Final Friday: For What It’s Worth!

Number 1

I started this series with this photo because I think it shows me as I am…crows’ feet, double chin, receding hairline, and wisdom spots on the hand. I do hope I’m not disappointing you by not doing a print mixing post. I feel like I’ve covered many of the ways to mix prints, but don’t worry! I will just continue those in my regular posts. Once I’d decided that, I wasn’t quite sure what to do with Final Friday. And, then I thought I’d do something similar to a monthly summary but with a few opinions thrown in…that’s the “for what it’s worth” part of this! And, I’m throwing a link party, so please do link up your favorite posts!

What I’ve been reading…

I am in the midst of a couple of books right now. My aesthetician recommended Colleen Hoover, specifically It Ends with Us and It Starts with Us. Interestingly, you read them in that order. I’m on a waiting list for the second. During the pandemic, I read solely on my iPad using the Libby app. Now, it’s a mixture. If I can get it on Libby, I do because it’s so darn easy! But, there truly is nothing like a real book. I love the smell and the feel and everything about books! So, I’ve finished It Ends with Us. I also finished Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll. Mila Kunis stars in the movie. For once, I actually saw the movie before reading the book because I didn’t know there was a book. I knew the ending, right? But, as usually happens, certain things were changed and even left out of the movie. I’ve also read two books by Richard Osman: The Man Who Died Twice and The Bullet that Missed. I’m not sure what has happened to my reading mojo. I used to read four books in a couple of days as well as reading multiple books at the same time. And, that was when I was teaching!

It ends with us
the man who died twice
it starts with us
the bullet that missed

What I’ve been watching…

Nigel has this thing about Jack barking. He despises it with every inch of his being! I tell him Jack will be my protector some day so he’d better be grateful. This means we usually watch something during the day when Jack is out and about that won’t have animals on it. That means we usually watch baking shows! We recently finished Pressure Cooker on Netflix. Talk about alliances and strategies! Of course, we’ve watched Nailed It, The Great British Bake Off with all of its different iterations, and some others I can’t remember. After Jack goes to bed (in his kennel in his own room), we watch tv in bed. I know we shouldn’t do that, but it doesn’t affect my sleep at all.

A little more…

We finally finished Emily in Paris. I say finally because I just didn’t like the Emily character at all. She was self-centered and just so stereotypically American. For me, the redeeming grace(s) were the fashion, the scenery, and the character, Luc! I just loved him…that hair, his little side comments, and his kindness. We also finished The Witcher. We had started it a few years ago, but it just didn’t click with us. We decided to give it another chance. Oh.My.Goodness!!! Henry Cavill with long silver hair…gasp, gasp!!! He could have kept his clothes on, and I would have still had palpations! That man is gorgeous…such a strong jaw line! Strangely enough, I don’t find him quite as captivating with his own hair! Do you ever wonder, though, what these actors go through to get that chiseled musculature? We are currently watching My Life is Murder starring Lucy Lawless. Nigel didn’t recognize her though I doubt he ever missed an episode of Xena!

Even more…

After Nigel goes to sleep, I watch my shows! He doesn’t have a problem with drag, but he doesn’t necessarily want to watch it! I finished the current season of We’re Here which almost always leaves me in tears. It stars two of my favorite drag queens…Bob the Drag Queen and Shangela as well as Eureka O’Hara (who leaves me cold because of her rather loud personality). In case you can’t tell, I support gender fluidity and the LGBTQ+ community. I’m sorry if that loses a few of you. I think we are given one life so we need to live it as fully and as truthfully as we can. I am currently watching the 15th season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. And, yes, I have been watching since Season 1! I don’t have any early favorites, but there are some talented queens on this season. I do miss the days when they had to create their own looks most of the time. Nowadays, they have designers who make their looks. I also just finished rewatching RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars, Season One. I mean, I knew who won, but I had forgotten how snarky some of them were! On to Season Two!

I just love this photo! This IS my high school years!

What I’m working on…

I finished knitting the Honey cardigan. Oh, you would have laughed! I thought the sleeves seemed really short so I just kept knitting. I didn’t pay attention to the photos of the cardigan which showed a drop shoulder! Those sleeves hung down past my hands a good six inches. I didn’t like other aspects of the cardigan…my fault for not doing a gauge swatch and following the sizing. So, I tore it apart and unraveled the whole thing. I’m now knitting a pullover sweater by Martin Storey. During the pandemic, I began crocheting granny squares to use up some of the yarn in my stash. My youngest son wanted a new one so I kept that in mind with the colors. I wasn’t sure how to connect them as I’ve only ever made one granny square afghan which was just one big granny square! I finally discovered a way that worked for me. I sewed them into strips, and then sewed the strips together…117 squares in all! I finally finished the border and am now weaving in all the loose ends…ugh! I also started another granny square afghan. This one isn’t technically granny squares as some of them are rectangles. I’m doing it in shades of lavender with a strange grey, almost taupe, color thrown into the mix.

So true!

A little more…

I decided I didn’t like the curtains in the living room. I had bought heavy duty tension rods because we paid extra for larger wood trim, and I wanted it to show! But, I just didn’t like how heavy and dark the room was. So, I took those down and hung curtain rods. Unfortunately, the curtains (which I’d made for the old house) were just a hair short. I had to rip out several seams in order to let down the header and recreate the rod pockets. But, the result is so much better. I convinced Nigel to hang the rods past the edges of the window so a) the windows would appear bigger, and b) more light would come in. That meant I was left with a pair of curtains (also made by me for the old house). I decided to put them in the master bedroom. Again, I had to rework the rod pockets as well as let down the hem. Now, I need to convince Nigel to paint the bedroom. I’ve picked Sherwin Williams Silver Strand. If anyone has used that color, drop me a comment or an email. I’d love to hear your opinion on it!

What I’m buying…

This may be the most shocking thing you’ve read! I haven’t bought anything for myself this year. I had a couple of things I’d purchased from Kantha Bae ship after the new year began. I just haven’t seen anything I really want. I’m not doing a no-buy type of thing; I’m just being a little more intentional in my shopping. I am tempted to buy something in the Pantone color of the year, “Viva Magenta,” because it’s a color that compliments my coloring. Hit me up with your suggestions! I do think part of why I haven’t been shopping is more and more retailers are using natural fibers blended with nylon. That combination makes me itch just typing it! I also know cotton production wreaks havoc on our world so I’m taking that into account, too.

Where I’m going…

This is easy…no place! This is that time year when you can’t depend on the weather to do much car travel. Nigel isn’t a fan of flying anymore. He used to do a lot of it when he was working so he prefers to drive. I’d like to say we have some wonderful trips planned. I’d like to say that, but the reality is we have absolutely nothing planned. I’d love some ideas if you have any!

What I’ve worn…

Well, to be perfectly honest, there have been a number of days spent in my pajamas! I have gotten busy with this project or that one so it’s later in the day before I even shower! Here are my looks from the blog for January.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I do hope you like this new take on Final Fridays. I’m sure there was so much more I did, but I couldn’t remember. I will try to write things down in February. So, can we talk? Do you like this format? Do you have a better idea for Final Fridays? Should there be more fashion? Or, should there be less photos and more words? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise I will respond as soon as possible! I don’t know what else to do at this point. I’m reaching out to a couple other bloggers to see what they use. So far, nothing I’ve tried is working! I do apologize!

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!

You may have noticed I copy and paste some of the “regular” blocks on my blog. But, the Thank you is always written fresh! Of course, there are only so many ways you can say thank you, right? Please do know I appreciate every comment, subscriber, and email! You make my day so much brighter! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, and I do deClaire and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Friday Print Mixing on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties! Just a note…Traffic Jam is on a bit of a hiatus as I try to figure out how to continue it.

And, now it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. I do love these kind a posts. A peek into the life of other like minded women! Please continue!

    • Thanks so much, Nancy! Sometimes, you have to write about something other than fashion, right? I will try to clean up this kind of post a bit, though!

  2. Okay first off; when I look at that first picture of you I don’t see crows feet and double chins and whatnot– I just don’t (I mean I did once you mentioned them and I went back to really study it)! I noticed your beautiful smile and your lovely hair most of all. I watch TV right up until falling asleep too and it doesn’t bother me at all; in fact I’ve noticed that I actually can’t fall asleep without the TV on. I think this was a fun format. I just started reading the Finlay Donovan series this month and am loving it; she’s a bumbling author that somehow gets herself wrapped up in murder and mystery and mayhem. It’s quirky and funny and totally unbelievable but in the best “this is clearly fiction” kind of way.

    • Awww…thanks, Joanne! I think we all see our flaws long before anyone else does. But, I really liked how that photo showed them in a kind of flattering way!

      I will have to look for this series. It sounds like something I would like. I rarely fall asleep to tv because when I’m watching just for myself, I’m really interested in it!

  3. I love these kinds of posts, thoroughly enjoyed it, carry on with this style.?

    • Thanks so much, Gillian! I will try to do a few more of these posts because they’re different from the norm!

  4. I enjoyed It Ends With Us and It Starts With Us. I’m halfway through the current season of Emily in Paris. I love the fashion and the character Luc too! Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for the linkup!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    • Thanks, Jill, for coming by! I am curious to see how It Starts With Us ties into the first novel. And, you are very welcome for the link up! I’m glad you visited!

  5. Henry Cavill in The Witcher…I know, right? It’s too bad that he isn’t going to be in the new season. (He turned it down to be in another Superman movie and they decided to set the movie to a previous time and hired a younger actor.)

    The yarn stash meme gave me a good laugh – it is SO TRUE.

    • Oh, yeah!!! I noticed him first in The Tudors, but he really didn’t stand out. But, in The Witcher with that long grey hair…oh, yes!! I wonder what he’ll do next since Superman is out of the picture.

      Are you a knitter, Sally? I have decided I’m going to use up my old yarn while adding some really good woolens. We will see!

      Thanks, Sally, for coming by!

  6. The Colleen Hoover books sound interesting, will investigate! We don’t watch the Great British Bake Off now. The nation was obsessed but then it moved to a different channel, without Mary Berry and Mel and Sue, and a lot of us lost interest.
    Henry Cavill was certainly a treat in The Witcher (and in The Tudors if you remember him from that). The “prequel” Witcher, that launched around Christmas, doesn’t feature him so was a waste of time to my mind!
    What’s happened to Traffic Jam Weekend? I clicked on the various host blogs but none of them had had a recent link-up for a while. Yours is a good substitute.

    • The original (I think) hostess of Traffic Jam left blogging. I’m not 100% sure how to add in the blogs like she did, but I’m thinking of restarting it with Michelle. I’m glad you think mine is a good substitute!

      Oh, yes, I remember him in the Tudors and thought him quite nice! We did watch the prequel which led us back to the original. It’s a little confusing.

      Oh, I definitely prefer Mary Berry, Mel, and Sue to Prue and Paul. But, Mike really likes this show (beyond it keeping Jack from barking). Have you seen Sue’s newest show, Perfectly Legal? It’s a bit of a hoot! I haven’t read the 50 Shades books, but I wonder if these Colleen Hoover books aren’t 50 Shades Lite? Give them a try. You might like them!

      Thanks, Gail, for visiting!

  7. I loved this post!! It was so chatty and fun. And you look great in your first photo!

    I need to download the Libby app. I have been using either Hoopla or Audible (with Billy’s credits, shhh) and sometimes I can’t find what I am looking for. The Osman books are on my TBR!

    We watch tv in bed too. It’s just so comfy. And I sleep very well. Lol.

  8. And oh I forgot to mention Henry Cavill in The Witcher. I am 100% with you that he looks this show with his long Witcher hair. More so than with his normal hair. It seems weird, but I am Team Geralt.

  9. I read a lot of books last year (139) but this year I don’t seem to have the same drive for reading – I’ve had to extend the loan of a few books I have out from the library when usually I read them all and get them back before the first due date. I’ve read some books that I didn’t enjoy which always makes it harder to jump into a new one!

    Good luck with all your crochet projects as well! It sounds really interesting. And thank you for the link up Marsha 🙂

  10. Thanks for the update on your life right now! Of course Emily is self-centered. Weren’t we all like that in our 20’s? Lol!

  11. I think you are being too hard on yourself in the first photo! I see a happy women with bright eyes and great sense of style. I don’t see any of what you are talking about. Those books sound good. I need to check them out! It sounds like you are making some fun changes to your home. I hope you are taking before and after photos!

    • Thanks, Laura! What kind words! I really did enjoy the Thursday Murder Club books as well as the other two! I can’t wait to do some painting!

  12. I read all words. I see a happy women with bright eyes and great sense of style. Thanks for sharing your life right now with us!

  13. First off, I do love this format! (I may steal it.) You are such an honest and entertaining writer. And I love your shout out to the LGBTQ community. I’m an ally as well. I hope you’ll show us your sweater when it’s finished.


    • Thanks so much, Michelle! I just thought I’d said about all I could say about mixing prints. But, I may pop one of those in every once in a while. I’ve been thinking about doing a monthly wrap up so I thought this was just the thing. I do appreciate your support! As far as being an ally, I just think love is love. It’s not up to me to decide. I will definitely show off my sweater, but it will probably be quite a while. I’m not a fast knitter! And, I just started another granny square afghan for my granddaughter except I’m using squares and rectangles. I hope it turns out well!

  14. I loved reading this post, Marsha! I rather enjoy watching some of the baking shows…The Great British Baking Show (in England it’s called The Great British Bake Off) is my favourite, but I also love The Great British Sewing Bee and The Great Pottery Throwdown. I tried watching some of the RuPaul shows but I found the UK version to be so crude!! Is the US version better? I must be a real prude lol! I am a big supporter of the LGBTQ community though, because I agree with you. We must live our lives as true to ourselves as we can possibly be!
    As for your posting style…it’s great, although I would have liked to have seen photos of the curtains!
    Have a great weekend,
    Suzy xx

    • Thanks, Suzy! I should have taken more pictures, but I thought, perhaps, people would want more words. I’ve heard from others…more pictures! So, more pictures it shall be!

      I haven’t been able to find The Great British Sewing Bee on any of the streaming services we use, but we did watch The Great Pottery Throwdown and loved it! There’s a show on Netflix…don’t know if you get it…Blown Away about glass blowing. I really like that. As for Drag Race, the queens seem to be much more comfortable in being crude in the last few seasons in the US. I’ve only seen the first season, I think, of the British version. I suppose I’m just used to crude language…I’m a Yank, ya know!!

      Thanks, my friend!!!