Once upon a time, I remember thinking I would have made “it” when I owned a pair of green shoes! Isn’t that a weird thing to think? You’re probably wondering where in the world I came up with this idea! As always, there’s a story. Many, many years ago, we were in church waiting for the service to begin. Now, I know I was supposed to be praying and getting ready to hear the Word of God, but I rarely did that! Instead, I was usually looking at the way women were dressed. This particular Sunday, one of the women I thought was extremely stylish and sophisticated was wearing a pair of green shoes. I don’t even remember if they were pumps, mules, or what. What I do remember is thinking I wanted a pair of green shoes!

A little more…
I never used to consider myself a shoe person. When I was a kid, we would get two, maybe three, pairs of shoes in a year. We got a new pair for school and a new pair for Easter. If our feet grew, we’d get another pair. But, they had to grow quite a bit! When I was in third grade, I wore a size 8 women’s shoes (UK 6, Eur 39). My dad was always warning me to put on a pair of socks or slippers because if I caught a cold in “those feet,” it would cost a fortune. I never questioned him, but can one catch a cold in one’s feet? My mom absolutely hated taking me to the shoe store in our small town. I was impossible to please, and she always swore my dad would take me the next time! I bet the shoe salesman shuddered when he saw us coming through the door!

And even more…
One year when I was junior high age, several of my classmates had the same pair in different colors. They were a block heel, squared off round toe shoe with buttons on the side. I thought they looked like something the Pilgrim women would have worn. Mine were navy, and I loved them! Another year, I begged and pleaded for a pair of brown, rust, and tan shoes with a crepe sole and a nice blocky heel. Mom bought them for me, and I detested them. That crepe sole tripped me up constantly, and they made my feet look huge. My poor older sister inherited them. I don’t know what I got to replace them, though.

Wait a minute…
Maybe I have always been a shoe person and just didn’t realize it. When Nigel and I got married, I had a few pairs of shoes. The only pairs I can remember are a pair of wooden platform sandals and a pair of cognac leather boots with those nasty crepe soles! I am sure I had more than that, but these are the only ones that stand out for me. I continued to be picky about shoes and remember trying on several pairs of sandals before buying a pair that consisted of a leather strap across the top of the foot and heavy cords to tie around the ankles. One year, white canvas slip on Keds were on my radar. I wore them with a dropped waist jumper in several colors…typical early 90s teacher garb!

Fast forward…
Over the years, I became a legitimate shoe person. I bought the Aigner Gotham shoes in every color available. Unfortunately, I never saw green ones! I even had multiples of the basics! They were such a classic little loafer. I wore them with dresses, jeans, and trousers. Some of them had that embossed crocodile detail, and others were plain. For years, I kept my shoes in their boxes because I was able to tell exactly which pair was where. And, then, the inevitable happened. I had too many shoes for my closet and had to get rid of the boxes.

To the present…
Today, I’m a little more discerning when it comes to buying shoes. I look for good arch support. Even though my fallen arch was surgically repaired in 2010, I still depend upon that arch support for comfort. I have a metal plate and several screws in my left foot. The doggone thing is quite recalcitrant and needs special consideration. Luckily, I have found several brands that work well for my foot and look nice, too!

The outfit…
I bought this Bell Sleeve Butterfly Top from Kantha Bae during a recent half-off sale. I wasn’t sure about the style, but I thought I’d take a chance. I have to say I really do like it. I need to play around with it a bit more, but I love how you can adjust the ties to make it look more or less butterfly-esque. And, I really lucked out with this print. I love it and how versatile it’s going to be in my closet. It also fits in so well with my style. I just wrote about my style; you can read more here! My jeans may look a little wonky because they’re about four inches too long! I just turned them under for the photo shoot. I haven’t decided if I want to hem them or just whack them off. They’re from Old Navy (similar) and are either wide leg or straight leg (I can’t remember). Even though there isn’t any lavender in the butterfly top, my Talbots tank goes well with it.

The Lewk!

When I bought these L’Artiste Waterlily boots, I wasn’t even thinking about my desire to have green shoes. The heels on these are just a bit on the high side for me. My feet scream at me if I wear them for too long. The earrings and necklace are from Talbots and are very old. I picked the pearls as a classic yin to my boho yang!
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I had no idea where I was going to go with this post and this outfit! It’s kind of a shame to focus on the boots when you’ve seen them countless times before, and I really like this new butterfly top! But, sometimes, you just have to yield to the brain! So, can we talk? Was there ever something you decided would make you “it” when you got it? Do you own green shoes or boots? Are you a shoe person, or do you just wear them out of necessity? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible!

Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!
I am so grateful to each of you! Thank you for subscribing, commenting, or emailing. I honestly appreciate each of you! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here. Apparently, I’ve made it because there was a faux marshainthemiddle for a hot minute! Hahaha!!

Just a reminder…
Final Fridays is tomorrow! Can you believe it? March is just around the corner! I hope you’ll join me for a link party!

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, and I do deClaire and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties! Just a note…Traffic Jam will be back in March in a little different format!
I am definitely a shoe person! When I was 4, my grandparents told me later, my grandparents brought me to a shoe store where they had a device where they could see through the shoes to see if they fit well, especially for kids. And I only wanted black patent shoes. Funny memories. I love green shoes too, green is such a beautiful colour.
I vaguely remember hearing about those things where they could see through the shoes. I always wanted patent leather shoes, and my mom hated them. I’m not 100% sure why. You have wonderful shoes and wear them so well!
What a fun post. That butterfly top is so beautiful and so you!!
When I was in my twenties, I took public transportation to work. There was a young woman close to my age who also rode the bus daily. To me, she was the height of sophistication and style. One day she showed up carrying a wonderful taupe handbag and I knew I just had to have one, too! I felt so classy and special every time I carried it … which I did for many, many years.
Thanks, Beth! Isn’t it funny how we decide something is the “height of sophistication!” I’m so glad you found a bag like it and were able to carry it and feel so good about it!
I am also a shoe person! “Shoes” pronounced with a soft s rather than z sound at the end was my first spoken word! (Sorry Mom and Dad, haha.) I wear green shoes, too. I have a pair of bright green flats and apple green loafers as well as a couple olive pairs of shoes/boots.
I LOVE the color and print of this top! A lot of Kantha Bae items are too voluminous for me, but I like the fit on this one…which is very fun with those sleeves.
I would 100% just whack off the extra length of the jeans because (1) it’s the easiest! and (2) I think the unfinished hem would work well with your boho outfits.
Thanks, Sally! I am just going to whack off the jeans because I don’t like the looks of hemmed jeans unless you have a tailor do it. As for the Kantha Bae…I tend to buy the silk items so they drape a little better. But, I do have one tunic I need to alter so it isn’t quite as big in the shoulders!
I love your first word was shoes with the soft s (most people wouldn’t even understand that)! I’ve noticed you have a wonderful collection of varied shoes!
Oh, I think that top is amazing on you Marsha. It’s not as overpowering as kimonos can be with that front part like that.
I’ve always been a shoe girl, it’s in my DNA, LOL!! And I have green shoes. Green cowboy boots, green ankle boots (olive green) and green sandals. I even have teal velvet pumps. I guess I’m set for a while, haha.
I loved hearing your memories and I do the same thing at church!!
Thanks, Jodie! I love how you can adjust this top with those strings in front. Wow, you do have lots of green shoes! I only have a few. But, that’s always changing!
Those sleeves are so fun! I think I am definitely a shoe person as I do have too many pairs to fit in my closet so I keep some down in the hallway closet too near our garage so I can grab them as I’m walking out the door.
Thanks, Joanne! The sleeves look cool, but I’m discovering they’re a bit of a pain when it comes to practicality! My husband is the one who has shoes by the door. I always put mine away and keep a couple pairs of flip flops for times I need to go out with the dog.
Ha! Well I read these posts out of order. I love this Kantha Bae kimono! And I love the story about your shoes. And how green shoes are “it.” (Funnily enough, I just had a pair of green booties arrive in the mail today.) I never cared too much about shoes one way or another – until I started reading fashionista blogs. Now, I *am* a shoe person.
Thanks, Michelle! I don’t know why those green shoes made such an impression on me! I think it was more the woman wearing them and that they seemed like such a splurge-y kind of thing to buy! Can’t wait to see your green booties!
I really like that bright color on you! I would say I am a shoe person. My mom said my first phrases was “new shoes!” Haha! How appropriate!
Oh, I love that, Laura! That does make me chuckle! I wonder what mine were!
Thanks for coming by!
Growing up we got one pair of shoes every year before school started and maybe a pair of sneakers and that was it. I think that’s why I’m so obsessed with shoes now. I love your green boots! They’re gorgeous!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! It sounds like your childhood was a lot like mine. We only got shoes when we needed them. I almost hated it when my feet stopped growing! I do love buying shoes, but I have to be very careful! Thanks for coming by!
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