10 on the 10th: June!

10 on the 10th…

May was one of those months that flew pretty quickly. Nigel had a couple of tests, and we’re now waiting for his appointment with the surgeon. He has been using a walker everywhere and is supposed to stay off of his feet as much as possible. That’s almost impossible with him. He’s so used to being out in the yard or the garage, just puttering around. And, he absolutely hates watching me do the chores he feels are his domain. He will probably have both hips replaced at some point, hopefully, sooner rather than later. The way he’s going, he’s going to be a bionic man! Prayers, positive vibes are appreciated as we make our way through this.

I love Would You Rathers but had a hard time coming up with those related strictly to June. These are more summer Would You Rathers. I do hope you’ll play along with this month’s 10 on the 10th and maybe elaborate a bit! Please either link up your post (and any others you’d like), comment, or email me your answers.

Without further ado…

Would you rather go camping in a camper (your pick on the style) or stay at a five star resort? This one takes very little thought! I would much rather stay at a five star resort as long as someone else is paying! I would pick one that had lots of different spa services. But, I have also wanted to go camping in one of those all in one campers. I think touring the country in one of those could be fun. And, who wouldn’t want to go glamping?

Photo by Nancy O’Connor on Unsplash

Would you rather watch a movie in the backyard of a good friend or go to your favorite band’s concert with your worst enemy? I would definitely watch a movie in the backyard of a good friend. Life is short so why spend time with someone who is your worst enemy. I think I’ve truly only ever had one enemy in my life, and the enmity was all on her side. In fact, I didn’t realize how much she disliked me until her former bestie asked me how I dealt with the woman hating me so much! I just had to laugh because why waste so much time on hatred, right?

Would you rather have chub rub because you forgot your protective gear or a big blister on your heel because you’re wearing cute but new shoes? This is a tough one. I have had chub rub, and it is awful. But, a blister on your heel feels really bad, too. If I have to choose, I’m going with the blister because you can always shift your foot around and relieve the pain on the blister. The chub rub, however, just gets worse and worse!

Would you rather meet your great-great-grandparent or your great-great-grandchild? I definitely want to meet my great-great-grandchild! I don’t feel a connection to a great-great-grandparent, but I know I would feel a deep connection to any of my grandchildren. Plus, that means I’m going to be living for quite a while more!

Would you rather be hot and sweaty in the humid outdoors or cold and shivering in an overly air-conditioned room? Another easy one…I would much rather be cold and shivering in an overly air-conditioned room. For most of the years I taught, our building wasn’t air conditioned. It was horrible…and smelly…and did I mention horrible? I know the question is outdoors, but the same applies to the inside! I don’t like to be hot and sweaty anywhere…even when it’s cold and I’m working out (hahaha…yes, I do that). Besides, nothing said I couldn’t have a sweater or jacket to put on in the AC!

Would you rather eat a melted candy bar or a piece of cold pizza? I know many are going to disagree with me on this one. I have never, ever liked cold pizza. In fact, I don’t like cold food that is meant to be warm/hot. So, I’m not going to be eating a cold piece of fried chicken. But, a melted candy bar…well, I can just lick that goodness right out of the wrapper if I need to do so. Again, no one said I couldn’t, so I just might pop it into the freezer to firm up a bit, then eat the melted candy bar!

Would you rather go for a day without access to any social media or emails or would you have to remain on social media all day long? I’ll opt for the no media or emails. It would bother me not to be able to read my emails, but most of the 100s I get are from companies trying to sell me something. I have never taken a vacation from social media, but I’m also not on it every day for long periods of time.

Would you rather dress like a person from the 1950s or the 2050s? Can you tell I was getting desperate? Hmmm…let me think. The Dior New Look was around for part of the 50s, and they had those really fabulous dresses with the nipped in waists and big skirts. But, they also wore heels and hosiery (with either a girdle or a garter belt). Even so, I think I’d go for the fashions of the 50s. The women just seemed so casually chic then. And, I’ll be close to 100 in the 2050s so let’s not even think about that!

Would you rather eat ice cream covered in pizza sauce or a pizza covered in chocolate sauce? Well, the first one sounds just disgusting. So, I’m going with a pizza covered in chocolate sauce. Underneath the chocolate sauce will be a chocolate chip cookie crust, marshmallows, toffee bits, and maybe chocolate chips! Then, I’ll add some whipped cream on top! But, I’ll skip the cherry! I always give those away.

Would you rather fly like Superman or swim like Aquaman? Dang…I used to love to swim. I was at our community pool as often as I could be when I was a kid. But, somewhere along the line, my claustrophobia kicked in when it came to water, and I don’t like to be underwater. I do love being in a pool, though, so feel free to invite me to your next pool party! So, by default, I guess I’d rather fly like Superman! I doubt I’ll be stopping any speeding trains or bullets, though.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I had to chuckle as I was answering the one about being hot and sweaty. My students would have lunch and recess all together. So, when they came in, they’d be hot and sweaty. Would You Rathers were such a fun way to settle them down as well as get that cooling process going for them. I miss my fourth graders, all of whom are now adults. I think they kept me young. So, can we talk? Did you have an easy time with this set of WYRs? Why do you think these appeal to us so much? Have any of you ever camped in a yurt? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

Don’t have a blog…

Don’t worry! You can always leave all or some of your answers in the comments! If you don’t want to do that, you might discover a new blog! Blog friends, if you’d rather not participate, please share this party with others so we have lots of links!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite 10 on the 10th posts as well as baking, cooking, decorating, fashion, DIY! If there’s a category I’ve left out and it’s family friendly, please feel free to include it! Please do visit some of the links! If you don’t have a blog, here is your chance to find a new one! You can also drop all or some of your answers in the comments!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Hi Marsha what creative answers to some difficult questions this month! Unfortunately, I’ve not had time to write anything for this month although your answers have given me some ideas to ponder. Have a lovely week. xx

  2. We have lots of the same answers… I’d happily vacation in either a camper or a 5 star resort and while I typically get eaten alive watching movies outside I’d still pick that over a concert. I can not stand the thought of cold pizza and while I don’t like being cold I pick that over being hot and sweaty any day. I don’t use much social media so going without it for a day feels like no big deal. A chocolate pizza sounds yummy; if you start with all the right ingredients dessert pizzas are quite yummy!

    • See, great minds think alike! I haven’t ever been to an outdoor concert which is a big thing around here. I wouldn’t mind going to another concert…just not with someone who hated me! I’ll be over to your post in a bit!

      Thanks, Joanne!

  3. I am a 5 star girl myself. Lol! I prefer to be cold than hot and I’m sure that because of my menopause situation. Interesting questions this go round!


    • I’m not 100% sure I’ve ever stayed in a 5 star hotel, but I’ve stayed in some really nice ones. I’ve never been to a spa type resort, and that’s what I’d really love! Menopause and my thyroid broke my thermostat so I’m almost always cold. But, when I get hot, I stay that way…and usually get very cranky!

      Thanks, Kathrine!

  4. Pingback:10 on the 10th: June 2024-Springtime Would You Rathers – Shelbee on the Edge

  5. You really know how to ask hard questions, LOL
    But definitely the hotel!

    • Hahaha! I wouldn’t mind glamping in a yurt somewhere exotic (but no snakes or other creepy crawlies). I love Would You Rathers, but they’re more difficult to write for women/adults than for fourth graders!

      Thanks, Jodie!

  6. I actually don’t mind cold pizza but only certain kinds of it and it has to be a sauce I like.

    I actually squeezed a post in for this this week. Right under the wire before the day was over! Whoot!

    Still praying for Nigel

    • Thanks for your prayers, Lisa. We go to the surgeon next week so, hopefully, we’ll have some answers (and good ones at that). I will pop over in a bit to see your post. I hope you enjoyed it!

  7. I hope Nigel gets his hip taken care of soon.Tony’s supposed to be scheduling his knee replacement surgery for the end of summer. He’s long overdue.

    I’m gonna go with cold pizza. I think it’s because I got so used to eating cold food because of the kids, so now it doesn’t even phase me.

    • Thanks, Daenel! We are hoping the surgeon will do both at once so his pain is gone. I hope your husband gets his scheduled and taken care of, too.

      I love pizza, but it has to be at least warm enough that the cheese is melty!

  8. I could never do the cold pizza. The great grandparent quesitn had me pausing a bit I had to think about which one I would want to meet. Another great set of questions as always

    • I am with you on cold pizza! That’s just gross! And, I had to think long and hard about the grandparent question, too!

      Thanks for playing along, Kita!

  9. Pingback:June 10 on the 10th - Kita Bryant

  10. Your answers were so fun, Marsha! I was laughing at your hatred for cold food that is supposed to hot! I actually hate reheated food that was once hot and much prefer it cold the second time around. The reheating process always makes things so gross to me. Unless it’s tater tots. They get really good and crispy on the reheat! Pizza does, too, but we already know that I can no longer enjoy pizza without belly issues. Thanks for putting these questions together and hosting this fun series!


    • Yeah, I don’t like the reheating process, either. But, I just can’t with the cold food. I don’t know why that is. Tater tots are good even when they’re slightly soggy…but not too soggy!

      Thanks, Shelbee!

  11. These are all such cute questions! I have to say I align with most of your answers, too. Give me the cute shoes even if it means a blister! No thanks to chub rub-that’s the worst! I get it from running or spinning sometimes.

  12. Pingback:I’m Ready for My Close-Up! - Marsha in the Middle

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