Are You More Pink or Red?

You know, last month, I began with talking about my hair. So, let’s do the same this month! I honestly didn’t consider my hair color and how it would match this prompt. My hairstylist has been wanting me to try pink for a long time. I finally caved when she said she’d get hot pink! I thought we were going for a more gradient look with the pink changing to purple. But, here we are! And, I have to say, I’m kinda diggin’ it! Today is the third Thursday of February which means it’s time for an Ageless Style challenge. This month, Jennifer selected Pinks and Reds. In the past we have worn splurges, chocolate and cream, holiday casual, winter blues and many other ideas. If you’re curious, you can find some of my looks here, herehere and here. Next month’s prompt is “Fuzzy” in case you’d like to join us! Please do visit the other hostesses of the link party (oh, yes, there’s a link party) at their various sites! Today is also a Global Writing Challenge. I’ll have another post ready for that, and it’s all about Love!

No neck…

One of these days, I’m going to dig out my school photo…you know, the one I’m always nattering on about! It’s the one that shows the pink I can’t wear close to my face because my neck disappears. Wait, you’re new here and don’t know the story, or maybe you’ve forgotten it. Well, in a nutshell, I cannot wear pinks that have a peach undertone because they’re too close to my skin tone. But, it just so happens, I love that color. One year, I wore a top of that very shade for school photos, and, you guessed it! It honestly looked like I didn’t have a neck.

Pinks and reds…

Gosh, I wish I were a wine drinker because I’m thinking I could probably skew this whole blog post into the difference between a pink and a red wine. I mean, there is a difference, right? I’m always so disappointed when I try wine because I think it’s going to taste like cranberry juice. Of course, it doesn’t…unless there is a wine that does. In which case, please let me know in the comments! I’m not unique in needing to understand the undertones of hues. I would venture to guess everyone needs that because of the plethora of color matching businesses that are out there. I’ve never had my colors done, but, over the years, I know that I look best in colors that have a blue undertone. Some years, I’m out of luck with the Pantone Color of the Year. Honestly, I don’t let that bother me very much.

Yeah, I put that snow shovel away. Guess what? It snowed!

The meaning of pink…

I’m not really one to assign meanings to colors. I know some people are really into the supposed “power” that exists with certain colors. Maybe it works for others, but I don’t think, “Oh, that person exudes thus and so because they’re wearing this and that.” I know color is important, but I don’t really buy into the meaning or even influence a color can have on swaying people. Anyway, I thought I’d see what pink’s meaning is and let you know. According to this post, pink “represents unconditional love, love requiring nothing in return. It is also the color of friendship and conviviality. In the aura it signifies balance between the spiritual and the material.”

What about red…

It’s funny. I’ve been saying so much lately about how I don’t like red. Yet, when I go in my closet, I see lots of red. It’s in prints, mainly, and it’s not what I consider to be a primary red. So, I guess I like red, just not the red crayon we all used in first grade (remember, I didn’t go to Kindergarten). From the same post, here’s the scoop on red: “Red symbolizes energy, passion, strength, courage, physical activity, creativity, warmth, and security. It is also associated with aggression. In healing, use red to bring warmth and burn out disease. Red is a powerful color and should be used in moderation. In the aura red signifies materialism, materialistic ambition, a focus on sensual pleasures and a quick temper.” Again, I find it ironic because I think I could use a lot of those words to describe myself. Maybe I’d better get on the red bandwagon!

My eyeshadow even matches…you’ll have to take my word for it, though!

My outfit…

Honestly, I have two or three Valentine’s Day sweaters I kept from my teaching days. I had quite a few more but gave them to my friend when I retired. I thought about wearing one of them, but they’re more black than red. I considered them only for a moment or two. I knew, almost from the start, I would wear this dress from Zuri. It appeared on the blog here. This is the Folio dress and is available in limited sizes. I love how it has red, pink, and purple as well as black. I wore black tights because I don’t happen to have hot pink (I would have totally worn those). I also folded the collar back so my necklace would appear because the dress actually has a short stand-up collar.

The Lewk!

I love these Originala boots from L’Artiste. The only problem with them is I got them a size too big. At the time, they didn’t have my size. I’m really tempted to buy the navy ones because I don’t have any true navy boots, and they would be worn a lot! The jewelry is all old and has appeared on the blog many times. The necklace and bracelet are Effy and were Christmas gifts from Nigel. The bangle was a gift from my daughter before she got married which means it’s over 20 years old. The earrings are from my eBay shopping days. I love how my jewelry alone meets the brief for this challenge!

Wrap it up, Marsha!

And, how many times can I write a post when my hair matches my dress? It’s serendipity! My stylist is a magician when it comes to color. The only color I don’t want is a soft pink. We did that once, and it’s just not me. But, this hot pink? I’m loving it. The only problem is I have to wash my hair in cold water. Since I wash my hair in the shower, it’s a bit of a shock while I’m washing and conditioning it. I dial it up much warmer while I finish my shower only to cool it back off to rinse the conditioner out. So, can we talk? Do you assign different values to colors (no pun intended)? Do you remember when it was a little outside the fashion rules to wear red and pink together? What is your favorite way to wear either color? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

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Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileSuzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits

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Bo ~ Bo’s Bodacious Blog

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Jen – Joyful Jen

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Joanne ~ My Slice of Life


Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style

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Leslie ~ Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
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Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle

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Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom

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And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts about denim, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Here are links to all of the lovely ladies in the Ageless Style collaboration. Please do visit them on their various media. Link up with us, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. You go, lady! The only time I ever wore a bright color was when my hairstylist had used a rather dark color for my hair and convinced me to try ten strands of bright orange. Almost everyone liked it including me, but they were kind of glued in and I hated the feel of the tops in my hair, so I never did that again.
    The hot pink works really well for you and I can see your eyeshadow! 😀

    • Thanks, Cat! When my sister (who was my hair stylist for so many years) was still dying my hair, she would bleach a little bit at the front for some oomph. Now, I don’t have that much hair at the front any more. Oh, that orange sounds really cool against a dark color! How long did you leave them in?

      • They were in for probably two or three months? It wasn’t supposed to be longer than that, but I kept fiddling with the tops because it felt so weird, so I took one after the other out myself over the last two weeks or so.
        I was never brave enough to go pink or blue or something with my long hair.

  2. Oh wow, what a great hair stylist you have. The hair and the dress really do go well together.

  3. Hi Marsha, I love that dress and the whole look! Your hair looks great and matches perfectly. What a brave soul you are 🙂

    • Thank you, Debbie! I was so surprised at how well they matched. These are fashion colors so they’ll wash out in a few weeks or less if I use hot water.

  4. That is gorgeous en especially your hair!

  5. Oh I love your hair and this dress and outfit go perfectly with it!

    • Thanks, Joanne! It really was a very happy accident. I didn’t know how well it would match until I saw the photos!

  6. Wow! How daring is that! It looks very good! But to wash it with cold water, under the shower? Oh my, that sounds horrible. I have one jumper in red, that I never wear. It’s not my colour really, although I absolutely love it with pink!

    • Thanks, Nancy! Yes, that cold water is awful! I go in one end of the shower and hold just my head under the cold water to wash it. Then, I quick turn it up so I can finish showering. Then, I have to skip to the back of the shower and turn it back down to cold to rinse! I bet you look gorgeous in red and pink!

  7. Gosh Marsha, I love your hair like this! It looks perfect with the dress.
    I am a huge pink lover, in fact my office at school was painted hot pink (it also had a chandelier). I had a sign on the wall that stated “Pink promotes comfort in times of distress” or something like that. Anyway, the kids loved it and adults did too! Probably why I am slowly incorporating more hot pink into my home (my sons says we live in a Barbie house!).

    • Thanks, Kellyann! Wow! Your room was hot pink WITH a chandelier! I’ll bet everyone loved coming to see you. I love that your sons call it a Barbie house…like there’s something wrong with that! I have learned the right colors in our homes make all the difference in how we feel. Even though we just painted the living room a year or so ago, I’m really aching to paint it a deeper green. It’s such a big room that it could take a stronger color. Plus we’re going to redo the floor as soon as Mike’s other hip is done (so not for at least another year). It will be some kind of wood. You would probably be amazed to see how neutral my living room furniture is…so not me! But, it’s what we put together from the pieces in other rooms at the last house. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your view), it’s all really good furniture so no need to replace it!

  8. Oh, I love that dress! It is so fun! I’m more of a pink girl myself, but I like red too.

  9. Marsha,
    You look great in red….I was told by a style colorist a long time ago that red and black together are my colors….I hope you are having a great week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    • Thanks so much, Deb! I really need to get over the whole red thing, right? It’s such a cheery color. I love red and black together…they just seem made to be together! Have a fabulous week, Deb!

  10. Well first of all, I highly recommend Cracklin Cranberry Wine by Pheasant Hollow. It’s only available around November, but it’s sparkling and definitely tastes like fizzy cranberry juice! Love your outfit and hair! They look so good together! I’m more of a pink person myself. I love wearing bright pink shades!

    • Thanks for the recommendation. I will put it in my phone and look for it this November! I was so surprised when I saw the photos and saw how perfectly my hair and dress went together! It truly was serendipity!

  11. You can’t fool us – we can see that the hair color must have been planned for the dress because they are PERFECT! 😀

    • Hahaha!!! I honestly didn’t even think about it. I thought we had agreed on purple for the length of it with hot pink tips! She’s a magician, I tell ya! I love it, but, unfortunately, it will be gone in a few weeks. I didn’t realize just how perfectly the hair and dress matched until i saw the photos!

      Thanks, Sally!

  12. Wow: that print dress looks so good on you and your hair is a total match! I absolutely adore your L’artiste boots and one day, I will splurge on a pair for my birthday. I would love to have my colors done, but I do feel like jewel tones are a good color on me.

    • Thanks, Mireille! I was really happy and surprised when I saw the photos and realized how well they matched. If you don’t, subscribe to Spring Step shoes. They run sales every once in a while. There’s another retailer,, that carries boots that are suspiciously similar. But, their customer service is atrocious! I ordered two pairs of sandals, and one didn’t come until I threatened to have my credit card get after them. I’d stick with Spring Step (the parent company of L’Artiste). I don’t want to have my colors done just because I’m afraid I’d find out half my closet wasn’t right!

  13. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Can you tell I LOVE the color?? I keep saying when my hair goes white, that I’m totally dying it the fun colors.
    And those boots are incredible too.

    • Thanks, Jodie! I love it, too. The best thing is that the fashion colors wash out. The blues, greens, and purples last the longest. The only bad thing is washing in cold (and I do mean cold) water. I also know, if I don’t like it, I can hurry the process along with hot water and purple shampoo and conditioner. It’s strange, but the purple shampoo will strip the color. Oh, the other thing is a chlorinated swimming pool, but we don’t have one of those!

  14. This is such a fun look! I love your hair Marsha! It goes perfectly with your dress! Such a beautiful print, and those boots are fabulous too!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    • Thanks, Jill! I honestly didn’t realize how perfectly the dress went with my hair until I saw the photos! Now, though, I have to be careful what I wear as the hair doesn’t go with just everything! I do love these boots and wish I’d gotten them a size smaller. I just wear heavy socks with them.

  15. I love your hair!! It suits you well 😍 of course red is always a great option as well. 😉

  16. You are sooooo cool! I love the hair so so so much. I love that you have fun with your hair and it makes you just radiate fun, easy going and good energy all around. Your hair dresser nailed it. I don’t intentionally assign any emotions or thoughts to colors but then I began thinking and well maybe I do without even knowing it. I think it comes from teaching emotions to young kids but I think of blue (sad) green(peaceful), red(power or anger; but I love wearing red when I feel like a BOSS), pink (love), yellow (energized and warm). Grey and browns and neutrals make me think of cozy and hibernation. LOL.

    • Hahaha!!! I’m so glad you think I’m cool, Bo! I do love playing with my hair since I have such a fab hair stylist. She’s been after me to do the pink again. I like the hot pink, but the pastel pink isn’t me at all. You have honestly made my day, Bo! After reading your thoughts, maybe I do assign some colors emotions. I don’t see red as powerful so much as intimidating. I agree about the greys, browns and neutrals!

      Thanks again for making me smile and feel like a million dollars!

  17. Yes to this new hair color! I love the dress and how it matches with your new locks! I an a pink gal but love mixing red and pink as well.

    • Thank you, Kathrine! I really hadn’t planned on the hair being this color, but how could I not wear this dress? I was already planning to use it so it was just serendipity, I guess!

  18. I love the way you embrace your style and I cannot believe how well your hair and outfit coordinate Marsha! Beautiful!

    • Thank you, Laura! It’s only taken me 67 years to do it! Well, not really…I’ve always loved fashion. I lucked out when I decided to go grey and got silver! It’s fun to do the fashion colors because I know they’ll only be around for a few weeks.

  19. You’ve absolutely aced it. I love the hair! It’s gorgeous! And the dress too. What a great look – go for it and wear more of those colours too!!

    • Thank you so much, Penny! You are good for my ego! I love the colors in my hair, but they are already fading as they are supposed to do. I really like being able to play with the colors, knowing it’s only momentary.

  20. The tones of these pinky shades seem cool to me. Are they? And I can plainly see your neck, you silly!! I should probably pay more attention to all those kinds of things but I don’t. Keep thinking I need to have my colors done but would be crushed if the colors I love to wear weren’t the ones I ‘should’ be wearing.
    Whatever the tone of this darling dress, you look smashing. And your pink hair is so much fun. It should serve you well as you welcome spring. Although, I see the snow edging your welcome mat and read that you have had more of the white stuff. So, I’m guessing it hasn’t begun to look much like spring there yet.

    I am so sad. Still struggling to wear my L’Artiste boots (and all the others, as well). PC gave me a new pair for Christmas and I have worn them once. They were pretty comfy on my foot but the doctor wants me to stay in flats. Boo. Hard to look fabulous in flats all the time. Although there are many cute flats. But I love my boots. And really can’t afford to buy all new footwear. Good gravy, your boots are spectacular. I absolutely love them. Have to be my favorites of all of your terrific boots.

    • Yes, I do think I now wear much cooler colors but then I get mixed up and don’t really know! Oh, yes, you can see my neck now, but you wouldn’t have been able to see it if it was a different shade of pink. I also take medicine for my thyroid condition so my neck is much slimmer now!

      That really stinks about your ankle. I had to wear flats for a couple of years after my first foot surgery. Now, I have to be careful with how high the heel is because the bones are fused (that was the second surgery). I am careful even when picking out L’Artiste boots with the heel height…two inches is about my limit!

      Thanks, Leslie!