10 on the 10th: February!

The Love/Hate Edition…

I know many of you were expecting this to be a tell us all about your significant other/soulmate/blah, blah, blah! But, I thought I’d mix it up a bit. I mean, come on! Do you really want to read that, or would you rather have a wee bit of controversy (well, as controversial as a blog can get)? I like dichotomies, yin/yang relationships if you will! I really thought I’d gotten the question writing down this time around…you know, narrowing the topic down so it wasn’t as open to interpretation as I’ve done in the past. There were still a couple of clinkers in there! And, as usual, I wrote them with absolutely no regard to what my answers would be! Don’t forget! There’s a link party at the end!

And, we’re off…

  1. Tell us about a color you love to wear.  Now, tell us about a color you wouldn’t wear for a million dollars!
    • I love to wear just about any shade of purple.  If it has an undertone of blue, I’m all in!  I think the color I wouldn’t wear for a million bucks is chartreuse!  I don’t know why I have such a visceral reaction to it, but I just don’t like it in any form.  I always think I’ll glow in the dark!  But, I’ve learned to say, “Never say never” because I often eat my words!
  2. Share a food you loved when you were a kid, but now you wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole!
    • I’m going to share two…one is a food, the other is a drink.  I remember loving bananas!  Now, if you really know me, you know I cannot even stand the smell of a banana let alone the taste.  I think what really grosses me out is the texture in my mouth.  Yeah, I’m that person.  Food textures are very important to me.  The drink is…lime KoolAid!  I loved that stuff as a kid and drank it all the time.  Let’s just say my nightmare meal would be banana muffins with a side of lime KoolAid!
  3. Is there something you loved to wear once upon a time, but now you wouldn’t wear it to your worst enemy’s wedding?
    • Hmmm…I don’t think these would be appropriate for my worst enemy’s wedding, but I guess it is my worst enemy so here goes.  I wouldn’t wear stirrup pants.  I know they’re making something of a comeback, but I really hope they go away before I succumb to that particular trend!
  4. Spill the tea!  What is the flower you want your significant other to buy you?  What flower had better never grace your doorstep?
    • Given that my maiden name is Rose, you’d think it would be roses.  But, the flower I would want Nigel to buy me would be a lilac or hydrangea bush so I could enjoy it for years to come!  If I truly have to pick a flower that I wouldn’t ever want in my home, maybe it would be the carnation because it has so little scent.  I do like buying them and making them change colors with food dye!
  5. When you were a kid, was there a food you absolutely detested, but now you just can’t get enough of it?
    • OK, whoever writes these needs to think about her answers before posting them!  A food I detested as a kid…hmmm…liver…still hate it.  OK, this is a stretch, but I need an answer.  When I was a kid and we had salad, I never put dressing on it…just some salt.  Now, I love Ranch dressing, Bleu Cheese, Roquefort, ya know, those creamy low cal (hahaha) dressings and can’t imagine eating a salad without drizzling some of that goodness over it! 
  6. Share a book you love, reread, or tell others about.  Now, let’s hear about a book you wish had never been written!
    • This is easy.  My favorite book of all time is Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights.  I read it and reread it, alternating loving and hating Heathcliff (still bothers me someone named a cartoon cat Heathcliff).  Every time I read it, I hope for a different ending.  That’s a book with staying power.  My next answer is probably going to be controversial, but it has to be Wally Lamb’s I Know This Much is True.  It took me forever, and I’m a stubborn reader so I just kept reading hoping I’d learn something or find a reason for the book being written.  It was just so depressing and uninteresting to me.
  7. Tell us about something your significant other does that makes you go, “Awww…”  But, what does he/she/they do that drives you up a wall?
    • Every morning, when I emerge from my boudoir, Nigel greets me with “Good morning, Gorgeous!”  Conversely, the man shuffles his feet, and it drives me bat sh*t crazy!  I am constantly telling him to pick up his feet!
  8. Time to spill the tea again!  What piece of clothing do you love and cherish?  What piece of clothing will never ever be in your wardrobe again?
    • This is easy.  My wedding gown…it was the most expensive dress I ever bought (truly even to this day).  It was the first and maybe only dress I tried on.  I loved everything about it and would buy it again.  I did cut some of the ribbon off of it to attach to a linen handkerchief with my mom’s wedding band sewn onto it.  We then pinned that to the underskirt of my daughter’s wedding dress.  My mom had died in February; M’s wedding was exactly 10 months to the day later.  As I stated earlier, the piece of clothing I hope never to find in my wardrobe again would probably have to be stirrup pants!
  9. Share the holiday you would celebrate often, even every day if you could!  Which holiday would you never celebrate again if you had the choice?
    • If I had unlimited finances, I would celebrate Christmas every day or at least every month.  It wouldn’t be from the Christian standpoint.  It would be the gift giving to my people to let them know how much I love them.  Gift giving is my love language.  I would probably be happy to never celebrate the Fourth of July for two reasons.  My dad was buried on July 4th so it lost its magic many years ago.  Now, the people around us delight in setting off mini cannons and consider themselves quite the pyrotechnicians!  The sounds and the lights don’t bother me.  But, they scare the willies out of poor Jack.  He has no way of making sense of them.
  10. Tell us about the modern technological device you’d fight your sister for.  But, which device would you toss out the window happily?
    • Now, this is a tough one…how does one define technological?  Come on, author, get with it and narrow these things down!  I’m going to go with small hand-held technological devices.  I don’t think I’d fight my sister for any, but I’d give her a lot of grief if she tried to take my iPhone or iPad.  Come to think of it, I might have to give her a jab or two if she tried to take my laptop because that’s where Marsha in the Middle lives!  While there are days I’d consider tossing the laptop out a window, the winner, by far, is a non-working smart plug!  Those dumb things that think they’re so smart drive me nuts when they decide, “Nope, I worked at the last house, but this is a different house.  I’m not working here.”  Luckily, I know a guy!

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I really enjoy visiting the other blogs to see how people answer these questions/prompts. I think we are all so different in how we approach them! I did try hard to narrow the questions down. I’ll have to work a little harder, I think! So, can we talk? Did you enjoy this 20 questions version of 10 on the 10th? Or, would you rather have had (visions of last month, right) 10 questions about love and lace and everything nice? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as quickly as possible!

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!

I do hope you aren’t deflecting, reciprocating or discounting my sincerest thanks! See, I’m trying to apply what I’ve learned! Honestly, I very much appreciate those of you who subscribe, comment, or email me. You have no idea how much it means to me. If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, and I do deClaire and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties! Just a note…Traffic Jam is on a bit of a hiatus as I try to figure out how to continue it.

March 10 on the 10th…

Oh, I’m surprising you now, aren’t I? I actually have this one ready and waiting in the wings! The subject is telephones! Why telephones? The first telephone call occurred on March 10, 1876! So, we’ll be talking telephones!

And, now it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite 10 on the 10th posts as well as baking, cooking, decorating, fashion, DIY! Please do visit some of the links! If you don’t have a blog, here is your chance to find a new one! You can also drop all or some of your answers in the comments!


  1. Very fun read, Marsha! I enjoyed all the questions, and was answering them in my head while reading and enjoying your takes on them. Fyi, as a kid, i would make pixie stick sandwiches on wonder bread…wont find that on a weight watchers exchange list, haha.
    Also, I adore pepperjack grilled cheese and plain old Campbells tomato soup! The sandwich gets cut into strips and i dip and double dip bc the hot soup makes the cheese all melty and mmmmm. I think I know what im having for dinner tonight.

    VERY fun read! Thank you!

    • Oh, I love it…pixie stick sandwiches! Wonder Bread…I don’t think my mom ever bought it because it was “expensive”! I’m good with the pepperjack grilled cheese, but I’ll still skip the tomato soup!!!

  2. I would say Paris for most memorable and I used to love so many foods that I can’t est now due to allergies! Have a lovely weekend xx

    • Oh, Laurie, I want to go to Paris so badly! Some day, I hope! I know you talk about your allergies on YouTube a lot. I didn’t realize they were to food. That’s got to be tough!

      Thanks so much for visiting!

  3. Oooh interesting – we are poles apart on Christmas! But kindred spirits on wedding dresses! Fun questions, so glad they weren’t all about icky old Valentine’s Day!

    • Oh, I’m so glad you liked it, Gail! Your wedding dress is amazing…I don’t get notifications for your blog except for the Wednesday one! I keep forgetting to check in!

  4. Aww I love your answer for your favorite piece of clothing ever. What a beautiful answer and story.

    And bananas are disgusting. Blehhhh.

    Ok, lets talk Wuthering Heights. I am always conflicted on Heathcliff too. Is he a big giant creeper? Do I like him? It does give me lots of thoughts.

    • Thanks, Erin! I still have it and hope my grands will use parts of it.

      Oh, I am definitely conflicted when it comes to Heathcliff! I picture him as a Cary Grant meets Colin Firth meets Collin Farrell kinda guy! I love him, then hate him, then feel such pity for him.

  5. OMG, I had basically forgotten the horror that is stirrup pants!

    • Hahaha!!! I had to pull those suckers way up to my boobs to get them the right length…luckily, my tops always covered because that pulling them up led to the dreaded you know what!!!

  6. I totally get it the texture thing. Now I happen to love bananas, but mushrooms put me off due to the texture. And I agree with you about liver. I’ve never read Wuthering Heights. Maybe I should give it try. This was a really fun format! I appreciate you giving me enough time to get my sh*t together to do the topic justice.


    • Oh, you are so right about mushrooms! They’re just so “squeaky” in your mouth! Makes me shudder to even think about them! I’m glad you had fun with this one, Michelle!

  7. Pingback:10 on the 10th: February 2023-The Love/Hate Edition & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #639 – Shelbee On the Edge

  8. This was fun to read! I love my phone and laptop too and would be really sad if I had to go without either! But any of my kids’ loud, annoying, battery operated toys I would happily chuck out the window! Haha! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    • Thanks, Laura! I’m so glad we are out of that stage even with the grandkids! Isn’t it funny how tied we are to our electronics?

  9. I had loads of fun working on this one! It got me thinking!
    Intrigued about the Telephone theme. My mom and I were just discussing the advances in technology. Her mom was born when telephones didn’t even exist!

    • Thanks, Anne! It was fun coming up with these even though I still need to tweak them better! My dad was a telephone guy, and my mom and aunt were operators! My aunt even listened in on a conversation between her brother-in-law and the woman he was cheating with! So, telephones are a big part of my life!

  10. I agree with you about WUthering Heights I would also add Moby Dick, run on after run sentence, and definitely had to read it during school in my youth and absolutely hated it. There are far better-written novels out there, lol. Take care! /Mads

  11. Oh I am right there with you on bananas; though I don’t think I ever ate them as a kid either. I had completely forgotten about stirrup pants. I had quite a few of those but I don’t think they were very comfortable.

    • Here I thought I was the only one who didn’t like bananas! I don’t even like them baked into anything and forget smoothies with them…yuck! Stirrup pants were ok if you could get them to fit right, but I hope never to wear them again!

      Thanks, Joanne, for coming by!

  12. Pingback:Love and hate - Kita Bryant

  13. I see a coorelation between the lime kool aid and the chartreuase. Do you have something against green because acid green is one of the color trends of spring? LOL
    I kept a pair of stirrup pants, because, well you know. EVERYTHING comes back around. And at least they don’t take up much space…haha.

    • Hahaha!! I actually like green, but I rarely wear it. Lime Kool Aid is actually a color I do like…but I don’t want to drink it anymore!

      I kept my stirrup pants for years and then just finally got rid of them. I think I’ll stick with leggings!!

  14. Marsha, I loved reading all your answers to 10 on the 10th! Okay let me give it ago.
    1. I love wearing black and olive green. I would never wear a brown. Greige sure, but brown, absolutely never. 2. Right there with you on bananas. Loved as a kid and can not even stand the smell now. I thought I was the only one. 3. Cargo pants! Not flattering at all. 4. Favorite flowers are Lilies of any kind. I do not think I have actually came across a flower I did not like but if I had to pick one that I will agree with you on carnations. 5. Cucumbers! 6. Love all Ruth Ware’s books, do not have any regrets on any book I have ever read. 7. Leaves his lunch containers and and to go coffee cup on the counter near the sink when he gets home and does not rise them out right away! 8. A small taupe top that can button up and is perfect to wear over a tank top in Spring or summer if you need and a leopard dress with pockets. What will never be in my closet? Oh my so much since I could never quite get back to the same size I was before kids. 9. Halloween! I could lose St. Patrick’s day. Not Irish and I never really got into it. 10. My Iphone because all my pictures of my family and Decorative Inspirations are on there. But I also need a upgrade very badly, so I would toss my phone if I got a new one.
    That was fun! Thanks for hosting a party-Your friend Meagan

    • Meagan, these are such fabulous answers!!! I thought I was the only person who hates bananas…I begin reading recipes and they mention bananas. I immediately stop because…nope, nope, nope! Oh, cargo pants…again I thought I was the only one! I do like Ruth Ware, too! Here is one my husband does…opens a new Mio container and leaves the old one (plus the little plastic thingee from the new one) on the counter…just a step or two from the trash can! I’m so glad you participated through the comments, Meagan!!

  15. We both picked purple as our color, just different shades. Although you wear purple and I don’t {or, at least, not very often}. I totally forgot about stirrup pants. Those were one of those things you had to get right or the crotch would be too low. LOL And, maaaan, I really hated seeing people wear stirrup pants and then wear the stirrups on their calves. Whhhhyyyyy?

    • Great minds and all that, right? It’s funny you picked the purple with red undertones while I picked the blue undertones! Oh, I never had a problem with the crotch being too low because I always had to pull them way up because stirrup pants rarely came in petite lengths!

      Thanks, Daenel, for coming by!

  16. I hated stirrup pans back then and still hate them! They always gave me a droopy crotch! And I don’t like bananas either. But I do like bananas in breads and things, just not raw. The texture is very barfy. Wuthering Heights is such a great book. I love all of the Bronte sisters’ works, but Jane Austen is my favorite author ever! As always, this was super fun, my friend. Thanks for putting it all together!


    • Thanks so much, Shelbee! I really need to read more of Austen. For a bit in college, I considered Secondary Education majoring in literature. I loved my literature classes (except for Trollope…what a yawn)!

      I can’t even eat bananas in anything…the smell reminds me of the texture which makes me want to barf as you said! And, stirrup pants were a major problem for me because I’m only 5’1! So, I had those things pulled up under my boobs and then I had major you know what!!!

      I’m glad you liked this 10 on the 10th!

  17. This was a good way to mix it up. I loved your answered to these questions. Purple used to be my favourite colour when I was really young. I still don’t mind it but I really love richer colours and such. Course versatility is always a good thing. Have a great week.

    • Thanks, Heather! I just thought the usual lovey dovey stuff would be kind of boring! I’m glad you liked it! I hope your week is wonderful!!

  18. Ohh, I love purple, too! And liver? Don’t like it at all 😀 It just has a weird taste to it haha!
    And I definitely couldn’t live without my phone and laptop 😀

    Krissi of the marquise diamond

    • Oh, I agree with you on liver! My mom used to make liver and onions which would stink up the house for days. She was brought up by German parents who’d lived through the Depression so nothing was wasted…except that liver! I’d never eat it!

      Thanks, Krissi, for coming by!

  19. Good answers Marsha, I feel some of them would be mine too! Thanks for hosting the linkup. Jacqui x

  20. May I have your portion of liver and onions? But only the way they prepare it at Shoney’s in Memphis, please.
    Lime Koolaide is disgusting, you are right. I have the same aversion to fruit punch, too. So glad there are many, many
    more beverage choices and flavors.
    Who did wear stirrup pants, anyway? If none of us did!! I am thinking Princess Anne had the corner on that market.

    • Hahaha!!! Leslie, you can have every single portion of my liver and onions! Oh, we used to eat at Shoney’s all the time…though, in Fort Wayne, they were called Big Boys! Oh, I had forgotten about fruit punch, but I definitely agree! I do like cherry popsicles, though!

      Princess Anne wore stirrup pants? Hmmph…you learn something new every day!

      Thanks, Leslie!