I’m Ready for My Close-Up!

Old movies…

I love old movies. And, by that, I mean the really old ones…like the black and white ones! One of my favorites is “Sunset Boulevard” starring Gloria Swanson and William Holden. I mean, who can forget this:

Creepy, but…

It’s a bit creepy, sad, and uncomfortable as you watch it, isn’t it? I almost envy people like Norma Desmond who are so passionate about their work that they can’t see anything but that. I was definitely passionate about teaching, but I also had a life beyond my classroom. It was always funny to see students’ reactions should they see me somewhere other than at school. I think some of them believed we lived at the school.

A digression…

My old school (has been since torn down after a new one was built) had ramps in the front hallway. Originally, the building was a high school. When “the new part” which was added in the 60s came along, they had to use ramps to account for the change in grade. I used to tell my students we would get out our skateboards after school and race each other down the ramps. While that never happened while I was there, chair races may or may not have occurred after the kids went home!

So ladylike!

My closeup…

I rarely do closeups of any kind. I think it’s because I’m still getting comfortable in front of the camera. And, Nigel is not the best at the closeups! I do know it would be a good thing especially when I’m talking about particular aspects of a piece. For example, I should definitely have included a closeup (even on a flat lay) of the lace down the front of the dress. But, you know what? Closeups are awkward. If it’s something on your chest, well, then the bosoms are right there..in your face! And, we don’t want that. But, I think that’s something I need to remember to include in my photos from now on…even if it’s a flat lay!

Oops, I did it again…

This dress was a bit too long when I got it. At first, I thought I’d add a slip to it, but then I decided I would just hem it. When you’re 5’1″, you get to be really good at hemming and hemming quickly. But, in this case, I think I may have cut off a teensy bit too much. Nigel, who sees my legs all the time in shorts, even said something about me showing my legs today! I also went a wee bit too short on my jeans (read about them here). Ordinarily, I leave a good bit of fabric for the hem but not today! Oh, no, I cut off that fabric without a care in the world! I should have gone with my original instinct which was to just double up that bottom tier!

The outfit…

Well, I can’t really call this an outfit, now can I? I have to chuckle at the name of this dress. It’s the Riverwalk Tunic Dress from April Cornell, but you’d have to be really tall for this to be a tunic! The color is soft sage, and it’s only available in limited sizes. But, you might call the store in Asheville, NC if you’re interested. I love the ease of it. You throw it on over your head, add some accessories and go on with your day! While we were taking the photos, I kept trying to find the pockets. I thought they were side seam pockets. Duh…they’re part of the beauty of the lace! If nothing else, click through the link, go to the bottom photo, and enlarge it. You can see all the beautiful eyelet lace. I think the next time I wear this, I’ll go for lower shoes.

The Lewk!

I am usually a matchy matchy person, but I decided my Astarr chunky heel sandals from L’Artiste were close enough! I then went with rose gold jewelry, all of which is old. Instead of a statement necklace, I decided to follow the trend of more delicate necklaces. The larger necklace, the earrings, and two of the bracelets are from Stella & Dot. The smaller necklace and the cuff are from Kendra Scott.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

Lighting is such an important part of photography. I apologize for how washed out these photos are. It’s just easier for Nigel to take photos on the back porch. I need to just get around earlier so that sun is still on the east side of the house. But, I am so happy with the way our back porch, patio, not sure what to call it has turned out. The only thing that bugs me is Nigel’s Blackstone Griddle. We haven’t used it this year at all because he doesn’t want me messing with it. He can’t stand long enough to clean it properly so we’re not grilling for a bit longer this year. So, can we talk? Do you love the old black and white movies? Would you like me to do flat lays with details better shown? What do you think my back thing is called (I know what that back thing is called…I mean the one on the house)? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as quickly as I can.

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Don’t forget…

It’s not too late to join in on the 10 on the 10th fun! The link party is open for a few more days. Please feel free to link other posts, too! You can find my post and the link party here!

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Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileSuzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!


  1. I love those old Hitchcock movies, never watch them anymore though. Yeah, closeups are really a thing. They never work for me. Love the sandals!

    • Some of those old movies are almost scarier than the new gory ones because they’re so psychological! I am so not good at closeups.

      Thanks, Nancy!

  2. Marsha I bet you were a favorite teacher for your students! They must have loved you and I can see them now trying to imagine you all skateboarding down the halls after school!
    Girl, you need to wear shorter dresses more often and show off your legs! They are shapely and strong!!! The shoes work so well with that dress, a match made in heaven!

    • Hahaha!!! I have received messages via Facebook from some of them, and I’m always glad to hear how much they enjoyed my class. One message I received years ago was from one of my spec ed students. He told me what he remembered the most about me was my smile and the way he felt accepted in my room. I have to tell you we had a blast when we’d have those chair races. My friend and I always lost because we were laughing so much!

      Aww, thanks, Kellyann! I appreciate the compliments!

  3. Evan and I try close up sometimes with my outfit posts too and even things like the bracelet on my wrist seem so weird to me when I’m the one posing or looking at photos of it but I do know other bloggers seem to pull it off. I think I too am just not really all that comfortable in front of a camera since I spent so much of life hiding behind one! That dress looks nice and summery; the color is so pretty.

    • Thanks, Joanne! That makes me feel better. I think closeups are just awkward for me, but others do them so well!

  4. Love the color of this dress, and yay for a mini! I have bought so many midis over the past years, I need a few minis! The shoes are perfect with it! My hubby saw Glen Close on Broadway years ago in Sunset Boulevard, before he met me! Darn, I would have loved to have seen it. I need to watch the movie.
    Have a great day!
    Jess xx

    • Thanks, Jess! I do have a few minis but love the ease of a midi…no unfortunate viewings, right? That would be something to see Glenn Close as Norma Desmond! I would imagine she ate that script right up! The movie is good, too! Let me know what you think!

  5. First of all, I don’t think this dress is too short on you at all! I think you look cute as a button! I also love the way the color of your dress plays so well with the sandals- too fun! And your back patio is gorgeous- it looks so inviting!


    • Awww, thanks, Ashley! I wish the color of the dress were more true in the photos because it’s a little more vivid. I am really loving my patio this year because I’ve added more plants and cushions.

  6. jodie filogomo

    I’m with Ashley in that I don’t think the dress is too short at all. Granted, it’s shorter than what you usually wear, but it’s nice to have variety and your legs look wonderful, so why not?
    We used to have Classical movie night with Lesley and watch those old movies. Maybe we need to do it again. It was so fun.

    • Thanks, Jodie! I think what bothers me more is the proportion of that last tier to the rest of the dress. I didn’t think about that when I shortened it. And, thanks for the compliments.

      How fun to have a Classical movie night. Mike isn’t into those movies…he likes action movies. So, I watch my classical movies after he’s asleep!

  7. Actually I don’t really like older films, I watch many many films (for the Community Cinema we run) and when we do occasionally watch an old classic I find them quite clunky and stilted – cinematography and other aspects of filming has changed so much, for me the standards of older films are not quite as I like them to be. Gosh don’t I sound fussy old biddy(!) but I am a film enthusiast and that’s just my personal stance – iI know it’s all so very subjective.

    And wow, don’t you look summery!!! We’ve talked about this on my blog but we aren’t quite into bare legs as yet!!!! It is so unseasonably cold where we are and not warming up for some time I believe! And close-ups – ooooh er, I have to be very careful of those!!!

    Have a great weekend 🙂

    • No, you don’t sound fussy at all. You are more an expert than anything! I thought it had been cold there much longer than usual. We are heading in to very hot days next week. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

      Have a wonderful weekend, Penny, and thank for commenting!

  8. I think you look fabulous in this mini dress! You need to show off your legs more Marsha. The sandals are a wonderful contrast to the dress. Your porch is so inviting!


    • Thank you so much, Kathrine! I’m glad you think the sandals work with the dress. I am really pleased with how the porch looks. Everything is going quite well right now.

  9. I love the color of your dress! Chair races sound like a lot of fun. One of my favorite things to do when teaching was to take my students outside for a lesson! Close ups are difficult, I don’t do many for the blog.

    • Thanks, Mireille! I do wish the color had shown a little more true. We had an outdoor classroom where we could take our kids. But, you had to schedule it, and I could never get on the schedule. But, we would go outside for science and math lessons all the time. I tried to make school fun as well as educational. It seems no one likes to do closeups!

  10. Hi Marsha
    Found you via Debbie’s blog! Love the dress! too cute!
    laura in Colorado

  11. Hi Marsha, I’m a first time visitor to your blog and now am following you. Saw your post at Weekend traffic jam reboot and love that sundress. My shares are 41 through 44. I hope to see and visit many bloggers and posts this time around. Have a beautiful weekend and be well. Nancy Andres @ Colors 4 Health

    • Welcome, Nancy! I’m so glad you’re not only joining us for the Traffic Jam but are now following me! I truly appreciate that! I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend!

  12. Looking very much the model, Marsha! Great close-up shots. I’m not really into the older movies although I know there are certainly some classics.

    • Oh, Sue, you really are good for my ego! I have always loved those old movies. I think it was because, every afternoon when I was a kid, there was a show that played old movies. I would sit and watch them with my mom. Well, she would sit for a little bit before she had to get up and do what moms do!

      Thanks, Sue!

  13. Bet you were a favourite with your students, Marsha.. I remember the upbeat ones the most. I love the old black and whites. One I love is “love me or leave me” with Doris Day and James Cagney. Pure bliss!

    • Thanks so much! I loved teaching and wanted to have fun while I was teaching. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve seen that movie…my mom loved Doris Day!

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