Say what…
If you think I’m going to bemoan the fact that it’s already April, think again! I’ve always liked April for many reasons. I think the biggest reason is because it’s when Spring starts to really appear here in the Midwest. Another reason is my mom’s birthday is in April as is my oldest granddaughter’s. Of course, diamonds are also the birthstone for April so there’s that! April is just a delightful month! As it is the 10th of the month, it’s time for another edition of 10 on the 10th and another round of Would You Rathers!
Without further ado…
- Would you rather wear clothes made of feathers or clothes made of flower petals?
- Oh, it’s flower petals all the way for me, baby! Imagine a dress made of layer upon layer of hibiscus petals. Or, what if each layer were a different color of roses? You’d smell heavenly, right? The bees would love you (which might not be a good thing for some). And, then, there’s the added benefit of disguising those ripples and dimples!
- Would you rather listen to birds chirping or frogs croaking?
- This is a hard one for me. I love the sound of both, especially those first croaks of springtime. I think the winner is listening to birds chirping. With my tinnitus, it’s difficult to hear them most days, but if I really work at it, I can hear them. And, I like to think they’re singing because they’re happy and content.
- Would you rather vacation on a remote yet tropical beach or near a thriving city?
- Oh, dang! Tis another difficult question! While the notion of a tropical beach does sound quite nice, I always think about the creepy crawly things that might burrow into my clothing or bags. And, I honestly do not like to be hot! Let’s face it, bikini season left this body behind years ago…though I wouldn’t let that stop me since it would be remote. But, I love a big city, especially if it’s walkable. It’s funny, though, I don’t really enjoy downtown Indianapolis which is just a hop, skip, and a jump from me. I just need someone to go with me. I do love London, Seattle, Washington, DC, and the Big Apple, New York City, though the latter does intimidate me a bit. I am not a person to just sit on vacation. I want to do something…especially if that involves museums and monuments!
- Would you rather have Peeps in your Easter/holiday basket or jellybeans?
- Well, I don’t ever get an Easter basket because I’m the one who always makes them up. But, I’m definitely Team Peeps! They have to be yellow, and they have to be chicks! I also love to open the package and let them get hard and crusty…mmmmm…delicious!
- Would you rather spend a day planting seeds or a day at the beach?
- Easy peasy…see the above answer! Plus, I love to grow things. I think I got that from my Grandma Luderman. She would have a humongous garden. Some of it was devoted to veggies, but the vast majority of it was flowers. Now, that we’ve drastically downsized (I’m such a whiner), I have very little real estate upon which I can plant. So, I have lots and lots of containers to fill up with seeds and plants. I’m anxiously awaiting planting season!
- Would you rather grow green grass or grass of a color of your choosing?
- Now, this is a fun one to think about! We are so used to the idea of green grass that it would be weird, at first, to see grass of a different color. But, I would definitely choose a different color. I think it would probably be lavender, or would it be blue? I know it wouldn’t be yellow because that would be too much like dead grass, right? I’m trying to imagine it. Oh, it would be like living in Oz, wouldn’t it?
- Would you rather wear sandals with socks or sandals with hosiery?
- Oh, another tough one because I’m not a fan of either one. I think it would be sandals and socks because you’d be able to make a fashion statement. And, the question doesn’t specify how long you’d have to do it. So, I could definitely wear a fun pair of socks with sandals.
- Would you rather have flowers for fingers or flowers for toes?
- Toes, definitely toes! I need my fingers to do things. But, then, I wonder about the balance issue. How would you walk? I guess, if you were born with flowers for either appendage, you’d already have an adaptation for it, right? But, imagine looking at your toes and seeing some pretty flowers looking back at you! Speaking of toes, I seriously need a pedicure!
- Would you rather do the chicken dance or the bunny hop?
- The chicken dance for the win! I love the chicken dance! I don’t have a single groove bone so that’s one dance I can do and not have to worry about looking silly! Plus, you just feel so happy when you’re chicken dancing! Try not to laugh while you’re chicken dancing, I double dog dare you!
- Would you rather be a caterpillar or a tadpole?
- Another easy one! I’d much rather be a caterpillar because then I’d be a butterfly. I could fly here and there and sip sweet nectar. Of course, with my luck, I’d actually end up being a brown moth of some kind. But, there’s beauty in those, too. Not that being a frog or toad, eventually, wouldn’t be fun, too!
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I think I just may be getting better at writing these! But, next month, I’ll probably be back to vague prompts! You just never know with me, right? Anyway, can we talk? What’s your favorite month? Are there reasons for that? Or, do you like them all and find something to celebrate in each? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise I will get better at replying.
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Thank you!
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Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, and I do deClaire and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend with Michelle every Thursday. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
And, now, it’s your turn!
Please link up your favorite 10 on the 10th posts as well as baking, cooking, decorating, fashion, DIY! Please do visit some of the links! If you don’t have a blog, here is your chance to find a new one! You can also drop all or some of your answers in the comments!
We have a lot of the same answers… though no peeps for me; I don’t eat marshmallows in any shape or form. I have my post ready to go for Wednesday so I will come back then and link up!
Hahaha!! And, Peeps are the only kind of marshmallows I will eat! I can’t wait to read your answers, Joanne!
Oh this is a fun set of questions – I would have to say neither with the sandals option too, even though that isn’t a choice, that would be the one I’d want. although I guess if you had flowers for toes sandals might be trickier and you’d need something to keep the petals together, haha!
Oh, I hadn’t thought of the toe petals aspect! Good point!
Thanks, Mica!
OMG, I almost choked on my water with the sandal question.
I used to be a huge Peep fan especially when they were dried out, but now we don’t eat sugar!! But my college roommate used to send them to me for many years because they reminded her of me,
OK…I’m intrigued…do you like sandals and socks or you think it’s funny? I love a dried out Peep!!!
Thanks, Jodie!
What cute questions and love all your answers! I am a planter too and love anything to do with flowers. A flower gown would be so amazing!
Thanks, Kathrine! I’m guessing, from your photos, you have lots of gardens and places to plant!
While the questions looked kind of easy, I was a little stumped on a couple of them. And it certainly is crazy that we’re already in April. The year seems to be flying by.
I did have to stop and think on a couple of them myself! I’m hopeful this year will end on a higher note than the last few!
Thanks, Rena!
Thanks for the fun and entertaining questions!
Thanks for the unique and entertaining questions!
You are very welcome, Dara!
You and I gave a couple of very similar responses. ? Another fun 10 on the 10th, Marsha! Thank you for hosting.
Thanks, Michelle! I loved your answers and commentary! They definitely made me chuckle!
These were fun to answer! I chose the beach instead of the city, because even though I’m not a beach person, I am even LESS of a big city person. So on vacation I’d rather get away from the city.
Thanks, Kym! That makes sense. I love a big city if I can walk it. I hate driving in a big city, though. I think the only times I’ve been on a beach vacation when the temps were high. That just made me miserable! I do love being in the ocean, though!
Ha. Fun questions and answers, Marsha! I also picked flowers for toes which reminded me of my desperate need for a pedicure, too!
I had fun with this one! I keep looking at my atrocious feet and thinking I’d better get in for a pedicure before school gets out around here!
Thanks, Shelbee!
Pingback:10 on the 10th: April 2023-Springtime Would You Rathers – Shelbee On the Edge
I am late with this. My IPad wasn’t working. Had to have it fixed.
Flower Petal clothes, soft and smell good. Birds chirping. I love hearing them in the morning, as long as they don’t come near me as I have a fear of birds. Definitely go to tropical beach as long as the hotel has a pool. Love the ocean but not the sand. Jelly Beans— no peeps even as a child. Now don’t eat the jelly beans either. No sugar these days. Rainbow color grass would be so cool, as long as it smell like regular grass when newly mowed. Sandals require bare feet, otherwise wear shoes. I guess I would go for flower toes, smells sweet, but not very practical. I love thé bunny hop! I would choose to be a caterpillar and turn into a butterfly. Short lives, but great beauty!
Thanks, Eileen, for joining in on the fun! Oh, we have never fixed an iPad as it was always just cheaper to buy a new one. But, that may be different these days. We seem to agree on most of our answers. My problem with a beach is…well, the beach! I don’t like the sand part either. And, definitely would need the same smell for newly mown grass!
Feather clothing; birds chirping; thriving city; jellybeans; planting seeds; coral grass (for a dynamic complementary color to the blue sky); sandals with socks (with a rabbit design on them); flower toes (I guess, but eek); BUNNY HOP; tadpole.
Oh, I love the idea of coral grass to go with the blue sky. Thanks, Sally!!!
Cute prompts! I am definitely a jellybean girl. You can have my peeps! Haha!
Thanks, Laura! I love them both, but I’m always gonna go with Peeps!