I’m not sure about you, but it seems like we were just celebrating Memorial Day! Yet, here we are almost at the end of the month! That means tomorrow is the third Thursday of July. That also means it’s time for a new style challenge with the ladies of Ageless Style. Each month, one of us picks a theme, and those of us who are able create an outfit with that theme or trend in mind. Rosemary (Distinctly Southern Style) chose Summer Whites for this month! Some of our themes have included going sleeveless, April Showers, May Flowers, ponchos, sweatshirts, Very Peri, holiday, and booties! We are also welcoming Leslie (Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After) back after a short hiatus! If you’re curious, you can find some of my looks here, here, here, here, and here. Luckily, I’m always able to find something in my closet to meet the challenge!

So, white…
I have always thought I could wear white. I still think I can, but I wonder sometimes. Try googling color analysis! You will get millions (probably more than that, but I’m not mathing today) of results. It appears color analysis is back in style as people are trying to figure out if they’re warm or cool, spring or fall, winter or summer. I don’t really know what I am…confuzzled, I think! I can be easily convinced I’m one thing only to find out I’m another! But, white…well, white is theoretically not a color. It is the “sum of all colors” while black is the absence of color (source). And, as usual, I digress…

Interestingly, my daughter just had her colors “done”. I need to preface this with saying my daughter and I do not share coloring. Like not at all! She is a fair blue eyed blonde. I have green eyes and always had brown hair. She has a few freckles whilst I have lots. We both tan easily, though. As she was going through the process of color analysis, she would come over and grab things to snap a photo and send off to the person with whom she was working. We were both surprised at some of the findings. I always tried to dress her in pastel blues thinking that would draw out the color of her eyes. Nope…pale blue just washes her out! Her instincts have always been to wear bright neon colors which I personally dislike! Her instincts were correct! My daughter is definitely a left brained person…logical to her very core (she’s her dad in so many ways). So, color analysis made sense for her (and made her very happy, too). I’m still seesawing on whether or not I want to commit!

I have learned, more through trial and error than anything else, what works for me. I think I can wear white so I do! I also think I can wear ivory. But, what do I know!!! Seriously, I wear both and feel like both work with my skin tone and hair. I did notice, when I decided to embrace my grey hair, I needed more jewel tones and deeper colors rather than pastels. Maybe that’s a hint as to my correct color season! I’ll be honest and say the biggest fear I have about being color analyzed is money. I’m pretty sure I have invested thousands in my clothing over the years (some of my clothes’ ages can be measured in decades). I’d hate to find out most of it was wrong for me! I’ll just continue to wear those wrong colors and feel like I look fine!

Summer whites…
Summer just seems like the time to wear whites, doesn’t it? The non-color is light and bright…seems perfect for summertime soirees, visits, and lolling the day away. I even wrote a post about that rule…you know the one about Labor Day! You can read it here; I’ve since learned how to link things! I know retailers buy into that whole white is for spring and summer. Try to find a pair of white pants later in the year. I’ll bet they’re winter white! And, that’s ok because you, like me, probably have plenty of white pants in your closet! And, I have started wearing my white jeans after Labor Day so I guess I’m a rule breaker yet again!

Linen for the win…
Today, I’m wearing a linen duster from J Jill. I bought this in almost every color they had! They are the perfect cover up whether you’re wearing a dress, jeans, or even shorts! Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have one this year. The top is also J Jill. It’s a Wearever layering tank. I have several of these, too. These tops will be a workhorse in your closet. Mine is a bit snug this summer so don’t go by that! The pants are old, linen, and from Old Navy. I happen to have these in a multitude of colors, too! I’m nothing if not a creature of habit!

The Lewk!

I decided to continue the Summer Whites theme with my shoes and jewelry, all of which are old. The necklace is Stella & Dot. The earrings are Kendra Scott. The sandals are Jack Rogers in silver. The ring is a just because gift from Nigel many, many years ago. Again, I’m not providing links to Poshmark or eBay for these items because I cannot guarantee the authenticity of the item. Speaking of just because gifts, my daughter-in-law read one of my posts where I’d captioned a photo about my welcome mats being packed. That sweet girl went out and bought me a new one. Look for it soon on the blog! She’s definitely been a blessing to our family and my life! Love ya, Steph!
Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I recently became a Brand Ambassador for Sarah Flint shoes. You can use SARAHFLINT-BAMARSHA for $50 off your first pair. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Wrap it up, Marsha!
While I like the look of this outfit, I’m not loving it this summer. Those pesky ell bees just refuse to leave. After the stress of the move, I hope to really knuckle down and work out and off those little suckers! So, can we talk? Have you had your colors analyzed? Are you a winter, a summer, a fall, or a spring? Or, are you like me and a little hesitant to find out your clothes don’t really suit you? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise I will get back to you as soon as I can!

Thank you!
A very special thank you goes out to all of my subscribers! I do appreciate your support and comments. If you’d like, you can also follow me on Instagram here. Thank you also to those of you who are spreading the word about my blog! I am very grateful!

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also co-host Final Friday Print Mixing with Michelle on the last Friday of the month. I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties! Boy, that’s a lot of co-hosting!

And, now it’s your turn!
Here are links to all of the lovely ladies in the Ageless Style collaboration. Please do visit them on their various media. Also, please join the party and click on the link below to share your favorite Summer Whites look, gardening, cooking, crafting, or any other post! Link up with us, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two!

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |
Bo ~ Bo’s Bodacious Blog
Blog / Instagram /Pinterest / Bloglovin’
Cathy ~ My Side of 50
Blog / Instagram/ Pinterest / Facebook
Joanna ~ My Slice of Life
Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie ~ Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |
Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle
Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |
Rosemary ~ Distinctly Southern Style
I love an all white look. You look fantastic! As you know, I’ve been color analysed and re- rated. It means that brilliant white is not as good on me as soft white or shades of cream. But in summer with a light tan everyone can wear a form of white.
Thanks, Gail! I kept thinking of you as I was writing this post. I would like to have my colors done, but I hesitate because I’d hate to find out my favorites were not good on me!!! But, your analysis is definitely working wonderfully for you! You always look stunning!
You look fabulous in all white! This outfit does scream summer to me and I love it. I have never had my colors done but know that white does not usually look good on me.. even my wedding dress was not a bright white for that reason. I can usually get away with it in summer when I am a bit more tan but I tend to stick with white bottoms and bright colored tops.
Thanks, Joanne! When my daughter was shopping for her wedding dress, the consultant told her most brides choose a slightly off white color because it photographs better! You look fabulous in that blue top so you are on the right track!!
You look amazing in white! Your hair color pops for sure. Love the linen cardi! Thanks so much for the link up Marsha!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I will take that compliment and run with it! I do hope J Jill does these cardigans again next year!
You are wonderful in white! I adore this chic summer look on you!
Oh, thank you so much, Laura! I just never know for sure if a color is right for me or not. But, I’ve always felt good in white so I wear it!
You look so cool and chic in all your summer white! I love your linen cardigan. A perfect summer coverup.
You look so cool and chic in all your summer white! I love your linen cardigan. A perfect summer coverup.
Thanks so much, Rosemary! I’m telling you these linen cardigans are wonderful. Hopefully, J Jill brings them back next year! The best thing about J Jill is they usually keep their colors the same. I mean, their navy almost always matches from year to year! Thanks for such a fabulous prompt!
Sometimes you just have to go with what you like and those color analyses be darned. I mean, it’s all about the focus for an outfit, so you get to choose what that can be.
The monochromatic white look is one of the few ways I like to do monochromatic, so this is fabulous Marsha,
Thanks, Jodie! In my head, I think I’d like to do a color analysis…partly just to see if my instincts have been right. The other part of me (the one that governs the wallet) thinks, “Oh, no way!” I have to admit I don’t often do a monochromatic look, but this one seemed the est way to do this challenge.
Yours is my favorite look today! I love an all white monochromatic look and you put this one together wonderfully! Now I want this exact outfit =)! The duster is pretty awesome and so versatile.
Thank you so much, Mireille! That is a huge compliment! I rarely wear a monochromatic look because I have so many options in my closet. But, I thought this worked best for the prompt!
I think this is a great outfit and I love the options that you created by adding a light cardigan, making warming up or stripping down, depending on the heat, an option. As for the color analyst, I can see why people might be interested and it might be a good place to begin but for me I go with what feels good to me. There are certain colors that I never gravitate to but there are also colors I do, like yellow, but seldom work for me, but I try them anyway and then rediscover NO not going to work. LOL! Anyway, you look great and enjoy the weekend ahead.
Thanks, Bo! I do like wearing white, but I’m such a slob it usually doesn’t stay that way for long! I know exactly what you mean, Bo! I will buy something because I love the color and then later realize it is totally the wrong thing! I hope your weekend is fabulous!!!
I hear you on wearing what you like and not worrying to much about your color season. I haven’t made that commitment yet either and just continue experimenting. I think this all white look is fantastic on you and really gives you hair a glow! I think the softer whites work best for me (the cardigan you are wearing has that somewhat sheer look that gives is a soft look).
Thank you so much, Sally! I can sometimes convince myself (well, actually more than sometimes) a color or an item of clothing looks good on me even when it doesn’t. It’s nice to read that someone agrees with me!
This look should be your summer uniform. You look just gorgeous. You have the best hair and such pretty coloring. Didn’t realize you have green eyes – both of my daughters have green eyes and I have blue. Funny how you dressed your daughter in blues. I avoid them with my blue eyes. They tend to enhance my eye color but I feel funny about that. Yeah, I am a weirdo!!
I commented on Jodie’s post that sometimes sheer or gauzy fabric can be more alluring and sexier than bare skin. You couldn’t look more elegant in a super seductive way!! I bet Nigel was a very happy man snapping these photos and admiring his beautiful wife.
Leslie, you are continuing to make me blush!!! Nigel seems to really enjoy being my photographer and often asks if we’re doing a photoshoot!!! I have very green eyes, but they don’t always look that way I guess. One time, a makeup sales person thought they were blue! Yeah, I thought my daughter would look good in pastel blues given her blonde hair! I think she discovered cobalt blue is the best blue for her.
Thanks, my friend!!
Oh, your outfit looks so cool and comfy. I love the gold sandals with it too.
Thanks so much, Amy!
This is a great outfit on you! Now I am a little curious about my “colors”. Lol. I always want to wear white, then put it on, and look awful. Maybe it really is not for me! You look fantastic in white!
Thanks, Erin! I think we just have to give things a try and see what happens! I can convince myself I look good in a color only to finally realize I don’t! Have a fabulous weekend!
I do love you in white so it must be right! Very cool! It does suit you so well. I haven’t had my colours done so I think we can both get along without shelling out all that dosh! I think it’s quite good to get out of one’s comfort zone and try different colours. Have a great weekend
Thank so much, Penny! Apparently, judging from others’ comments, white is good on me! So, I’ll keep wearing it! I do hope your weekend is cooler and quite wonderful!
I had my “colours done” back in the 80s with “Colour Me Beautiful” and was told I was a spring. I have always loved autumn colours (I have green eyes/brown hair) so was disappointed I “couldn’t” wear my favourite colours.
Years later, I firmly believe that if you like a colour, you should wear it. Wear the colours you love and you will look great. Don’t spend the money on an analysis (especially if money is tight!). Wear what you love.
Speaking of LOVE, LOVE this all-white outfit! Rock on, Marsha!
Thanks so much, Sheila! Like I wrote, I wasn’t sure if white was ok on me or not, but I guess it is! Oh, I remember “Colour Me Beautiful” and knew a few women who did it. I’ve just gone with what I like, too! If it didn’t work, I’d eventually figure it out!
I remember when color analysis was a big “thing” in the 80s, my sorority even had someone come in and do a class for us. I was a hot mess, with bleached hair. The color of my over processed hair kept me from fitting easily into one season. I probably should do it again because I do believe that some colors just look better on us than others but I also believe there is a tone of each color that will work for each of us. How’s that for a run on sentence?
All white is so chic and classic and I love the way you’ve combined these pieces!
Hahaha! Oh, I am the queen of run on sentences, Kellyann! No judgement ever! I think you’re right…it’s the tone of the color that we need to worry about. We could all probably profit from some level of color analysis. The question is do we/I want to pay for it, right? Thanks so much for coming by!
This is a fabulous look on you, Marsha! I think you can definitely wear white. Such a cool, crisp look. I keep vacillating on color analysis too. I know I look good in blue, green, and purple, but then there are colors for which I’m unsure, but I like them anyway. I don’t think I want to deprive myself of colors I like just because they aren’t the absolute best.
Thanks, Michelle! You know how you can sometimes convince yourself you’re a unicorn when you’re really just a donkey…yeah, that’s how I am with colors! But, it’s good to know others think I can wear white, too! I think color analysis is a nifty tool, but I also think we sometimes just know when a color is right. You could always use your quilt scraps and look in a mirror to see if a color suits you or not…just a suggestion!
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