A Special Day

The bread guy

Yesterday (by the time you read this) was my youngest son’s birthday so that made it a special day! Bear in mind I’m only 5’1″. I tell you that because it might shock you to know my little baby boy weighed 9 lbs 11 oz! My mom and I used to go out for breakfast on Saturdays. As we were waiting in line to pay the check, the bread delivery man said, “Oh, any day now?” I told him nope…I was only six months pregnant. His response? “Twins, then?” I will never forget that!

Steppin’ out with my baby!

More to come!

No, that doesn’t mean more babies are coming! I hope to devote an entire post to my youngest son, but I have to wait for his approval. He has a timetable, and I have to conform to it!

Another special day

Another special day is on the horizon for us here in Central Indiana. We are supposed to get snow and lots of it on Wednesday. Unfortunately, we may also get freezing rain and sleet prior to the snow. I always worry when we get big snows (though I love them) because my oldest son has quite a drive to his job. The weather forecasters, however, have been wrong so many times.

Happiness is…

Happiness is finding something comfortably, cozy, and stylish! As I mentioned last week, I often buy multiples of things I like. This sweater is one of those items I wish I’d had the opportunity to buy many! As a rule, I do not like chenille sweaters. They feel a bit oily or slick. But, this sweater is wonderfully soft and cozy. It came in three colors, but I missed out on the other two colors.

The Lewk

When I was much, much younger, I never ever would have believed I’d wear elastic waist pants! I remember my mom buying them and thinking never in a million years! But, J Jill does the absolute best in ponte knit pants. I try to pick up a pair or two each year in different colors or patterns. These pants are so versatile. The small red/black check plays well with a denim shirt as well as many other colors. My shoes (similar) are several years old and are Rockport Cobb Hill. All of the jewelry is also old, Stella & Dot, and rose gold in color.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

Our son came over for a bit the evening of his birthday. Nigel has broken a crown so he’s limiting his meals to soft foods. We will celebrate later this week at a favorite Mexican restaurant. Do you have any special days in the near future? How has the weather been in your neck of the woods? Do you live in the Northeast and have been snowed in? Let’s have a conversation. We can do that if you leave a comment or two! As always thank you to those of you who subscribe!

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag and Doused in Pink. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs!


  1. We have another birthday this week and friends coming over this week but otherwise this is quiet week. Been feeling kind of lazy lately so I need to shakr things up! I am all about pants with elastic waistbands!

    • I think your definition of lazy is probably way different than mine, Mireille! You probably are going constantly with four boys! I know with two boys and a girl, I was always on the go!

      Enjoy the birthday and the week!

  2. Oh I love this look! I hope your weather isn’t quite as bad as predicted on Wednesday; thankfully while we got lots and lots of snow this weekend we didn’t have any icing (yet!) and managed to keep our power on.

    • Joanne, we have 57 degrees right now with freezing rain starting tomorrow (Wednesday) changing to snow (6-10 inches). I’m so ready for the snow, but I hate the icing. Yikes, I forgot about power. I wonder if our gas log will work…better get Nigel on that!

  3. A very pretty outfit, Marsha! And Happy Birthday to your youngest. I’m so sorry about Nigel’s tooth. Youch! We are in the 50’s here and it’s beautiful. We had less than an inch with the last snow, and just one day that it stayed below freezing.


    • Michelle, would you believe it’s 57 here today? Tomorrow, we will have a high of 32 and freezing rain and 6-10 inches of snow after that. Back in my hometown, they’re bracing for 1-2 feet! I’m so jealous! I remember the Blizzard of 78 with lots of joy and hope to have another like that before I’m gone…call me crazy…go ahead, everyone else does!!

      Nigel’s tooth is repaired and he’s downstairs drinking coffee!

      I hope you’re feeling better, and I really do wish I lived closer so I could paint and we could talk!

  4. What a cute outfit and you look fabulous in it! Good colors for you too!

  5. Happy Birthday to your son! This sweater is a pretty color and it looks fabulous on you!

  6. I would of socked that deliver guy. Lol! Love this cozy chic look Marsha! I adore the leggings and the monochromatic styling. Happy birthday to your son!


    • I was just so shocked by his remark! But, we had a good laugh then, and I always chuckle now! My babies were all big and had no place to go but out! I think he had a good birthday!

  7. Your sense of styling is really fabulous, loving your outfit and jewellry.

  8. I gained so much weight when I was pregnant with my oldest son that someone asked me if I was giving birth to a Volkswagen! The things people say, but boy a 9 lb baby – my goodness!
    Your chenille sweater is so pretty – the color is great on you!

    • Oh, Kellyann! A Volkswagen! You’re right…people seem to think they can say anything to pregnant women. I was actually ok because this was my third baby, and I was always huge (my others were 8lb 2 oz and 9lb even). Mom and I laughed all the way to the car!

      I do love this sweater and hope they do another version next year. I don’t know if the chenille is just a lower pile, but it doesn’t have that icky feel of other chenille sweaters (I have two I recently donated…I maybe wore them once).