10 on the 10th: May!

10 on the 10th…

Wowza!! April just flew by, didn’t it? I really don’t like to hear that let alone say it, but the month just zoomed past me. May is quite the month in our family. Both my youngest granddaughter and my bonus son have birthdays as do my niece and my great-nephews. I’ve already sung to my great-nephews. This was something Mom always did…she’d warble out “Happy Birthday” at 5:30 in the morning. I decided to continue it after she passed. Most of my people answer their phones with a “get it over with” sound in their voices, but I’m pretty sure they’d miss me if I didn’t call. Just a couple of fun facts about May: the birthstones are emerald and agate. May is named after the Greek goddess, Maia, the goddess of the fields and mother of Hermes!

As always, I don’t write these questions with any idea of what I’m going to answer. I really should think about that, but that wouldn’t be as much fun, right? I do hope you’ll play along with this month’s 10 on the 10th! Please either link up your post (and any others you’d like), comment, or email me your answers.

Without further ado…

Now, I’m going to go into teacher mode for just a bit. “Can” implies the ability to do something. “May” is asking permission or expressing the possibility of doing something. So, look out, world, it’s about to get crazy!

Things I can do in May…

  • I can ride a motorcycle if it’s lowered about five inches. Honestly, when Nigel had his Harley, I wanted one of my own. But, we would have had to put a lowering kit on it, and there was no guarantee I could have touched the ground even then. So, I guess that would really be an I can NOT!
  • I can plant lots and lots of plants in containers and the ground. This is something I have already begun to do. I would love to have my old yard from up North back. I had no one telling me what I could and couldn’t do with my yard (well, I had a few things I couldn’t do, but I wasn’t going to do those anyway). Now, we have so little space we can legally call our own that I want to fill it up with all kinds of goodness!
  • I can pay my property taxes. Ouch! I already did this one! You know, property values are a double edged sword in Indiana. I don’t know how they are in other states or around the world, but our property taxes are based on market value of our homes. So, if you’re selling your house, a high property value is a good thing. If you’re buying one, it really hurts! And, paying the property taxes on your home is a bigger ouch! Last year, we didn’t have to pay any because the contractor had done that. We had no idea how much they would be. Let’s just say I could buy lots of L’Artiste sandals, boots, and lots and lots of jewelry from eBay! But, while I sort of complain about them, I don’t really. I know quite a bit of it goes to support our school system. And, Brownsburg Schools are #1 in the state in academics! That doesn’t happen by accident even though the imbeciles (is it ok to use that word these days) on our school board forced the school superintendent to retire. He quite literally turned this school system around.
  • I can use certain words a lady shouldn’t use often and with great gusto. Well, let’s be honest here. I swear like a sailor! Actually, I’d put a sailor to shame! My kids always say they’ve never heard their dad drop the f bomb, but Mom does it on the regular. And, they’d be right! Luckily, I haven’t ever used it when I shouldn’t…except for that one time…
  • I can clean my house this coming week. Hahaha!!! Who am I kidding? I don’t clean on a regular basis anymore. When I was teaching, I would spend the entire Saturday cleaning the house from top to bottom. Since I’ve retired, I don’t do that anymore. Isn’t that just the weirdest thing? I guess it’s because I’m always doing a bit of cleaning here, a bit of cleaning there, here a clean, there a clean, everywhere a clean, clean. E-I-E-I-O!

Things I may do for May…

  • I may buy another David Austin rose bush. I have just the spot as Nigel has decided he doesn’t want to put the hose reel in the mulch! I just need to decide what color. Currently, I have two white ones, and they smell so good! I’m think a deep red would be nice, but maybe I should continue with another white as the red wouldn’t be in the middle, and the asymmetry would drive me nuts!
  • I may buy a new purse. Well, actually, I have to do that for an Ageless Style post next week! So, I guess I’d better get my patootie in gear!
  • I may have MOHS surgery. I had my annual mole check in yesterday (Thursday). I had a few spots on my chest that get inflamed and itchy. When I pointed them out, she look very carefully at one and thought it looked like a basal cell carcinoma. Because of its location, she said she’s prefer it be a MOHS procedure should the biopsy be cancerous. Only time will tell. I’ve been lucky as I grew up in the 60s and 70s when we laid outside with baby oil and iodine added in to enhance our tans!
  • I may schedule another trip to Europe…the UK specifically. I’m looking at a short getaway with my daughter. A local travel agent had posted a Black Friday special, but when I looked at it, there wasn’t anything special about it. My daughter said she could more easily get away sometime after the New Year. We will see!
  • I may talk my youngest into going to Italy. He’s telling me he’s already been there but hasn’t been to London and would prefer to go there. Maybe, if I whine a whole bunch, I can change his mind!

Wrap it up, Marsha!

One of these months, I’m going to write the prompts and answer them as I go so it will be easier on me! Hahaha!! Who am I kidding? Of course, I won’t. That’s part of the fun for me because then I really have to think about it. Yes, I copied that exactly from April because it’s oh so true! So, can we talk? Are you a member of the Grammar Police? Does the misuse of can/may put your hackles up? What can you do that you may end up doing? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

Don’t have a blog…

Don’t worry! You can always leave all or some of your answers in the comments! If you don’t want to do that, you might discover a new blog! Blog friends, if you’d rather not participate, please share this party with others so we have lots of links!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite 10 on the 10th posts as well as baking, cooking, decorating, fashion, DIY! If there’s a category I’ve left out and it’s family friendly, please feel free to include it! Please do visit some of the links! If you don’t have a blog, here is your chance to find a new one! You can also drop all or some of your answers in the comments!


  1. Hi Marsha, loved your post and the prompt for 10 on the 10th. Have you read For Love of a Rose by Antonia Ridge? It is the most delightful book about how the Peace rose came to be. It isn’t long and I’m sure you would enjoy it. I hope your MOHS surgery goes well and yes we are paying the price now for all those hours baking in the sun when we were younger. Take care and I look forward to next month’s prompts. Thanks for the link up, I’ve added mine. x

    • I have not read that book. And, the Peace rose is so beautiful. I will put that book on my TBR list. Well, I’m not down for the MOHS yet. I have to wait for the biopsy. I’m confident everything will be fine, either way! Maybe it will be time for a new tattoo!!! I’m so glad you joined in again, Sue!

  2. What a wonderful post, Marsha! I thought it was so funny to find out you swear like a trooper! I would never have thought it LOL! And to be honest…I’m kind of the same lol. I’m always dropping the f bomb…!!!
    Don’t go to Italy….come to Portugal!!!
    Big hugs
    Suzy xx

    • Thanks, Suzy! Oh, my goodness! I’m kinda known for it in my close circle of people! Ooh, Portugal??? That’s a thought though I’m not sure my son would go for it. You’ll have to convince me!!!

  3. I know several people who have had MOHS and it has gone well for them. Hopefully, you won’t have to have it at all! Your answers were much better than mine. I did think about the meanings of may and can . . .but not sure I did a good job with that either 🙂

    • Thanks, Lisa! I’m going to be confident all will be well. And, if I have a little scar (should I need surgery), I’ll make up a good cover story! I will be over to check out your answers soon!

  4. Hopefully if you have to have the surgery it will go well. And hopefully you can plan some fun travel!

    • Thanks, Dara! I am confident the surgery will go well. This surgeon has done things for my daughter before. I’m the eternal optimist! I am also really planning to do lots of traveling over the next few years!

  5. Pingback:10 on the 10th: May 2024-Can vs. May & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #704 – Shelbee on the Edge

  6. Oooh, I’m so excited to get out there and plant for the spring! I always buy too many plants (no regrets), then get super attached to them all spring and summer long, then end up trying to save them from the hard freeze by bringing them inside for the winter- only to have my house overrun by plants all winter long! It’s a problem I’m not willing to solve, though, haha- I just love it!

    Have a lovely weekend ahead, Marsha!

    Le Stylo Rouge

    • I’m with you, Ashley! I always think I’m going to save my plants over the winter, but I have yet to have any success! I do love my plants. I try to get at least one new thing each year. For the last few years, I’ve been buying Kimberley ferns. They get so big and are just so cool!

      Thanks, Ashley! I hope your weekend is absolutely fabulous!

  7. I was really surprised when I Googled it that most sites are now saying that the two can be used interchangeably! To me, “may” always means asking permission or the possibility of as well. My mother in law calls all the grandkids on their birthdays bright and early to belt out the Happy Birthday song and I know it used to make my boys crack up when they were little. I definitely think they’d be sad if she stopped. Our property taxes are split into two payments– one due July 1st and the other Jan 1st and yep, they are steep and based on property values. It was real fun the year our economy tanked and everyone’s property values (except for ours and other lake residences) fell; they “automatically” adjusted the tax rate so everyone would pay the same taxes as before and ours literally doubled! But Ct and Mass have some of the highest property taxes and taxes in general so it’s not hugely shocking to us… sadly our local public schools are awful.

    • Hmmm…probably because they’ve been misused for so long that everyone has thrown in the towel! I love that your MIL does that. I am pretty sure my people would be disappointed if I didn’t call. Yes, our property taxes are split in two, also. We pay 1/2 on May 10 and the other half on November 10. I’m not 100% sure, but I think Indiana just changed to market value a few years ago. Before that, who knows what they used…probably an abacus! The public schools around us, with the exception of the Indianapolis Public Schools (which are trying hard to provide a good education), are all extremely good.

      Thanks, Joanne!

  8. Those taxes are one reason we love it here. Our retirement community has been grandfathered in so we don’t have to pay school taxes which makes that event not as traumatic!

    • I honestly don’t mind paying for the schools, but the housing market has cooled significantly here. But, I doubt taxes will ever go down.

  9. Pingback:What I'm doing in May - Kita Bryant

  10. The property taxes are killing me in my area. Made my mortgage go up almost 200 bucks and there is nothing around us and I’m like why is it going up. The schools suck and there are no stores but I digress. I’m pissed about it but I will say my mortgage is cheaper than most peoples rent so I’m good to go.

    • I am wondering how some of the people in my neighborhood afford it, too. Many of them are much older than me so I know they’re on a fixed income. Our schools are wonderful so I’m OK with paying the higher taxes. What I’m not OK with is how poorly our town is managed. It’s not even a “town” because we don’t have a mayor. We have a town manager. Rent around here is ridiculous!

      Thanks, Kita!

  11. I love that you call at 5:30am to sing Happy Birthday, and you are right – your kids would miss it if you didn’t!
    Every time I go to the derm for a skin check I am assuming they will find something. I have so many spots! So far they have not and only really seem to be interested in selling me Botox and laser treatments. I think I need a new derm!
    I hope you go to Italy! And the UK! And all the places!!!

    • Thanks, Kellyann! I don’t call my kids at 5:30; my mom did that. I usually call when I know they won’t be busy. That’s interesting because my derm has never once tried to sell me anything even though I know they do those things. Maybe she thinks I’m just going to age gracefully! I am going places in the next couple of years…that is guaranteed!

  12. Finding out that you swear made me laugh. I’m not sure why. But it just made me giggle. This is why I enjoy and miss these prompted blogging opportunities. It’s just fun to have conversations and learn more about the people we’ve interacted with for years.

    Ugh, property taxes. Do not like, even though I understand the necessity.

    I always admire women who ride motorcycles. I’d love to ride, but I’m way too nervous.

    • Hahaha!!! I have gotten really bad about it, too! I’m just afraid it will slip out at church! Yikes! Our property taxes are so high, but I’ll gladly pay them for our quality schools. We are a bedroom community and suburb of Indianapolis. The school corporation has doubled in the last several years so new schools have had to be built as well as adding on to the high school. But, it does hurt!

      I was always the rider when we had our Harley. It was one of those really big ones with the deluxe seats. I couldn’t fall off if I wanted to. But, I had a horrible time getting on it with my short legs! I remember watching this woman just throw her leg over the back to get on her husbands bike. I was amazed and in awe!

      Thanks, Daenel! You made me giggle, too!

  13. That rose bush sounds like a good idea. Praying that all goes well when you get your mole checked. It’s hard for me to believe that you swear like a sailor but I’m like that too sometimes. Lol! Between plants and swearing, we would get along great! Lol!

    • Thanks, Kathrine! I’m confident the mole will be ok whichever way it goes. Oh, yes, I would embarrass a sailor! Luckily, I never did it int he classroom! I think we would have a wonderful time together!

  14. I always knew I couldn’t ride a motorcycle…I have horrible balance and would probably fall off right away. If you do ride a motorcycle, make sure you take some photos for us!

    Also take photos if you take a trip to the UK.

    • I have never driven a motorcycle, but I have ridden on the back lots of times. I know exactly how to balance when you go around curves. I really do miss our riding days. I think, if you look way, way back in my archives, there is a photo of me near our last motorcycle. It was a sidecar motorcycle and oh, so uncomfortable!

      Thanks, Lisa!