Final Friday: Random Prints

It’s the final Friday of September if you can believe it! That means it’s time for another edition of print mixing. I recently bought this Free to Be Button Down from Kantha Bae. I decided to use it for the centerpiece of my look. I was going to go with stripes which is my go to print mixer. One of the reasons Michelle began Final Fridays was to push herself outside of her comfort zone when it came to print mixing. So, out of my comfort zone I went! Luckily, this Johnny Was tee (seen here) had many of the same colors in my button down. I added my pima leggings from J Jill, and an outfit was born! Oh, and I always forget to do this! There’s a link party, too! So, don’t forget to link up!

Kantha Bae…

I have shown a few different pieces from Kantha Bae. In case you aren’t familiar with this brand, let me tell you a bit about it. Krista Sartin started Kantha Bae over five years ago. In 2006, she did mission work in India and saw a need for an industry which would help families in India, Bangladesh, and the US. When you purchase something from Kantha Bae, you are buying something made from recycled fabrics, silks and cottons. If you look closely, you may find small patches or even holes as these fabrics have lived a previous life. Each item is unique. Some of them have A and B sides which means you can reverse them…getting two items in one! Most importantly, you are helping people around the world! You can read more here and here. Daenel, from Living Outside the Stacks introduced me to the brand. If you want to see someone who can rock this clothing, please check out her blog! I’m telling you Daenel is one stunning woman!

Print mixing…

I am not an expert at print mixing in any way, shape, or form. I started small with a stripe and a floral. And, that’s where I stayed for many years. I think I probably mention this in every Final Friday post, but my mom would not have been a fan of print mixing. To put a stripe and a plaid together would have surely given her hives! But, here’s the really cool think about print mixing. You can try it, and if you like it, wear it! Or, conversely, you can try it, and if you hate it, change! It is really just that easy. Another thing is to just google it! You can find lots of articles about how to do it (and probably lots on how not to do it)!

Today’s outfit…

As I wrote earlier, today’s outfit was born out of pushing myself to think out of my particular comfort zone. I wanted so badly to do a stripe! Why? Because it’s easy. But, as soon as I took this button down out of the package, a little bell went off inside my head. I heard it (actually, I have tinnitus so I hear bells all the time), but I ignored it because I wanted to wear a striped tee! Like many other times, I finally gave in and put the tee with the button down! And, then, my friends, the magic happened! There are many colors that coordinate or even kind of match. If you weren’t looking closely, you might even think the tee’s sleeves are just a continuation of the button down. I had thought to wear my blue leggings, but the green ones were the best (and I don’t have any blue booties…yet).

The Lewk!

I really like these Sofft booties (similar). They’re a neutral color…a little bit grey, a little bit green. Please forgive the poor quality of these photos! I need to find a good place to photograph my accessories. I’m wearing my John Hardy Naga Legends earrings and bracelet along with a Lagos caviar ring. I did not know Nordstrom Rack carried John Hardy! Hmmm…the things you learn when you google something!

Wrap it up, Marsha!

Well, I’m not sure if you’ve realized it, but this is my fourth blog post this week! I don’t know how bloggers do it every day! Our internet has to be slower than a wet noodle being dragged through a dollop of cream cheese! I have had to download each of these images individually! But, I digress! So, can we talk? Would you wear two completely random prints together? Are you getting more comfortable with print mixing? Or, are you a minimalist? There is room in the fashion world for all of us! And, I am here to celebrate your choices! Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as quickly as I can. I have been so behind on answering comments and reading other blogs. Now they’re home, I can tell you this! My son-in-law surprised my daughter with a trip to Paris to celebrate her birthday (I am soooooo jealous)! I’ve been staying with the grands which has been fun. What has not been fun? Getting up at 5:45am! I don’t go to sleep until around 1:00am! And, my body clock did not switch for those few days! I promise to get caught up as soon as I can!

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I recently became a Brand Ambassador for Sarah Flint shoes. You can use SARAHFLINT-BAMARSHA for $50 off your first pair. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!

I cannot begin to express my gratitude to you! I appreciate all of you…subscribers, regular readers, and newcomers! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in PinkBeing a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Friday Print Mixing on the last Friday of the month. I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

And, now the party starts!


  1. This button down from Kantha Bae is beautiful, and you look fabulous in this outfit.

  2. Oh Marsha, what a beautiful outfit! I love your kimono and that wonderful top underneath. The prints and colors go together so well! I first learned of Kantha Bae from Daenel, too, (and yes, she is a stunning human!). But I have yet to make a purchase. Mostly because I am trying not to shop much and also because I can never decide on any one thing because they are all so gorgeous! I cracked up about your internet being “slower than a wet noodle being dragged through a dollop of cream cheese”. Ha. You are so funny! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.


    • Thanks, Shelbee! I am not kidding about the internet…it’s awful. We are on our second or third modem (or maybe it’s a router…it’s all Greek to me)! It doesn’t help that my laptop is basically as ancient as me!

      What I’ve learned about Kantha Bae is that you can’t wait too long, or the item will be gone. That’s not all bad because it cuts down on impulsive buys. The other thing is the colors are a bit different from what you see online. That’s not bad either because then you get a fun surprise! And, Daenel is absolutely stunning…I don’t think she has any idea how gorgeous she is!

  3. I LOVE this print mix! Both the tee and the Kantha Bae button down are perfect together. I love that you forced yourself outside your comfort zone to create this outfit! Did I mention that I love it? And I don’t know how you managed to post 4 times while watching your grands. Happy birthday to your daughter! A trip to Paris? What an amazing gift!


    • Thanks, Michelle! I do love this whole look and wore it to church that night! It’s also very comfortable, but I do have to be aware of the ends of it as it’s so floaty! Well, the grands when to bed at 9:00, and I couldn’t fall asleep earlier so blog posts were written! And, I am so jealous…I want so badly to go to Paris before Nigel feels he can’t handle an oceanic crossing! Wanna go?

  4. I LOVE this outfit! You look fabulous and those two prints do look like they were made to go together. Your daughter is so lucky! I hope they had a fabulous trip.

    • Thanks so much, Joanne! I was thrilled when the button down showed up in time for the photos! And, yes, my daughter has her husband trained well! Actually, he’s just a really thoughtful gift giver!

  5. A nice thing about your dramatic topper is that only a bit of the underlying top comes through anyway, so it’s a good way to try an out of your comfort zone combination. This one turned out so well! I also love those boots with their kinda grey/kinda olive neutral color!

    • I really love these booties…they are comfortable as well as being such a great neutral! I hadn’t thought about the way the topper sort of camouflages the tee beneath it. Thanks so much, Sally!

  6. Oh I am loving this button down it’s such a fantastic topper – and I like that you added even more prints to it with the top underneath. Such a fun and colourful outfit 🙂

    Hope you are having a great weekend 🙂

    • Thanks so much, Mica! To be honest, I thought the button down was going to be much more bright. I’m really glad it was in those nice muted colors and worked so well with my tee!

      Our weekend looks wonderful…cooler and sunny! I hope yours is fabulous!

  7. Have you ever wondered why it’s okay to pair two solid colors together and yet people “get hives” at pairing two prints?? I hear the excuse because they are “too busy”, but that huge expanse of color can be just as busy and overwhelming if you ask me, haha!!
    Anyways, I love a great print mixing challenge and need to work on it more often.
    LOVE this Marsha, But I wouldn’t love that alarm clock time, haha.

    • Thanks, Jodie! Yes, those early mornings were not fun at all! I was surprised, though, at how well the kids got up!

      I never thought of two expanses of solid colors being overwhelming, but you’re so right! I love print mixing. It’s just become second nature to me! I don’t take it to your level, though…I never think about my shoes being a part of the mix!

  8. That kimono is absolutely stunning! And since it already mixes prints you may as add other with your cute top! Love how this look turned out!

  9. I love a bold print to accent an outfit. Kimonos are the perfect touch without commitment!

    Happy styling & shopping!

    • Thanks so much, Meredeth! I really need to check out your shop! I’ve been so busy with moving…I will take a look soon!

  10. I like that you listened to that voice in your head and went this direction! The leggings really ground the unique mix of prints. That Kantha Bae piece is stunning. Thanks so much for the link up Marsha!

  11. The kimono is beautiful, love the drape and shaping. And always good to shop from a sustainable brand. Thanks for linking!

    • Thanks, Gail! I love it, too (I tore it this weekend and will have to figure out a repair)! And, thank you for hosting!