Is Every Day a Holiday?

Let’s talk holidays…

Yesterday was my birthday! It was a rather low key day, but we did go out for dinner and split a delicious piece of carrot cake. Who knew sugared carrot curls could be so delicious? It was also National Dessert Day which seems appropriate. I’m not at this point yet, but it was also Be Bald and Be Free Day. Other “holidays” on October 14th are International Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity, National Kick Butt Day, and World Standards Day. I love this one…National I Love You Day! It appears I was born on a really good date.

Too many holidays…

I googled to see if there was a holiday every day of the year, but I couldn’t find a definitive answer. Of course, only a handful of days are national holidays here in the States. I always forget when they are until I go out to see if we got any mail. Would you believe there is actually a National Nothing Day? It’s on January 16th.

Other holidays…

Don’t get me wrong. I love holidays. But, too much of a good thing often spoils it, right? Or, does it? Recently, Jodie included a link to a reel about neural pathways. Now, I’ve taken loads of classes about the brain and its neuroplasticity. I’m not a brain surgeon by any stretch of the imagination, but I do believe in the power of our brains. The reel Jodie shared involved creating wider and, therefore, more powerful neural pathways. Basically, the point of the reel was if we constantly feel a certain way, we just reinforce that neural pathway. If you want to counteract a negative pathway, you have to create a positive one. The person on the reel suggested making a list of things that are positive in your life. I’ve been doing that a lot. As you know, I’ve had a lot going on with Nigel’s surgery, my own last summer, and just the state of the world, in general. I decided I was going to change those feelings of depression and negativity. So, I’ve been really working on my positive neural pathway.

And, this has to do with holidays how…

I think, since my mom passed in 2004, I’ve been in a bit of slump when it comes to holidays. I know, if you’ve seen my Christmas house tour (here), it doesn’t look like I’m in a slump. I’m beginning to think I’ve lost my holiday spirit. Maybe it’s hiding in my attic or crawl space…both are places I hate to go! I’m debating just how much decorating I’m going to do this Christmas as all the Christmas trees are in the attic. Nigel won’t be able to help me get them down, and I really hate to bother my kids. But, holidays and all the trappings are things that give me joy which would, in turn, reinforce that positive neural pathway. It would seem I will be decorating for Christmas if I want that neural pathway as wide as possible!

But, every day…

I think it’s perfectly fine to find a holiday to celebrate every day. I mean, why not? If it gives you joy, or even if it brings you down, those are legitimate feelings you have. So, today, October 15th, is Global Handwashing Day (well, I think we may have had a couple of years we did that one every day), I Love Lucy Day, National Cheese Curd Day (never had any of those), National Esthetician Day, and National Mushroom Day (won’t be celebrating that one). In addition, it’s Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day (unfortunately, I can celebrate this one) as well as Shine a Light Night to show compassion for the homeless. It’s also National Grouch Day to celebrate that little green dude in the garbage can, but you can also celebrate the grouches in your life.

The outfit…

A couple of weeks ago, April Cornell had a sale. Of course, I took advantage of it. I had seen this Medici Jersey Dress on social media and just loved the print. I honestly don’t know what I would call it, but the colors are gorgeous. It’s grey with reds, blues, and even a tiny bit of yellow. It reminds me a bit of a mandala. There’s a snap for modesty, and it fell in the right place for me. Of course, it has pockets and the button on belt that can be used to pull it in tighter or looser. You can also just remove it. Sometimes, I tie them in front. I have several dresses, tops and other things from April Cornell that no longer spark joy…I know…huge gasp! But, I really do need to clear some things out. Let me know if you’d be interested in seeing them. I may just list them on Poshmark, but I don’t have much luck there.

See, working on the positive neural pathways!

The Lewk!

I felt like these Leighton Booties were the perfect complement to my dress, and they definitely spark joy. And, being the matchy-matchy person that I am, I added this garnet necklace Nigel bought me decades ago at Service Merchandise…that’s how old it is! The ring was my graduation from college gift in 1989, I think. The earrings were also from Nigel and were a Christmas gift. I looked and looked but, I didn’t have any garnet earrings…shocking, I know! I do love these gold earrings, though. It’s not often I wear gold jewelry.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I know this post seemed to start in one direction and then veered right off in a different one. That’s how my brain works, I guess. I hope it all made sense because, in my head, it did! So, can we talk? Are there any holidays you celebrate that are a little obscure? If you could make up a holiday, what would it be? Want to come help me get my Christmas trees down? How will you build some positive neural pathways? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

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Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileSuzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!


  1. Happy belated birthday Marsha! I’m m so sorry I missed it yesterday. Going out for dinner is the best way to celebrate! I don’t have a thing with all those ,, special days, but I do like do nothing day! Haha, never heard of it.

    • Thank you, Nancy! I love to go out for dinner, but this was a little nicer restaurant than we’ve gone to lately. Do Nothing Day really was funny! I liked the idea of sending a blank email!

  2. Happy Birthday Marsha. I love those boots! Aren’t National Days fun to explore? There really are So many of them now!

    • Thank you so much, Rosie! Aren’t they glorious? I have to tell you the leather is the softest I think I’ve ever felt. I love to find out the silly days certain days celebrate!

  3. Happy belated birthday! That is a pretty new dress. I need to clear some thing out of my closet too. I put a garbage bag in there and figure I’ll start filling it as I try on pants/sweaters in the morning to get dressed. Anything that doesn’t fit perfectly has got to go.

    • Thank you, Joanne! I love this dress even though I couldn’t tell you what the pattern is. I have done that before for my Lenten purges. Now, I’m a little more discerning about where I take them. I took several items to the consignment store today. I’ve got others I’m going to list on Poshmark, and I’ve got a large bag for Goodwill.

  4. You know I’m a proponent of a positive neural pathway! I’m a long time believer of how powerful our thoughts are.
    Happy Birthday, Marsha! You were born on a great day – our anniversary is October 15th so the 14th has been a wonderful day for us as I fondly recall how excited I was 30 years ago! Carrot cake sounds delicious!

    • Happy Anniversary, Kellyann! What a beautiful time of year to get married! I hadn’t ever heard about how neural pathways could become wider and more powerful the more you thought that certain way. But, it makes sense so I’m going to grow many more positive ones!

      Thanks, Kellyann!

  5. Happy birthday Marsha! I will always find a way to celebrate so bring on all the holidays. Lol! This dress is beautiful. I love the colors and print!


    • Thank you, Kathrine! There are some days I have to search a little harder…that’s why I’m going to grow those positive neural pathways!

  6. Oscar the Grouch Day? Haha. It looks like you found it, I get a daily email from to stay in the loop (for those times I need a subject for my daily Substack Notes). Some National Days are “the [insert number] [day] of [insert month]” and others are on specific dates.
    Every day IS a celebration, official or not. We’re still alive!

    • Oh, I love that, Anne! Yes, every day is a celebration! I thought National Grouch Day was funny. But when I found out it was for Oscar the Grouch, I thought it was even funnier!

  7. Happy birthday, Marsha! You are glowing in the photos shared in this post! I love your outfit!!! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!

  8. Happy birthday! Carrot cake is Marsha tested, rabbit approved. The new dress is gorgeous!

    • Thanks, Sally! Yes, that cake was both Marsha and Mike tested, and I’m positive rabbits of any kind would approve.

  9. jodie filogomo

    Happiest of birthdays, Marsha. And “that’s how my brain works” is very appropriate for the neural pathways, LOL.
    The national holidays crack me up. You gotta wonder who comes up with them.

    • Thanks, Jodie! Actually, I have always seen my brain as a train…sometimes, it jumps the track or goes in a couple directions at the same time! Hahaha!!! Of the holidays I looked at, none of them seemed like they were of the money making kind.

  10. Happy belated birthday first of all! Sounds like you had a nice day! I don’t think I’ve ever had carrot cake more than once in my life. Strange.

    I say you should ask your kids to get your Christmas decorations down. It will help those positive pathways – even if it is just to enjoy the sparkles and color. I can totally understand you losing some holiday spirit with the passing of your mother but it’s okay to enjoy the beauty of the decorations.

    I have been trying to help my neural pathways by staying off the news as much as I can.

    • Thanks, Lisa! My mom used to make carrot cake all the time. I haven’t made one in years…probably decades. I may get the pencil trees down, but the huge one we bought last year may end up staying in the attic. I can get my decorations out of the crawl space. I actually have them organized and on a spreadsheet…yes, me! Amazing, right?

      Oh, the news…let’s just not even think about it!

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