Number #18
Raise your hand if June flew right by you! It seems like we were just hearing the roar of the Indy 500, and now we’re looking the Fourth of July right in the face. Last month, I mentioned how much trouble Nigel has been having with his hips. We now have a definite diagnosis of Avascular Necrosis (AVN), and he’ll be getting two new hips in the coming months. I can’t wait because it’s tough watching him struggle to even get comfortable in bed. By next month’s Final Friday, he’ll have one new one! If you’re new to the blog, this is my monthly recap with a few opinions thrown in. Those opinions are the “for what it’s worth” part of this! I’m also throwing a link party so please link up your favorite posts. Don’t have a blog? Don’t worry! You might find a new blog or two!
What I’ve been reading…

Another really slow month of reading. I’m currently reading another book, but I won’t finish it before this post goes live. I was also reading another, but I just decided it wasn’t for me. It’s unusual for me to abandon a book even though that was something I taught my students. I’m just so stubborn! I never watched any of the Duggar shows, but this book intrigued me. She does shed a lot of light on the behind the scenes of the money end of the juggernaut their show became. Her dad appears to be the stereotypical religious guy who doesn’t see the harm in becoming wealthy all while preaching a life of abstinence. She only vaguely touches on the controversy surrounding her brother. In the end, I really had little empathy for her because it almost seemed like she traded one life of being a servant (notice I didn’t say a life of service) to one man to that of being a servant to another. The Caretaker is a love story of a sort. It takes place after WWII. It was predictable, and yet it wasn’t. I kept changing my mind on how the book was going to end. The last book I struggled with for quite a while. For some reason, I had convinced myself it was an anthology of stories. But, it’s actually a really intriguing book about untold stories needing to be told. I’d say it took me until the last 2/3 of the book to get hooked. I told you I was stubborn!
What I’ve been watching…

We have watched more television this past month than we have in a very long time. Part of it is that Nigel is much more comfortable lying down. So, we toodle off to bed relatively early. We started the month by finishing “Hacks.” I take back what I said last month about the show (here). I still don’t like Ava, but Jean Smart…oh, my stars and garters…she is a highly polished and well set diamond in this show! I honestly can’t wait for the next season. We then watched an odd show called “Cruel Summer.” I think we watched it on Hulu, and there were episodes missing. You know how they give you recaps of the prior episode? Well, there were scenes we never saw. The first season only had two episodes even though Google tells me there were 10. I didn’t care enough to try to find the missing ones. The second season was the one we noticed the missing scenes or episodes. Again, I didn’t care enough to figure it out. The two seasons have nothing to do with each other. I honestly didn’t have high expectations for “We Have a Ghost.” It looked like “Ghostbusters” meets “Ghost.” But, it was truly a sweet little film. It’s not going to win any Oscars, but it will leave you with a smile on your face and maybe a tear in your eye. And, just so you don’t have to Google it, the ghost is Chief Hopper from “Stranger Things.”
A little more…

If you want something really intense and emo, watch “Under the Bridge.” This one had me riveted, and we would speculate about it during the day. It could be triggering for some as it deals with abuse, murder, and government systems. It’s based on Rebecca Godfrey’s book of the same name. In case you didn’t know it, Riley Keough is Lisa Marie Presley’s daughter and Elvis’ granddaughter. Nigel said he couldn’t see it, but I certainly could. “Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution” was not what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was a comedy show featuring LGBTQIA+ comedians. There are some jokes, but, mainly, it tells the story of being gay and working in stand up comedy. Were there funny parts? A few, but it was more serious than funny as it examined how much harder these comedians had to work to be seen and booked.

I loved Gene Wilder. He had my heart when he played Willie Wonka…those eyes, that suit, that voice! Nigel likes him, too, so we watched “Remembering Gene Wilder.” Strangely, it features him narrating a lot of the documentary. It is just a beautiful tribute to a wonderful person. Tears were flowing many times during the show because it doesn’t gloss over his last years. Of course, we then had to watch Nigel’s favorite Gene Wilder movie, “Young Frankenstein.” There are so many stars in this movie. I didn’t know Wilder had co-written it with Mel Brooks. It’s a little clunky (as Penny would say), but it’s also a funny, funny movie. Now, “The Hitman” is a wild ride of a movie! It’s also based on a true story though be sure to watch to the end! The premise is this nerdy college professor moonlights as a pretend hitman in order to catch would-be buyers of murder (do those people have a name) in the act. I had never heard of Glenn Powell, but I’ll be looking for him in other things.
What I’ve been working on…

So, I haven’t made much progress on my scrapghan. I’m at the point where I could finish it and make another almost like it or make it bigger. What to do, what to do? Last month, I said I had a project that required linen/bamboo yarn. I found the yarn, and actually have the front half finished. It’s a very repetitive pattern so fairly easy. I just hope it fits when I’m done. When I asked the creator of the pattern what the sizes corresponded to, she said, “S, M, L!” It’s very soft and drapey.
A little more…

I was really worried about my rose bushes not producing any more blooms. But, never fear! They are once again covered with the most rose-smelling rose blossoms ever! I do love them and wish I had a place for just one more! The hump is coming along very nicely! I’ve added Shasta daisies, lots of creeping phlox, purple coneflowers, monarda, and pink yarrow! I think I am going to look for some Russian sage for a couple of open spots. Next year, I’ll fill in with cosmos and zinnias.

What I’ve been buying…
I’ve bought a few dresses from Gudrun Sjoden as well as the pants from Loft and the Old Navy tee in Thursday’s post. I also bought the blue pineapple print dress from J Jill. I think that may be all I bought! Right now, I’m on the hunt for the perfect rain coat to take to Ireland and Scotland in August. I’ve head it’s hot and humid as well as it only gets up to 64! If you have any ideas/suggestions, please let me know.
Where I’m going…
My Ireland/Scotland trip is happening! I’m beginning to think about packing, but I’m just not sure what to take. Suggestions are appreciated. I think my daughter is beginning to get excited about the London trip after the New Year which means it will probably maybe happen! And, I may have talked my youngest son into a trip to Italy! Nigel’s first surgery is two weeks before I leave for Ireland/Scotland. Our youngest is going to come and stay with him while our daughter will take him to physical therapy. I feel guilty about not being here, but he wouldn’t hear of me cancelling my trip. He threatened to put off the surgery, and I can’t have that! I need that man back on two feet and standing tall again! Then, we’re taking a much deserved trip…probably by train!
What I’ve been wearing…
Last month, I told you I got a large iPad and was having some problems with keeping track of the photos. I decided to go back to the old way which is so much easier for me. You may notice my photos have a different angle to them as Nigel has to sit to take them now. He loves doing it. But, in a couple of months, they should be back to being as spectacular as before…hahaha!!

Wrap it up, Marsha!
June truly was a fast month. I think it was because we spent so much time actually going places. True, we were going to doctor appointments and tests and such, but we were at least out of the house! Oh, and the surgeon told Nigel he should definitely be walking…with the walker, of course, but that’s so much better than before. So, can we talk? Have you ever had a reading slump? What did you do to get out of it? What are you looking forward to next month? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.
Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing. Please feel free to share my blog with friends if you think they’d enjoy it. If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.
Affiliate links, discount codes and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.
Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, Suzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, Style Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Featured favorites from last month…

And, now, it’s your turn!
Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!
Lovely surprise to see my May review featured! How exciting that your Ireland/Scotland trip is happening. I haven’t been watching much TV, we just haven’t found much that appeals. I’ll definitely watch the Gene Wilder documentary. I also found him captivating in Willy Wonka. I’ll be looking up the book that mentions cemeteries. I’m always fascinated by anything macabre. Thanks for the link-up and have a great weekend.,
You are very welcome, Gail! I am beginning to get excited about my trip now that I know it’s definitely going to happen. I think you’ll like the Gene Wilder documentary. You’ll have to let me know what you think of the book on cemeteries.
Hi Marsha, how exciting that your Ireland/Scotland trip is happening. It is always wonderful to have a trip planned and be able to discover new places. I’ll be checking out some of your book recommendations. Your garden looks colourful and as always you look elegant and stylish! Our What’s Been On Your Calendar? link up is now live so come over and join us with your post. x
Thank you so much, Sue! I’m not doing near as much planning this time because we are using a touring company. But, seeing completely new places will be exciting. I am really happy with how the “hump” is coming along! I’m glad you reminded me…I just popped over and linked up!
Are you going alone to Scotland and Ireland? Did I miss something? Haha. Oh boy, Nigel has a lot to deal with. But it’s good that he will be helped. Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks, Nancy! He does, but everyone tells us that hips are the easiest of joints to have to have replaced. I’m going with a friend from church. We will come back either the greatest of friends of the worst of enemies!
Marsha, I am so excited about your travel plans! You have loads to look forward to. We were in Scotland in September and it was cool and rained on and off. I wore jeans, sneakers, a raincoat, and brought a scarf. The weather changes by the hour so I was putting things on and taking them off! You might want to check Pinterest to see what to wear in August.
I’ll have to check out Hitman – looks like something we’d enjoy!
Thanks, Kellyann. I had never thought about using Pinterest for that, but I’ll check it out. I know a raincoat is a must. I’m going to try to find an umbrella with a more narrow silhouette, too. Oh, I think you’d like Hitman…it’s so unique compared to everything else these days.
I have that Old Navy dress – top row middle – it looks so cute on you!
I thought you might! I snapped it up when it was half price. Now, do I need the black/white version?
Thanks, Amy!
That trip sounds amazing and so happy that your roses are flourishing! Sending prayers to Nigel that all goes well next week.
Thank you so much, Kathrine! My roses looked lovely until a huge thunderstorm rolled through today (Saturday). Lots of petals on the ground now. Thank you for the prayers; we can use them!
Yay for new hips! I am so glad that there is a plan for Nigel, and that by next month he will have one surgery done. He will be back on his feet before you know it! Movement is always good and important, even if he is using the walker.
You have so many fun trips planned! I have an LL Bean raincoat that I have had for years that I absolutely love, which I love to wear with my Hunters in the rain. Lol. Are you taking wellies?
Loved your upbeat update Marsha!
Thank you, Erin! I can tell he’s feeling more confident about the future because I’ve caught him out of his “cage!” I think the surgeon encouraging him to move and walk helped a lot. I told him we would be on a vacation for my birthday!
I need to look at LL Bean. I don’t have any Hunters, but I’ve tried to put on my daughter’s. My Frankenfoot won’t bend enough to get into them. That’s one of the things I’m worrying about when it comes to footwear…there’s nothing worse than wet shoes, right?
Thanks again, Erin!
I’ve recently started watching Hacks myself, after hearing so much about it. It took me awhile to get into it, but now I love it. My subscription to Max is about to expire tho, and I’ve only begun season 3, so I have to decide how much I actually love it or not. ha. Have a great weekend!
Well, you could always skip a few episodes to get to the end of the season. I think it would still make sense! I just think Jean Smart is fabulous in it!
Thanks, Lisa!
I’ve been wanting to watch “Hacks” and “Under the Bridge” looks intriguing – thanks for the recommendations! I also love your outfit photos… all so cute! So excited for you and your upcoming trips! I always love going to a new place but the planning and prepping is just as much fun for me! Thanks for hosting!
Thank you, Laura! I’m only just now beginning to think about prepping for the trip as I wasn’t 100% sure it was going to happen. I am glad we stuck with “Hacks” because Jean Smart is just genius in it. And, “Under the Bridge” is so sad yet makes you angry at the same time. Please let me know what you think if you watch them. And, thank you so much for the compliments!
I’m over here by way of Jodie’s blog. I do want to comment on Nigel’s surgeries. I had both hips replaced last year–6 weeks apart. My issues were end-stage osteoarthritis, so my mobility was limited but I was still able to walk before the surgery—just had lots of pain. My doctor used the anterior approach rather than the posterior—the younger ortho surgeons use this surgery. The benefits to the anterior are: outpatient surgery, walking (with use of walker) before you leave the hospital, PT is done at home, recovery is incredibly fast! I had my left hip done first—I was off the pain meds by the second day then I was taking only Ibuprofen, I was driving by day 3, off the walker by week two—using the cane only as a safeguard. I had the same results on the right hip (although I did wait until day 5 to drive). What was really noticeable was the difference in the two types of surgeries. One of the ladies in my church had a hip replacement surgery a week before mine, but her doctor used the posterior approach. Everyone at church was commenting on the difference—they thought I was Superwoman—but my recovery is what is expected when doing the anterior surgery. Her surgery required around 6 weeks of PT which she had to go into the office to do. I do know that different doctors use different approaches and not all hospitals have the equipment to do the anterior surgery, but it may be something that you want to look into before he has his surgery.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This was just what I needed to read…I read it to Nigel, too. Yes, our surgeon is younger (he did his undergrad at the same college as our oldest), and he does the anterior approach. In fact, there won’t even be any stitches on the outside. That really surprised me. Nigel has a very high pain tolerance so I’m glad to hear how quickly you were off the pain meds as he doesn’t tolerate those very well. Thank you again for your words of experience and encouragement!
It sounds like you have some wonderful travel plans coming up. I think it’s so sweet that Nigel insists that you still go and your kids are willing to pitch in and help out.
Thanks, Joanne! Yes, he was very insistent I go…and it wasn’t even about the money because I did buy travel insurance. He just knows how much I want to go. We are going to be relying on the kids heavily to get him to PT because they’re doing his right hip first.
I’m so glad you’ll be able to still go on your trip. I think it’ll be good for you in so many ways.
My secret with packing is start with what shoes to take. 3-4 pair because alternating is a secret my podiatrist shared with me long ago.
Once you have the shoes, then pick the clothing. And don’t forget at least one dress (I don’t even need to say that with you because you have a ton of great dresses that can be worn many ways).
Thanks, Jodie! I’m already beginning to get anxious because I’ve never been on any trip that was this long. And, my travel partner has always been Mike!
I’m trying to decide on which shoes to take. My Merrells seem the best for the daily walking, but they’re rather heavy. I have some ON Clouds, too, as well as a pair of UnderArmour. I may even take my Adidas to finally get them grungy. My only problem is my friend wants to go carry on only!
Young Frankenstein…such a classic!
Oh, my gosh! It had been a few years since we’d watched it, but it’s hilarious! So many iconic scenes and one liners!
Thanks, Sally!
I’m so excited for you and your trip — that’s going to be so amazing. I cannot wait to see the pictures.
Tony’s about to have both his knees replaced, so I’ll be assuming the caretaker role at the end of the year. One of my coworkers had hers done, so I kinda know what to expect, but I know it’ll be different living the experience.
Thanks, Daenel! I hope to take lots of photos, but I’m going to use my phone rather than the “good” camera.
He’s not having them both replaced at the same time, is he? I’ve heard of people doing that. Let me know so I can pray for both of you. I’m pretty used to the caretaker role…this man has broken both ankles and his shoulder in the last nine years! I told him they are going to start looking at me funny because of all his breaks!
Young Frankenstein is one of my all time favorites. I have been known to throw in a monster “Putting on the Riiiiitz” every, now and then, just for the heck of it. Not everyone gets it
The Ireland/Scotland trip sounds great. I have been to Edinburgh years ago with a bit of driving around (Loch Ness was a must for me) and I’d love to go back!
I loved that part of the movie, too! I had forgotten that he just barely gets the words out. And, until we watched the documentary, I didn’t realize the blind man was Gene Hackman! My husband, of course, likes the “knockers” quote. I’m pretty sure we’re going to Loch Ness. I have been trying not to get too excited about the trip just in case it didn’t happen. But, it’s on now, so I need to get busy, do some research, and plan out what I’m going to take to wear!
Thanks so much, Cat, and welcome!
Such a lot happening for you right now. We’ll be thinking about Nigel and wishing him well during his surgery and recovery. He’ll be up and around in no time. My husband and I have been to Ireland several times and spent close to three months there a few years ago. Beautiful country and so friendly. I’m looking forward to hearing about your trip there and to Scotland. Have a wonderful time.
Thank you, Lynne! I keep telling him in just a few weeks he’ll be good as new! I think he’s actually feeling much better mentally now that he has the surgeries scheduled. We will be in Ireland for several days. I am beginning to get excited and a little anxious as I’ve never traveled like this without Nigel. But, I will definitely share lots of photos when I get back!
it’s exciting you have so much travel coming up! And it’s good news your husband has a surgery date too, hope it’s a speedy recovery for him
What did you think of the Julia Alvarez book? It’s on my want to read list 
Thank you so much, Mica! I’m so glad we finally have the surgery scheduled and a plan! As far as the Julia Alvarez book, once I realized it wasn’t a group of stories about cemeteries and an actual book, I really enjoyed it. It definitely gets better at the end, I think.
First of all, very best wishes to Nigel for his coming surgery – he’ll be a new man when both are done as I have several friends who’ve had two hips replaced. And second, you just have to be prepared for changeable weather. It will definitely rain, but take lightweight rain gear, but it could also be cool or very warm! So sorry if that isn’t helpful but our weather is so varied as we had very hot and humid temperatures mid week and we’re back to grey skies and cooler weather today! Layers that can easily be stored in a backpack as you take them off or put them on would be good!
Happy packing!
Thank you so much, Penny! I can’t wait to see him feeling more confident and happy. We have yet to hear of anyone who regretted getting new hips! I am planning to take lots of layers as well as some kind of rain coat. My friend wants to travel carry on only which has me a bit worried! I am actually considering a travel capsule!
Hi, Marsha – I’m sending positive, healing vibes to Nigel for his hip surgeries.
Your trip to Ireland & Scotland with your friend from Church sounds fabulous!
Thank you so much, Donna! I appreciate those. I feel like we are on our way to better lives! I am beginning to get excited and anxious all at the same time about my trip. I’m so lucky, though, to be able to take this amazing trip!
I am so glad that Nigel has a diagnosis and you can take the next steps. My father in law has had both hips and both knees replaced and he sailed through every surgery with ease. I will keep Nigel in my prayers for the same quick and easy recovery.
You already know that Freddie Mercury is one of my favorite human beings to have ever lived. Well, right next to him on that list is Gene Wilder! Young Frankenstein is my favorite movie of all time. Right now I am redoing my pantry/mudroom with a Willy Wonka theme! Yeah, I am. And it’s freaking brilliant. Ha. Love you, my friend.
OH, OH, OH!!!! I can’t wait to see your transformation! That will be magical. It was so much fun rewatching “Young Frankenstein.” Mike was quoting the lines right along with them! And, of course, neighing! Thank you so much for the prayers and positive vibes. I appreciate them, my friend!
Oh, and thank you so much for the feature! That was a lovely surprise.
You are so welcome, my friend!
I liked We Have a Ghost, too! It’s pretty cute! I enjoyed Hitman as well. I just watched that one last week. Crazy story! Good to know about the Counting the Cost. I was curious about that one, but now I think I’ll skip it.
Both of those movies were good, but Hitman…wow! I did Google it (because of course I did). He and his wife didn’t commit any murders. I thought We Have a Ghost was such a good story…I shed tears a couple of times. Yeah, I don’t honestly know what I was expecting from Counting the Cost other than to see what her life had become. Turns out it’s really not a lot different except she doesn’t have a camera in her face all the time.
Thanks, Laura!
I cannot believe there are only 3 more weeks of summer for the boys before school starts: thankfully we have a little last getaway planned at the end of the month and we will enjoy the pool when we can. I have enjoyed the lazy mornings. I think June went by quickly because of the busyness of it!
The school system here starts on the 31st, I think. I was hoping to meet up with my teacher friends, but their summers are so full with family and professional education. Enjoy the rest of your summer with the boys!
Thanks, Mireille!