Pear vs. apple vs. zucchini
Let’s just address the elephant in the room. In my first post, here, I said I think I’m more a zucchini than an apple or a pear. I am not pear shaped as my bosom (such a good word, why don’t we use it more) is about the same size as my derriere. I am not an apple because I do have an hourglass figure. Wait, you say! I have yet to see an hourglass.
The Elephant
As I write this, the country is seeing higher numbers of positive cases of COVID. When the pandemic began, I was among those who scoffed at the idea of something that could keep me from shopping, eating out, or, most importantly, being with my family. In March, 2020, my husband and I decided we would self-isolate for the few weeks this virus would be around. Hahaha! Those few weeks turned into a few months which turned into a year and counting. Why bring all of this up? Because, unlike thousands of other women across the country, I actually managed to lose 20 pounds! Yes, you read that right. I lost 20 pounds. We took advantage of ordering our groceries online and picking them up. So, if the food wasn’t in the house, or readily available as in “I want some ice cream. Let’s go get a half gallon”, I couldn’t eat it. I am a stress eater.

And, believe me when I say I was stressed. Stressed to the point of believing it might never get any better. Yet, for once, food wasn’t calling my name. When I hit that 20 pound mark, I only noted it in my phone’s notes…no pictures, no posts on social media, nothing. After all, what was there to celebrate? But, and this is the important part, I felt so good physically and even mentally. I was at MY ideal weight. My clothes fit well; I enjoyed getting dressed (once I’d decided to get dressed); and, I was actually loving me.

And, then, news of effective vaccines hit. My husband began setting his alarm for the day when he could get his first shot. Instead of being elated about a possible end to the isolation, I was anxious about when I was going to get a shot. I was anxious about whether or not the vaccines would work. I was anxious about…well, let’s just say, if there was anything to be anxious about, I was! And, being a stress eater, I began to eat. At first, it was a cookie. Then, it became several cookies. And, before I knew it (actually, I knew it, I was just avoiding acknowledging it), I had gained those pesky 20 pounds! Do I think that makes me a bad person? No, it makes me an unhealthy person and an unhappy person. After all, I have all of these clothes that no longer fit. That brings me to The Elephant! I am not dressing my body as I normally would. I am dressing my zucchini, covering it in floating dresses and tunics, loose pants and big shirts (which are supposedly on trend). Not that these aren’t my normal go-to’s. At my ideal weight, I would also wear skirts, shorts, and straighter dresses.

Normally, I love this dress. I mean, I do love this dress. It’s an oldy, but a goody from Banana Republic. I feel like a Greek goddess in it. But, looking at this picture, I see…gosh, I think I might see an apple. Wait, maybe it’s a pear! I’m so confused. I don’t see a zucchini however! I see a fairly nice looking woman in a dress that emphasizes her bosom. I see a woman who watched a lot of “What Not to Wear” because she’s wearing her belt at her natural waistline. She’s also wearing accessories to draw the eye up and away from those pesky “problem” areas. What I also know is I don’t see a healthy or happy woman in this photo. And, so I begin yet again to lose these pounds and become a healthier version of me, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Since I’m putting this out there in the blogosphere, I guess I have to do it, right?
Thanks for coming back!
It is such fun to read comments. I never thought I’d be responding to comments on a blog that I wrote! But, here I am writing a blog. Now, I just need a comment or two so I can respond! Won’t you be one of those kind people? And, while you’re at it, would you please consider subscribing to my blog? Just complete the boxes below. See you next time (I promise the elephant will be gone, and the zucchini will be back)!
This was great to read, and it’s amazing how our weight can change so easily.
I do think it’s not always important we “know” our body shape, although you read that you should everywhere. Because so many times we don’t fall exactly in the specifications.
I think you look absolutely lovely in that dress and all of the accessories give it such personality.
Thanks, Jodie! It’s funny how this dress fits me through thick and thin! I don’t even know why I’m holding this scarf other than it gave me something to do with my hands! I agree it’s not that important to knw our body shapes. It’s more important we know what works for us. Although, sometimes, something may not necessarily work for us, but it makes us feel beautiful! And, that may be the most important thing of all. Hmmm…a possible blog post?
Love reading this! I think I am a zucchini too or a barrel. You look amazing. You need to go for a ride in that side car with that dress on! By the way I did subscribe the other day, but did not get an email that you had another blog. Miss seeing you.
Ah, but a barrel is neither a vegetable nor a fruit! You should see me try to climb in that side car with jeans on…any dress, let alone this dress would be almost impossible!! I know about the email thing…it’s something on my end I need to fix. We need to get together soon!
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