As unbelievable as it seems, It’s the third Thursday of May already! I’m joining the other women of Ageless Style with a new style challenge! In case you’re unfamiliar with our group, one of us picks a theme. All of us then create an outfit with that theme or trend in mind. I chose the theme, May Flowers, this month. Please note, our membership has changed due to other commitments. Please welcome Cathy from My Side of 50! You can find all of our social media links below. So far this year, we have styled looks featuring Very Peri (Pantone’s color of the year), ponchos, sweatshirts, and April Showers. You can find my looks here, here, and here. I have had lots of fun checking out my closet(s) to find items to match the challenge!
Full disclosure…

I am such a dolt sometimes! I completely forgot about the theme this month and already did a post on florals (here)! And, I have to admit I did suggest April’s theme to Leslie (April Showers) so I could use May flowers as mine! Leslie is such a sweetie she agreed to my slight arm twisting! I did not, however, have a look in mind when I made the suggestion. But, that’s not a problem because my closets are packed with florals on dresses, skirts, pants, scarves…you name it, I’ve probably got a floral one!

I’m not one of those bloggers who write posts days and weeks ahead of time. I usually write at least two or three days before posting but not today! As I write this, today (Wednesday, May 18) is the seventh anniversary of the day we moved into our house. We have lived in this house for seven years. I love trees, bushes, and flowers and have always wanted a lilac bush. We have planted a few trees on our small bit of yard as well as a dwarf lilac bush. Several years ago, my oldest son gave me some iris rhizomes from his neighbor. I planted those and waited. I’ve had irises before and never had any problems. Well, those doggone things would come up every year and show such promise. Iris foliage is pretty, but the blooms are what we’re all here for, right? Last year, I finally got two blooms. This year, lots and lots of blooms and my lilac bush is finally blooming! My giant blue hostas, however, have all completely disappeared. I think our freaky winter weather was the reason for all of these things!
More flowers…

Last fall, I also harvested seeds from my marigolds. I have yet to plant them. Our weather has been so strange; I’ve been afraid to plant any seeds just yet. Nigel and I need to go to the local greenhouse-y place and get some plants for the few containers I’m going to plant. I think I’m going to plant some caladium and other flowers in my ceramic pots. I love Kathrine‘s flowering planters! When I plant containers, I use this rule: thriller, spiller, and filler. In other words, you need a large, tall plant for the centerpiece, some plants that will spill over the side of your pot, and other plants to fill in the spaces. I had never thought to use caladium as my thrillers before seeing Kathrine’s! The larger pots are not being planted this year.
Back to the theme!

As a rule, I don’t buy new clothes just for a post or challenge. I’ll be the first to admit I am an impulse shopper. If I go into a store, chances are (especially if it’s J Jill), I’m coming out with a bag! Nigel used to think going to the mall was a cheap date! It would be less expensive if he took me to a nice dinner and a movie! But, let’s not tell him! Oh, and I did break that rule I mentioned recently! But, you’ll have to wait until later this month!
Love this dress!

Recently, April Cornell had a sale because it was April’s birthday (get it…April has an April birthday?). I only ordered two things. The first I’m sharing is this gorgeous jersey dress! It has two things I love…a floral print and smocking! Actually, the Margaret Jersey dress has a third thing I love!

Check out the intricacy of the embroidery! French knots and bulliion knots as well as stem stitching abound on the bodice. There is a tie back to adjust and shape as well as on seam pockets. This dress is such a wonderfully swingy dress. I love how it moves when I walk in it. And, if you have little ones, there is a version for them! The day we shot the photos, it was chilly so I wore this pretty linen cardigan. I have several of these linen cardis and find them perfect for when you need just a light covering. Here is a cotton version.
The Lewk!

While I used a shade of blue for my cardigan, I decided to use the greens in the print for my accessories. I know I say it all of the time, but I’ve bought lots of jewelry off eBay. I haven’t done so for years so I don’t know how much prices have increased from when I bought these things. I’m sure I paid less than $20 for the earrings and two bracelets. I was on a real prasiolite kick for a bit. Prasiolite is also known as green amethyst or green quartz. My ring is Effy (similar). My sandals are Jack Rogers (similar) and are old as you can see from the wear on the heels. I can’t find this particular style anymore. These have a very small wedge heel. My only problem with them is Jack Rogers tend to be a little wide in the leather band but not the actual bottom of the sandal.
Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I recently became a Brand Ambassador for Sarah Flint shoes. You can use SARAHFLINT-BAMARSHA for $50 off your first pair. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.
Wrap it up, Marsha!

Life has a way of whopping you upside the head, doesn’t it? Just when you accept that it’s January, all of a sudden it’s the middle of May! Last week, we had temperatures approaching the 90s (32 C). Today, I’m in a sweatshirt because it’s cold and rainy! But, my irises and lilacs are perfuming the air so I’ll sit outside with a blanket and inhale extra hard! So, can we talk? What, if anything, are you planting, pruning, or plucking this year? Do you have a large yard where you can indulge your inner flower child, or are you confined to container gardening? Please leave me a comment or two so we can talk! I promise to respond as soon as possible! And, thank you to my subscribers! Let me know if there’s something about which you’d like me to write! I can’t make any promises, but I’ll certainly try!
Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m also a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). And, of course, you can now find me here on the last Friday of the month! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. Please make sure you visit! I hope you’ll join us this month for Ageless Style! and link up your favorite flower look, garden, or other post!
And, now for the good stuff!
Here are links to all of the lovely ladies in the Ageless Style collaboration. Please do visit them on their various media. Also, please join the party and click on the link below to share your favorite flower look, garden, or other post! Link up with us, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment!

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |
Bo ~ Bo’s Bodacious Blog
Blog / Instagram /Pinterest / Bloglovin’
Cathy ~ My Side of 50
Blog / Instagram/ Pinterest / Facebook
Joanna ~ My Slice of Life
Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style
Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle
Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |
Rosemary ~ Distinctly Southern Style
That’s such a sweet dress on you but I don’t really do florals or that’s what I thought(!) but I’ve just looked in my wardrobe and although I favour plain monotones and/or bright colours I do have a few floral dresses including one favourite that has big pineapples – does that count? As for flowers in the garden I had a balcony for four years so am really enjoying my little patch of garden which has three established rose bushes,. I love a cottage garden look which I wonder about is it wise as I’m south-facing so the soil is quite dry, but have planted three of my favourite flowers which are hardy geraniums that come up year after year and flower for months on end. Also foxglove which although biennial I just adore, I love lavender and rosemary too and have planted one of each that were in pots only balcony – the rosemary is a bit affronted at that but the lavender is thriving!
And I’m with you on this, I know there’s tik-tok and other media but it’s always blogging for me!
Oh, Penny! I love foxglove, too! I had several large and beautiful plants at our old house. I was devastated when they didn’t return…then, I read up and discovered they were biennials. I cannot wait to see your garden later this year. I’m sure it will be gorgeous!
I consider pineapple to be floral because I consider anything botanical to be floral…contrary, aren’t I?
I love a floral print, but I wear more the dark florals. But s floral print always gives me a Laura Ashley feel. Loved that.
Oh, I remember loving and wanting Laura Ashley so badly! Nigel did buy me a Laura Ashley scarf on a business trip he had to London one year…it had to be the ugliest thing they had in the store!!!
Oh my goodness! That dress is stunning. I’m in love with smocked dresses and tops this spring. They are so flattering. I’m wearing a smocked dress myself for the challenge.
Thanks, Amy! I loved it as soon as I saw the smocking…the soft jersey fabric was just the cherry on top! Heading over to check out your dress soon!
I love a good floral print and I hear you with the impulse buying. I am working hard to change that habit of mine and the struggle is real. So many cute things!
I have been working on the impulse buying, too! Some days, I am much more successful at it! Oh, I think you and I are soul sisters when it comes to loving all things feminine and floral, Kellyann!
Your dress reminds me of Amy’s…I just love that smocking detail Marsha!!!
And wearing florals?? Yep, I feel like it happens almost weekly for me. I never realized I had so many floral pants for instance until I came up with my idea, and then, I figured I might as well use them all, haha.
Impulse buying, what’s that?? LOL!! Although sometimes those are my favorite finds I have to admit.
Hahaha!! If I buy a patterned pant, I usually gravitate more toward geometric prints…isn’t that wild? I was born just a little too late to be a true flower child, but that’s what I am…no doubt about it!
This is a pretty dress on you! No need for sweatshirts here anymore! I have been really good this month about thrifting and only twice and I cannot wait to share some of the things I bought.
And, our humidity is back along with warmer temperatures. It has been an interesting spring! I can’t wait to see what you’ve gotten, Mireille!
I love your pretty dress! The extra little embellishments are so cute and I love details like that. I just planted a few containers of flowers this week for my front steps and have been slowly making my way through the larger flower gardens pruning, raking and trying to make them look good after the long winter. I do have one that I want to rip out and replace a few plants but I tend to stick to perennial flowering shrubs as they don’t take much care.
I like perennials best, too, and have quite a few. I use the containers for those pops of color that are there all of the time! I could not say no to this dress! Too much to love about it!
The smocking and embroidery detail is so pretty!
Thank you so much, Sally! I love it!
Marsha -thank you for your warm welcome. The smoking and embroidery on your dress is gorgeous!
Awww, thank you, Cathy! And welcome to the group!!
Your dress is so pretty! I love the smocking and the rosebud details!
Thank you, Rosemary! I really liked the idea of a jersey dress, but when I saw the smocking and the embroidery, I was sold!
I loved this dress as soon as I saw it on IG! Like you, I don’t buy clothes just to post on the blog, but sometimes it just aligns and I think this dress is perfect for you!
Thanks, Bo! I would have bought it one way or the other!!!
My iris is a couple of years old and finally has many blooms this year too! I just love seeing flowers pop up! Your periwinkle cardigan is such a gorgeous color on you! Love that dress toO!
Thank you, Laura! I had just about given up on them! They have multiplied, and now I’m wondering if I need to split them or wait another year!
Such a sweet dress! And you look fabulous in it! Just lovely. I’m still getting used to having a yard, getting familiar with what’s already planted etc. So far azaleas have bloomed, one batch of Iris bloomed and another didn’t, and the peonies are blooming. We put in a three of raised beds for vegetables and herbs, and I’ve planted 6 pots of annuals. Mine aren’t as well established as Katherine’s though.
Thanks, Michelle! The bunnies have decimated my lilies. Even my yarrow is looking a little sparse. All of the “I can always count on you guys” guys are just a little less robust this year! Oh, well!
What fun you are having discovering things coming up! At our last house, I had so many bulbs planted and hostas…then the new owners bulldoze it all over! They never even knew what they lost!
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