Final Fridays: For What It’s Worth!

Kinda sums up my month!

Number #19

This is going to be a short one, my friends. I don’t think I accomplished much beyond scheduling appointments, driving Nigel here and there, and worrying. Last month, I thought he’d have at least one new hip, but he won’t until next week. He’s looking forward to the surgery, but some anxiety is starting to come along for the ride. If you’re new to the blog, this is my monthly recap with a few opinions thrown in. Those opinions are the “for what it’s worth” part of this! I’m also throwing a link party so please link up your favorite posts. Don’t have a blog? Don’t worry! You might find a new blog or two!

What I’ve been reading…

I didn’t think I’d read that much, but Goodreads tells me differently. The Magic All Around captured my interest from the beginning. That interest waned a bit in the middle, but I loved the way the book ends. If you’re a fan of Dottie Frank and like a bit of magic, this book is for you. The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart probably needs a trigger warning if you’re a victim or survivor of abuse. I wanted so much more from this book. There are stories hinted at but never fully told. The book has beautiful drawings at the beginning of each chapter. It also describes a lot of the Australian landscape. But, unlike many of the reviewers (which I don’t read until I’ve finished a book) on Goodreads who just gush over this book, it was just OK for me. The Last List of Mabel Beaumont struck a chord with me, but I’m not sure why. It’s the story of an elderly widow who needs to “Find D.” In the course of her search, this woman, who prides herself on being alone and being OK with that, creates a circle of diverse and loving friends.

The Day Shelley Woodhouse Woke Up was not at all what I expected. It’s one of those books told in dual timelines. There are times those things bother me, but not this book. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Now, None of This Would Have Happened If Prince Were Alive was a total bust for me. At first, I was kinda excited because it’s set in Savannah. I always enjoy books that occur in a place I’ve visited. But, the title has absolutely nothing to do with the book other than the main character really likes Prince. It’s one of those books that left me hanging at the end. I know some people like those kinds of books, but I am not one of them. Wrap that book up, baby, and put a bow on it! The Phoenix Crown got me hook, line, and sinker! It was well written, well researched, and moved at a tense pace. By tense, I mean there’s so much action going on with a major disaster coming up. Each chapter for the first part of the book begins with a countdown. I even googled some of the characters to see if they were based on real people. One or two of them were.

What I’ve been watching…

I am almost positive we watched a couple more movies this month, but I can’t remember them. I always try to write them in my calendar, but I must have forgotten. Or, maybe we didn’t watch more! As we were watching “The School for Good and Evil,” I kept telling Nigel one character reminded me of someone. I couldn’t think of it, but then I finally googled it. It was Charlize Theron! This is a fun little movie that mines the trope of good vs evil. It’s also interesting that, while the evil side of the school is more emo and goth, and the good side is all pastels and sparkles, the main characters are the reverse. The head of the evil school is White, and the head of the good side is Black. The same holds true for the main characters. I wonder if that was done on purpose. And, of course, our oldest reminded us there was a new season of this Star Trek series. We couldn’t remember the first season that well, so we ended up watching both of them. I have to say Captain Pike has got good hair! And, the last episode is absolutely fabulous! Even if you aren’t a Trekkie, you should watch it because it’s a hoot!

A little more…

I watch a podcast by World of Wonder on YouTube called “The Wow Report.” They had talked about “Faye,” and I thought it might be a good palate cleanser after all those aliens and such. I never thought of Faye Dunaway as a beauty, but this documentary had me rethinking it. To be quite honest, I only remember her from “Bonnie and Clyde” and “Mommie Dearest.” Back then, I thought her bone structure kind of weird. But, boy howdy! I was mistaken. The woman truly was stunning. Nigel didn’t think she was portrayed as a very good person, but I thought there was lots of truth in there. She admits to alcoholism as well as being bipolar. I know I’ve said this before, but I do wonder if it hurts when these actors look back on their old works and see just how beautiful they were. That would have to be so difficult. I mean aging is a privilege, and I know that. But, the sagging jowls, the droopy eyelids, and the wrinkles…I could do without all of those and be perfectly happy. When Nigel goes to sleep, I have been watching “The Great British Sewing Bee.” It’s a lot like the “Great British Baking Show,” but the judges are a wee bit nicer. I do love it when a person doesn’t finish a garment, and the judges try to make them feel a teensy bit better. There’s no shaming for not getting the object completed…rather ironic when you read the next section! I’ll admit it. I loved “Ghostbusters!” It’s corny and goofy, but it’s so reassuringly itself! I have loved every one of the movies, including the all female cast. This one has the same basic plot line, but there’s another subplot going on. It was so nice to see Ernie Hudson, Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, and Annie Potts, too.

What I’ve been working on…

I have still not finished my scrapghan, and I’m still trying to decide if it’s done or not. If I stop at this point, I could make another one in the same colors. Last month, I shared this project, but I’ve only gotten a little farther on the front or the back. Until I put them together, it doesn’t really matter which is which. It’s a very repetitive pattern so fairly easy. I just hope it fits when I’m done. When I asked the creator of the pattern what the sizes corresponded to, she said, “S, M, L!” It’s very soft and drapey. Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks shared the start of a hexagon cardigan on Instagram. I’ve already made one, and I don’t like it. But, I think it’s more the yarn than the actual cardigan. I’m going to start looking through my stash to see if I can find some yarns that could work to make a nice squooshy one. The flowers are growing except for this big pot of coleus! We got so much rain that they drowned. It didn’t help there weren’t any holes in the bottom. Nigel fixed that with a big drill.

What I’ve been buying…

I’ve accumulated several pairs of joggers from Old Navy as well as tunics to cover my behind for my trip to Ireland and Scotland. I still need to get a raincoat. It’s getting closer, and my anxiety is beginning to ratchet up. While I love to travel, I also love to be at home. I don’t think I’ve ever taken a trip that will last this long let alone without Nigel. It will be fine. It will be fine. It will be fine, right? I did buy some setting powder, an eyeshadow stick, and eyelash primer at the NSale, but nothing else remotely tempted me.

Where I’m going…

My travel documents are coming! I talked to our travel agent the other day, and she said she likes to print off everything because she’s old school! I’m so appreciative of that because technology and I don’t always agree, especially when I’m feeling anxious! Other than that, I don’t know that I’ll be doing much traveling before January of next year. But, if Nigel feels really good and is up to it, a train trip may not be out of the picture sometime in November.

What I’ve been wearing…

I’ve gone back to the old way of adding photos to my blog, and it’s so much easier. Nigel is feeling so much more confident that he’s even standing up for short periods of time to take my photos. Lots of neutrals this month!

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I feel like July was another one of those months that sped by, and I accomplished little beyond blogging. Some days, it seems like all I can do. So, can we talk? Have you seen the last episode of the Star Trek show? What did you think of it? Have you read any of these books? Do you agree with my opinions? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing. Please feel free to share my blog with friends if you think they’d enjoy it. If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links, discount codes and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileSuzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

Featured favorites from last month…

Penny and Gail at the Westwood exhibit!
Daenel and her grandma for 10 on the 10th!
Cat’s Bowler!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. I can imagine your anxiety for the trip. I have that too and mine trips are minor. It’s just your thoughts Marsha, nothing more then that…….mm. I am finally reading books again and loving it. And weer are going to a open air cult movie tonight, Easy Rider!! Looking forward to that.

    • Thanks, Nancy! I remember watching Easy Rider…loved Jack Nicholson’ helmet, or was it his bike tank? I think Mike always imagined himself that tough! I’m hoping to be asleep for a lot of the flight, and then we will be so busy seeing sights that maybe the anxiety will stay away!

      Have a wonderful weekend, Nancy!

  2. “It will be fine. It will be fine. It will be fine, right?” – Lol! It will be fine. It will. And if something pops up, then you are capable of handling it. Just tell yourself that. Although I 100% get it! I get anticipatory anxiety before every trip and those are usually short little trips close to home!! And if you knew how often Lisa and I text each other asking if something will be ok… lol. You have a lot going on with your trip right now and Nigel and that has to make it that much more stressful. You have all got this though.

    I love that pink dress on you!

    I am so glad that you love the Sewing Bee! I agree, the judges are nicer! I love Esme. Lol.

    • Thanks, Erin! I know most everything will be fine, but the anxiety of the flight (I’m not a good flyer) and just being gone while Mike’s healing is so much! Thanks for the encouragement, though.

      I just found out there are ten seasons of the Sewing Bee! I’m so glad because it’s the perfect little relaxer before going to sleep!

  3. Saving this for all the recommendations! Right now, I’m in a “creative manic” phase, and am only catching up on My New Yorker reading. And streaming “Alone” (Netflix) because they’re in the wilderness of northern Saskatchewan, winter is coming, they’re all cold and hungry, and why am I watching this?
    BTW, I have a “classic” yellow raincoat available on Poshmark. Maybe too bold?

    • Thanks, Anne! I’ve thought about watching “Alone,” but it’s a little too alone for me. I did like watching “Naked and Afraid” and always wondered why they didn’t just cuddle up together when it was cold. I checked out the jacket, but I want something a little longer. Thanks!

  4. I enjoyed the School of Good and Evil and kind of hope they do a sequel. You have been up to so much lately!

    • Thanks, Laura! It was good. Oh, a sequel would be really good. Did you recognize Charlize Theron?

  5. It’s always fun to read your monthly recap, Marsha! I’ll be thinking of you and Nigel during the coming week and sending prayers your way! Thanks for hosting this fun link up opportunity, too!

  6. I wasn’t familiar with either of the TV shows you mentioned, but you’ve got me interested in checking them out!

  7. I like books that wrap up everything too and hate when you kind of have to infer your own ending! My middle son used to read a book series called The School of Good and Evil.. I wonder if the show is at all modeled after that series. I feel like so many books I read are being turned into books that it’s getting hard to keep track of all the ones I want to watch when they come out. I am sure that everything will be fine with your trip but I completely get the trip anxiety! I love to travel but do miss home while I’m away. Wishing Nigel all the best with his surgery!

    • Oh, I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I want to know what the author had planned for the characters not what I think could happen! I wouldn’t be surprised if the movie doesn’t come from the books…so many do these days. I enjoy the planning for a trip, but during the trip, I’m just a nervous wreck! I am hoping we’ll be so busy I won’t have time to worry. Thanks you for your good wishes, Joanne!

  8. Wow, this post has so much inspiration! The Laura Pearson book sounds interesting. I will have to check out more about the films, I’ve not seen. Thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks, Madison! The Laura Pearson book is good. I am not good at predicting what is going to happen in a book. Many of the reviews said they saw it coming! I didn’t.

  9. I’d say you’ve been busy enough. The wait for surgery can feel so long, then when it arrives it seems too soon. Blessings to both of you and give yourselves time to recuperate-both of you.

    • Thank you, Aletha! We are just days away and are both ready for it. Thanks for your kind words.

  10. You definitely need a rain coat, LOL
    I thought of you when I saw this one:

    • I keep putting it off, but I know I need to find one. That link didn’t work so I’ll keep looking.

      Thanks, Jodie!

  11. I love Sewing Bee and binged all seasons last year and am now anxiously waiting for the new season. I’m currently reading Patrick Grant’s new book.

    Thanks for linking up with us.

    • I think I am only on season three so I have several to go! I didn’t know Patrick had written a book. I will have to look for it! And, thank you for the link up, Joanne!

  12. Hi, Marsha – Thank you for linking up with us at #WBOYC. Sending you warm, positive vibes for your upcoming trip! <3

  13. Deep breaths, Marsha, everything will work out exactly the way it is supposed to. Your trip will go well as will the surgery and your husband will have a great recovery. Sending positive thoughts your way.

    • Thanks, Lynne! I appreciate the positive thoughts. I am sure everything will, indeed, go well for both of us. It’s just the anticipation.

  14. Thanks for the feature! Glad you enjoyed the Sewing Bee. I’d love to see the new Star Trek series but we’d have to pay for Paramount. We already pay for Prime, Netflix, Apple, Now and Disney……Have a great weekend.

    • You are welcome, Gail! We do pay for Paramount, Netflix, and Max. Disney is included with our phones for some reason. It does get to be so expensive. I hope you’ve had a marvelous weekend!

  15. Marsha, I love your style of writing! It feels like we are chatting and I so enjoy that. You cracked me up but I agree- wrap that book up and put a bow on it! I don’t like being left hanging either – ugh!
    I am praying for you and Nigel; I am sure the anxiety is setting in and you’ll both feel so much better once the first hip is done!
    I am very excited about your travels!

    • Oh, Kellyann! That means the world to me! I am so glad you enjoy the way I write. I just get a teensy bit upset when authors want me to finish their books! That’s their job, not mine! Thank you for the prayers for both Mike and me. I know everything will be ok…well, I kinda know everything will be OK!

  16. Hi Marsha, I hear your anxiety about your trip and understand it as I travelled solo to UK and Europe for a month a few years ago. I was lucky because I was staying with family and friends for a lot of it but the trip from Australia to London (and back) is way too long on your own. But I did it, yes I got lost a few times, I felt anxious at times, I left my phone in a taxi (but got it back), I explored and totally enjoyed my adventure! You will be fine I’m sure!
    I do hope Nigel’s operation goes well and the timing could have been better as you say but these things happen. I look forward to hearing all about it. Take care and all the best.
    Deb from (Australia)

    • Thanks, Debbie, for your words of encouragement for both me and Nigel. I think he will probably be well on the way to recovery by the time I leave, and our kids are stepping in to take care of appointments and such. I just need to sit down and make a list of things I need to accomplish re: packing and before I leave. I’m hoping my friend and I are still friends when we come back! I am thinking I need to do a solo trip just to prove to myself I could do it.

  17. Hope Nigel’s hip surgery goes well. I’ve never traveled internationally without my Engineer so I can imagine I would be somewhat anxious if I did. Always remember to take a big deep breath in those moments. Star Trek???? Like maybe once back in 1975??? LOL.

    • Thanks so much, Bernie! I am confident he will come through with flying colors. I’m not so sure about my traveling, though! Oh, I loved the original Star Trek because it was in color. Boy, that makes me sound old, doesn’t it?

  18. Good luck to you and Nigel with the hip replacement! My neighbor just had one and seems to be recovering well. He’s walking better now than he was pre-surgery. I also loved the book The Last List of Mabel Beaumont. I most recently finished reading The Perfumist of Paris, the last in the Jaipur Trilogy. I highly recommend that series. Here’s to a healthy, happy August!

    • Thanks, Christie! I’m glad to hear about your neighbor. Every good story makes me feel that much better! Wasn’t that book good in the way it kept you guessing yet had your attention the whole time? I will look for The Perfumist of Paris. It sounds like something I would like. And, thank you for the well wishes again!