Scouting it out…

Nigel and I have been considering moving house. Before moving to Brownsburg a few several years ago, we lived in the same house for almost 25 years. We built that one and had done many remodels and updates over the years. I loved that house, but we decided to move to be closer to the kids (and the grandkids…let’s be honest). We were going to build another new house, but the deal fell through due to flood plain maps and such. We ended up moving into the “Big House”.

The Big House

The Big House was at the end of the street where we were building. Our neighborhood, at that time, wasn’t completely built out. All of the new homes being built were already under contract. But, the Big House was for sale. Nigel and I were living in our daughter’s loft with all of our belongings in PODS somewhere. It made sense to take a look at the Big House when our deal fell through. It had all of the amenities and then some of the house we had planned to build…things like a basement, a morning room, granite counters, a basement, four bedrooms, only one close neighbor, and a basement! Did I mention it had a basement?
When in Indiana…
If you live in Indiana, you know the weather is always changing. One of the things I’m always worried about is a tornado. I’ve never actually experienced a tornado, but the Palm Sunday tornadoes left a permanent imprint on me. I remember driving around the countryside and seeing the devastation. Our power was out for several days. I also remember like it was yesterday the tornadoes of April 3, 1974. Nigel and I were dating and playing cards with my dad. The sky turned a weird shade of green-ish orange. The air got really still. Of course this was in the days before early warning signals. If you weren’t listening to the radio or tv, you wouldn’t know about any type of warnings. I don’t remember what kind of weather we got, but the tornadoes bypassed our town. So, a basement has always been a big deal for me.
Into the Big House

Because there was absolutely no way of knowing when we would be able to build, we decided to buy the Big House even though there was so much more house than we needed (except the basement…I needed that basement). We had had five bedrooms at our last house, but we’d given away all but two beds as we didn’t think we needed more than that! Now, we had two extra bedrooms to furnish. Believe it or not (I’m sure you believe it), we soon filled the house up! We also have two eating areas in our house, but we eat at the island most times! Just as we did at the old house, we have put our stamp on this house. We’ve installed (and I do mean we…not a contractor) Craftsman mouldings around all of the doors and windows as well as entryways. We’ve painted the kitchen cabinets because espresso cabinets show all the dog slobber (and I don’t like dark cabinets anyway). We’ve replaced the flooring in every room except for the finished part of the basement. We laid most of that flooring ourselves, too! Nigel and I are not just pretty faces! We are pretty dang good at DIYing! I’ve tried to convince him to flip houses, but he replied with an emphatic NO!
So, why move?

The biggest problem with the Big House is all of the bedrooms and full bathrooms are on the second floor! And, let me tell you…there are sixteen steps to get there! Ask me how I know! Go ahead, ask! When I had my second foot surgery in 2017, I had to go up and down those stairs on my bum. Now, I have a fairly well padded bum, but it takes work hauling it up and down those 16 steps! And, getting down on your bum from a knee scooter is scary! Nigel and I are not subject to the Benjamin Button syndrome. We are getting a little long in the tooth so it makes sense to find a single story house. But, sometimes, you just fall in love with the wrong house right?

Unfortunately, the bedrooms for this house are all on the second floor, too. But, I love the grounds. I’ve missed my yard and gardens so much. This house has all of that and more. It even has a lanai! There’s plenty of room for all of my Christmas decorations. The kitchen leaves a bit to be desired, but Nigel is pretty good with a hammer and saw. The library is amazing! Master craftsmen created shelving and ceiling details that make your heart stop! There’s even a secret staircase!! Unfortunately, there isn’t a pool. There is so much land I’m sure we could find a spot for one.
Can we afford it?

I’m not sure we can actually afford this house, though. The kitchen would need updating. I’m pretty sure the house is on the historical registry so I’d probably have to get permission to change things. It’s got so much land we’d need a crew to take care of it. There is no way I would let Nigel even consider getting on a ladder to wash those windows! He’d break another arm! He’d be so happy, though, using a blower to move the leaves around in the fall. And, check out that view from the front drive! Isn’t it amazing? The back view is even better. I just forgot to snap a photo.
Well, darn!

Unfortunately, the house is not for sale and hasn’t been for almost a century. If you haven’t already guessed, this is Newfields, the Lilly home at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Nigel and I spent a lovely afternoon there last week. The plants are just beginning to spring out of the ground. A new outdoor area will be opening later this spring. I can’t wait to see it. The bench below is made of several different slices of wood with what looked like several washers separating each piece. There were a couple of other smaller benches made in the same manner scattered around the grounds. This will really be lovely when the leaves are out, and the plants are blooming.

The Lewk!

Since I’ve retired, I use any excuse to dress up! Going to the art museum almost always calls for wearing an April Cornell dress! I wore this pinafore back in September with a tee shirt (here). And, I wore this cardigan from Garnet Hill in August (here). While I like to wear contrasting colors, I also enjoy wearing coordinating (or matchy-matchy) colors. I was surprised at how much I liked this when I put the two together. I knew we would be walking whether we were inside or outside so I opted for these L’Artiste boots. I do put an insert in them for additional arch support, but they’re so nicely broken in now. I added jewelry from Lagos to complete the look (here, here, here, and here).
Not quite there yet, but…
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Wrap it up, Marsha!
Nigel and I really are looking for a new home. I do like the Big House…I mean who wouldn’t love a bedroom the size of a living room and two walk in closets in the master? But, I also realize it’s getting ever so much closer to the time for us to downsize. It makes sense we do it now while we’re both able instead of having to rely on our kids to do it. The problem is the housing market here is crazy! Houses sell within hours of listing and for thousands over the list. We’ve had neighbors receive close to twenty offers! While we know the Big House would sell quickly, we have yet to find the perfect “forever” house! What about you? Have you downsized, upsized in this crazy real estate market? What do you think of the Lilly House? Please leave me a comment or two, and I’ll answer as soon as I can! Thank you, as always, to my subscribers! I truly do appreciate each of you!
Where I frequently link up:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m also a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here).
You had me at basement but not for the reason you mentioned – I had not even considered a tornado – I want one for storage! I remember we had one when I was a kid in NJ and here in FL we have zero storage space. Your big house sounds fabulous but going up and down the stairs could be an issue!
Oh, Kellyann…our basement is full! Most of it is finished. It’s where our pc lives as well as some ladder shelves Nigel made for me years ago. Another room has one wall finished in knotty pine and is our exercise room complete with ceiling fan and tv on the wall. The last room is unfinished and contains the furnace, water heater, water softener and such. It’s also where all of my Christmas and seasonal decorations live! I keep telling Nigel anywhere we move is going to have to have dedicated space (not a bedroom) for that! I think, this Christmas, as I was unpacking stuff, he was really struck by how much there is and how much space it takes up! I do like this big house alot, but those stairs are just not a good idea for us. We’ve considered a lift chair (I keep seeing the scene from Gremlins where the old lady goes flying out the window at the top of the stairs). The biggest thing is we just have too much stuff and need to get rid of it so the kids won’t have to.
Lovely dress
Beauty and Fashion/Rampdiary/Glamansion
Thanks so much!
The house looks beautiful! Love the grounds especially. I live in my dream house right now (except for the dream closet) so the next time I move it will be to retire and in a smaller home. It’s fun to dream though! Love this pretty look you are wearing. I adore the pretty lilac color!
The first floor of the house is lovely. The second floor has not been restored to its prior elegance. I don’t even think it’s on the radar at this point. I do have a dream closet and hope to repeat it in a new home. We will have to wait and see!
Thank you so much. This is one of those lovely greyed lilac…one of my favorites to see and wear!
Each time we have bought a house we have wanted a basement for the same reason but end up getting a house without one. I do look forward to downsizing in 5 to 7 years or so when mother in law and oldest son no longer live with us. Our house is lovely but it is big and doesn’t get cleaned as it should. Love your location here for all of the pictures. It is beautiful and you look very pretty!
And, there you have it in a nutshell…this house is so big I just can’t keep up with cleaning it the way I used to. Now, I do a little cleaning every day in a different room. But, the house doesn’t ever feel that spick and span clean of it all done at once.
I think I may need to take more photos there! Thanks so much, Mireille!
This was a fun dream Marsha. Definitely one that might require a tad bit of work, haha.
Rob and I were just saying that we almost miss having stairs in our house. I understand when you have surgery it’s not convenient, but it’s good exercise. And if you don’t move it, you lose it.
Love the shorter cardigan too!!
One of the things I do love about having three floors is the escape factor! When you’re together virtually 24/7 365 days a year…sometimes you need a little escaping! Oh, I’m telling you, by the time I hit the 13th or 14th step on the way up, I was pooped! Going down was easy…it was just a matter of not hitting my foot against anything. But, the truly terrifying part was getting down from the knee scooter. I would slide onto the closed toilet, then onto the side of the bathtub and ease down onto the floor. Then, I had to scoot across the bathroom to the stairs! My arms got quite the workout!
As with many estate homes, the kitchen is such a huge change from the main house. It’s drab and very small. The house itself is really not all that big. Unfortunately, they have not restored the upstairs to bedrooms as they don’t have access to either photos or furniture of the period…I don’t remember which it is. So, right now, they are just large rooms with short term exhibits. But, oh, that lanai! I would sit there for hours…that is, the hours I wasn’t in the library!
Would you believe I have close to 30 of these cardigans? I started buying them while I was still teaching. I’d add one or two each year in the sale. My only problem with them is they are merino wool, but they have 3/4 sleeves! If I’m wearing merino, I’m probably chilly and I want long sleeves! But, they are perfect for warm-ish spring days!
You’re so right- the grounds here are so pretty! And I bet they only get more lovely as spring settles in and everything starts to bloom.
House shopping right now has got to be so stressful- everything gets snapped up so fast and the prices can be crazy!
I love the outfit you wore here- it hints at spring but still provides some coverage from the blustery winds. I’m hinting at spring in my new post, too!
I loved your post, Ashley! I have a thing about white shoes on me, but they look so cool on you! Oh, this place is absolutely glorious in the summer. There are all kinds of elephant ears and big plants towering over you. Then, you add in the perennial beds as well as the annuals. It is amazing! They also have these huge planters you can sponsor…for several hundred dollars! Sign me up for a dozen…hahaha! I’m just hoping if and when we find a house, ours is snapped up lickety split! Nigel is fretting a bit over that!
This outfit kind of gave me belowstairs kitchen maid at Downton Abbey vibes with the black tights! But, I really liked it!
The house looks beautiful and how amazing is that bench! Love your outfit, The cardigan is so pretty. Hope you find your home soon.
Thanks, Lovely! I would love to have even a small bench made like this! There wasn’t any kind of sign around it so I’m not sure what kind of wood it was made from. But, the shape was so cool!
Your Big House is an absolute dream house! But I can understand your reasons for wanting to move. We have never thought about moving: correction, he has never thought about moving. John’s children live close by, so he has no intention of moving. I sometimes dream about buying a house with huge gardens and a swimming pond – but I would need to win the Lottery. The housing market is crazy in the UK too, it’s all sealed bids and instant offers, and sellers reneging on deals when someone makes them a better offer. Good luck with the house hunt, and look forward to seeing what you find!
Oh, a house with huge gardens and a swimming pool…those are on my wishlist, too! But, that won’t happen where we live now unless we want to give up every penny we have saved and take out a huge mortgage, too…I guess I’d have to win the Lottery, too!
Thanks for coming by, Gail!
The house and grounds look lovely! I don’t think I could live without a basement! Your cardigan is so pretty!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Aren’t they amazing? Did I fool you at all? Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure we will be moving into a house without a basement if we do move. I am going to miss all of that storage as well as the comfort/safety factor!
First I love your outfit! Those soft shades are just so pretty on you. And the there are the L’Artiste boots. Swoon!
Dan, my mom and I relocated from Vegas to Asheville last September. Both very hot housing markets. We had a condo and my mom a house. We made good money on the sales. But, we also ended up paying nearly $20K over the asking price of the house we are in. Learned we needed to do this after losing out on a couple of bids where we had offered the freaking asking price. I also quickly learned not to get too attached the idea that making an offer was going to work out. Ultimately, I’m glad we missed out, because the house we were willing to offer $20K over is truly perfect for us.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am telling you these boots are so comfortable!! And, my closet is rapidly turning lilac!
If we move, I’m hoping we will make a good profit on this house. The housing market is slowing a bit here depending on the location. I’m glad you were able to get the house you wanted. If your one photo of the grass is any indication, I think I might be jealous!! I so miss having a big yard with lots of room to plant things!