Number #17
May has been one of those months that seemed to just fly and yet trickle like a caramel sauce through a sticky toffee pudding. Nigel continues to struggle with walking which is hard as he’s used to walking 3-4 miles a day. As difficult as it is for me to watch, it’s even worse for him. But, the month is drawing to a close, and we’re getting closer to answers. If you’re new to the blog, this is my monthly recap with a few opinions thrown in. Those opinions are the “for what it’s worth” part of this! I’m also throwing a link party so please link up your favorite posts. Don’t have a blog? Don’t worry! You might find a new blog or two!
What I’ve been reading…

Another really slow month of reading. I’m not sure where my reading mojo has gone. I just don’t seem to find books that hold my attention. But, I’m stubborn and rarely abandon books. Of course, I did speed through the Louise Penny book. It was a bit different than the usual Armand Gamache book, but I still loved it. The second book is part of a series, but I’m not sure if I’ll read any more of them. Too much innuendo and too little plot for me. The last book is one I should have loved. And, I think if my head were in a different space, I probably would have. It’s the story of Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary McLeod Bethune. I found parts of it so disheartening as it doesn’t seem we’ve made much progress in equality here in the States…and this book takes place in the 1930s.
What I’ve been watching…
Nigel loves “Star Trek” in any form! He especially loves it when Sir Patrick Stewart is in the series. This one does not star the beloved Jean-Luc Picard (beloved by Nigel). I loved Palm Royale and hope it has a second season. It was just so juicy and unexpected. The fashions were fun, and the characters were over the top! OK, is there anyone out there who doesn’t love Dame Maggie Smith? I think I could watch her read the dictionary and enjoy it! This movie is one of those feel good movies that will make you a bit weepy. Loved the last few seconds of it, too!

A little more…
“Mother of the Bride” was an impulse watch. I didn’t really like it, but I also didn’t dislike it enough to switch it off. You knew, from the start, how it was going to end. I kept looking at Brooke Shields and thinking how beautifully she’s aged. If you’ve seen “First Wives Club,” you’ve seen Michelle Buteau. What I thought was quirky in that show, I now realize is the comedian’s natural demeanor. I really enjoyed this series which has been renewed for a second season. Boy howdy! If you want to watch something that leaves you shaking your head and thinking WTF, watch “Baby Reindeer.” It is one of the strangest things I’ve seen in a while. OK, I realize I am probably going to be in the minority when it comes to “Hacks,” but it’s not my favorite. I really like Jean Smart, and her character, Deborah Vance, is a smart, assertive woman who wants to continue to succeed in a man’s world. And, yes, she comes across as bitchy, but, hey, for those of you who have experienced working in a man’s world, you get it. My problem with the show is the character, Ava. She’s just so whiny and embodies millennials at their worst. I like the premise of the show and all of the other characters.

What I’ve been working on…
Last month, I told you I’d inherited a trunk full of goodies from my nonagenarian friend. I finally got it all organized and stored away. I just need to figure out what I’m going to do with it. There are lots of skeins of really beautiful pure wool but not enough to finish one project. I will probably come up with some kind of patterned piece. I am still working on the scrapghan I started last month. I do have a project I want to get some linen/bamboo yarn for and crochet in the coming weeks.

A little more…
My rose bushes were absolutely covered with blooms at the beginning of the month, and I didn’t get a photo! I’ve since deadheaded them and am awaiting the next go round. I’ve been planting all kinds of perennials and annuals. I’m really pleased with the way the hump looks. I’ve planted creeping phlox and Shasta daisies so far. I think the cosmos and zinnias will have to wait until next year. I’ll try my hand at starting them inside earlier in the year so they grow and bloom faster. We have had so much rain, the mowers can’t mow on a regular basis. I try to mow it myself, but if I do it before they come, they sometimes skip us.

The hump isn’t very high on our side, but it’s very steep on the other side. The next gallery contains a plethora of clearance plants that have been planted one place or another!

What I’ve been buying…
Old Navy has been killing it lately. I bought the cutest dress, but I’m keeping it for later next month. I also bought a few pairs of these crinkle gauze shorts. I bought them in three colors and will wear them out! They are just that good! I also bought a really cute top and may buy another if they run another half off sale. Then, I saw this cute jumpsuit in the store, but I didn’t have time to try it on…another half price sale. It’s waiting at the store for me to pick it up. Update: I tried on the jumpsuit at the store. It was not for me and my short waisted body. I probably bought some other things, but the months kinda run together these days.
Where I’m going…
My Ireland/Scotland trip is still on track. I’m beginning to think about packing, but I’m just not sure what to take. Suggestions are appreciated. One friend told me to expect all four seasons! The London trip after the New Year is looking more and more likely. And, I may have talked my youngest son into a trip to Italy! Nigel continues to have problems with his hips. We are in the middle of lots of tests and appointments. I appreciate any prayers or positive vibes sent our way. All that to say, I’m a bit worried about my upcoming trip. My youngest has agreed to stay with him while I’m gone.
What I’ve been wearing…
I got a new-to-me large iPad with keyboard set up so I’ve been using that to blog. I’m finding I’m having some difficulties in keeping track of my photos. You may notice my photos have a different angle to them as Nigel has to sit to take them now. He loves doing it. So, at this point, I’m not getting a tripod.

Wrap it up, Marsha!
May has been a month of hurry up and wait. So, we do. I’m very happy with the way I’m putting my mark on the landscaping around the house. The inside is still not feeling like home yet, but I’m very sentimental. It will take a while. So, can we talk? How has your May been? Am I the only person who doesn’t like “Hacks?” Any recommendations on rose fertilizers? What are you looking forward to next month? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.
Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing. Please feel free to share my blog with friends if you think they’d enjoy it. If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.
Affiliate links, discount codes and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.
Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, Suzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, Style Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Featured favorites from last month…

And, now, it’s your turn!
Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!
Marsha, Thank you so much for featuring my Happy Spring Tablescape and Sunset Post. It is truly an honor to be featured on your site. I really enjoy your posts, and also often see something I would like to read or watch, which I add to my “notes” on my phone- thank you! Thanks too for hosting! I really appreciate sharing on your link party and also enjoy looking at so many great ideas that are shared there. Thanks so much – Have a great day!! Patty . –
You are welcome, Patty! All of the photos on your post were beautiful, but that one was absolutely glorious! I’m so glad you linked up. And, thank you so much for your many compliments. I hope you continue to link up as I love reading your posts!
Great splashes of color with your planting. Our roses are in their full glory at the moment. I agree about Baby Reindeer – a weird program! I haven’t seen the other things you mention. The books are all right up my street. Thanks for the link-up and have a good weekend.
Thanks, Gail! Last year, my roses bloomed all summer. I’m hoping they do the same this year. They just got off to such an early start. Did you start Baby Reindeer and think, “I’ve got to finish this just because nothing can be this weird.” I hope your weekend is glorious!
There’s some lovely planting going on. My roses are now out and looking good. You’ve seen a lot of films and tv – I will mention a few films as we’ve seen quite a few this month in the next post. And I have NOT seen Baby Reindeer as I really don’t fancy it, sounds icky!!!
As for travel clothes to Scotland and Ireland – be prepared for any kind of weather especially rain! It could rain every day, and then again it might not, as it could be glorious – you never know!! And offering many kind thoughts to Nigel as I know what it means to have difficulty walking. I am still not walking properly as I get wobbly. As I’m not in pain, I know that walking +++ and building muscle is the main way for me to get better. But keep on with the tests as knowledge and information is power as you can then work on it. Very best to Nigel – and to you X
Thank you, Penny! You really aren’t missing anything with Baby Reindeer. We started it, and we just had to finish to see what the heck was going on with it. I sincerely hope there isn’t a second season!
I really should start pulling things together to see what I’ve got and what I haven’t. I do know I need a raincoat of some kind. I’m worried most about shoes as we’ll be walking a lot.
Thank you for the kind thoughts. I think we are done with tests (which were inconclusive). We have an appointment with a surgeon, but it’s not for three weeks. Then, the actual surgery…who even knows. I have my list of questions all ready! Thank you again, Penny!
Marsha, thanks for the feature – what a sweet surprise it was!!
I hope Nigel gets some answers and relief, I can only imagine how he feels. I know I would be so devastated if I couldn’t walk like I do now. Praying for him and you.
Definitely pack for all 4 seasons when you take your trip – I always had my rain coat, scarf, and sweater with me in a tote bag in Ireland and Scotland. Layers are key and I would say bring an extra pair of shoes in case yours get wet – it rains quite a bit! I am excited for you!!
You’re welcome, Kellyann! Thank you for the prayers. I’ve been praying up a storm, that’s for sure. We have some answers, but actually scheduling anything beyond a consultation will probably take months. That’s what worries me most.
I really need to start gathering things up. My friend wants to fly carryon only! I would love to check one bag because I want to buy a few things, right? The shoes are the things that I’m most concerned about as I know we’ll be walking a lot.
I am so sorry to hear Nigel is having hip troubles. I hope you get answers and treatment soon. Love seeing your garden pics as I’ve been spending lots of time in the garden. Still have quite a few perennials to put in the ground.
Sending good vibes your way!
Thank you, Michelle! We have some sorta answers, but the treatment is what worries me. Specialists and surgeons are so booked out, and he’s really in a lot of pain. Oh, I wish I had as much space for gardening as you do. But, I’m determined to make the most of what I have.
The black dress and bright beads is such a stunning combination.
Thank you so much! I love this kantha jewelry, and it was just what the dress needed!
Another fun link up! This is our first time visiting and participating! Love all the fun content – I’m looking forward to checking out a few of the shows you mentioned! Have a great weekend, Marsha!
Welcome, Laura! I’m so glad you came! I hope you come back and let me know what you think of the shows! Have a fantastic weekend!
Baby Reindeer was so strange! I just finished it last night. I didn’t finish Mother of the Bride. It was not a great script which is too bad. They had good actors and good potential! I need to check out those books you read. They look good!
Thanks, Laura! Oh, my gosh! Baby Reindeer was just crazy! I didn’t realize until near the end that the guy playing the comic was the actual guy it happened to. I agree on Mother of the Bride. They had big name talent with nothing for them to do beyond what was expected.
Sending more love and hugs.
Clearance plants? I had no idea they did that. That would be better for me because half the time we kill things, LOL.
I have a bunch of yarn ready for a new project that I can’t wait to start.
As for packing for your trip, I’m the worst. Not the worst, but definitely not a minimalist.
Oh, my gosh! Yes, our Lowes usually marks down on Monday or Tuesday. And, they have been overloaded with plants so perfectly good plants get marked down. I was looking around at these poor little plants shoved off into a corner. There was some yarrow there, and this woman came rushing over to me. She told me that was deadstock and wasn’t for sale. They were perfectly good plants! I hate that they just ended up in the trash. They could have at least offered them to a service organization to plant at various places. I actually bought some new yarn yesterday for a shrug like thing I’m making! I want to wear it to a wedding in June…better hurry!
Thanks, Jodie!
I couldn’t get into Hacks either; I thought it would be much funnier.. I enjoyed Mother of the Bride enough to keep watching but it definitely won’t be making it onto my favorites list. Eleanor Roosevelt must have been some woman because I could swear she was the first lady that also made friend with the female Russian sniper I read about.
We are into the third season of Hacks, and it is definitely better than the first two seasons. I think Mother of the Bride could have been so much better, but there were just too many plot lines at the same time. I’ve read that book, too. I think Eleanor Roosevelt was quite a bit like she’s portrayed in The First Ladies…shy but came into her own as she discovered who she was.
Thanks, Joanne!
Oh Marsha, I am so sorry that Nigel continues to struggle and you have not found any resolutions yet. I will continue to send prayers and healing energy your way! Oh my gosh, Jeff and I have watched 3 episodes of Baby Reindeer so far and we are hooked. What a bizarre story. They say that the truth is stranger than fiction and it this case that is really true!
Thanks, Shelbee. At this point, all the tests are done, I think (and hope). It’s all a waiting game now. I really appreciate the prayers and healing energy. We need lots of both.
Did you realize the main character is the real guy? He’s the writer and director, too, which kinda makes me suspicious of just how bad it was. but, it’s still such a weird, weird show!!
Hi Marsha what a great round up. I really enjoy reading Louise Penny and think I’ve read all of her Inspector Gamache books. Love your crochet and fashion. I’m so pleased you could link up with us at #WBOYC and have a beautiful June. See you next month to read all about it. x
I love the Inspector Gamache books and am reading them out of order. Sometimes, I really have to think in order for things to make sense. Thanks so much for the link up and the compliments!
Thanks, again, Sue!
Wow, you head heaps on the go in May. I think I’m the only person on earth who hasn’t watched Baby Reindeer or Hacks. I did, however, watch Mother of the Bride. I quite like Brooked Shields (and she’s aged amazingly well), but I always cringe at those stupidly awkward scenes where a really intelligent woman does really stupid things. After that awkward cringey start, I settled into quite enjoying the movie. Thanks for linking up with us.
Thanks for hosting the party, Joanne! I think that’s what I didn’t like about that movie. Brooke’s character was obviously intelligent but constantly played the typical dumb female. I thought the daughter was just such an awful caricature of millennials, too. We are just about done with the third season of Hacks, and I’m really enjoying this season. Baby Reindeer is just strange…pure and simple!
I hope Nigel gets some answers soon. I’m so sorry he’s going through all this. My dad is having horrible issues with his hip and he can’t figure it out either. Neither can doctors other than to say it is muscular and try to do PT.
I hope you are able to pull off the Scotland trip. I’m very jealous of that one. My husband also loves all things Star Trek – especially Patrick Stewart.
You’ve had a lot on your mind, so that may be one reason you can’t get into any books right now. We all have times like that.
Thanks, Lisa. We think we have a probably diagnosis, but we have to wait on the surgeon. That appointment is a few weeks away. Meanwhile, he’s in pain and struggling…it’s hard to see him like this. Mike’s is definitely not muscular so the PT didn’t work. But, he didn’t tell them pertinent information at the beginning.
I really do hope the Scotland trip goes through. I feel so conflicted about it. We’ve been planning it for months, and Mike says I have to go. But, what if he has surgery then? He says he won’t. It’s just so complicated. Why do things have to get complicated?
Hi Marsha, I enjoyed your monthly wrap-up and always learn more about you as I read! Your gardens are looking lovely with lots of pops of colour. I hope Nigel, and you, get some answers soon, it is so hard waiting to find out what the issues are and what can be done. I’m glad your trip is still going ahead and agree with everyone else, a range of layers is best and shows can be a big problem. I did carry-on only for a month (or so) to UK a while ago and found it liberating. I bought a few things from charity shops and returned them before I left, I wore white sneakers on the plane and took sandals and thongs (flip-flops) and was pleased with my choices. It’s great to have something to look forward to sin’t it? We leave in mid September for our 7 weeks. Thanks for joining us for #wboyc and thanks for your linkups too
Thanks, Debbie! I hope to have that hump just covered with perennials and a few annuals in the next few years. Thanks for the positive thoughts…we are slowly getting there. It’s the waiting that is so hard! Everyone has told me layers are key to being comfortable. My biggest worry is shoes that are comfortable and waterproof! Oh, you don’t have much longer to wait! I’m sure Dottie can’t wait!
Marsha I will for sure be praying for Nigel, that the doctors figure it out and he gets some answers and relief.
You have some great trips coming up!! All my wish list trips and all the countries that make up my ancestry according to Ancestry.com. lol
The Darling Buds of May was super bizarre!! I liked the TV show so much better. I am not reading more of that series either. I was actually grossed out by it.
Have a great day Marsha!
Thank you, Erin. I really appreciate the prayers. How about that…if I notice anyone who looks like you…I’ll ask them if they know you! We were always told my dad’s side of the family came from England, but they came from Switzerland! Oh, I’m glad to hear you didn’t like that book, either. I kept wondering when things were going to be resolved, and then I found out it’s a series! I’ll look for the tv series!
Never in a million years would I have thought your flowers were from the clearance section! The pics don’t do them justice of how pretty they are in person! And I agree with you about Mother of the Bride. It was “meh” at best.
Thanks, Steph! You should ask Josh about the dead pile trees! I love buying those little unloved plants and bringing them home!
I don’t do any gardening so I am always impressed by those who enjoy it and work at their flowerbeds and landscaping because it’s so beyond me. LOL Looks like you’ve made progress in that area and I’m sure those rosebushes were lovely! I would like to read that Marie Benedict book – I’ve enjoyed her writing before and the First Ladies looks interesting.
Thanks, Kym. I love to garden and wish I had more places in which to do it. The only gardening I’m not good at is growing veggies! I love a homegrown cucumber! I’ve been checking on my rosebushes, and can see the beginnings of new buds! Yay! If you read The First Ladies, you’ll have to let me know what you think.
Hi Marsha,
I love murder mysteries and really love historical fiction. I have a book I am reading now called, Cilka’s Journey, by the same author who wrote the story of the Tatooist of Auschwitz. Such amazing stories and so heartbreaking. I need a light book for the beach. I will look into yours You will have to tell me about Ireland and Scotland, as we want to fly to London in 2025 and then go to the UK. My dad’s wish was to go to Ireland and he never made it. My rosebushes were the same, large blooms, but now not so much. I always enjoy reading your blog!
Thanks so much, Jess! I am glad you enjoy my blog. I haven’t read the Tatooist of Auschwitz. I will look for it. London is a wonderful place and easily navigated. The train system there is amazing although we didn’t travel extensively in the country. I will definitely do a blog post (or a few) on my trip. But, we are traveling by bus on a tour. I’m beginning to get a little apprehensive about it…what to pack, what not to pack! My rosebushes now have lots of tiny little buds…much smaller than earlier, but I’m hopeful they’ll be beautiful!
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