10 on the 10th: December!

I’m not 100% sure if 10 on the 10th was Leslie‘s brainchild, but I have been continuing this series while she takes some time off from blogging. So, onto December!

Thank goodness for Gail…

I always think of this around the 20th of the month before and think I’ve got oodles of time. Then, the next thing I know, Gail is asking what the theme is! I’m so grateful to her for reminding me!!! I do have a master list so it’s not like I don’t have it! I just forget…can I claim a senior moment…oh, let’s call it what it is…a brain fart!!

Our December questions…

Play along…

One of the comments I get most often is that readers enjoy learning more about the bloggers! So, this is your chance to share some holiday information! And, when I talk holidays, I’m primarily talking about the December and January holidays. I know this is a lot like November’s 10 on the 10th, but that was specifically about holidays. This one is about gifts and gift giving! Don’t forget! There will also be a link party!


  1. Oh these are going to be so fun to answer!!

  2. Ooh, these are fun questions! I am looking forward to sharing my answers. By the way, I suffer from daily brain gas…brain farting all day long! Hahaha.


  3. These are such fun questions! I can’t wait to read the answers from everyone!

  4. Glad to be of service! Enjoyed answering the questions. Thanks for linking!

  5. Pingback:10 on the 10th: December 2022-Christmas Gift Giving – Shelbee On the Edge