Are you a rebel?

Rule breaker maybe?

I call this my “Magicians” pose!

There are so many fashion rules out there. I have to admit there is one I usually abide by…the no white pants after Labor Day. Of course, I had to see why this rule came about. The overriding reason appears to be one of class. Following the Civil War, the upper class wanted to maintain their socially elite status. In order to keep the nouveau riche in their places, the upper class came up with lots of different rules. One year, it might be sleeve length on evening gowns. Another year, the colors of gowns might be the dividing line. Another rule that seems to have been born during this time was the wearing of white. The upper class would leave the hot and sweltering cities during the summers. Summer meant wearing light (color as well as weight) clothing. When summer was over, it was time to put those clothes away. And, once Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894, it marked the end of summer for most. The working class wouldn’t have had access to an unlimited wardrobe so wearing one color for a specific season just wouldn’t have been an option.

More hairography!

I don’t wear white shoes because I just don’t like the look. I loved my white go go boots back in the 60’s, and I’m pretty sure I had white shoes for Easters. But, the last pair of white shoes I wore were the white sandals for my wedding. My dress was ivory, and to make matters worse, I wore coffee bean hose (anyone remember that color…coffee bean)! When my dress was altered, the front hem was too short (in my eyes), and those dark brown hose peek out from under my dress…cringe! So, not wearing white shoes isn’t a big deal for me. But, white pants? I just can’t wear them. It’s too deeply ingrained in me! I just remember my mom putting her white pants away for the season, and I’ve always followed that rule.

Trust me, these are comfy sandals!

Are leggings pants?

One time, I asked some good friends if they considered leggings pants. This was way before the athleisure movement. We had a pretty spirited discussion with feelings being hurt. One woman firmly believed leggings were meant for the gym or, maybe, at home. They were definitely not for going out and about. When I asked the question, I was truthfully curious about whether or not leggings were pants. Now, all these years later, it seems such a silly question. Of course, leggings are pants. How you wear them? That’s where the conversations should begin. I love leggings of this kind to wear under tunics or long shirts. For myself, I wear leggings only if my derriere is going to be covered. That’s not to say I haven’t visited Home Depot or even the grocery store in workout gear. I have, not gonna lie!

Oh, I am so fierce!!

So, being the rule follower I am (occasionally), I won’t wear white pants after Labor Day. But, I will wear white leggings after Labor Day! I know, I know. I’m directly contradicting what I just said. I can’t explain it, but I feel like these are just not quite the same as white jeans or dress pants. You know, now that I think about it, I also wear my white LINEN pants after Labor Day! So, it must be that I just won’t wear white jeans after Labor Day. Call me crazy…go ahead, call me crazy! I won’t mind.

Oh, I was having a good hair day! Look at that! One would think I have lots of hair. One would be wrong!

I really like these white leggings for a few reasons. The first is the embroidery on the sides. It’s white on white so it’s very subtle. They’re cotton which means they’re very comfortable and breathable. And, they’re from April Cornell! I have these leggings in black with black embroidery as well as a few colorful pairs with even more colorful embroidery. I was worried when I bought the first pair they would be too long, but they seem to work just fine!

The Lewk

I have got to get some better poses!

Everything I’m wearing here is old. I shopped my closets to pull it together. Both the tunic and the leggings are from…oh, you know what I’m going to say…April Cornell! Oh, my white leggings are on sale! I wear a small so these are generously sized. But, I also think you could size up and be ok. Here they are in a sunwashed charcoal color. Wouldn’t these work with so many things? My exact tunic isn’t available, but here is another that would work. Just a note on sizing. I personally think April’s clothing runs a little narrow in the shoulders, but with both the tunic I’m wearing and the one I’ve linked, there’s that inverted pleat in the back that allows a little give. I do have the Viola Rose tunic (don’t you love it when items have names?) in a small and wear it with jeans and fuchsia leggings. My sandals are an old pair of Jambu sandals. The jewelry has also appeared on the blog before with the exception of the leather cuff. I picked this up at a cute little boutique in San Antonio. It’s a recycled leather belt! My husband had the artist sign the inside of it for me.

Another back view of that inverted pleat…allows plenty of ease
These sandals are so comfy!

Wrap it up, Marsha!

So, lots of contradictions in this post, right? I try not to let so-called fashion rules make clothing decisions for me. But, some are just so tough except when they’re not. I won’t wear white jeans after Labor Day, but I will wear white leggings or white linen pants. I guess that’s my rebellious nature! Are there any fashion rules you break on a regular basis? Are there any you just can’t bring yourself to break? Let’s have a conversation! Leave a comment or two, and I promise I’ll reply. I didn’t realize I needed a special widget or plugin or whatever to allow you to receive notifications that I’ve responded! For that, I plead ignorance! I’m hoping I’ve gotten that fixed now. If you like what I’ve got to say and you haven’t already subscribed, won’t you please consider doing so? I’m so appreciative of those who have subscribed as well as those who are commenting! But, if you’re like the old me and don’t think it’s necessary, I’m cool with that, too! Thanks for visiting!


  1. I am soooo a slave to the white after Labor Day rule. Jodie is trying to break me if the habit. Love your tunic Marsha, I wish it was still available.

    • Hahaha! Jodie does love color, doesn’t she? I honestly don’t even wear that much white during the summer, so it’s not that difficult for me to give up. Living in Arizona might make me change my ways, though! Lesley, I’m sure you could find another tunic just like it on April’s website. I can vouch for the quality. I’ve got dresses that are going into their third decade and still look brand new!

      Thanks for stopping by, Lesley!

  2. I think it’s really good to analyze the “rules” as you did. Because when it comes right down to it, they don’t always make sense for our day and age.
    Just like the hair styles were different back then, the rules should be updated too…and in my mind they are. I’ve thrown them away, haha!!
    I happen to LOVE white especially in winter because it lightens up the darker colors we tend to wear.

    • So many things don’t make sense in this world…lots of ways to take that one, right?

      Oh, I am struggling right now with hairstyles. My husband loves my hair the way it is now. I’m getting tired of the little baby fine flyaways sticking on my face! And, at times, I ask myself if I’m too old for this hairstyle. Unfortunately, my daughter just says it’s my hair, do with it what I want. I know that! I just want to know if it ages me. My hairstylist has fabulous hair so she can’t really relate to this thin fine hair!

      I love the dark colors! I’m gonna say it’s because I’m a dark and moody girl! But, I do find with the shift in my coloring and my hair color, I find the lighter colors have a tendency to wash me out. And, I know I could wear lighter colors away from my face, but then I feel like that emphasizes my well endowed lower half! I think it really boils down to wearing what we love and what makes us feel fabulous!

      Thanks, Jodie, for coming by!

  3. I used to follow the rule of no white before Memorial Day or after Labor Day, but I no longer do. When I lived in western Oregon it was maybe still hot the first week of September but after that mornings quickly became crisp so it seemed reasonable to switch from lightweight, white clothes. The shoe part felt arbitrary but I prided myself on having learned and followed the convention (not my mom’s cup of tea to subscribe to such things). When I moved to Sacramento the rule seemed much more arbitary, especially since hot weather could start sooner than the end of May, but I stuck with it for years. Trying to remember when I switched– more than 5 and less than 10 years ago? Between hitting my 40’s and fashion becoming less monolithic, I realized I did not care about the rule anymore. Although, if I was meeting my childhood bestie, from a very proper family, for lunch on September 15, I’d probably still skip wearing white, lol.

    • It is funny how these habits become ingrained in us. I don’t know why I don’t like white shoes. I guess maybe it’s the starkness of them against whatever…I also have big feet for as short as I am. I wore a woman’s size 8 when I was 9. My dad always joked that if I caught a cold in my feet, it would cost a fortune to cure it! So, maybe white shoes just seemed to overaccentuate my feet (in my head anyway)? And, wearing white pants has never been a fashion staple for me (they just show all the bumps and lumps, right) so I don’t tend to wear white pants regularly anyway. Lunch with your childhood bestie and not wearing white makes me chuckle! My childhood bestie probably isn’t even aware of the no white after Labor Day thing! Thanks for coming by!

  4. I definitely wear my white jeans throughout the year and mostly any months but summer! I will be featuring a pair soon for a date night look: just got to get some pictures taken! I also enjoy my capri white leggings (with tunics) but haven’t worn them as much lately.

    • I love it…you wear them months not including summer! I’m guessing that’s because it’s so hot? I haven’t really ever been a big white jeans person. I think it’s because my legs tend to be thicker, and white just shows all of those bumps!

      Loved your look with the April Cornell pants! Aren’t they fun? Now, I’ve got to try them with a jean jacket…when it cools down!

  5. How nice to meet your blog, via Mireille. I don’t wear white at all, lol. But I hate fashion rules.

    • It’s nice to meet you, too! I don’t wear much white either. If I do, it’s a graphic tee or tank underneath something else. I hadn’t really noticed that about myself…hahaha! I have read your blog for a long time and love how you hate the fashion rules! Thanks so much for coming by!

  6. That’s a beautiful tunic on you and this is how I wear leggings too – under tunics or dresses. I never wear them on their own as pants, I like my butt to be covered, haha!
    We don’t have your labour day here at the end of summer so I think it’s a strange rule (although interesting to hear the history behind it) and that you should wear whatever you want 🙂

    Hope you are having a great weekend 🙂 We went to Australia Zoo yesterday, so much fun 🙂

    • Where I grew up, we had the best zoo! It is the Fort Wayne’s Children’s Zoo, and it is amazing! We didn’t always have the money to take our kids, but we would go to a little park near there to watch the ducks.

      It is definitely a strange rule and makes sense (if true) that the upper class would put their whites away at the end of the summer. This was before global warming when it probably was a bit cooler then, too.

      Thank you! I love tunics. April Cornell tunics are just that hair too short (for me) to wear as a dress though I do sometimes. Yes, if I wear leggings, my bum must be covered! It’s in everyone’s best interests!

      I hope you have a lovely weekend! What’s your weather like now?

  7. Such a pretty outfit. I love the top. I don’t know what I am. I know I don’t like being told what I can or cannot wear, especially when it comes to age, but I tend to dress more classic. I don’t wear white after Labor Day, but it has nothing to do with the rule, it’s because where I live, wearing white in winter is just not practical.

    • I’m trying so hard not to let my age influence me. But, I do catch myself asking if I should wear that because I’m in my 60’s. I ignore that little person inside my head! I do love this top, too. It’s a tunic that I can almost wear as a dress because I’m so short! But, it’s also so floaty that I’m afraid it will float up and show too much!

      Thanks so much for coming by!

  8. You know how I feel about rules…lol! Actually, I pretty much only wear my white jeans in the fall/winter. It’s more a matter of practicality then rebellion. For me, it’s just too damn hot to wear jeans in the summer. And I also kind of dig the vibe of white jeans paired with darker deeper fall/winter colors. xo

    • Oh, I think you should write a book about rules you don’t follow! The commentary would be fun! I have never really embraced white jeans at all. But, I just might have to give it a go! The last time I wore my white jeans was Election Day, 2015…and we know how that turned out!

      Thanks, my friend!

  9. The tunic is beautiful, and I love it paired with the white leggings. I wear white throughout all seasons, especially in summer months.

    • Thank you! I have actually worn this as a dress, too, with tights and boots. It’s just that little bit too short to be be entirely comfortable!

      Thanks so much for coming by, Lovely!

  10. I’m not a white pants fan in general – I am a messy person and they get dirty! I don’t ascribe to that rule (rules are meant to be broken!).

    Oh, leggings. I consider them in the hosiery category, not the pants category. I would not wear a pair of tights or nylons on their own, and would not wear leggings that way. Pants to me can be worn with the waist down showing – with that definition, leggings are not pants. I only wear leggings under a longer garment, same as you, no bum showing. I do not wear them in public, though – they read as too casual for others to see me in, unless they are workout wear and I’ve been working out.

    Fabulous outfit, Marsha! I love your hair in these pics, it looks in very good health. I have really fine hair but still have a lot of it.

    • That’s a good category for leggings! They are, indeed, like tights! I cannot remember the last time I wore hosiery, though. I love tights so much! I need to get some patterned ones, though.

      Thanks for the hair compliment. I grew my bangs (or do you call it a fringe) out beginning a couple of years ago. Now, I’m thinking I need to cut them again! This is the longest my hair has been in decades. Two or three years ago, it was above my ears and pink! I’ve always said Mike is just happy I come home with hair at all!

      Thanks so much, Sheila!

  11. Great post, Marsha. And as far as I’m concerned, rules be damned … I’ll wear what I want whenever I so please. Except for leggings with a top that doesn’t cover my bum because no one needs to see that.


    • Thanks, Rena! I really don’t care about fashion rules anymore. Geez, remember when you weren’t supposed to mix plaid with stripes? Honestly, I didn’t know what to write about so I picked an oldy moldy! And, yeah, I’m not sure I ever had a bum I wanted to show the world! Except in a bathing suit, right?

      Have a fabulous weekend, Rena!


  12. Marsha, great look with the tunic! I don’t wear leggings myself, though, I prefer flares. You got me thinking and I did the math and realized I haven’t had any white pants since I was 22! Like you, I don’t do white shoes.

    • Aha! Another who doesn’t like white shoes! I honestly don’t know why I don’t like them. They’re just so glaringly white. Even my white sneakers bother me (I don’t count those as shoes), and I can’t wait until they’re scuffed up a bit to be truly comfortable in them! Thank you for the compliment on the tunic. I love wearing them with leggings and jeans. I have a couple that are truly long enough I can pull off wearing them as dresses.

      Thanks for coming by!