Add a pop of color…
I know lots of women will say they can’t wear black, and that may be true. I happen to love the drama of black and can wear it. But, if you want to add a pop of color to an all black look, the easiest way to do that is with accessories. I’m not talking rocket science here, I know. People have been adding different colors to black for hundreds of years. But, here’s my take on it.

When wearing black…
For those of you who can’t wear black near your face, there’s always the option of using it on the bottom portion of your outfit. When I was teaching, I probably had five or six pairs of black pants, two or three of which were the exact same pair! Now, the only black pants I have are leggings and a pair of flowy pants (discontinued, unfortunately) from Athleta. It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to add some black pants back into my wardrobe, if only for variety.

The perfect neutral…
I happen to think of black as the perfect neutral. You can add almost every color to it and have it work. The only problem I have ever encountered with black was adding another black. Just like white, not all blacks are the same. Some are a little more saturated; some are almost faded even when new. That’s why, when I wear a column of black, I try to wear something over it to camouflage the disparity if there is one.

Adding a multitude of colors…
I actually started with the footwear when styling this outfit. These sandals are so very colorful so it seemed like adding a multitude of different colors would be better than just one or two colors. If I’d worn different sandals, I would have probably gone a different route with my jewelry. You may be thinking you’ve seen this dress before. And, you would be both right and wrong! I originally bought this in the blue stripe (seen here) and the white. I like having a white dress in the summer, but this one just screamed, “Nurse!” So, against Nigel’s advice (we have a white dog), I ordered the black. Honestly, there are more of my hairs on it than Jack’s! This dress is an example of a sorta faded black. It’s not a deep saturated black which is fine with me. I imagine it will fade even more with each washing. I am quite sure I will come up with several different ways to wear it. One last note on this dress…I’m wearing a regular! If you’re taller than me (I’m 5’1” on a good day), you might want to consider ordering it in tall. My actual recommendation would be to order it in both the regular and the tall! You might like the shorter length for summer.

The Lewk!

I recently took advantage of a sale on L’Artiste sandals. This is one of the pairs I got. The jewelry is all from World Finds. I didn’t have a necklace (here and here) long enough, so I fastened two together. Does it look a bit wonky? Maybe, but I kind of like it, too! I then added several bracelets (here, here, here, and here). I love these earrings because you can actually see them! Since they’re made from Kantha cloth, each item is unique! I really love all my World Finds jewelry. I don’t have any affiliation with them, but you can use the code MOM24 for 25% off your order. And, they ship for free if the total is over $50!
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I recently got my hair done. My stylist is always full of ideas for how to color my hair. We don’t dye it, but she uses “fashion colors.” One of the options she had was orange, yellow, and red! I don’t think even I would do that! I’m not 100% sure I’m sold on the darker color as I really like my silver hair. You can barely tell, but the ends are purple. I think I will keep doing that but maybe keep the silver. I’m thinking green for my Ireland/Scotland trip! So, can we talk? Are you a fan of black? Or, do you avoid it at all costs? How would you style a casual black dress? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!
Thank you so very much for reading today’s post. I hope you enjoyed it. I also very much appreciate those of you who comment, email and/or subscribe. It’s what keeps me going! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Special discount…
Starting now, you can get 25% off all orders over $50 with the code MOTHER at Halftee! I can’t believe we’re already talking Mother’s Day, can you?

Affiliate links, discount codes, and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, Style Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon). Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Black is my favourite colour! It has been since puberty. I like it when I wear different shades of black, different textures. Love your accessoires with that fabulous dress!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I had a feeling you would like this dress if only because it was black! I always forget to consider textures, though!
If I wear a mostly black outfit I do tend to lighten it up a bit with bright pops of color through my accessories.
In the past, I would probably have just worn grey or white with it. Now, I know I can wear more bright colors.
Thanks, Joanne!
Love this look!! You look amazing!! Black is my color. Love how you’ve made it pop with the accessories.
Thank you, Hope! Yes, it is, and you always look fantastic in it!
I love this black dress livened up with multi-color accessories! The colors really pop against the black background in a way that wouldn’t with another color. I mean, the necklace would also look great with white, chambray, grey, etc., but it really does stand out wonderfully with this dress. Faded black is probably my favorite version of the color because its softness is a bit easier for me to wear (next to my face) than a very deep stark black.
When you say “fashion colors” for your hair – is this a color that washes out over time rather than a permanent dye? (I am definitely not up on all the different hair options out there!)
Thanks, Sally! I can wear either version of black which has always made me wonder what my “color season” is. I can also wear white and cream. Anyway, I actually am wearing two necklaces connected because neither was long enough.
Fashion colors just it on the shaft of the hair so they wash out gradually. I haven’t done a permanent dye in many, many years! I know I began growing my grey out before the pandemic, but I think we were using lowlights to help the process along.
Love your added colors to the black. Nice change to see from the usually silver. I do love my black but also loving the colorful light weight dresses I have.
I do love to wear silver with black, but I really wanted to use these sandals! Thanks so much, Linda!
Black is my go-to! The sandals and accessories dazzle, as well as your amazing hair!
I don’t know…you’ve been looking pretty spiffy lately! I’m so glad you liked the hair…I’m undecided!
Thanks, Becky!
I love those sandals and gorgeous beaded necklace together! They really pop! Hope you are having a good week!
Thanks so much, Laura! I thought they went together well. Did you see my comment about not receiving email notifications of new posts nor being able to subscribe?
That’s brilliant that you fastened 2 necklaces together. That’s being the boss of your clothes.
Love the shorter length on you Marsha!! Perfect for the warmer weather,
Thanks, Jodie! I have been linking necklaces since I don’t know when. This one was a bit different because the joins weren’t necessarily seamless. But, that kinda added to the interest! I do wear shorter dresses during the summer…anything to stay cool…well, not anything, but you know what I mean!
I am a fan of black actually. I wear it a lot but started to try to wear brighter colors when my aunt told me I needed to. She passed away a few years ago and so I try to wear brighter colors because she would want me to.
I love the dress on you and the shoes and necklace. You really look great in it and I’m not just saying it because we have become bloggy friends!
I would have the same issues with the dog or cat hair. Ha!
Mike has always told me I looked good in black, but I usually only wore it on the bottoms. I’m open to just about any color (except peach) these days! Thank you so much, Lisa! I’m glad your compliments are honest (hahaha)! I do love the jewelry and shoes…and the dog hair!
What a perfect way to add color to an all black outfit! I love your beaded jewelry! Have a great weekend Marsha!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you so much, Jill! I hope your weekend is fantastic!
Although I’ve been wearing lots of colour lately, Marsha, I still love black. I agree you can dress it up and add pops of colour with accessories. Black always looks elegant and I really like your dress. Thanks for sharing. x
Thank you, Sue! I love to wear black, too, but I find I wear more colors these days than black. I think black is striking…if you can wear it!
Your wonky necklace creation is everything! OMG, I love it! And those sandals! Black is my favorite anchor color for most of my outfits . I am glad that I can still wear it as I get older. My complexion is definitely changing as I age but it actually allowing me to wear more colors than I could when younger. Love this outfit, my friend!
Thanks, Shelbee! Aren’t those necklaces fabulous! I really love them separately, but together, they made up such a cool look. I really do like black and used to wear it a lot. Luckily, even though my complexion changed dramatically, black is still a color I can wear!
I am obsessed with this colorful jewelry and black dress combo! It’s one of my favorite looks on you to date!
Thank you so much, Kathrine! I am truly touched! I have to admit I really love this jewelry. It’s so colorful and can be worn with just about anything. And, who doesn’t need another LBD, right?
Thanks, again, Kathrine!
I love black with a pop of color. So simple but effective. I avoided black when I had my color analysis but I didn’t get rid of my black pieces. I now wear them with pops of my spring colors. Thanks for linking!
I am lucky to be able to wear black as I know many can’t. But, I really do prefer to wear colors most of the time. Thanks, Gail!
I love black and think there’s nothing like it. But I do agree that a pop of colour is a good look. And your sandals are lovely. Your shoe cupboard must be so big! I have very few shoes and hardly any sandals. The weather here is not as yet warm enough for them yet although we are forecast to have a couple of good days up to the end of the weekend. Summer is not quite here!
Thanks, Penny! I do have a huge closet so my shoes, boots, and sandals are pretty much visible all the time. At one time, I stored my shoes in their original boxes, but that changed when we redid our closet when we lived up north. It’s funny you mention the weather. It’s been very warm…I’ve even seen girls out in tube tops and really short shorts…today, you definitely need a light jacket!
I do love black but I know what you mean, it can be hard to pair two black pieces. Sometimes what I thought was a true black ends up being more of a blue black!
This is such a cute dress Marsha and I really like the colorful shoes and necklace.
I wish my hairdresser would have input about my color. I think I need to find a new one, I got partial highlights last week and I swear my hair is way too blonde- UGH.
Thanks, Kellyann! I was going to go with a black and white necklace, but I thought the more colorful ones were fun. I have a great stylist. She and I have too much fun!