Are you finished with your holiday shopping? Guess who isn’t? I have a lot to buy yet and no clue for some of my people! Well, according to the calendar, December is into its third week! It’s been cool here so I’m not holding my breath for a white Christmas. Will you have one where you live? And, since today is the third Thursday of the month that means it’s time for another style challenge with my friends of Ageless Style! What is that, you ask? Ageless Style is a group of women of all ages and styles. Every month, on the third Thursday, we post our looks based upon a prompt chosen by one of us. Some months, all of us participate; some months, only a few do. Life has a way of happening, right? This month, Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style, decided on skinny jeans. My guess is she’s being contrary as everyone says they’re on their last legs (pardon the pun)! Last month, Joanne, of Slices of Life, chose layering essentials. Prior to that, we have worn what to wear for a fall occasion, back to school looks, fashion on a budget, Summer Whites, sleeveless looks, April Showers, May flowers, and many other ideas. If you’re curious, you can find some of my looks here, here, here, and here. Please do visit the other hostesses of the link party (oh, yes, there’s a link party) at their various sites!

Going to the dentist…
This post is from almost one year ago! It may or may not have been one of those posts with just a little too much information. Curious, go ahead! You can read it; I’ll wait! These leggings are some of my favorites! They are a velour, but I think J Jill called them crushed velvet. I ordered a pair this year, but they were not the same. I could live in this outfit during the winter…maybe add a tee under it when the weather’s really cold! It’s so soft and cozy!

Skinny jeans…
I am not a fan of skinny jeans! I know, I know! I should surrender my blogger’s badge right this very minute. Every blogger loves a pair of skinny jeans and rocks them with the cutest boots and booties. Every blogger but this one! I think it’s because I grew up in the 70s…the time of bell bottoms and bigger bell bottoms! Watch That 70s Show, and you’ll be reliving my youth! I swear the costume and set designers must have been my age!

Back to skinny jeans…
I have owned one pair of skinny jeans. They may or may not still be in my possession. When I was packing for the move, I purged lots of things. Those jeans may have been part of that. If not, they are buried deep in my cedar chest as a “goal” pair of jeans! I am not sure why I have such an aversion to skinny jeans because I love to wear leggings! So, that is what I am presenting to you today! I have been under the weather for a few days now and didn’t take new photos. I am showing you the many ways I have worn leggings on the blog. It’s funny because I’m wearing leggings right now, but trust me! You do not want to see me!
My very first legging post…
Don’t worry! I’m not going to share all of my legging posts! At the time of this post, I didn’t even know to tag things so I could search for them. You’ll also see I now know how to link things correctly! This post is mainly about breaking rules. It addresses the age old white after Labor Day rule, too! It also talks about the time some friends and I were discussing leggings as pants!

My favorite things…
That heading seems appropriate to the season, right? In this post, I talked about four of my favorite things. I’ll bet you can come up with at least two of them! Since that post, I have added to my collection of J Jill leggings. I swear by these pima cotton leggings! I buy them in the regular size so there’s none of that tugging and adjusting I sometimes get with other leggings!

What the cool bloggers do…
One of the things I envy other bloggers doing is tucking their jeans into their boots! I have always had thick calves and struggled with finding boots to fit. But, these boots allow me to do that! This was the inaugural Songful Style post. I really liked this look though I probably wouldn’t wear it in public! While I love wearing leggings, I do feel most comfortable if the top covers my bum! This sweatshirt barely did that! Oops, I just went back and reread the post! I am not wearing tights! I was wearing hose! But, it’s still a cool post so I’m leaving it (because it’s my blog, right)!

How about this one…
This is from a Style Imitating Art challenge. I love these because they force me to look at my clothing in different ways, to think outside the box! And, most of the time, I really like what comes out of the closet! This was a Rembrandt painting, and I loved the addition of Nigel’s hat! That started me on the search for more hats! The leggings are from J Jill and are the same as the ones from the dentist post!

Another I might not wear…
I had a really hard time trying to find this post! I could find the photos, but I had no idea what it was about! But, I persevered and finally found it! I’m wearing another pair of the pima leggings from J Jill with a long shirt and a cute sweater. But, there’s just not enough coverage for the bum with this one either! I remember feeling self-conscious even on the porch!

The last one…
In this post, I actually was wearing workout tights from Old Navy as leggings! Well, they really are leggings, aren’t they? Jodie had challenged me to wear colorful tights, but I couldn’t find any. So, I pulled out some workout tights! What do you think?

The Lewk!
I’m not sharing any particular lewks here today! If you click through the links for each post, you can find the different shoes, boots, and accessories!
Wrap it up, Marsha!
Honestly, I could have shared so many more posts! Apparently, I have a love affair with leggings while I rather dislike skinny jeans! I also know some of that has to do with how I feel about my current body! The other day, I was at the mall in an outfit I thought was rather cute…wearing my obi belt, leggings, and combat boots. I happened to see two women glance at each other and smirk. I immediately assumed they were smirking about me (I honestly don’t think I was wrong). It kind of ruined the whole day for me. So, even though I usually feel confident in mixing and matching prints, thinking outside the box sartorially, one little glance can return me to that insecure person still lurking inside. And, I also know I shouldn’t give two inconsequential strangers such power, but there you are! So, can we talk? How do you feel about the current trend in jeans? Will you give up your skinny jeans? Or, are you like me and don’t really like them? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as soon as I can!

Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!
I am so very appreciative of each and every one of you! I thank you for commenting, subscribing, emailing, or following me on Instagram. If you’d like to follow me on Instagram (I’d really, really appreciate that), you can find me here. Instagram seems to be the place to be these days!

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and I do deClaire and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Friday Print Mixing on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
And, now it’s your turn!
Please link up your favorite skinny jeans/skinny pants/leggings posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Here are links to all of the lovely ladies in the Ageless Style collaboration. Please do visit them on their various media. Link up with us, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you! Not all of the ladies are joining this month, but I’m sharing their social media links with you just the same!

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |
Bo ~ Bo’s Bodacious Blog
Blog / Instagram /Pinterest / Bloglovin’
Cathy ~ My Side of 50
Blog / Instagram/ Pinterest / Facebook
Joanne ~ My Slice of Life
Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie ~ Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |
Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle
Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |
Rosemary ~ Distinctly Southern Style
Here’s another girl that does not like, and does not own, skinny jeans Marsha! Never liked them. I do like leggings though, under a dress. Or for a cozy evening at home. It’s white with frost here, no snow, but it will be a bit warmer over the weekend, luckely.
Yay, Nancy!!! I’m not sure why I feel the way unless it’s that leggings are so much more comfortable than skinny jeans! Enjoy your weather, my friend!
Oh gosh Marsha we’ll have to disagree as I adore skinny jeans and find anything wider just looks baggy and (hate to use the word) a bit frumpy on me. I also wear leggings, not on their own or with a tunic but under long skirts and long dresses as winter layering.
You look really good in your leggings so I think you’d look good in skinnies, which, btw I think will never go out of fashion as they are so flattering to a woman’s shape.
And btw hopefully that smirk wasn’t for you but if it was ignore. Personally that would make me want to dress in a way more over the top outfit than before!! Always, always I say wear exactly what you want and never mind anyone else!! We wear what we want should be the mantra of us all. I’ll get off my soap box now and stop! Have a lovely day ? Xxx
I love it when you’re on your soap box, Penny! I usually do just that and wear what I want. Those two just happened to catch me at a low moment, I guess!
As for skinny jeans, you look fabulous in them. I guess I just haven’t found a pair that I feel suits me! And, I just love the jeans from the 70s, too! Though, to be sure, I don’t have the body I did then!!
Thanks so much, Penny!
I understand your preference for not wearing skinny jeans. You are so right. Regardless of the trends, we must stay true to ourselves and our body types! You look great wearing your leggings.
Thank you so much, Rosemary! I am sure others wouldn’t see much difference between leggings and skinny jeans, but I would know it! You are so right…we need to stay true to ourselves!
I think all of these skinny legging looks are so fabulous! My fave is the button down/sweater look. I totally understand your reasons why you don’t gravitate to them. Who doesn’t love a fun pair of bell bottoms?
Thanks, Kathrine! That is one of my favorite looks, too! I think it’s the color of the sweater and the subtle pattern in it! How I wish I had kept a pair or two or three of my jeans from high school! I could probably sell them and make a fortune!
Oh Marsha! I am so sorry that those women were unkind to you. Even though we all know the opinions of others shouldn’t matter, they hurt. I wish I had been there, I would have said something to them like, “oh, are you admiring my friend’s outfit?”
Leggings are way more comfortable than skinny jeans in my opinion. I think both with always have a place in fashion but I prefer a flare leg. They are the most flattering!
Oh, Kellyann! I’m betting you would have!!! It was in the store where you bought those wonderful jeans! Luckily, they were leaving as I was just getting there. But, it did cast a damper on the day.
I just really love leggings and their comfort. And, yes, I love a good flare leg because they’re about the closest I’m going to come to the jeans of my beloved 70s!
Thanks so much!!
I’m so sorry those women were so catty to you. I’m still a fan of skinny jeans but typically only wear them now with tall boots. I’ve been wearing leggings a lot this fall and love all of this inspiration! All of your outfits are fabulous!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I think I may have been a little more emotional than usual because I was coming down with this nasty bug! But, I am moving on and granting myself (and them) some grace!
Leggings are a great alternative to skinny jeans, and all your outfits look fabulous. I’m sorry about those rude ladies at the mall. I live in an area where everyone dresses the same, so if anyone dresses different they stand out. I’m used to getting attention for my clothes, but I don’t want to dress like all the other “townies” so I don’t care.
Thanks, Amy. I didn’t think about it that way. I do dress differently than lots of people around here. So, I’m going to go with that one! And, I do love leggings…so comfortable and warm in the winter!
First I ADORE that you wore workout leggings. I mean, no one knows they are workout leggings except you and they are fabulous.
But it would be an interesting analysis of why you don’t like skinnies when you wear and love leggings. To me they are so similar if not interchangeable at times.
Maybe you should just call them denim leggings, haha!!
As for those two women. They were probably frumpy, and you were reenacting one of my favorite quotes: Better to be a lion for a day, than a sheep all your life!
Love how you put this post together Marsha,
Hahaha!!! Denim leggings…aren’t those jeggings? I think my problem is the comfort level of skinny jeans. They aren’t as stretchy as leggings, right?
You know, now that I think about it, they were dressed rather nondescriptly. But, it still kinda ruined the day for me.
Thanks, Jodie! I’ll be a lion tomorrow…my voice certainly is deep enough with this bug I’ve got!
All of these outfits would work with skinny jeans! I love all of the tops you have chosen: lots of textures and pretty colors.
Thanks, Mireille! I know they would work, but I just don’t like skinny jeans. Maybe, someday I’ll give them another shot!!
Unless it warms up significantly we will be having a mostly white Christmas (we have a few bare spots where the sun has melted the snow but we had flurries again today. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been under the weather! I love all types of jeans (though I still struggle with style wide-leg jeans) so I can’t imagine getting rid of my skinny jeans any time soon but I am certainly adding in flares, boot leg and all the other cuts that are finally making a comeback.
Oh, lucky you! I can’t remember the last time we had a white Christmas. There have been years we’ve had substantial snowfall a couple weeks before, and then the weather warmed up.
You look fabulous in skinny jeans…you have the right shape for them! I struggle with the wide legs, too, because I keep thinking they’re like the bell bottoms in the meme I shared!
This bug can leave any day now! It has progressed from coughing to sneezing…I don’t know which is worse!
Thanks so much for coming by!
I am a fan of skinny jeans, though I am enjoying the variety of jeans that are in style right now – all of them are, I think, though some are trendier than others. The “grandmas” in their bell bottoms and center part hair cracked me up. I like the variety of ways you have styled leggings! Like you, I am pretty strict about only liking to wear them with a longer top or topper layer (or under a skirt/dress as heavier tights, as I’m doing today).
As for the smirky women at the mall…why is that some people never outgrow their Mean Girls junior high phase? That kind of immaturity and unkindness is ridiculous in grown women (and honestly, a lot/most kids do better than that). But I totally hear you that these types of interactions can get us down, even though we tell ourselves the opinions of strangers don’t matter. I think it’s very natural to feel bad when being on the receiving end of cruelty, even when it’s random and undeserved. I would bet your outfit was just as marvelous as you thought it was, but some people can’t tolerate individuality or anything outside their own personal comfort zone and are eager to act like jerks in public, which is just sad.
Oh, thank you so much, Sally! You have no idea how much your comments mean to me. I was just starting to come down with this bug so I may have been a bit emotional. But, you may be right that “people can’t tolerate individuality” and I was just there ready for them to do their smirking! You are so very sweet!
As for skinny jeans, I just feel like they don’t work on my body even though I have no problems with leggings. I’m just weird that way, I guess! I’ll have to give them a try again some day!
I think you are fabulous and I strongly believe that anyone who has negative thoughts or words about someone else it is because of the negativity they feel about themselves. I pity them. And I think you look beautiful in your leggings or whatever you choose to wear because you wear it with confidence!
Laura, you are such a kind and beautiful soul! Thank you for these words! I am going to continue to work on that confidence and wear what I want!!! Thanks again!
You and I share a love of leggings! I live in them. And occasionally jeggings, which I think of as a thicker legging. I have some jeans. They need to be hemmed. But honestly, I have no compulsion to wear them, so they don’t get hemmed. LOL! As for the two women in the mall? They are just jealous because they don’t have your courage to try new styles. Eff them.
Thanks, Michelle! I’m going to keep pushing my comfort zone and wearing all the combat boots!!! And, I have a couple of pairs of jeans that need hemmed, too. I think I’m just gonna whack ’em off! I love my leggings, but it’s been a bit cold so I’ve been wearing more jeans. But, today, I actually wore leggings under leggings!!!
Thanks, again!!
I can relate to the way those catty women made you feel. Have had the same thing happen to me. I think the last time was when I wore distressed denim to the mall. The looks I drew made me want to crawl under the covers and burn my distressed denim. Would like to think I am above passing judgement but have been guilty of doing that, too, at times. Women can be just awful to each other. And then again, they can be quite lovely.
All of your leggings looks are so cute. But my favorite is the last one. Love the flirty top, and the peep toe booties with your leggings. Very fun and very sassy. I have 2 pair of leggings but always feel insecure about wearing them. They are so comfortable, though. And easy to wear. I need to get over myself and wear them more often.
Oh, Leslie…birds of a feather! I am just as guilty of judging others though I keep those thoughts to myself and actually chastise myself about it! I’m trying to get it out there that we all look good if we think we look good so shame on me when I have those unkind thoughts! And, I totally relate to the distressed denim thing…I’m sure others are thinking, “What is that old lady trying to do?” I often think of this kid my little brother when to school with. His mom was a cocktail waitress and always wore lots of makeup. I thought she was so loud and garish (I’m sure my mom and her friends influenced that idea). Now, I wonder if she was just living her best life…she was probably in her late 20s when I was thinking she was too old to dress like that! Toni…please forgive me!!! Anyway, yes, we women are so terrible to each other at times. Luckily, we have the better times to fall back on!
Thank you, my darling friend! I do love my leggings! I just make sure me bum’s covered and go! You’ve got gorgeous legs, girl! Wear those leggings with pride!!!!
What a fun post Marsha! Well all my jeans are skinny jeans. I do feel they look more flattering on me then other styles. And I love how they look with boots or shoes versus other jeans. But my skinny jeans have to be high waisted! It sucks and tucks what I do not want others to see. Now if I had my choice between wearing leggings or skinny jeans, leggings would always win! Love Love Love leggings (high waisted too). practically live in them all fall and winter. I even miss them in the summer when it is to warm. They are so comfortable! Plus I am either painting furniture, on the floor with my kids or mixed up in some DIY and they just work out perfectly. I can pair up with a sweatshirt or dress with up with a skirt or a cute longer sweater too. The funny party is I only like black leggings for the most part. I find black goes with everything. I have some other colors but it is never my go to.
I love all your pictures in leggings. Such beautiful outfits. I hope you feel better my friend. Enjoy your weekend and have a Merry Christmas.
Thanks, Meagan! I think the best jeans are the ones we feel most comfortable in! And, leggings are perfect for running around after kiddos, cleaning up, whatever! It’s funny, but I only have one or two pairs of black leggings. I think, when I started buying them, I was looking for colors. I recently finally added a pair of black ones!
Have a fabulous Christmas if I don’t talk to you sooner!
I absolutely adore all of your leggings outfits! I have been living in leggings lately and have quite shunned jeans altogether recently! I find denim to be rather uncomfortable although I am still holding onto my denim collection for a while longer in case I change my fickle mind again!
Well, you have a couple of things to choose from, I’m sure…hahaha!!! I love leggings because they’re just so doggone comfortable!
Thanks, Shelbee!
I think I like skinny jeans some of the time – it depends on what else I am wearing, and what shoes. I didn’t realize until now that I had so many self-imposed rules about my jeans! Lol.
And your story about shopping.
I am sure you looked fantastic! Combat boots are the bomb! (Do people still say that?)
Oh, I think shoes definitely make or break the outfit! Maybe that’s one of my problems! I don’t have good shoes for skinny jeans!!
Thanks, Erin, for your support! I’m not sure if things are still the bomb or not…
I love me some leggings but don’t wear them much anymore because it’s hard to come by tunics over here anymore and for the past few years. I too enjoy wearing them to keep warm, especially in the winter, and I love them paired with a dress. Those velvet leggings are totally on trend for the holiday season. I do hope by the time you are reading this, that you are feeling better. One week before Christmas! Yikes!
Thanks, Bo! Tunics seem to not be a thing as much anymore which is too bad because they are perfect for me! Some of them I can even wear as dresses! I am definitely feeling better! How are you doing on your Christmas shopping? I’m not near done!
I like your leggings outfits! I’m a fan of black leggings with short dresses or cute tunic tops, I think it’s a soft, comfy outfit and still looks nice. (Sometimes leggings with oversize tops can look like I went out in my pajamas, lol)
Thanks, Meg! You are right about them feeling like pajamas, but as long as it’s only a feeling, right? Welcome to my blog!
You look fab in all your leggings and even your hose thinking your wearing leggings, after all it is so hard to tell. The legging keep you young and I personally love how comfortable they are. I have worn hose as leggings myself when I hike in the bush because hose has feet and legging don’t. Hose protects me from tick and chigger bites which can make you ill. I try to make sure that the top I am wearing is long enough to cover my butt. Thanks for letting me comment on your blog sharing your leggings with us.
Thanks so much, Jamie! I am with you…I always want my top to cover my butt when I’m wearing leggings! And, great idea about wearing hose as protection against ticks!