Final Fridays: For What It’s Worth!

Last year’s photo, but the same this year!

Number #22

I know, I know…I skipped November! It was Black Friday, and I just completely forgot. So, this will be two months’ worth. It will also be abbreviated because it just occurred to me tomorrow is the last Friday of the month (and the year). I’m not going to do a year end wrap up because this has not been a year I’d care to repeat or look back on too thoroughly. I know we shouldn’t feel that way about life, but, I’m not going to sugar coat it. This has been one of my toughest years ever.

What I’ve been reading…

I seemed to have read a few more books than has been the norm lately. I think it’s because many of them were palate cleanser-types. Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies didn’t live up to its name as the “author” was on one vacation. It’s a good read, but it didn’t keep my attention as much as I thought it would. I really thought it was going to be a bit like “Murder She Wrote.” Still, I’d recommend it. Jenny James Is Not a Disaster was just a tad unbelievable, and yet it wasn’t. I loved the idea behind this book and would love to do something brave and adventurous like the title character. That brings us to Summers at The Saint. Mary Kay Andrews is one of those authors I think of as a beach read writer (like I go to the beach ever). This was an intriguing book about the haves and the have nots and what happens when they mix. Add in a mix up decades old and a love interest, and you’ve got this book. I really did like it even though my description doesn’t sound like it.

I guess this was my more psychological era. First Lie Wins took just me a bit to figure out. Once you do, you’re in for a ride! This is one of those books I hope gets made into a limited series on Netflix! Honestly, all three of these books could fall into that category. Funny Story is one of the girl gets left but not at the altar but falls in love with the guy who just happens to be there kinda book. It was a bit cliched, and I have to admit, while I was rooting for the guy, I really wanted a different guy to be the one, you know? Now, None of This is True has to be the “Baby Reindeer” of the bunch. I mean, seriously, it’s out there. If you like weird people doing weird things (not those kinda weird things), this is the book for you.

The Next Mrs. Parrish is the second book in a trilogy. I haven’t read the first one, and you really don’t have to do so. It’s the story of a really awful husband with a current wife, an ex-wife and two daughters. It’s one I didn’t enjoy, but I also couldn’t put it down because it just kept me guessing. Did I like it enough to read the third one? The jury’s still out on that one. Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books…what can I say? I couldn’t put it down. Is it humorous? Yes, it definitely has a comedic slant at times. Is it about banned books? Oh, yes…and so much more. Is it timely? I’ll leave that one to you. I may lose some subscribers with this, but I do not believe in banning books. When we ban books in public libraries (notice I didn’t say school libraries), we limit what we can learn from history, fiction, non-fiction. The thing is, you don’t have to read the book. You can stop, send it back, never think of it again. But, you don’t get to make that choice for me. If you’re worried about what your kids are reading, read the book first. I did that with my kids. Did I make some decisions based upon that? Yes, yes, I did. I think this is one of the most important books out there right now.

What I’ve been watching…

I am pretty sure I missed some movies and shows these last two months. I always think I’ll remember to write them down, and then I completely forget. We watched the new iteration of Interview with a Vampire, and I think this was much more convincing than the movie with Tom Cruise. I guess there’s a new (to me anyway) genre called body gore, and this definitely fell into that category. My hairstylist, who is into all things spooky, told me “Mayfair Witches” was much better so we watched that. I am going to have to disagree with her. This is one of those shows where you just want to yell at the character and tell them, “Don’t open that door,” or “Stay out of the attic.” None of which they do, of course. In October, I mentioned we’d watched “Agatha All Along” which was a prequel to “Wandavision” which we hadn’t watched. So, we watched it, and I really liked the first few episodes. Then, it just became another superhero series which is OK if that’s your jam.

We had watched the first season of “The Empress” and enjoyed it. It’s about an Empress of Austria. I’ll be honest. I liked it mainly for the fashion. There are wars, intrigue, and death. If you enjoy history, you’ll like this series. I’m not sure if there will be a third season or not. OK, “The Substance” had me feeling all kinds of ways. It stars the gorgeous Demi Moore. I don’t know how much cosmetic work she’s had done, and if she has or hasn’t; the woman (at 61) looks amazing. She definitely works on her body, and it shows. The premise of the movie is that “The Substance” will change your life. You inject yourself, and then more body gore occurs. Now, to me, the message behind this movie is that women do way too much to stay looking young and relevant. But, if that’s the message, why do Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley (the daughter of Andie MacDowell) have to be naked or scantily clad for most of the movie? The message seems to be quite mixed, and if you’re a young woman or girl watching it, I can see confusion. I don’t know…maybe, I read way too much into it. The third show (which doesn’t show the title) is “Half-Bad” or “The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself.” I’m not really sure which is the title as they both show up. It’s another supernatural series, but I really did enjoy it. And, the platinum hair guy…be still my heart! He is Belgian and has the…let’s call it nicest…accent. I don’t know if it’s the hair, the guyliner, or the clothes, but he stole the show for me! It’s another story about witches…blood and fair born…didn’t know there were types, did you? I liked it, but those are the kinds of shows that are appealing to me right now (especially when they have witches with guyliner).

Oh, my gosh! I almost forgot “Wicked!” I love the musical and have seen it numerous times and in numerous places, including London! Nigel has told me he’s done seeing it even though I bought tickets for the musical this summer in Indianapolis. I’m so excited. But, the movie was just amazing. It does seem to stick a little closer to the book by Gregory Maguire. It’s a very dark book with lots of emphasis on machinery. You’ll see that in the movie. I’ve been watching lots of YouTube vids about the movie. Cynthia Erivo is not Idina Menzel…they have completely different voices…but, Erivo’s performance is nuanced in ways you just don’t see on a theatrical stage. And, yes, I know many were disappointed and upset because it’s part 1. But, if they had done any reading about it, they would surely have known! I loved every minute of it and hope to see it again maybe next week!

What I’ve been working on…

Just like in October, I’ve accomplished very little. I don’t think I even made any Christmas decorations. I had to repair a couple. I did bake some cookies…sugar cookies which never got frosted and peanut butter blossoms. It took me longer than usual to put up the Christmas decorations. My spreadsheet helped but also hindered me. I really need to think a little more about it before packing Christmas away. I didn’t take into account where said items were going so I need to pack with that in mind, too. I love the way the house looks for the holidays, but I’m beginning to understand why my mom had whittled her Christmas down to a small tree and her Nativity.

A big (at least to me) announcement…

I have been officially accepted into the docent program at Newfields. Another woman and I were interviewed at the same time, and I was determined not to let her outshine me. I think she went into it with the same idea! Anyway, our interview ran long. When the main interviewer said we’d be receiving emails with next steps, I asked if we were in. He smiled and said, “Let’s just say I don’t see any problems.” I can’t wait! I will be a teacher of sorts again! The training begins in January and lasts through May. I just hope I remember things the way I used to!

What I’ve been buying…

Let’s just say my credit cards have been working overtime between the sales and buying Christmas presents. Yes, I still buy my adult kids and bonus kids a full Christmas! This year, my youngest asked if he could bring a friend whose family wouldn’t be celebrating until later, and she didn’t have any place to go. Can you believe he had the nerve to even ask? Of course, she was invited! I even had gifts for her. The really cool (showing my age there) thing was she went to the school where I taught, and her little brother was in my class! We reminisced and had a wonderful time. I had ordered pizzas to be picked up on Christmas Eve by my daughter…I ordered them the day before and paid for them. For some reason, the girl couldn’t find the order even though there were some things that came through. Anyway, we did take and bake which meant we had to bake them ourselves. That worked out well except some were a bit underdone. The restaurant messed up a couple of things, but you know what…I’m granting them grace because it’s a busy time, and we’re all human. We will order there again but will wait until they’re open on Christmas Day to order. The owner makes sure only volunteers work, and they receive extra money somehow.

Where I’m going…

Due to my docent training, I won’t be making it to London in January. I asked my son if he was OK with going in late May or early June, and he said it was OK. I’m still going this year, one way or another!

What I’ve been wearing…

Our weather has been cold, but this week is in the 50s (12.78C). We’ve had rain and cloudy days rather than snow and cold. I would rather have had snow and cold but that’s the way it is!

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday if you celebrate. I know the holidays are hard for so many with losses, loneliness, and sadness. I often feel those very things as I still miss my mom so much. Maybe next year, I’ll be a little more together and do a year end wrap up, but who knows? So, can we talk? How were your November and December? Have you read any wonderful books or seen any good tv? How did you feel about “The Substance”? If you so, what did you think of it? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible. See you next year!

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing. Please feel free to share my blog with friends if you think they’d enjoy it. If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

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Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100 (at this time, it does not appear to be working but I’m looking into it). Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileSuzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

Featured favorites from last month…

Nancy’s skirt is what I’ve been looking for!
Isn’t Cat’s beadwork amazing?

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. Thank you Marsha, I enjoyed reading all of your news. I can’t yet decide what books you enjoy, but then perhaps it is a range of genres like most of us. Great news about the new job, but a little sad that you had to move your trip to London. However, later in the year might be kinder weather wise. Have a Happy New Year.

  2. You have been busy!! I love so much that you opened your house up to someone who didn’t have anywhere to go. You have such a welcoming and warm personality.
    Congrats on your new docentship! (is that a word?) How exciting!!!! I can’t wait to read about it!

    And … this year is coming to a close. Last year, 2023, was one of my toughest ever and this year I had to make myself put it behind me. And remind yourself, you are making it through!

    • Aww, thanks, Erin! I was thrilled when she came because we did so much reminiscing about “our” old school. I am thrilled about being a docent…just hope I can be a good one.

      I remember how hard the first of the year was for you. I do have a meme on my phone reminding me I’ve made it through every day. I should embroider that on a pillow!

  3. We never read the book, Wicked, but Rob didn’t like the movie as much as the play, because it was DARKER. I wondered if it followed the book more, so I’ll tell him.
    We need to get knitting together again…I miss our chats,

    • My DIL gave me the book years ago because she knew how much I loved the musical. After I read it, I kept wondering how they got from that book to that musical. I was kinda glad they incorporated some of it into the movie without being too in your face about it.

      Yes, knitting again will be wonderful!

  4. Congratulations, Marsha! A docent position sounds like the perfect fit for a retired teacher like you and I! I can’t wait to learn more as you go through training! Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed New Year!

    • Thanks, Laura! I am hoping it works for me. It’s been a few years since I had to learn something and remember it!

      I hope your New Year is filled with health and happiness!

  5. The banned books book sounds good (I have to say, most of the books that are being banned from schools are completely ridiculous in their reasoning. As Art Spiegelman said re Maus ‘The reason they give for banning the book is never the real reason’. How stupid do they think people are?) Anyway, I’ll be seeking that one out next. I just read The Virgin Suicides before giving to my daughter for Christmas. I did give it to her but only cos I think she’ll find it too boring to read, and if she does read it, it might improve her reading quality (but huge thumbs down from me…good writing, didn’t like the subject)
    We watched The Substance too. THe idea was really great but I thought the film could have been executed better – however, I don’t watch Horror at all so I’m not the market (and I guess I wanted a completely different type of film). Interestingly both my horror loving kiddo and I found the eating of the prawns the most disgusting bit in the film…hehehe
    London in Spring will be beautiful! And better weather so still a win. Happy New Year!

    • Thanks, Lydia! I knew the weather would be iffy in January, but I’ve always wanted to experience London in winter. It’s probably my favorite big city ever so I’m OK with springtime…any time, really!

      The banned book book is really good. The message is quite subtle at the beginning, but it gets there. Art Spiegelman is exactly right. I haven’t read The Virgin Suicides, but I’m glad you do the same thing I do. There was so much that could have been different in The Substance. Like I said if they were trying to make a point about women (and, I think they were), they failed miserably with all the nudity. I don’t mind the nudity but, perhaps, don’t pick two women who are gorgeous when naked. Yes, the eating of prawns was awful, but that character was pretty over the top. I really didn’t need to see any of that.

      Have a wonderful New Year, Lydia!

  6. I have to admit I giggled a little when I read “It’s about an Empress in Austria.” It’s the Austrian Empress of all Empresses ever, the immortal Sisi. Which means I have tired of hearing about her a long time ago as there are movies that get shown for Christmas every year and an endless number of documentaries.
    I’m mostly into crime and comedy (preferably British), but am usually not up-to-date because I don’t subscribe to any streaming platforms, so I either have DVDs or watch them on TV. Very old-fashioned, I know.

    Congratulations on making it into the docent program! I think that’s a great start for a hopefully better year.

    Thank you so much for featuring my Charade pendant. That’s a movie I never get tired of and actually it was on Christmas TV here.


    • Oh, that’s a big faux pas, right? I knew she went by Sisi sometimes, but I didn’t realize she was the Austrian Empress of all Empresses! I have to admit there were times when I was just plain confused by everything that was going on in the series. British comedies are the best, aren’t they? I don’t know why that is, but I love them. I think my favorite is either “Are You Being Served?” or “Keeping Up Appearances.” But, I also liked “The Vicar of Dibley.” I think we have too many streaming services at times. We only have a DVD player in the garage as the tv in the house won’t hook up to a DVD player.

      I’m hoping I can learn quickly as this docent program has been condensed from what it used to be. I am really looking forward to it.

      You are welcome for the feature. I think your work is gorgeous and so intricate.

      • It’s a faux pas if you are a member of the cult, for sure. I don’t know myself why she’s supposed to be so much more interesting than others, she doesn’t sound like a very nice person although a lot of it probably had to do with her mental health.
        I love “Are You Being Served?”, they had such a good chemistry, just like Dibley. I never watched “Keeping Up Appearances”. I wish we had BritBox in Germany, now that’s one streaming service I’d be all over!

        You can do this. You are motivated and determined and I think you’re going to have fun.

        Thank you again, you are very kind!

        • I did do a lot of reading about her after we finished the series. I was a bit surprised they didn’t address her eating problems as they sure covered everything else. The other thing I forgot to mention was the series is dubbed in English so it’s a little disconcerting when their mouths don’t match the words. I’m weird like that! I think it was a German production.

          I absolutely loved Mrs. Slocombe though I liked it better once they quite dumbing down Miss Brahms. Loved when they did musical numbers, too!

          Thanks, Cat, for the words of encouragement!

  7. How I enjoyed this good catch up. I know how very difficult this year has been for you, and I am praying that 2025 is going to be delightful by comparison.
    Thank you for opening your home and your heart to your son’s friend. No one should be alone or displaced over the holidays. And I always thought little girls should have Christmas dresses!!
    I am not sure what Newfields is. Should I admit that publicly? Is it a museum? Anyway, congratulations on becoming a docent. How exciting to travel to England for training. Oh, wait…I looked it up…it is where the Winterlights are that you have mentioned. Found it!! Teaching is for a lifetime and I am thrilled that you will be back to teaching again with this position.
    Happy new year, my friend. Praying for 365 kinder, healthier days.

    • Thank you, my friend! I keep telling myself we only have one direction to go, and that’s up! I was so happy Jordan’s friend felt welcomed and enjoyed the day. She’s such a sweet girl, and I hate the thought of anyone being alone. I’m so glad he asked me if she could come.

      Newfields is the new name for the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and gosh, how I wish I was going to England for training. But, no, I am putting off my trip to London until after the training. I just hope I can remember everything and do it right. I’m hoping the old neuroplasticity kicks in with a bang!

      Thanks for your prayers, and I hope you and PC have a lovely New Year!

  8. Hi, Marsha – Congratulations on making it into the docent program at Newfields! I’m not sure what that is exactly (lol!) but it sounds like it’s right up your alley and what you love to do, as well as prestigious. You really made me laugh when you said that the Mayfair Witches made you yell at the characters about not opening that door or going into the attic. Hahaha! I always do that too. It drives me crazy. Thanks for sharing those lovely outfit photos. Happy Holidays! – Angie,

    • Thanks, Angie! Newfields is the new name for the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Being a docent used to be sort of like being a tour guide, but they are changing the program to be more a facilitator for learning. I’m just so happy to have made it into the program.

      Hahaha!!! I love it! I yell at characters, roll my eyes, and complain at the tv all the time. Sometimes, you have to wonder what the screenwriters are thinking!

      Have a fabulous New Year, Angie!

  9. I am right there with you on banning books! I can see parents advocating for school to ban book but not public libraries. Congrats on getting the docent position; I know how much you were hoping to get a chance. You will be great in that role!

    • Thanks, Joanne! I even have a bit of a problem with public schools and book banning…especially when the people doing the banning honestly haven’t even read the book. They’re just going on what’s been said about them. Several of the books that have been on public school book banning lists were books I used in my classroom. There are lessons to be learned from many of them.

      Thanks for your good wishes on the docent position. I’m a little nervous as we have to learn about the entire museum and the grounds! But, I love it there so I hope I do well at it.

  10. How exciting that you are going back to teaching again. And you are going to London this year? Perhaps we can meet each other! Well I’m not going to London but it feels so close then haha. Enjoy the last days of December!

    • Thank you, Nancy! I am really excited and nervous at the same time. It’s been a few years since I had to learn something and actually remember it! I am really hoping to get to London in May or June. I don’t even know where Rye is, but wouldn’t it be fun to meet up?

  11. Congrats on going back to teaching. I’m not sure what a docent program is – perhaps you can expand on it when you next talk about it.
    I’ve read the Lisa Jewell and Ashley Elston books….but not seen any of your TV choices.
    I keep a list using Notes on my phone of where Christmas decorations are, and also what stuff goes into the attic and when. I can’t climb up there (heights phobia) and my husband gets impatient if I can’t remember exactly what color the bag is for his winter duvet, for example….!!
    All the best for a happy 2025 with Nigel making a strong recovery.

    • Thank you, Gail! I will definitely do that. I enjoy Lisa Jewell, but this was the first Ashley Elston book I’ve read, I think.

      I don’t mind going up in the attic, but I have to have someone down below to catch or throw! The same is true with the crawl space. I am ok getting things where I need it, but I have to have someone give it to me. Well, I suppose I could climb up and get it, but that would be over and over and over again. One thing I learned was anything that had been hot glued can’t go in the attic! I should have realized that. It was so much easier when we had a basement.

      Thanks for your good wishes, Gail. I hope 2025 is a wonderful year for you and J!

  12. I totally get your sentiment about 2023—it sounds like it’s been a tough year. But I love how you’ve balanced reading and watching with a bit of lightness despite it all! Your book recommendations sound intriguing, especially “None of This Is True”—I’m always up for something a little out there. Also, the way you describe “Wicked” has me even more excited to see the movie adaptation!

    • Thanks, Melody. It has been a difficult year which means we have only one way to go, and that’s up! Oh, None of This Is True is really good. I think you would like it. Yes, go see “Wicked;” I’m sure you’ll like it!

  13. Congrats on becoming a docent! I know you really need something for you now and this is such a great fit! I think London might be better in May, anyway!
    I loved Jenny James and I might need to read the banned book one. I totally agree with you.
    What do you have to wear as a docent? That will be fun to put together a decent docent wardrobe! Hehe!

    • Thanks, Amy! They are changing their docent program to be less tour guide and more facilitator. That’s a little scary, but I’m looking forward to the challenge. I was kinda looking forward to London in the winter to be honest. I’ve always wanted to celebrate Christmas there, but I’m not sure that will happen ever. Yes, you definitely need to read the banned book book. It’s so good.

      I don’t know what we’re supposed to wear yet. I’m hoping we don’t have to dress to blend in! I want to wear all my colorful clothes and enjoy getting dressed for my new “job!” And, I saw what you did there!

  14. Hi, Marsha – Congratulations on your new docent position!
    Wishing you a happy and healthy 2025 ahead!

  15. Hi Marsha, congratulations on being accepted into the Docent program that is wonderful news. Lots happening in your world at the moment and how exciting that London is on the horizon for a visit. Thank you for your friendship and connection this year and I look forward to sharing 2025 with you. Happy New Year to you and Mike! Sue L xx

    • Thanks, Sue! I’m really excited and hope to learn a lot. I’m also a wee bit nervous. I am looking forward to planning this trip with my son. I’m sure so much has changed since we were last there. I am so grateful for your friendship and just can’t even come up with the words to say how much it’s meant to learn more and more about you!

  16. Congratulations on being accepted into the docent program! That is amazing! I think I need to read Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books. It sounds so good!

    • Thank you, Laura! I am excited and a little nervous! It’s been a while since I’ve had to actually learn and retain something. I hope you do read the Lula Dean book. It hits a little close to home, I think.

  17. Omg! Marsha, I’m so excited for you. I knew you were going to get the call. You’ll make an excellent docent. I can’t wait to read about your experiences.

    I have Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books on my TBR list. And you know I totally agree with you about banning books. However, I’d take it a step further and say that banning books in schools is wrong. Librarians are trained to select age appropriate books for students. Reading has never hurt anyone, if anything, it teaches empathy, broadens world views, and enhances critical thinking skills {but I know you know all that}.

    • Thank you so much, Daenel! I really can’t wait to get started even though I’m nervous and wonder if I’ll be able to remember everything!

      Oh, after you read Lula Dean, you’ll have to let me know what you think of it. I guess when I was thinking of schools, I was thinking of classroom libraries because I know some of the younger teachers coming in just didn’t have the same education (so many online degrees) that I had had. We, however, didn’t have a trained librarian in the elementaries in my corporation. Most of them didn’t even have college degrees. They just ran the library, helped kids check out books, and read to them during our planning times. But, you are 100% right about the purpose of reading. My kids were predominantly white so I read books about POC (The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963 was one of my favorites) so they’d know and, hopefully, try to develop empathy for how their lives were different. I always thought teaching through reading was so much better than just standing there and spouting a lot of dates and facts. My best friend (who was also my co-teacher) and I worked hard developing a unit on the Underground Railroad. I’m pretty sure some of the books we read are on a banned list somewhere. When you restrict books, you’re restricting thought, discussion, empathy…just as you said.