Final Friday: Feathers and Stripes!

It’s the final Friday of October which makes me sad. It is, after all, my favorite month! But, don’t despair. Being the final Friday means it’s another edition of print mixing. My friend, Michelle of My Bijou Life Online, began this challenge in order to push herself outside her comfort zone. I’ve enjoyed doing that, but, honestly, I’m beginning to run out of ideas! Add to that I don’t have many print bottoms (that currently fit), and I have a problem continuing this series. With Michelle’s blessing, I hope to change the format of Final Fridays, but I’m not sure what that will be. Oh, and I always forget to do this! There’s a link party, too! So, don’t forget to link up!

Feathers and stripes and colors, oh my…

Ok, that was probably pushing it a little, right? For today’s print mixing challenge, I started with the skirt. I did that for a couple of reasons. I have used a version of this skirt before (here). And, it is striped! My only problem with this skirt is the waistband. You can’t see it in any of the photos, but it is a solid color. That solid color is the ivory/light grey/I don’t know what color of the stripes! Now, I’m sorry, but that decision had to have been made by someone who wasn’t thinking straight that day! No, no, no! It should have been the navy color! But, I digress…

This cardigan…

I admit to a slight gigantic obsession with these cardigans by Garnet Hill. Coincidentally, the post I referenced above also includes one of the Signature Eco Merino cardigan. I won’t tell you how many I have…let’s just say there are lots! But, as with everything in this post, they are several years old. But, back to the cardigan at hand (or at post). I haven’t ever worn it much because the background color is a very strange color. It’s not really grey, and it’s not really cream. It’s almost the color of old oatmeal left to congeal in the pan. I know…not the color description Garnet Hill was probably going for! But, it’s always been so hard to wear. That was before I realized how good it looked with this skirt which also features that strange old, congealing oatmeal color. They are perfect together if I do say so myself (and, I do)!

Just has to go…

If you were an adult of any age in the early aughts, you probably watched Stacy London and Clinton Kelly on What Not to Wear. One of their favorite things to say was, “It doesn’t have to match. It just has to go.” I never really understood it, and I’m not entirely sure my brain does now. But, my eye seems to! This skirt’s navy doesn’t match any of the blues in the cardigan. But, maybe due to that defies-explanation grey/beige color, the skirt and the cardigan work well together. The cardigan has shades of blue and purple in it. At first, I pulled out grey tanks to wear underneath. None of them seemed right because they didn’t “go” with the colors in the skirt and cardigan. I then remembered I had this deep plum tank from Talbots. At least, I hoped I still had it! And, yes, (phew), I did! The plum, which is barely seen in any photos, worked very well with the print of the cardigan. It wasn’t competing with any of the other colors; it was playing quite nicely.

That Instagram hack…

I didn’t want the cardigan to hang loose and expose the offending waistband. Nor, did I want the plum tank to cover it. In fact, I doubled the tank up so it wouldn’t hang too far down. You’re thinking, “Huh?” Instead of letting the tank hang loose, I folded it up underneath the tank where I wanted it to end. Ordinarily, I would tuck the end into my bra band, but the tank stayed put so I didn’t need to do that. I buttoned the cardigan, but it just wasn’t ringing my bells! Then, I remembered this Instagram hack (here). I really like how it creates the ruching effect as well as shortening the cardigan to create a more seamless look.

See that ruching!

The Lewk!

These clogs are from my teaching days and are post first surgery. So, that means they are probably from 2010 which makes them over 12 years old! They have this wonderful built in arch support that makes my feet go, “Ahhhhh!” I should probably polish them, but I like the patina of old age (it’s a good thing…both Nigel and I have plenty of patina)! I always think of these as my milkmaid shoes. They remind me of something a milkmaid might have worn…maybe? I do really like the embossed straps on the top, too. The earrings (similar), bracelet and ring are from the John Hardy bamboo collection. One of the things I like best about this particular collection from John Hardy is the company plants bamboo seedlings in Bali for each piece of bamboo jewelry sold.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I am so glad I grabbed this skirt for this challenge. It forced me to look deeply into my closet for a print to match it. And, I love this look! These two forlorn and neglected pieces now have each other to create a fabulous pairing! I am so happy for them (and me)! So, can we talk? Do you have something lurking in the back of your closet with a color that’s just a little off? Have you been able to find a little buddy for it? Or, do you admit defeat and pass it on to someone else for a little loving? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to get back with you as soon as possible!

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I recently became a Brand Ambassador for Sarah Flint shoes. You can use SARAHFLINT-BAMARSHA for $50 off your first pair. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!

If you’ve read to this point, I appreciate you so much! This has been a full week for me! And, next week will be the same! Look for me on Monday with Songful Style with my friends, Shelbee and Suzy! There will be another link party, too! Anyway, thank you so very much for coming along with me on this blogging journey! It’s been lots of fun for me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in PinkBeing a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Friday Print Mixing on the last Friday of the month. I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

And, now it’s your turn!

Link up your favorite posts, baking, fashion, gardening, DIY…doesn’t matter as long as it’s fairly family friendly! Don’t have a blog? This is your opportunity to find a new one!


  1. Isn’t it fun to be creative with your outfits, to search for what works. I loved what not to wear a lot!! Back in the days you also had Trinny&Susanah which was fabulous too. Those shows we never see on the telly anymore. What a pity.

    • Thanks, Nancy! If we can’t have fun with our clothes and shoes, well, what to do? I wonder if those old shows are on YouTube or Netflix? I’m sure they’re somewhere!

  2. Yes we had Trinny and Susannah on What Not to Wear and I remember that they were good but a bit bossy. I very much believe in women wearing what they damn well please, (pardon the language) but I do know that sometimes we need a little push. I’m going to write about that soon. Anyway although I don’t personally do print mixing I do love your outfit, especially the top, and the shoes too. I always love your accessories – you do them so well!

    • Oh, Penny, that makes me remember what I always told my daughter: “Do not recommend me for that show! $5000 is nowhere near what I’ve got invested in my clothes!” I also remember thinking how few items they ended up with.

      Thank you so much, Penny! I do love my accessories though I’ve been neglecting them of late!

  3. It did work, some of the colours definitely worked together and it went! Lovely colours for Autumn too, I’m not ready for wearing darker colours just yet! Happy Friday! Sim #TrafficJam

  4. I always have problems with print mixing since I rarely buy anything with prints!

    • That would be tough, I agree! You do have some gorgeous patterned sweaters! I don’t know if I’d wear a print with them or not…if I did, it would be a very subtle one!

  5. Marsha, these two wayward pieces really do go brilliantly together! I absolutely love this look and these purple shades on you. I think you should contact someone at Crayola though and pitch “Old Oatmeal” to them as a new color! That is cracking me up! I look forward to seeing what direction you decide to go with your Final Fridays posts. Have a wonderful weekend, beautiful friend!


    • Thanks, Shelbee! Hmmmm…now that you mention it, I don’t think there is an Old Oatmeal color in the Crayola box! I was so happy when I spied that cardigan and came up with this outfit! I have a couple of ideas for Final Fridays. I may continue the print mixing for a bit. Oh, you have a fabulous weekend, too!

  6. I love the colour combination and the pattern. Purple has always been on of my favourite colours and the mix with gray is such a great compliment to it. Have a great weekend 🙂

    • Thanks, Heather! Purple is definitely my favorite color, and I wear it with so many colors…even the ones others don’t think it works with! I hope your weekend is spectacular!

  7. These two pieces pair beautifully – congrats on finding a new combo for this “off” colored cardigan! The off colors plague me too at times, but I can generally make them work with neutrals.

    • Thanks, Sally! That’s kind of the thing…the background of the sweater is truly a neutral but a very specific neutral. If you can imagine it, I never thought to just wear plum!!!

  8. That’s a great hack for the cardigan and I adore the look. But you know, print mixing doesn’t have to be with just bottoms and tops. Couldn’t you incorporate two tops, a dress and jacket, heck, even shoes?? Just wondering!!
    BTW, could you sew navy trim over the waistband?? Or just wear a navy belt??

    • You know, I thought about adding in a pair of floral boots. I was afraid, though, they would throw off the proportion, for lack of a better word. I’m probably going to continue the print mixing for a bit, but I think I need to push myself to something else now!

      Well, the waistband is the same kind of fabric only it’s a bit like the waistbands you often find on yoga pants…wide and then you fold it over if you want. I usually end up with it fully extended because it fits snugly under my boobs! When I fold it over, it’s a bit bulky.

      Thanks, Jodie!!

  9. OH I really like the florals and stripes together! They are usually my go-to patterns for print mixing! I like the maxi skirt as well – I have a similar pinstripe maxi skirt and I love it, it’s so soft and comfortable and cosy, but I find it tricky to wear also because the colours are a bit “muddy”. I definitely have worn purple with it, just because I like grey and purple together, but as you’ve shown here it looks so much better when there is a matching colour with the purple too! 🙂

    Hope you’re having a nice weekend. Thank you for the link up!

    • Thanks so much, Mica! I do love to put florals and stripes together…well, stripes and just about anything actually! Muddy is a good way to describe the color!

      I hope your weekend is full of lovely weather, and you’re welcome for the link up!

  10. Oh yes LOVED What Not To Wear!! This look is fun, really love the print on this cardi.

    Allie of

    • Thanks, Allie! I really like the print, too, and was always bummed I couldn’t figure out what to wear with it!

  11. The cardigan and the skirt work well together! I know what you mean about matching versus complementing. It’s hard to grasp at first but then that light bulb moment and it makes sense! You rocked it!

  12. What a win! This is a fantastic look. And you made me laugh too. Your “congealed oatmeal” description had me giggling. Nice that you had to dig deep into your closet. I’m doing another purge. This one is mostly about color. I think the non-jewel tones need to go.


    • Thanks so much, Michelle! I’m glad you got a giggle from the post. But, honestly, that was the best way to describe the color! I am constantly purging my closet. With the exception of my winter sweaters, most of my closet is bursting with color. I don’t know why, but the winter always inspires me to wear more neutrals! Weird, right? In the season of not a lot of color, you’d think I’d want to wear lots of color!

  13. Such a cute fall outfit. You look gorgeous Marsha!

    Lots of love,
    Krissi of the marquise diamond

  14. I must say Marsha, You really know how to pull off a cardigan sweater! They always look so good on you. I think the two patterns work well together. Not over the top but just right. I like it!

    • Aww, that is one awesome compliment, Meagan! Thank you so much! I love cardigans…they are my favorite kind of sweater! I once built a complete writing lesson for my fourth graders over my sweaters!!!

      Thanks again, Meagan!

  15. I was obsessed with What Not To Wear! Oh my goodness, that show! I wanted to be on it, I wanted to host it, I wanted to shop it – all the things – except Nick Arrocho on the hair. He was horrible, I liked the next guy so much better. Anyway…I think you got it – it doesn’t have to match it has to go and you did it!!

    • I had to wait until I was at my daughter’s house in Charleston to watch it because we didn’t have cable at the time. I would stay up all hours just watching episode after episode! And, you’re right about that Nick guy…he basically did the same thing every time! But, seriously, $5000 wasn’t much money for the places they were shopping! It would be fun if they did a “Where are They Now” season, wouldn’t it?

      Thanks, Kellyann!

  16. I just love this print mix! That cardigan is lovely. The print really catches your eye and thanks for sharing that Insta hack. Thanks for the link up too!

    • Thanks so much, Kathrine! I had never thought to put them together, but I really love how they played together!

      And, you’re very welcome!

  17. That sweater is gorgeous! I think stripes is the easiest print to mix and feathers are really like florals!

    • Thank, Mireille. I’m so glad I finally figured out what to wear with it! Plum!! And, I 100% agree…stripes are definitely the easiest print to mix!