October is my favorite month of the entire year for a few reasons. We have already pretty much established Fall is my favorite season, and October is full of fall! October has the really good smells of freshly mown yards (a few anyway), crunchy leaves, and fires (firepits, fireplaces, bonfires…all the fires)! But, my number one reason why October is my favorite month is it’s my birthday month!
And, away we go…
- What is your earliest birthday memory?
- My earliest birthday memory may or may not have actually been my birthday. But, I remember my mom making me a cake at my Grandma Rose’s house in Sherwood, MI. In my mind’s eye, it was orange frosting with green decorations. I could be completely all wet about it. I am pretty sure this would have been before I was in school so before I was six.
- What is your favorite birthday tradition?
- OK, so for being the person who came up with these questions, I have to say we don’t really have any traditions at all when it comes to birthdays! Not a single one…oops, I lied! My mom always used to call us up on our birthdays at the ungodly hour of 5:45am or something like that and sing, “Happy Birthday!” She.Was.Not.Destined.To.Be.A.Singer.Ever! When she passed, I continued that tradition and sing to my people on their birthdays…just not at 5:45am!
- How do you like to celebrate birthdays?
- With presents and cake…doesn’t everyone? I really like birthdays spent surrounded by my people, but that has happened less and less with every year. They are all just so busy with school, activities, and jobs. But, I still like cake!
- What is the best birthday gift you’ve ever received?
- I am a terrible question writer when I don’t have the answers in mind! I can’t think of the best birthday gift I ever received. But, for my 50th, Nigel had all of my family come to my favorite Italian restaurant to celebrate. It was even a surprise birthday party! My daughter and her husband had to drive in from Charleston. My sons and daughter-in-law drove up from their homes. Both of my sisters and my brother were there! It was such a wonderful surprise so I guess that’s the best birthday present I’ve ever received.
- What is the best birthday gift you’ve ever given?
- Well, poop! The best birthday gift I’ve ever given? Hmmmm…I honestly don’t know! I think it may have been the surprise birthday party I threw for Nigel for his 62nd birthday. He was a little stressed about reaching that birthday because his father and two of his siblings passed at age 61. So, that may be the best gift.
- If money were no object, what would be the very best way to celebrate your birthday?
- Easy peasy on this one! We have already established I am shallow and superficial! I would definitely buy a yacht, staff it with the world’s best cooks, and take my family around the world to all of the wonderful places we’ve always wanted to go, but haven’t! Souvenirs would abound from all of said places, too!
- What is your favorite birthday treat?
- Difficult, but not impossible! I am torn between cheesecake and red velvet cake! I am a purist when it comes to cheesecake. I like it plain with maybe a dollop of whipped cream. But, red velvet cake with cream cheese icing is definitely in the running, too!
- How long do you celebrate your birthday?
- Another easy one…at last! If I celebrate my birthday, it’s only for that day and only for a few hours. While I would love to celebrate my birthday for an entire week, no one in my family feels the need to do so! But, wouldn’t that be lovely? Receiving small gifts or mementos every day for a week from people who love you to let you know how much you mean to them? Oh, I should take my own advice!
- What is the best thing about your birthday?
- At this stage in the game, just having another birthday is the best thing about it! I do share it with two lovely women (neither of whom are subscribers). One was a student at the school where I taught, and the other was a student teacher of mine. Both are educators so I think that’s pretty amazing!
- What is your sign (zodiac, that is)?
- Whenever I hear that, I’m reminded of that comedian who did the “Here’s Your Sign!” Those signs were never very complementary! When I was really young, my mom told me I was a Scorpio which I thought was pretty darn cool. I mean, who doesn’t want to be a scorpion (unless you can be a unicorn in which case be one)! But, as I got older and could, I don’t know, google it, I discovered I’m actually a Libra. And, boy, am I a Libra! I can argue with myself about things for hours! I see both sides of things all of the time! I blame my inability to make decisions on that and my thyroid!!
Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I recently became a Brand Ambassador for Sarah Flint shoes. You can use SARAHFLINT-BAMARSHA for $50 off your first pair. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
So, there you have it! My ten answers to ten questions that were actually rather difficult for me to answer! And, yes, I realize this was late. I do hope you’ll forgive me! I was out of town and off the computer for the last couple of days (heavenly, I have to admit)! So, can we talk? How do you feel about birthdays in general? Are they a big deal for you, your family, your significant others? Or, are they just another day in the year? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as quickly as possible…though I’ve been lax about that lately. I do apologize and promise to be better!
Thank you!
Thank you as always for following me along on my blogging journey! I appreciate all of you for your comments, emails, and subscribing! If you’d care to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here. I also want to let you know I won’t be posting on Tuesday of this week, but I’ll be back on Thursday!
Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Friday Print Mixing on the last Friday of the month. I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Now, it’s your turn!
Please link up your favorite posts about birthdays, cooking, baking, fashion, lifestyle, DIY, just as long as it’s suitable for most of us!! Don’t have a blog? No problem…leave your answers in the comments or email me!
Looks like I’m the first one to this party so I get to be the first to wish you a happy birthday. I’m also a libra (bday is tomorrow) so October is a special month for me as well. Besides me, both my parents were October babies plus it’s the month when The Husband and I had our first date and then a year later that he proposed to me. A lot of memories are wrapped up into this month.
Thanks, Rena, and happy birthday to you, also, fellow Libra person! Wowza! That’s a lot of celebrating for you. Oh, I think you should write a blog post (if you haven’t already) about how you and your husband met! I’d love to read it!
Crack me up that you didn’t already have some great answers to your own questions, LOL!!
We tend to celebrate the entire month now. Why limit a birthday to only one day?
Hahaha!!! Jodie, you should know by now…I’m a “fly by the seat of my pants” kinda person! Oh, I would love to celebrate all month, but no one else seems to think that way!
My birthday is 20 October and I’m a Libra myself. I wish you the happiest of birthdays ? and I hope you celebrate it with fun, laughter, heart, love, and of course delicious cake. I enjoyed reading your answers to your questions what a fun idea.
Happy birthday, fellow Libra person (I wasn’t sure what we would call ourselves)! I am hoping for some really good cake at the very least!!!
Thanks for coming by!
Happy Birthday to you! I love your idea of the yacht trip.
Thank you, Lovely! Wouldn’t a yacht trip be grand…especially with a cook?
I loved this series of questions, Marsha, even if you struggled to answer some of them! When Jeff and I were first dating, I did a birth month celebration for him where I gave him a gift every day in the month of May! He thought I was insane but he secretly loved it! We were just talking about it as I wrote my 10 on the 10th post and we realized that we still have some of the silly little gifts that I gave him 14 years ago! Your Libra sign explains a lot because I am a Gemini and Gemini/Libra friendships are such great combination! At least for this Gemini, maybe because I have a Libra moon! Happy, Happy Birthday/month, my friend! I hope it is your best one yet!
Awww, thanks, Shelbee! I love that you gave Jeff a gift every day for a month! You are a special, thoughtful person! My dad was a Gemini…maybe that’s why we had such a close connection, too!
My 10 on the 10th is being published on the blog tomorrow so I’ll come back up and link up then; however I do try to treat birthdays as a big deal (some bigger than others!). We often have multi day celebrations since we tend to wait for the weekends for small parties and gatherings but I don’t want the actual day of the birthday to just go by with nothing!
That makes lots of sense, Joanne…to wait for weekends. As everyone is a little scattered (but not too far actually) we tend to have birthdays when everyone can get together!
You made me laugh so hard on this on. Love your line, we have already established that I am superficial. Lol! Same here Marsha. I like to celebrate my birthday all month.
Well, I am glad you got a giggle this morning! I admit I am shallow and superficial at times1 I would love to celebrate my birthday for an entire month…but I think I would be the only one doing it!
Happy October Birthday from a November Birthday!
Your post made me smile this morning! I loved how you didn’t have answers to your own questions ready. Love it. And it seems we had similar ideas for a no holds barred birthday – a big family trip somewhere!
Thanks, Erin! Happy early November Birthday to you! As I was writing the questions, I was just concentrating on not having yes/no answers!! I didn’t even consider what mine might be! Oh, and a big family trip would be wonderful…now to just win the lottery!
Oh you are so funny! Happy birthday!!
Thanks, Nancy!
This was fun to read! Happy Birthday!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill!
Ah but this was fun to read. Funny, actually….mainly because you struggled with the answers to the questions. The questions you wrote! I love it!! I enjoyed the link-up…and thanks for keeping it going!!:)
Thanks, Jennifer! I maybe need to think about my answers first, but then what’s the fun in that! I’m glad you’re linking up! I’ll be over to visit your blog soon!
Fun post, Marsha! And Happy Birthday month! I am sorry I didn’t participate, but my birthday falls between Christmas and New Years. It’s a sucky time to have a birthday, and gets lost in the holidays. I had no great answers for your questions.
Thanks, Michelle! Oh, I always thought that would either be really wonderful or really awful. I hope Dan makes it better now, though.
Oh great answer for #6! I would love to celebrate my bday on a yacht with my family too! That would be amazing!
I should have also said I’d keep the yacht!! It would be wonderful, wouldn’t it?
Pingback:10 on the 10th::Birthday Edition - A Camera and A Cookbook
Great post. I have a good memory but somehow don’t remember many birthdays! I did have a lovely birthday when I was 50, we stayed overnight at a very fancy restaurant. And when I was 60 we were in lockdown, so I didn’t need to do anything!
Thanks, Gail! I don’t really remember many birthdays, but I do remember that orange and green cake. I’m not even sure if it was a birthday cake or even if it was for me! I do hope you celebrate your very next birthday in high style!