10 on the 10th: September!

I know Fall doesn’t officially arrive until later this month, but I thought I’d get us all in the mood! Fall is probably my favorite season of all. I really like the colors, the cooler temperatures, and the coziness of the season. But, I am not a pumpkin spice kinda girl! I love a good pumpkin cake covered with homemade cream cheese icing. But, you can keep all of the other pumpkin spice things!

Essential things…

When I came up with this many months ago, who knows what I was even thinking! I think I was thinking September would be a good time to consider the important things we need for fall. But, honestly, I have no idea! Essential is “absolutely necessary; extremely important.” Now, I’m going to warn you, my list probably won’t contain any truly essential things if we go by that definition!

Gonna make it short…

This is going to be another short post because, my friends, I am just exhausted. Nigel had an important doctor’s appointment today. We have to wait about a week for the results. Let’s just say prayers and positive thoughts would be nice. Add to that I still have so much stuff to weed through and you have a very tired Marsha in the Middle of lots o’ stuff!

Without further ado…

In absolutely no order at all…probably just as they come to me!

  • Fall candles – After unpacking and storing away my candles, I can honestly say I will never need to buy another Christmas candle ever! Spring – yes! Fall, maybe! But, I do love the warm and spicy scents of candles in the fall.
  • Soup recipes – There is just such a wonderful feeling sitting down to a bowl of homemade soup on a cool night. Unfortunately, Nigel is not a fan of creamy soups while I love any soup as long as it doesn’t have mushrooms as the main ingredient (leave them out entirely, please)!
  • Flannel pajamas – OK, this is also a winter essential. But, I love my flannel pjs! They are old and have been laundered so many times. They are at that perfect stage of softness and comfort!
  • Afghans and throws – Nigel may or may not have had a couple of rather negative comments about the number of afghans and throws we have! What can I say? I love to crochet afghans! I have knitted only one afghan because they take too long! I also can’t resist a soft and cozy throw so there may be a few several here!
  • Lamplight – This may seem like a strange one. I love the longer nights with a lamp turned on. It feels homey and cozy. There seems to be a pattern here!
  • Comforters and quilts – Along with the afghans and throws, I love to add that extra layer of bedding. I don’t use blankets. I use old comforters. I stumbled across this one year as I was trying to find a blanket to fit our bed. It dawned on me I had an old comforter so I threw it on the bed and have been doing so since!
  • Fluffy socks – My feet get cold so warm, fluffy socks are a must have! Socks are one of those things (or would it be two of those things) I have yet to knit and may never do so. I have been known to darn wool socks and even piece together wool socks that have gone rogue!
  • Jack – Luckily, Jack is a bit of a cuddler. He’s not as good as a cat though. In my book, nothing beats a cuddly cat! His ear infection is clearing up quite nicely. I took his padded collar off today, but he started to scratch at his ear so back on it went!
  • Sweaters – People who know me (and I mean really know me) know I adore sweaters! They are my garment of choice! I love the chunky turtleneck sweaters we can begin to wear more and more as we get deeper into the autumn season.
  • Traveling – I really enjoy traveling in the fall. I am really, really hoping I can persuade Nigel to head to New England this fall early enough to do some leaf peeping. I’m not sure if that will fly if I don’t get this house into some semblance of order!

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I recently became a Brand Ambassador for Sarah Flint shoes. You can use SARAHFLINT-BAMARSHA for $50 off your first pair. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

Whew! That was harder than I thought it would be! I do hope you participate this month. Share this with your other blogging buddies. If you don’t have a blog, don’t worry! You can share your essentials in the comments! So, can we talk? What are your essentials for the fall season (whether you’re going into it or have already had it)? Do you call it fall or autumn? Maybe, even, what do you dread about the season? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as soon as possible. I’m going to try to have a link party, but I can’t guarantee it will work! My laptop has been early to the Mercury in Retrograde party and is just being plain old wonky! I apologize if the link doesn’t work!

Thank you!

It was so nice to read comments and emails from people who realized I’d be missing and welcomed me back. Thanks for that! And, as always, thank you for reading, commenting, subscribing, some of the above, none of the above, or whatever! I really appreciate all of you!

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in PinkBeing a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Friday Print Mixing on the last Friday of the month. I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

Now, it’s your turn…

Please link up your favorite posts about cooking, baking, fashion, lifestyle, DIY, just as long as it’s suitable for most of us!!


  1. I don’t like fall! Lol. Well, I think it’s a beautiful season but I want summer all year long. I surely will keep my fingers crossed for Nigel!

    • Thanks so much, Nancy! It is a gorgeous season, but I don’t like hot weather so I’m always glad for the cooling down!

  2. Pingback:10 on the 10th: September 2022-My 10 Fall Essentials – Shelbee On the Edge

  3. I’m a fall girl too. I love cozy and warm, so your list reads very much like what I’d write.

    • It’s the best, isn’t it? But, I do love spring, too, for the blooming and the reawakening of the world!

      Thanks for visiting, Daenel!

  4. Marsha, I love your list! I shared some of the same things on my list like scented candles, warm soups, and cozy sweaters! Ralph and I both have a thing for soft cozy throw blankets and it drives Jeff crazy because there are blanket everywhere. I don’t think one can have enough blankets! I linked up my post. I hope you enjoy it! And even more so, I hope you get unpacked and settled and rested so you can go on some fall adventures!


    • Oh, the unpacking continues…I did finally find my tupperware…in the box marked Junk Drawer!! We are very close, though!

      I did see your post, and ours were remarkably the same!! Great minds and all that!

  5. As much as I love summer and the warm weather, I’m also all about the coziness of fall. It’s time to bring out the fall-scented candles and soup recipes!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  6. Fall is the best time to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea. There’s nothing better than being cozy and comfortable while the leaves are falling and the weather is getting cooler.
    Klasina Ronner 🙂

    • Oh, you are so right, Klasina!! A cozy afghan, a book, and something warm to drink…heavenly!

      Thanks for visiting!

  7. Oh I just adore fall! I’m not sure what I’d consider my fall essentials though… I’m pretty sure my hiking boots would make the list as that becomes a daily past time when the weather is just perfect.

    • I’m curious…how often do you have to replace your hiking boots? And, I would bet fall is quite lovely where you are!

      Thanks for visiting, Joanne!

  8. Yes to this fall list Marsha! Sending prayers for Nigel. I hope the stress isn’t getting to you with the move and whatever is going on with Nigel. I love apple cider doughnuts in fall!


    • Oh, apple cider doughnuts…I forgot about those…especially when they’re still warm!! Thanks so much..prayers are much appreciated!

  9. Wonderful list of Fall Essentials. I’m still learning what my Fall Essentials in this new place. We are coming up on a year since we moved later this month. It’s the first place we’ve lived where it actually starts to feel like Fall in September. Such a novelty. I’m so glad Jack is doing better. And I will keep Nigel (and you) in my thoughts.


    • Thanks, Michelle! I hope we hear something by the end of the week. Jack goes to the vet tomorrow for a check up…it seems like it’s always something around here. Were there many seasonal changes in Las Vegas?

  10. It’s funny how my fall essentials have changed since moving to Arizona. We consider fall weather when the temps go under 100, haha.
    But I remember these wonderful things from living in CO. And sweaters are still a big love of mine, especially my hand knit ones.

    • I’m sure your fall essentials changed drastically after moving to Arizona! But, a good fall candle is still a good fall candle!

      Thanks for visiting, Jodie!

  11. What a fab list. I love fall. Now is the perfect time to pull out the sweaters, get cozy, and enjoy a pumpkin spice latte.

  12. Marsha, I’m with you on EVERYTHING here! I love the Autumn too (I adore Winter as well), fluffy socks, cozy throws, soft PJs, candle-light, lamp-light, cold evenings, the outdoorsy smell of this time of year, shall I go on?! Sorry to hear you’re exhausted though, Marsha. I’m sending you and Nigel lots of healing hugs.
    Suzy xxx

    • Thanks, Suzy! I’m hoping his tests all come back showing something (but not anything scary). Exhaustion is good when you accomplish things, and I’m accomplishing lots! Oh, Suzy, we are soul sisters…fall and winter are my favorite seasons!!!

  13. I will say fall mornings are my favorites: sitting outside on the porch with my coffee and a blanket! I enjoy fall outings in the mountains especially apple picking. Not sure we will get to go this year, so much going on.. And I do love dressing for fall!

    • Oh, yes! Fall mornings are wonderful. This morning, it was quite chilly, and I sat outside with a throw over my shoulders! I do miss going to an apple orchard for freshly picked apples!

      Thanks for visiting, Mireille!