It’s time for my regular weather report. One of the local tv stations is saying winter is pretty much over for those of us in Central Indiana. He blamed it on El Nino. I’m sure my daffodils and hyacinths are happy, but I am not. I would have liked one really, really good snowfall! Friday, we had a high of 63 (17C) with a low of 44 (~7C). I am not ready to get the back porch ready only to have a fluke of a snowstorm bury my furniture.
Last month, I told you about the date/nut cookies I had made. My oldest works with a young guy who is a baker on the side. He makes the best molasses cookies (he puts black pepper in them). He thought my cookies were the best thing he’d ever eaten. OK, I may be exaggerating a bit, but he did really like them! I have the dates and pecans in the fridge waiting to make another batch or two. I know I was extremely late getting this month’s preview out. But, I do hope you’ll play along with this month’s 10 on the 10th! Please either link up your post (and any others you’d like), comment, or email me your answers.
Without further ado…
Would you rather have fruit dipped in chip dip or potato chips dipped in chocolate? I would much rather have potato chips dipped in chocolate. There’s that whole salty-sweet thing going on with this combination!

Would you rather publicly sing a love song or recite an original poem to your significant other? Here’s something I haven’t ever shared with you. I cannot sing acapella! If it’s an old song that I’ve sung over and over again, like “Happy Birthday,” I might stay in tune. But, if it’s something that doesn’t fall into that category, chances are I’m going to go out of tune and just botch it! So, even though I’m not necessarily a poet, I would opt for writing a poem and reciting it in public.
Would you rather share the best meal of your life with Willie Nelson or Dolly Parton? Hahaha!!! I love this one because I am not a fan of Country Western music at all. But, when I was thinking of singers, Willie was the first one to pop into my head. Then, I tried to think of a woman of his notoriety. And, of course, it would be Dolly, right? So, which would I want to share an amazing meal with? Dolly all the way because I think she has the most incredible personality. You thought I was going to say something else, right? I am impressed by her love for her community and the fact she has given away over 224 million books blows me away! Add to that her sense of style, and I think we’d have a lovely conversation!

Would you rather receive a dozen perfect black roses or one rose in the color you love most? You know, I think I’d like to receive a dozen perfect black roses. The photos I’ve seen online look a lot like the flowers I remember from one of the readers I had in first grade. And, yes, my memory is just that good!

Would you rather spend an entire week of February dressed only in pink with purple hearts or red with orange hearts? Oh, this is a tough one. I like pink, but I have to be careful with the color. It has to be a pink with a blue undertone, or my neck disappears! On the other hand, I’m really drawn to the color red. I honestly should have written this as purple with orange hearts because I would have been all over that one! So, I’m going to go with pink (in the right color) with purple hearts.

Would you rather be treated to a day driving a Maserati around the Indy 500 race track or go for a carriage ride in the Scottish Highlands? As much as I’d love to go fast, I’m a bit of a chicken at the idea of driving around the racetrack. I also think that would be incredibly boring. I’ve always wanted to go for a carriage ride so why not do it in the Scottish Highlands. I might see some of Jack’s cousins while I’m there!
Would you rather have your Valentine pizza delivered by Dwayne Johnson (the Rock) or Jason Statham? Nothing difficult with this one…Jason Statham all the way! There’s just something about that guy…though I do wish he’d shave just so I could see that chiseled jawline a bit better!

Would you rather sleep on red satin sheets or flannel sheets with teddy bears on them? Hahaha!!! Can you tell I was really reaching to come up with these? I have heard satin sheets are slippery, but I also think they’d be cooler than flannel sheets. As my hot flashes insist on occurring at night, I’m always on the lookout for something cool. So, red satin sheets it is!
Would you rather receive a box of chocolates with your least favorite fillings or a bouquet of flowers to which your are allergic? Hmmm…I’m not allergic to flowers, but I really don’t like filled chocolates. So, I guess that means I pick the flowers. The other thing is the flowers would probably last longer than the chocolates anyway.

Would you rather go on a surprise date or have planned it yourself? I would definitely rather go on a surprise date! Nigel doesn’t do surprises that often, but when he does, they are amazing! I think I’d rather plan it because I want it to be really amazing. Nigel does some things well, but date nights are rarely amazing. They’re just excuses to dine out!
Wrap it up, Marsha!
So, there you have it! My Valentine Would You Rathers! I do like this format for 10 on the 10th and would gladly use it every month. I have to be honest, though, it’s tough coming up with different ones. So, can we talk? Did any of these make you go, “Ewwww?” Or, do you find these fun and easy to answer? Please leave me a comment, and we can talk. I promise to respond as quickly as possible.
Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Don’t have a blog…
Don’t worry! You can always leave all or some of your answers in the comments! If you don’t want to do that, you might discover a new blog! Blog friends, if you’d rather not participate, please share this party with others so we have lots of links!
And, now, it’s your turn!
Please link up your favorite 10 on the 10th posts as well as baking, cooking, decorating, fashion, DIY! If there’s a category I’ve left out and it’s family friendly, please feel free to include it! Please do visit some of the links! If you don’t have a blog, here is your chance to find a new one! You can also drop all or some of your answers in the comments!
As always, your questions and answers were super fun! I really enjoy these posts so I am very appreciative of you for taking the time to formulate the questions!
Thank you, Shelbee! Some months I do a better job than others. I really do like the Would You Rather format because it’s just a fun and goofy way of finding things out about others.
My first time to participate and these were fun. I am wondering, for future purposes, if the questions are available some where to where I could copy and paste them over to my blog? I looked and didn’t see them listed anywhere so I just retyped them for myself. We had a lot of similair answers. Happy weekend!
Welcome, Lea! I’m glad you’re here! I usually try to post them on my blog much earlier than I did this month. As for them being in a more text-like format, I have them in a Word document that I copy and paste onto a graphic. when I was just a participant, I just saved an image of the graphic on my computer and worked from there. I hope that helps. If not, feel free to email me.
Such a fun post. I’ll be joining in if that’s okay. Will link back to you too. Jacqui xx
Thanks, Jacqui! Please link up and I hope you join in on 10 on the 10th!
Since you mentioned Dolly, I left a post #8 that is about her. She is one of my favorite entertainers and I love the charitable work she does. Thanks for the invite to link up.
For many years, I discounted Dolly because I am not a fan of Country Western music. But, for some reason, I started seeing her popping up all over the place. So, I decided to read up on her. She is truly amazing in so many ways. Not just for her songwriting abilities and singing, but her charities, her unwillingness to be disregarded because she’s a woman in a man’s world, and her indomitable spirit make me like her even more! Thanks for linking up, Dr. Aletha! I’ll pop over to read your blog soon!
Marsha…did you have trouble answering that last question because you have two answers? lol.
We had some of the same answers for similar reasons but Jason Statham? His chin is so big. Haha! Then again, Duane’s neck is too big.
Hahaha!!! Lisa, I didn’t even realize that. I actually wrote it out in Word and just copied and pasted. I must have started to answer the question, got distracted, and then finished it in a completely different direction. Anyway, I’d be happy either way when it comes right down to it!
Thanks, Lisa!
Yes, I love that combo of salty and sweet too! I’ve always thought Dolly seemed like she’d be a lot of fun to meet in person and she does seem to have such a big heart.
I wonder why we have that desire for salty and sweet. I bet it has something to do with the placement of taste buds, don’t you? I think there is so much more to Dolly than what is obvious!
Thanks, Joanne!
The black roses sound so interesting, I don’t think I have ever seen one in person! Kinda cool if you ask me so I think I’d rather get a dozen of those as well. And chips dipped in chocolate? YES PLEASE. Salt and chocolate, what’s not to love!
Thanks for the link up Marsha!
I haven’t seen any black roses in real life, but the photos I saw looked really cool. Of course, they could be completely AI! And, you are very welcome for the link up, Kellyann!
This was fun as always. I didn’t even know they made black roses I had to google that. I could never do them looks so dark and dreary. Now you got me looking at Dollywood for our summer vacation because I actually forgot about that park
I am so glad you do this, Kita! I’ll pop over to your blog in a bit. The black roses I saw that were real roses (maybe?) were a very, very dark red. They’d probably been cut off and put in black water of some kind to draw the color up. Oh, I haven’t been to Dollywood in years, but my oldest son goes almost every year with his family. I think it would be fun to see Dolly there. Someone told me she pops in every once in a while!
Thanks, Kita!!
Pingback:Would I rather Feb edition - Kita Bryant
Haha, give me a dozen black roses as it is my favourite colour! And yes to Dolly Parton. Jolene is such a beautiful emotional song.
Would you believe I had never heard “Jolene” until it was on The Blacklist a few years ago? I do really like that song. You will have to tell Gerben you want some black roses to grow in the garden!
Thanks, Nancy!
I may have made up my own questions this month…but thanks for the link up!
You are very welcome, Dara! I will be over to read your post in a bit! I’m glad you are a part of the 10 on the 10th whatever way you choose!
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment!! Love your answers…They are very similar to mine!! I hope you have a great week!!
Debbie-Dabble Blog
You are so welcome, Deb! Have an amazing week!
I agree with almost all your answers! Black roses are kinda cool. And yes to hanging with Dolly!
I’d like to think Dolly would like me because I think she’s amazing! I really would like to see black roses though, from what I read, most of them are just dyed.
Thanks, Kathrine!