to get on with the hike.

    What a traveling spirit your mama had. Such a shame she died at a fairly young age and wasn’t able to travel throughout her retirement years. My mom always said she missed checking the mail when we traveled as a family. And needed a shower and proper bathroom now and then. So we would camp a few days, then stay in a hotel. On a teacher’s salary and as a single mom, I am afraid I wasn’t able to take my own girls on many glorious vacations.

    • Oh, Leslie, you are so sweet! We have had so many wonderful vacations and fabulous memories. I’m hoping our traveling days aren’t behind us. I want to go back to the UK and see Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, too. I also want to see Florence just to say I’ve walked where Dante walked. Oh, the stock market is giving me all kinds of not good feelings…it’s been so volatile for the last several years.

      And, for my dad…we didn’t start taking big family vacations until 1968 (we went to Washington, DC). He passed in 1974 and I missed that one in 1973. So, from 1968-1972 were the only years we had for trips…not near enough. But, we frequently went to Chicago to visit the Museum of Science and Industry and the Field Museum. That’s where Dad would always take his time reading everything. He was in his element in Washington, though!

      My mom was not a camper at all! She hated it. Mom and Dad bought a lake lot and always intended to build on it. We would go out there and mow every weekend. Sometimes, we’d pitch a couple of tents and stay overnight. Oh, Mom detested the bugs, the lumpy floor, and peeing in the woods! After Dad passed, I think we only took a couple of family vacations.

      I have an outline for the rest of the year as far as 10 on the 10th. I’ll email it to you, and we can go from there! I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. This virus can disappear any day if you ask me!