A Beautiful Spot for a Proposal!

Cantina Boho Dress (gifted)

A beautiful spot…

You may recall we had family photos taken back in April (read about it here). While I still haven’t heard from the photographer (probably should check on that, Marsha), I did realize the park was the perfect spot for more photos. So, one glorious Sunday, Nigel was feeling pretty good, and we headed back to the park. It had been quite a brisk day when we were there in April. The day we took these photos was almost perfect except for a bit of wind which kinda wrecked my hair…oh, well! There were so many beautiful spots, but we chose this waterfall because there was a bench close by so Nigel could sit down.

A quick change…

We had actually done another photo shoot (seen here) prior to this one. I retreated to Nigel’s car to change. Luckily, it has darkened windows, and the dresses were easy to swap. I slapped on the different sandals, switched out the jewelry, and headed back to my photographer only to see him chatting with some cute young thing! Harrumph! Not to worry, though. The woman was actually a photographer and was chatting with him. He told her we were there shooting photos for my blog. She turned around, and said in a very surprised voice, “You’re really beautiful!” Now, while I was complimented, I was also taken aback a bit. Why should she be surprised? I’m guessing it’s because Nigel is of a certain age, or, more likely, she expected some amateur blogger unlike the pro she encountered! Hahaha!!!! By the way, July 8th marked my third year as a blogger!

Her task…

The park was quite busy that day with people coming and going. There are all kinds of trails, gazebos, and other picturesque spots around, but she had a task for that particular spot. She was going to photograph a surprise proposal. I guess that may be an oxymoron, right? I mean, aren’t most proposals a surprise? The proposer’s and the proposee’s families were all standing behind the bathrooms. I’d noticed this big crowd and wondered why in the world anyone would want to hang out there. Turns out, they were in hiding.

While I was gone…

As I said, this young woman was chatting Nigel up for a bit while I was changing. It seems she was going to hide behind the waterfall once the couple arrived at the park. He (AKA the proposer) was going to take her (AKA the proposee) on a little walk across a nearby pedestrian bridge then make their way back to the waterfall where he would pop the question. So, the photographer wanted to know how long we were going to be. I don’t know how long my other blogging friends take, but I’m quick. In ten minutes, we can have several photos and call it a day.

As I arrived…

After complimenting me on my beauty (shocked as she was), she then asked us for a favor. As the park was crowded that day, she wanted to “reserve” that particular spot for her couple and asked if we could just stick around until they showed up. She was going to go back behind the bathrooms with the rest of the people. The plan, however, changed when she received a text from him saying they’d stopped at a gas station. She thinks he was a tad nervous. Anyhoo, we would know the couple because he’d be wearing a light blue shirt, and she would be wearing a light dress. We had nothing else to do, and it was a gorgeous day, so we agreed to be seat fillers!

It took a bit…

We sat for probably 5-10 minutes before a very nice Volvo SUV showed up, and a couple matching the description showed up. As expected, they headed for the bridge. The young woman had glorious blonde hair that hung down her back in perfect waves so I wonder if she kinda knew something was up. Basically, our job was done, and we could leave. But, we hung around until the photographer and her assistant got into position.

She’d be in those trees right behind the waterfall.

The actual deed…

Unfortunately, we didn’t see the actual proposal. We did see the young woman throw her arms around his neck and give him a smooch. Nigel thought she must have said yes, but I think she was just being happy and in love. We both talked about how sad and embarrassing it would be for the guy if she ended up saying no. I mean, he had a photographer there as well as both sides of the family and friends who would show up once he’d gotten an answer. I hope it was yes.

Not our first rodeo…

A few years ago, we had visited the Biltmore in Asheville. It’s one of my all-time favorite places. As we were leaving, we saw this woman hiding behind a tree. She looked really suspicious, and our suspicion must have shown on our faces. She came over and told us she was there to photograph a “surprise proposal.” She spent so much time talking to us that I’m not 100% sure she actually got the event. I sure hope she did because you just don’t get do overs in those circumstances.

My outfit…

I have been thrilled and truly blessed to be an April Cornell ambassador for quite some time now. I am always thrilled when I’m invited to participate again. This beautiful Cantina Boho Dress has the same pattern as the Cornflower Sundress seen here. You can see this dress is also tiered, but what makes it really special is the back. It’s smocked for that ease of fit and yet close fit (if that makes sense). I have already worn it a couple of times and receive compliments on it every time. I love this shade of pink because it has those blue undertones. While this dress isn’t currently on sale, there are several that are. You can also use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off $100 for additional savings.

The Lewk!

Could it be? Another pair of Carlos Santana sandals? Why, yes, I do believe it is! I have three pairs, and I have babying these along. I bought these years ago at LS Ayres which became Macy’s so they are old. And, when I search for Carlos Santana sandals, nothing like these comes up. The necklace and bracelet were Christmas gifts from Nigel years and years ago and also came from LS Ayres. The earrings are eBay though I do have a large pair of studs that actually go with the necklace and bracelet. I probably should have worn those!

Wrap it up, Marsha!

Nigel did not propose to me. He just assumed we were getting married and gave me an engagement ring. I was young and dumb and didn’t realize what I’d missed. A few months later, I did make him propose, but the time had already passed, right? So, can we talk? Do you have a romantic proposal story? Or, was your significant other like Nigel and just assumed? Have you witnessed any proposals? Do you ever wonder if the proposee says no? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Don’t forget…

I hope you’ll participate in this month’s 10 on the 10th. There will be a link party where you can link anything…it doesn’t have to be 10 on the 10th. And, I’m also giving you wiggle room. You don’t have to do 10!

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Yeah, the hair was done!

Affiliate links, discount codes, and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileSuzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!


  1. Nigel just assumed … that made me laugh. My partner back when was overwhelmingly romantic. Not. There was something on TV about taxes and he said “Well, I guess we should get married, huh?” The next day we went down to the register office, asked what we needed and went back out with a date a week later. He never proposed, but that doesn’t have anything to do with him being my ex now 😉


    • Yup…he just assumed we were getting married. Oh, yikes! That is a bit abrupt, right?

      Thanks, Cat!

  2. Great summer styling. A colorful dress suits every woman.

  3. You look lovely and that background is great! I don’t have a romantic proposal story either and it’s fine. A public proposal would have actually made me very uncomfortable.

    • Thank you so much, Joanne! I wouldn’t have wanted a public proposal, either. But, a romantic proposal would have been just fine!

  4. That’s so fun, Marsha! You all played an important role and got great photos. Nigel is a great sport – Tom would not do all that! Ha!

    • Thanks, Amy! Well, not so long ago, Mike would have never done it either. Now, he’s just this chatty old guy who will talk to a bench if no one is around…just kidding…or am I/

  5. Congratulations Marsha on 3 years of blogging, a commitment few people make and keep. That dress is one of my favorite colors and you look stunning in it. It looks like fun to wear.

    • Thank you, Aletha! I really thought I’d only make it to a year or so because I’d run out of things to say! I thank you for the compliments. I really like this color, too.

  6. You have to think that if the proposer went to all of that trouble, he knew the proposed would say yes. How fun to be involved (well sort of).
    And the dress is beautiful. I think many older women don’t wear a lot of color and are invisible, and I bet part of her reaction was that fact that you are so stylish.
    And even though you think your hair is a mess, it’s beautiful.

    • Hahaha!! You would hope so, right? It was fun to be involved even though it was a teeny tiny bit! Thank you, Jodie, for the compliments! I really am gravitating toward this shade of pink lately. I think it’s because it has a blue undertone which works for me. The look on the photographer’s face when she turned around was almost funny. I wonder what she expected to see! Ah, but my hair looked so good earlier in the day. I need to get used to it being flat because I won’t have time to mess with it when I go to Ireland and Scotland!

  7. How cool that you have actually been around when two proposals happened! I have a feeling most people know they are going to be asked – they seem to show up dressed and perfectly coiffed! But it’s fun anyhow.
    Of course the photographer said you are beautiful because you are! Especially in this color – it really suits you. You are the perfect April Cornell Ambassador, the dresses seem to be made for you!

    • Awww, thanks, Kellyann! I guess my point was she didn’t have to act so surprised! But, I do appreciate the compliments from you and her! I don’t even want to tell you how many dresses I have in my closet that come from April Cornell! I have been buying them for close to 20 years.

      You are probably right that people have an inkling of an idea that a proposal is about to happen. It was fun to be a teeny tiny part of this one!

  8. What a fun story! And you are so brave to pose in a public place. Are you already 3 years blogging? Gosh time flies right. What a very pretty dress you are wearing, the colour compliments you.

    • Thank you, Nancy! I knew lots of people come to this park to take photos so I just blended in! I was surprised when I check to see when I had started, but yes, it’s been three years!

  9. This dress is stunning on you and what a perfect place for the shoot and the proposal! Thanks for sharing what happened!


    • Thanks so much, Kathrine! I hope the photographer got some good shots because it is a lovely spot. And, thank you for the compliments.

  10. That is such a beautiful spot! It would be stunning for family photos! I hope you get yours soon! I love that pink dress on you. Such a great color!

    • Thanks, Laura! I really just need to email her about them. It’s been almost three months. But, I also waited over two years to redeem the gift certificate so I feel like I need to give her some grace.

  11. I’ve seen a number of photographed proposals in the past (what happens when you hang out frequently in scenic parks, etc., looking for birds) but have never been involved in one. You have to hope that he had arranged this with her…or was at least extremely certain she’d say yes.

    • I have a feeling he was pretty sure she’d say yes. I mean, would you pay for a photographer and have all those friends and family close by if there was the possibility of a no? Well, I wouldn’t, but who knows!

      Thanks, Sally!

  12. What a fun story about the proposal. I hope she said yes too! That is the perfect spot for photos! Your dress is gorgeous! Love the print! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    • Thanks, Jill! I hope she did, too, because it would have been so embarrassing for that guy! Have a fabulous weekend!

  13. Lovely dress and backdrop! I find surprise proposals, where a lot of people are in the know, a bit awful. It’s probably just me but I think it’s a private moment, and the recipient shouldn’t be put on the spot! I saw one recently where a female athlete was getting her medal and suddenly her boyfriend loomed up, proposing. It just seemed like he was hijacking her moment!

    • Thanks, Gail! It is a beautiful park, and we need to go there more often. But, as long as our temps are in the high 80s and 90s (29-32C), we will stick with porch photos! I would melt in this heat, and the photos would be awful! I think, as someone already said, most of these big production “surprise” proposals are probably in cases where the answer is pretty much assured and the person is aware a proposal is coming. I don’t believe I’ve seen that proposal.

  14. Hi, Marsha – I am awed by that necklace set that your husband gave you! I have to tell you about my husband’s weird proposal. He didn’t ever want to get married and I decided I wanted to (never wanted to before that.) So I moved across the country to where I wanted to live most (L.A.) I met someone who proposed to me soon after. My husband was still long-distance friends with me and I thought he should know. One day later, he showed up on his motorcycle and drove me to a mountain view for a picnic dinner. He asked me to live with him for the rest of our lives. Surprised, I asked if that meant he was asking me to get married. He said no, just live together. Hahaha! I said no, not if we weren’t getting married. So he said okay. I said it didn’t seem like he wanted to. He said, “I will want to, I promise!” It didn’t feel very sincere, but I said okay if he got me an engagement ring. So he took me to a boutique. I felt wierd showing people my boutique miniature diamond in a thin gold artistic setting – pretty but little. It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? But I hadn’t gotten over him and I still haven’t to this day 42 years later! It’s unconditional love. And he did gradually come to like being married. Oh well, what can I say? Lol! – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com

    • Angie, I love this story so very much! I love that you decided to live your life, and then he decided maybe your life should be part of his. An engagement ring with that kind of meaning is worth more than money. I’m glad he came to like being married! Congrats on 42 years together!

      I’ll tell you a secret…I had actually bought myself this necklace a year or so before. But, I never wore it around Mike! One year, out of the blue, he bought it for me for Christmas! Luckily, the jewelry ladies at the store were very understanding when I returned the necklace he’d bought me after explaining what had happened! He bought me the matching bracelet later…maybe for our anniversary. It really is a gorgeous necklace, and I love wearing it.

      Thanks again, Angie!

      • Thank you, Marsha, for the new perspective and for sharing your secret! When I don’t get what I want for special occasions, I also buy them for myself. 😉

        • You’re welcome! I don’t usually spend that kind of money, but I couldn’t resist that necklace!

  15. I do not have a romantic proposal story and I still tease my husband about the way he roundabout asked me to marry him. I love the location for your pictures: it is so beautiful. As for the dress, I love this pink on your and the flow of the dress is really pretty: great choice!

    • Thanks, Mireille. I really love this dress because it’s just so pretty (and it’s marked way down right now). Mike didn’t even ask until I told him he had to! But, I don’t remember him getting down on one knee!