Chocolates and Cream!

So, a weird thing happened on Monday which had me scrambling. Melynda of Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household emailed me to say my blog had been hacked. Sure enough, there was this weird post up. I contacted my hosting platform, but they couldn’t see anything. In fact, they could see that post, but it showed I was the author. I contacted my handy dandy IT guy (AKA my oldest son) and told him about my problem. He checked out my laptop and saw absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. He actually could check in my email account to see what had been received from my hosting platform. No one has any idea of how this happened. I quickly deleted the post and found two more in my drafts file. I guess it was that “Not me” kid who used to live with us back in the day. Today is the third Thursday of November which means it’s time for an Ageless Style challenge. This month, Amy selected Fall Color Challenge: Chocolate Brown and Creams. In the past we have worn cozy, stripes, jeans, splurges, and many other ideas. If you’re curious, you can find some of my looks herehere,  here, and here. Please do visit the other hostesses of the link party (oh, yes, there’s a link party) at their various sites! Today is also a Global Writing Challenge. I’ll have another post ready for that, and it’s all about confidence!

Chocolate brown…

I’ve been doing my research. Chocolate brown is, indeed, a big deal right now in fashion. Don’t believe me? You can read more about it here, here, and here. That’s OK. It’s not my favorite color unless it’s a Hershey’s chocolate candy bar. I’d even settle for some of those Hershey’s Kisses (reminds me…I need to buy some for my Christmas baking). But, actually wearing chocolate brown is the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to me. And, I’ve heard a lot of nails on chalkboards!

More whinging…

I just don’t like brown. I know, I know. You don’t have to wear brown as your main color. You can wear it as an accessory…boots, a handbag, a scarf. I looked at my shoes and boots…no chocolate brown there. I then looked at my bags…a couple came close, but nothing to write a blog post about. I even looked through my scarves, and nary a one was chocolate brown. Don’t worry, I do have a plan!

A little history…

I’m not sure if my dislike of brown came before or after my teaching days. In the waning days of my teaching career, our school corporation had adopted this way of teaching called Highly Effective Teaching by a woman named Susan Kovalik. It went by other names, and I think I’ve written about it before. Basically, it’s a science and social studies kinda curriculum system where you use the classroom environment, study of the brain, different intelligences, thematic instruction. It, supposedly, ties everything up into a nice little package where you create learners who question and think for themselves. At first, our school volunteered to be part of this program. In fact, there was a huge push to be accepted into the program when the state was funding it. Then, it was called C.L.A.S.S. I have completely forgotten what those letters mean, but I’ll give it a try. Connected Learning Assures Student Success? That sounds about right. I attended many summer workshops learning about this program.

A little more…

Even before we were accepted, the Kovalik team decided they’d give us a little taste of the program. The easiest thing to start with was environment. Because the corporation didn’t want to spend too much money on us (remember, the state was funding the other schools), we would have half day meetings with reps from the Kovalik group. I kid you not…we colored pictures of Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters (doubles of each). We then had to laminate them and cut them out as a way of matching kids up for learning activities. We did lots of other dubiously silly (I’m trying to be polite) things on those half days. If you’re a teacher or know a teacher, you know planning for a sub is the absolute worst! And, writing sub plans for an activity you know is just a waste of time makes it even worse.

Even more…

Of course, by this time, we were voluntold to attend summer workshops. If we didn’t attend those, we had to attend meetings during the school year. I hated being out of my classroom so I gave up weeks in the summer. I honestly believe I got more information from the summer workshops. It helped that my bestie went, too. We were encouraged to think of a theme for our classroom or grade level. At the time, there were three of us teaching fourth grade. Each year, we ended the year with a field trip to a sleep away camp where the kids took all kinds of wonderful classes and had a special nighttime program. So, our theme easily became camping. Another part of environment especially encouraged by the Kovalik crew was soft lighting. Oh, baby, I bought into that one big time! The fluorescent lights in my classroom were really bright. So, when soft lighting was suggested, I went to town…literally. I went to town and bought several table lamps that fit the camp theme. Over the next couple of years, I bought so many camp related tchotchkes. I also had three or four fountains. And, plants? Oh, honey! I had six Boston ferns hanging by the windows. I also added three lit artificial rustic trees in varying heights. I played classical music on my stereo. I loved my classroom! Who wouldn’t, right? My bestie and I found fabric with a camping theme, and I made valances for all three classroom doors as well as table cloths for all the little tables in my room where I could hide clutter. Because…clutter was a big old dirty word in the Kovalik classroom!

Back to brown…

One of the other things the Kovalik crew demanded suggested was the use of only certain colors. There were to be no primary colors…red enrages the brain, doncha know! Nope, the only colors we could use in our classrooms were navy blue, maroon, forest green, and brown as in butcher wrapper paper brown! Can you even imagine? No bright colors in classrooms? We couldn’t hang things from the ceilings to display nor could we display student work in our rooms. That had to be outside in the hallway…a gracious (that’s sarcasm) allowance from the coaches. I think, it was at this point, I began to loathe brown as in plain old brown…like chocolate brown!

What about…

I know what you’re thinking. What about those gorgeous Miz Mooz Leighton boots or your beloved brown Born boots? Well, those aren’t the kind of brown we had to have. That color would have actually been too orangey for the coaches! The really ironic thing is I now live in a town named Brownsburg with a main street called Green Street. And, horror of horrors…our house is brown brick! When we were picking out brick, the builder said he couldn’t get the latest kind of brick, but he could get one that was close. I said, “As long as it’s close, I’ll trust you.” Nope, it’s a dark, ugly brown. I should have gone for a different color. And, we have brown woodwork which I dislike immensely as well as brown cabinets in the kitchen. We went as light as we could, but it isn’t a white kitchen which is my dream kitchen even though they’re supposedly not the going thing. The heart wants what the heart wants.

My outfit…

Now that I’m done ranting about my dislike for brown, it’s time to talk about my outfit. The prompt was for chocolate brown and cream. No one said it couldn’t be milk chocolate! Since I have tried to make it a policy not to buy anything new for a style challenge, I went searching through my April Cornell dresses. This is a beautiful maybe milk chocolate and cream polka dotted dress. I think it’s been on the blog before, but I can’t find it. It’s from a few years ago, so I can’t even find it on the April Cornell website. I like that I can adjust the waist with the lace ribbon sewn in belt. It reminds me of the chocolate milk we used to get at school when I was a kid. Or, maybe it’s a chocolate milk shake after the blender hits it and turns it into one color…yeah…let’s go with that. it’s chocolate milk shake with marshmallows! I just need some cookies, and I’ll be a lot less grumpy!

The Lewk!

It’s cold here, but I couldn’t find tights that worked well with this dress. I do have two pairs of brown tights. Imagine that…after all my complaining about the color! But, those two pairs are pretty much the same color and just didn’t work with this dress. I probably have some dark brown hosiery, but I didn’t feel like looking for them. And, I think this is more an early fall dress than one that calls for tights and boots. So, picking up on the milk chocolate and cream colors, I needed something in a subdued palette. Since brown is a neutral, I knew many different colors would work. But, I really like brown and blue together. These light blue Jambu wedges were perfect. I then went all matchy matchy because that’s how I roll. I added these Kendra Scott earrings and necklace as well as silver bracelets.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I’m a little leery now of opening or clicking through emails as you can probably imagine. Instead, when I receive an email about a new blog post, I open a new tab and search for that blog. But, my son fixed my computer so well, the button for link parties has disappeared on those blogs that still host them! So, can we talk? What do you think of this way of teaching? What would you have as a theme for your classroom (even if you’re not a teacher)? How do you feel about all the chocolate brown love being given to clothing right now? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links, discount codes, and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileSuzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Bo ~ Bo’s Bodacious Blog

Blog / Instagram /Pinterest / Bloglovin’

Jen – Joyful Jen

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook

Joanne ~ My Slice of Life


Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style

Blog | Instagram | Facebook |

Leslie ~ Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle

Blog /Instagram

Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts about denim, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Here are links to all of the lovely ladies in the Ageless Style collaboration. Please do visit them on their various media. Link up with us, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. That’s a sweet dress Marsha, very Pretty Woman. I’ve worn a bit more brown this year, but still not much in my wardrobe. Have a super week xx Jacqui xx

    • Thanks, Jacqui! I didn’t even think about that movie! Most of the brown in my closet is shoes or bags. I hope your week is fabulous!

  2. I love the dress Marsha, it’s a good length and very pretty on you! Brown is a hard colour for someone like me who is already brown, but I see it’s back in fashion as you say!
    I didn’t see the weird post – how strange that it happened??

    • Thanks, Debbie! It’s that just right length…not too long and not too short. I like this shade which isn’t really all that brown in real life. It’s got a definite purple tone to it.

      Yep, I don’t know how it happened at all, and no one else does, either. That worries me a bit.

  3. Everyone has colours that work or don’t work for them, that’s life!

  4. We didn’t have Kovalik in my district but something similar and I remember how it turned our world upside down! I enjoyed reading this post Marsha.
    I don’t think I was ever a fan of brown until recently. Now I cant get enough but I like more of a fudge/dark brown. You handled the challenge like a chocolate milk drinking pro!

    • Thanks, Kellyann. It’s irritating when school districts hop on the bandwagon and disregard what the teachers know works. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

      You look wonderful in those dark browns, Kellyan! A chocolate milk drinking pro…hahaha!!!

  5. I really like this dress but don’t wear any colors that you don’t like. you deserve to look in your closet and smile and feel happy! That is insane! I feel like more insane stuff happens in elementary schools like that and this person was laughing all the way to the bank off the money the districts had to pay her! I am always very critical of ‘the next best thing” in teaching and how much money is spent on it when that could go to the kids.

    • Thanks, Amy! I actually like the dress. I almost wore it unbuttoned over jeans. Oh, yeah, it was insane! One year, they actually had her come to our opening breakfast as the speaker. Someone asked her about testing, and she said we just needed to get away from the idea of testing and concentrate on teaching kids how to think and problem solve. That makes sense, but you and I both know that’s not the reality. Tests matter. I’m pretty sure they spent millions on this program which did absolutely nothing for increasing reading ability. For a few years, we had two model classrooms with four teachers. There were two fourth grade teachers and two first grade teachers. One teacher in each grade would be with the class for about six weeks while the other came out and worked with those of us who were not as wonderful at it as they were (sarcasm in case you didn’t recognize it). The high school and middle schools had to incorporate some of the program with the idea that they would have it all going in a certain amount of years. Within a couple years, three of the four had left the corporation. One went on to be a principal within the corp but was fired for some reason. Yep, so much money is wasted on the next best thing.

  6. Hello Marsha,
    Love your dress, interpretation of the theme brown and your blog.
    I don’t wear a lot of brown but do have some lovely ( old) leather boots on my wardrobe which I need to find as the thermometer hit minus 5 here last night in North Yorkshire.

    • Thank you so much, Linda! I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog. I do tend to ramble on and on, don’t I? I have some other brown boots but they’re still not chocolate brown. And, yes, we got snow here last night with more coming until tomorrow. It’s strange as it’s been so warm that many of my flowers were still blooming!

  7. Oh this is my favorite post. I didn’t know you were a teacher! Well I just loved reading all about your teaching adventure and chuckling along. All the different swings in education over the years and I am only 19 years in and have many more to go and see. So I actually love the tame down classroom with natural light, plans, less color and more natural things. That being said, I still incorporate color in all the art we do and hang. Also, my first teaching gig was in a very over the top colored classroom with all the walls and cupboards in primary colors and you know what, great learning happened in both settings. I love some inquiry based teaching and themes and I also am a strong believer that some things need to be systematic and directly taught.

    Moving on to your cute little polka dot dress. I am loving the style and cute on you. It’s super cute and a great way to add fall into a climate that’s warm enough to let you still have bare legs, we got snow two days ago. Have a great weekend.

    • Thanks, Bo! It’s funny because we took those photos on Wednesday as the week got away from me. And, today, we have 2-3, if not more, inches of snow! It will maybe stick around through tomorrow. I think I may wear this as a duster over jeans, too.

      Oh, my gosh! You are so right about the swinging of the pendulum on how to teach. When I first started teaching, it was all about invented spelling and learning words…no phonics at all. It’s funny because I concentrated on phonics with my spec ed kids. Now, my friends who are still teaching say they’re back to using phonics.

      I loved my classroom. It really felt like my living room with lots of visitors. The idea behind creating the environment was a good one. Kids were going to spend lots of time in that space so it should be comfortable and welcoming. When I first started at that school, the lockers were all painted in primary colors. Then, the principal had them painted beige…beige of all things! I think the learning environment is important, but the teacher’s commitment is the most important. I truly look at teaching as a vocation rather than a job!

      Thanks, Bo!

  8. Well you may not like the color brown, but wow! This dress looks amazing on you!

    • Thank you, Amy! I think it’s because the dress has a blue/purple undertone to it. It’s definitely not the chocolate brown most people think of…more milk chocolate!

  9. These are the stories I love hearing the most, a lot of people have different opinions about brown color and how it’s often left out and it’s not everyone’s favorite color, although is mine, if I had to choose between black, navy or brown, it’d be brown without thinking twice. But let me tell you something, this dress is gorgeous and you look amazing not only on it but that colour looks so so beautiful, it suits you really nicely. The pictures have spoken by themselves. Haha 😉

    Wishing you have a lovely day! xx

    • Thank you so much, Melissa! I am blushing! The color has a lot of purple undertones so I think that’s why it works with my coloring. If I had to choose between black, navy, and brown, I’d probably go with black because it’s so dramatic. But, we are all different, and that is a beautiful thing, right?

  10. Crack me up. Maybe all of this brown in your life is meant to change your mind about the color, LOL. I like to keep my mind open to the fact that there are many shades of a color and some are much better for me than others.
    I am surprised you went with a brown dress without adding a pink scarf or something, LOL

    • Hahaha!!! If I could paint the brick, I would do it! But, brick has a nasty way of peeling so that won’t be happening. But, I’m considering replacing the woodwork at some point. Nope, I just don’t like chocolate brown unless it’s candy. It’s just such a non-color to me. I didn’t even think about adding a scarf. I had already decided to just go with the chocolate and cream.

      Thanks, Jodie!

  11. That is so crazy but at least you had an IT guy to call and got it resolved rather quickly. It’s quite odd though! I have an ad blocker installed on my computer and it does block SOME of the link parties other host but then it works for other blogs so I have to assume it’s all about how they choose to add it to their page. Same goes with comment boxes; some I can see and some I can’t unless I disengage the ad blocker.

    Your dress is cute! I don’t have much brown (in any shade!) in my closet either. Maybe two pairs of shoes and a sweater or two… even those wide legged pants I used for today’s challenge are more gray than brown.

    • Well, my IT guy is my son so he usually answers pretty quickly. He loves fixing things anyway. I chatted with the people at Bluehost. They were all stumped. The only blog I can’t post comments on is Jodie’s. The comment box doesn’t even show up. I am using my iPad to access link parties. I feel like it’s a tad bit safer now that this happened.

      Actually, I think the color of this dress was something like muted plum. It definitely has purple undertones. But, it was the closest I had. I’m just not a fan of brown!

      Thanks, Joanne!

  12. Oh, Marsha! This post brought back so many of my own memories of professional development “opportunities” we had to participate in over the years! It was always so deflating to spent lots of time exploring a topic in the inservice and after, then followed by investing in it in our own classrooms to only have it dropped as the district moved on to a new initiative! It’s something I don’t miss since retiring! I do love your dress, though! Have a great week!

    • Oh, Laura…I hear you! I spent so much time, energy, and money on my classroom. Luckily, my principal wasn’t one of those to move teachers to different grade levels every once in a while just to “keep them on their toes.” Do you remember Math: A Way of Thinking? Or Workshop Way? I didn’t get into Workshop Way because I was never trained in it, but I was trained in Math: A Way of Thinking and loved it. Then, of course, it was the wrong thing to do. We also did “Thinking Maps” which were so amazing for problem solving and analytical thinking. Gone, too! It’s just crazy how corporations can’t give programs/initiatives time to actually work!

      Thanks, Laura…I could go on and on, and I have a feeling you could, too! What grade did you teach, and when did you retire?

  13. I hated having to attend trainings like that-especially as a speech pathologist who doesn’t have a classroom! They always try to fit us in somehow but we were the square peg in a round hole. Thankfully the district I’m in doesn’t seem to do that which is such a blessing. Love your brown dress. I don’t wear brown much either, but this is giving me pretty woman vibes!

    • Thanks, Laura! I didn’t even think Pretty Woman until others said something about that. Oh, yeah…when I was the spec ed teacher in my building, I didn’t fit in with anyone. It got really petty (though I didn’t find out about it until years after) because I’d always sit with the school secretary and guidance counselor at this one table. It was the one that was open because of timing. I found out when I became gen ed that the others thought we were better than they were and even called the table Table A. I was really hurt because it wasn’t like any of them ever invited me to sit with them. But, that’s the way it is when you’re that proverbial square peg in a round hole.

  14. Hi, Marsha – Maybe you don’t hate brown as much as you thought, seeing as you bought this brown polka dot dress. Perhaps you just need a brown print that pleases you or certain shades. Anyway, you were perfectly successful with this challenge! Come to think of it, I don’t have much brown either. I’ve been weaning myself away from black and trying to get used to navy and camel. But I’ve naturally gravitated from black to charcoal. Lol! Thanks for thoughts on brown – Angie,

    • I’ll tell you a secret, Angie! This color of this dress was something like dusky mauve rather than brown. It really does have a purple undertone which is why I bought it. I do like certain shades of brown, but since I’ve gone grey/silver, they don’t look as good on me. No one tells you your skin tone also changes a bit, too! Oh, I do love grey and charcoal in the winter. It’s nuts because I really love color, but the grey just draws me in so much! Thanks so much for commenting, Angie! I look forward to reading your comments.

  15. I’m loving brown this season but don’t have much of it in my closet. Your dress is darling! I love the color, polka dots, and Pretty Woman vibes!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    • Thanks, Jill! I really like this dress, probably because it’s got some purple undertones. I didn’t even think Pretty Woman until so many people mentioned it!

  16. Brown just isn’t a thing here in El Paso yet. But we are always behind the times. I am seeing more green and red. Even before we started getting closer to Christmas.
    What a darling dress. I was thinking today I need more polka dots in my life. A polka dot tee or turtleneck. And I love that you chose a MILK CHOCOLATE shade of brown. What could be more delicious?? The neckline really shows off your necklace and the gray shoes were a great pick. I can’t really imagine this dress with tights or dark hose. Would have to see it, I think.
    I remember bits and pieces of that Highly Effective Teaching business. We never completely bought into it in my district. There was a period of time where they did themed teaching…I can’t remember the correct terminology but everything was taught to the same theme. I am sure your classroom was an absolute haven for your babies. A lot of the teachers I admired have used softer lighting in their classrooms. I tend to turn off half the lights in the rooms where I sub. They are so harsh!!
    So glad to read that Nigel is doing so much better. I think you shared the update on your Confidence post but I forgot to mention him in my comment there. Hope the doctor is equally impressed with his progress. I know you are both just done with these health issues.

    • You know, I don’t think I’ve seen much brown here in Indianapolis, either. But, I also haven’t been looking for it. I am seeing lots more red as Christmas gets closer.

      Thanks, Leslie! I honestly don’t remember the color of this dress, but I do think it was something about mauve or purple. IRL…it has definite purple undertones which is why I like it. I don’t know that I would ever wear it with tights because the style seems so summery. I do think I may wear it open over jeans or leggings, though.

      I wonder if your system was using Integrated Thematic Instruction which was an earlier name for HET. For example, instead of teaching history in chronological order, I was supposed to teach it contextually. So, wars could/would be taught as cause/effect. Isn’t that just the silliest thing ever? Their reasoning was that kids didn’t understand timelines…what? Isn’t that part of what I should be teaching?

      I absolutely loved my classroom. They actually added extra lights to my classroom for some reason which made it so bright. And, I could only turn off half of the lights. I would always give my class the option of using only the soft lighting or using it with some of the overhead lights on. We had a class song and songs for other things…like how to reduce fractions to simplest terms. I loved being a teacher!

      Thanks for your kind words about Mike. I’m hoping the surgeon has more positive things than negative to say when we see him in two weeks. The therapist thinks he’s doing better.

  17. I’m in love with this dress Marsha! I am definite getting Pretty Woman vibes. You should show off your legs more!

    • Thank you, Kathrine! Many have commented about the Pretty Woman dress, but it never occurred to me. Aww, thanks, I am getting more confident about showing them.