Final Fridays: For What It’s Worth!

Number 6

As I said in my Songful Style post (here), June was one of those months that just didn’t want to give up! It has fought for every minute of every day like there’s no tomorrow! Of course, there was the Summer Solstice, so we did actually have those longer hours of daylight. I hope wherever you are in the world, the weather is being somewhat cooperative. We have been dealing with the smoke from the Canadian wildfires. I cannot imagine what it has been like for people who are much closer. Indianapolis is more than 800 miles south of the fires. Wednesday, I could smell the smoke in the air. If you’re new to the blog, this is my monthly recap with a few opinions thrown in. Those opinions are the “for what it’s worth” part of this! I’m also throwing a link party so please link up your favorite posts. Don’t have a blog? Don’t worry! You might find a new blog or two!

What I’ve been reading…

It was another slow month of reading for me. I actually liked all five of these books quite a bit. Under the Whispering Door is a magnificent book about death and passing over. I believe in Heaven, but I also believe in ghosts…not quite sure what that makes me! This book, even though it’s about dying, is like a warm hug. The story unfolds, and you kinda know where it’s going. But, the read is worth it. A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder is one I had on hold for weeks, if not months. It was good, but it wasn’t that good! The story revolves around a murder and a girl’s senior independent project. I’m not 100% sure the title and the story go together. There is a sequel, and I’m on hold for that.

A little more…

I loved The Storied Life of AJ Fikry. With the exception of college lit classes, I rarely read a book seeking out themes, plot lines, etc. And, I totally did not see where this book was headed. The reviewers on Goodreads are, obviously, smarter than me! I don’t read those reviews until I’m done with a book to see if they agree with me or not. Guess what? They rarely do! I just discovered it’s a movie on Hulu. I don’t mind watching movies made from books as long as I’ve read the book first. If you’re over 60, you will love Killers of a Certain Age! Well, maybe you will! You might be like the reviewers on Goodreads and totally disagree with me. It’s not at all what you think it’s going to be. This is one book I wish would be made into a movie. I’d be interested to see, if you’ve read the book, who you’d cast!

Just a bit more…

The final book, My Magnolia Summer, is written by Victoria Benton Frank, the daughter of the fabulous Dorothea Benton Frank. Dottie wrote amazing books about the Low Country. You would swear you could smell the plough mud as you were reading them. They always made me want a rickety old beach house on Sullivan’s Island (like I could afford that). Dottie passed almost four years ago, and the world has not been the same. Her daughter does a nice job with this book, and I’m sure she will get better with time.

What I’ve been watching…

Buckle up! This section is a long one! We only watch tv for a couple of hours an evening. I have to admit a lot of the time, I’m not really paying attention to it as I’m usually knitting or blogging. Nigel loves action movies so there are always going to be some of those. And, there are certain actors he likes, too, so we usually watch whatever they’re in (looking at you, Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, and Liam Neeson). We finished the second season of “Yellowjackets” which has been renewed for a third season (possibly more). It is, without a doubt, one of the strangest yet most compelling shows I’ve seen in a long time. “Sins of the Mother” was just plain disturbing. This is a documentary mini series, and I wish I could tell you it was good. I didn’t like it at all. “Transatlantic” is a miniseries based on the novel, The Flight Portfolio, by Julie Orringer. I would consider it historical fiction as some of the characters are real people. I definitely recommend this show. “Anna Nicole Smith: You Don’t Know Me” was another documentary and didn’t make me like her any more than before watching it. There were some things I didn’t know about her, but they didn’t convince me to like her.

On a lighter note…

We did watch many things that were much lighter! “Renfield” stars Nicolas Cage and Nicholas Hoult. I recognized Hoult from “The Great” (which has a new season out). To be perfectly honest, I don’t remember much about it except for the exploding bodies and gore. It’s another in a long line of Nic Cage trying to be someone people want to watch. The only redeeming feature was Awkwafina! I would watch her read the dictionary because she’d make it fun! We also watched “Fubar.” Now, FUBAR is an acronym with which Nigel is quite familiar. I will leave it to you to google! This series starred Arnold Schwarzenegger with many good supporting actors. Again, I didn’t watch it closely. The gist of the show is Arnold is a retiring CIA agent whose wife divorced him because he didn’t tell her the truth about his job. She thought he sold sports equipment (which makes sense given the shape he’s in). It’s a fun shoot ’em up series you can watch and not pay close attention! We then watched two Cary Grant movies (thanks, Erin), “Indiscreet” and “Operation Petticoat.” The first also starred Ingrid Bergman. It’s a fun romp with a woman in love with a married man who turns out to not be married. Lots of shenanigans ensue. The second also stars Tony Curtis (swoon). It’s a lighthearted look at life on a submarine with a few complications.


Nigel can’t resist those “Fast & Furious” movies so we watched “Fast X.” This stars Vin Diesel (of course, it does), Michelle Rodriguez, John Cena, and Jason Momoa with a brief appearance by Dame Helen Mirren. Again, I didn’t watch it closely…just enough I could say, “uh huh,” “why’d that happen,” etc! “Queen Cleopatra” was intriguing. This docuseries presents Cleopatra as a Black woman. This created quite a bit of controversy especially from Egyptian officials. Some have said the show should be called a docudrama rather than a docuseries given the liberties it took with both the casting of Cleopatra as well as some of the events portrayed in the show. I enjoyed it quite a bit. “Book Club: The Next Chapter” is a continuation of the original movie. I didn’t mind the original, but the second one bothered me. We have these four women of privilege off to Italy as a bachelorette party. All along the way, they get in and out of trouble. It just felt like a money grab. We then veered off to the supernatural and watched “Lockwood & Co” which ends on a cliffhanger. Alas and alack, the series has been cancelled so the cliff will continue to hang. It’s a fun show about an alternate Britain where ghosts are known about and companies are hired to take care of the problem. The series is based upon Jonathan Stroud’s books of the same name. I guess I could read them to find out how that cliff ends!

What I’ve been working on…

The official unfinished sweater count is now at…drumroll, please…six! I was rummaging around in my yarn closet and found two more I had started and never finished. One only needs the ends woven in! The other will take some time to figure out where I stopped in the pattern. I now know to take copious notes while knitting. The grey sweater I started last month (seen here) is at the same stage as the others…ready for sleeves! And, of course, I started something new to put off having to actually figure out how to finish something!

A little more…

We finally got the hump planted! Almost all of our neighbors have upright arborvitae planted on theirs for privacy. I really didn’t care about that. I was more interested in providing some color throughout the seasons. Unfortunately, I couldn’t convince Nigel to plan forsythia for springtime color. We bought a maple tree to center the plantings. On either side are burning bushes and then red twig dogwoods with variegated leaves. We have had so many comments from neighbors telling us how much they like it.

Even more…

My ferns are growing like gangbusters though they certainly didn’t start the month that way. I’m a little disappointed in my sweet potato vines, but they’ve been infested by mites. My blue salvia decided to share that bit of loveliness with them. I’ve treated them sparingly because I don’t want to kill the good insects. I planted regular old wax begonias in my strawberry pot. As you can tell, they’re doing quite well! I have always had a light green thumb, but I fear it’s getting lighter and lighter every year. That seems to especially apply to my New Guinea impatiens! I finally bought an alocasia, but it doesn’t seem to want to grow. Alocasias have upright leaves as opposed to the more common colocasias. And, I can’t wait to see my hibiscus bush blooming again.

Just a tiny bit more…

My oldest granddaughter wanted to do some sewing. She didn’t really know what she wanted so we went looking for patterns and fabric. Of course, she loved the Liberty fabric. Who wouldn’t? But, she settled for some cotton that was on sale! We had to do lots of altering as we went along, but once this cute skirt is hemmed, it’s going to be so cute! I even got the zipper in correctly! Hmmm…I wonder if my youngest granddaughter would like to sew with her old gran!

What I’m buying…

Again, this is my most uncomfortable part of the post. Many people ask me if the clothing I share on the blog is free…I wish! With the exception of some pieces from April Cornell and Clara Sunwoo, I have bought everything else. Has my spending increased since starting the blog? Maybe a little bit, but not by much. I did add to my collection of Lilly Pulitzer knit dresses. I always wanted a Lilly shift, but they just don’t suit my body. But, those knit dresses are perfection and so comfortable to wear. I have seen Gudrun Sjoden clothing on my Facebook and Instagram feeds for years, but I never thought I would be brave enough to try it. I love the brand and am adding more pieces to my closet! I did buy another Old Navy denim jacket to modify a bit more after Rena from Fine Whatever commented what she’d done with a jacket. I’m going to give that a try. What I didn’t buy and haven’t really been able to find is another pair of wedges or dressier sandals to wear with my skirts and dresses. I want a wedge with a t-strap rather than an ankle strap. One would think those would be easy to find. One would be wrong. Now, if you know something I don’t, please clue me in! Last month, I shared I had bought the Dyson Air Wrap. I returned it because it really didn’t do much of anything for my hair no matter what I did.

Where I’m going…

Unfortunately, no change here. This past month has just been lots of doctor visits. The Lume exhibit opens at the Indianapolis Museum of Art on June 30th. They’ve brought back the Van Gogh exhibit which I missed the first time. I think I’d like to go by myself just to take my time and really enjoy the experience. I’m not sure I can convince Nigel of this, though. He’d see it as a rejection. Hopefully, we will get a vacation planned for this fall. It might be cooler then!

What I’ve worn…

Wrap it up, Marsha!

If you’re planning a beach vacation or even just dreaming of one, pick up one of Dottie’s books. And, when you finish, make sure you read her acknowledgements…they’re almost as much fun as the book. Actually, any of those books would be good beach or vacation reads! I’m still contemplating whether or not I want to plant anything else on the hump…more rose bushes? I don’t know. Right now, I kind of like it this way. So, can we talk? Has June felt like it slipped into a vat of sorghum and forgot to get out? Are you team beach read or team mysteries? Maybe, fantasy or non-fiction are your jam? Which sweater should I finish first (chances are I’ll start something else before finishing even one)? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as quickly as possible.

10 on the 10th reminder…

I do hope you’ll play along for another round of Would You Rathers! You’ve got a few days!

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off any order over $75. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!

Thank you so very much for reading today’s post. I hope you enjoyed it. I also very much appreciate those of you who comment, email and/or subscribe. It’s what keeps me going! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleFine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. Gosh, it takes ages to read your post, lol. I always liked Anna Nicole. Felt some pity for her. What a waist of those unfinished sweaters. They look so beautiful. Have a good weekend.

    • Hahaha!!! I warned you in the email! Those sweaters are going to get finished…later probably than sooner…I promise!

      Thanks, Nancy!

  2. We watched Fubar and Fast X too and while they aren’t really my thing I don’t mind them. I’m guessing we’ll be seeing the new Indiana Jones movie at some point this weekend. My husband ends up having 4 day off so it will be a nice long weekend!

    • I was surprised at how much I didn’t hate Fubar…it’s really not my thing. I didn’t know there was a new Indiana Jones movie out…must be why I’m seeing so much Harrison Ford around!

      Thanks, Joanne, for visiting!

  3. So many great shows you watched and books you read! I really would love to see Yellowjackets. I love the fabric your granddaughter chose. So perfect for summer! All amazing looks here but that blue set is still my fave!

    • Thanks, Kathrine! Yellowjackets is really good, but it’s also very intense. I was scrolling through Instagram, and there was a woman wearing a dress made from this same fabric. I didn’t look closely to see if she’d made it or not.

  4. I forgot to include TV in my June review but I haven’t enjoyed anything for a while so it’s no loss. I like the look of Killers of a Certain Age. Your garden is looking mighty fine! It’s so fun when you have a new one to play with. Like the 10/10th prompt so will hopefully join in. Have a good weekend!

    • Thanks so much, Gail. Luckily, we are finally getting some rain so everything should perk up now. Oh, I think you would like Killers of a Certain Age. There is at least one sequel, if not two.

  5. Fun post, Marsha! I only live about 30 miles from Canada (probably 100 miles from the wildfires) and it isn’t too bad here. I think it is blowing right over us and hitting places far away. I just read an article this morning that the smoke plume from the Canadian wildfires has reached Europe. But I am not surprised by that because apparently sand from the Sahara Desert can be found in every place on earth. So if the sand can blow that far, I guess the smoke can just as easily, too. You will have to let Nigel know that I went to high school with Dwayne Johnson and he was really a super cool and very kind kid! We were both exceptional athletes in our respective sports and therefore had a mutual respect for each another. He defended me once against a group of stupid bullies who were making fun of me for shaving my head for swimming. I remember he had two of the kids pinned against lockers and made them apologize to me. Hahaha.

    I loved Transatlantic! But I don’t think I have watched any of the other things you talked about. LOL Your yard looks beautiful and I love that your granddaughter is learning to sew. I have been teaching Ralph how to sew as well. He made a double sided fleece/flannel blanket for himself. He made it with much help from me, but still he did a lot of the sewing himself and it was “sew” darn cute! Hehe.

    Have a fabulous weekend, my friend!


    • Thanks, Shelbee!! I was wondering if you had bad air. You are probably right that it just kind of swooped over you. This is our second go round with the smoke from the wildfires. I feel so badly for the people living there. You had mentioned you knew Dwayne Johnson so I told Mike about it. He thought that was awesome and was glad to know one of his heroes was just as good in real life. Transatlantic was so good and yet so sad. At first, I didn’t realize Varian was a real person, and that his committee really did exist. While he managed to save many, many people, there were so many millions more he couldn’t. That is a time in history I try to avoid so I was kind of surprised I was even up to watching it.

      I’m glad Ralph is sewing. A didn’t do much of the actual sewing this time around. We were on a time crunch, but it was just nice having here here. We have another dress to make sometime soon. But, we’re going to change quite a bit about it…hoping it turns out right!

  6. I’m always up for book recommendations, so I’m putting a couple of these on my list. That pleated skirt is so cute – the fabric and style are perfect!

    • Thanks, Sally! This was her second choice of fabric because there wasn’t enough on the bolt for her first. I was so worried about matching patterns…hahaha!!

      Oh, you’ll have to let me know which you read and what you think of them!

  7. So when you say you don’t watch a movie closely, is that because you’re knitting? That’s totally me. And I have so many unfinished projects. One of these days, I’ll get to them,

    • Hahaha!! From one knitter to another! Yes, I am knitting or crocheting. I rarely sit and watch anything without doing something with my hands. It’s kind of a bad habit, though. I intend to finish at least the wool sweaters…I paid lots of money for that yarn!

      Thanks, Jodie!!!

  8. Mica Away From The Blue

    It looks like you had a fun month with the TV and movies and books you enjoyed – but I’m really impressed with your knitting and sewing and alteration skills! I wish I was that crafty! One of my friends makes the cutest dresses for her daughter and I keep asking her to make adult size ones, haha!

    Thank you for the link up 🙂

    • Thanks, Mica! I took up knitting about eight years ago (after knowing only the basics when I was a kid). It’s only been in the last couple of years that I’ve ventured into more intricate patterns. But, I’m just not having any luck with the motivation to finish them!

  9. You are giving me so many ideas for books to read and shows to watch! The skirt you are making with your granddaughter is adorable! Love the fabric! You definitely should go to the Van Gogh exhibit – it’s so good!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    • Thanks so much, Jill. There wasn’t enough of the first fabric she picked out. Luckily, she found this one which is just perfect for her! I think all of the books are good so I hope you like them. Most of the shows were, too.

  10. I love the skirt you made with your granddaughter. I love yellow! Your style is so fun and you have beautiful hair. No Dyson needed! Ha!
    I don’t want to be a wet blanket, but we were very underwhelmed by the Van Gogh exhibit. I hear that it varied from city to city, venue to venue. My mom liked Cincinatti’s. It is way overpriced or was way overpriced for the Louisville exhibit. I paid for my whole family of four so that does affect my view.

    • Thanks so much, Amy! It’s so funny you complimenting my hair because it has, honestly, been the bane of my existence. That is, until I went grey. Then, all of a sudden, people paid attention to it!

      Oh, I do hope it’s good here. I know the Monet exhibit was a bit pricey, but we are members so we get a bit of a discount. This is a return exhibit. Maybe, it will be new and improved?

      Thanks, Amy, for visiting. I hope you come back!

  11. Happy Festive weekend and thank you so much for hosting.

    My entries this week = Best No Bake Mango Cheesecake with Gelatin and Easy Delicious Soy Honey Baked Chicken Pieces

    • You are so very welcome, Esme! Both of those recipes sound delicious! I will definitely check them out!

  12. Your dress is such a beautiful and your looking so gorgeous in this dress. Thanks for sharing with us.

  13. Finally got here Marsha, thanks for hosting too. You have been busy haven’t you. I only ever read on holiday, but I should try more when I’m at home. Jacqui x

    • Oh, I’m so glad you made it, Jacqui! I read while I’m eating my breakfast as my husband gets up much earlier than I do! I used to read four or five books at a time, but that habit died long ago.

      Thanks, Jacqui, for visiting!

  14. My husband loved Fubar – maybe I should give it a go. I’ve been looking forward to seeing Queen Cleopatra so hope it comes to Australian Netflix screens soon. I laughed at what I call UFPs (Unfinished projects) and how you started something new rather than decide which one to finish. That is so me… finishing something just leaves a vacuum. Thanks for joining us this month.

    • Thanks, Joanne! Well, I didn’t watch Fubar any more closely than I do most shows as I’m usually knitting or crocheting. And, it they’re action movies or shows, I’m even less interested. That being said, Fubar is kind of fun. I really did enjoy Queen Cleopatra and am always fascinated by her and her life. This was just a slightly different spin on her story.

      Oh, yes, the UFPs (I call them UFOS…unfinished objects or WIPS…works in progress). I just know I’m going to mess up something on the sleeves because I always do. The wrap thingamabob I’m knitting now doesn’t have sleeves, but it is very different and slow going. 20 repeats of an 8 row pattern…just to get started!

      Thanks again!

  15. Hi, Marsha – Thank you for joining us for #What’s Been On Your Calendar. You’ve had a very full on month. Your ‘Unfinished Sweater Drawer’ especially caught my attention. That would make a great story prompt!

    • Thanks so much! Oh, it would be a fun short story, wouldn’t it? I’ll have to think about that. I’m truly hoping to finish a few of these before winter!

  16. Wow! This was a full one!

    I’ve seen someone else reading that My Magnolia Summer book but I can’t remember who now. Another blogger I follow. It looks good and I’d like to check Dottie out too.

    You watched a lot of stuff last month. I don’t seem to watch as much because I am either writing or reading but we do watch some, of course. We watch mainly mysteries and I read a lot of mystery books as well.

    I love all your outfits! You look so stylish.

    I can’t wait to see how your granddaughter’s skirt turns out!

    I don’t have any fashion or DIY posts so I didn’t link up, but I hope to participate in your 10 for 10 and maybe I’ll link up another time! I hope you have a great week.

    • Oh, I think you would like Dottie! Read her first. My Magnolia Summer is a pretty good freshman book, but she’s got a way to go before being anywhere near as fun as her mom.

      It’s funny because we only watch tv for a couple of hours a night, but we just get hooked on a series, and we’re off!

      You can link up anything, Lisa! It doesn’t have to be fashion or DIY! I’ll try to remember to add life to the list!

      Thanks so much for visiting!

  17. Hi Marsha, I’m still away on holidays but wanted to catch up with everyone’s WBOYC posts and yours was full on! Love the plantings, they’ll be great as the seasons change and they grow. Your books and Tv shows are an eclectic mix and your fashion is always fun! Thanks for joining us for WBOYC and I hope the smoke doens’t hang around too much longer, it has a way of getting into everything.

    • Thanks so much, Debbie! I cannot wait to see these trees and bushes grow. It’s still strange to me living in a community with so little true garden space.

      The smoke is gone for now. We had a few days of rain which helped immensely. I’m glad you enjoy the format of my posts. I like to throw in a bit of everything! Thanks so much for hosting the WBOYC! And, enjoy the rest of your holiday!

  18. Hi Marsha! What a great post for WBOYC? and you certainly have packed a lot into the month. Your flower pots have inspired me as they are so colourful and I especially like the coloured leaves of the plant in your Feature image. I’ve also found some inspo from what you’ve been wearing – I recently discovered the versatility of the denim jacket! I look forward to reading what you get up to in July. Have a wonderful month. x

    • Thanks so much, Sue! I’ve learned, over the years, to really overstuff those pots. I try for a thriller, a filler, and a spiller. These are caladium and alyssum. I have another that is done in shades of green.

      Wow! I thank you very much for the compliment…I just try to dress this strange new (well, it’s two years old now) body in a way I like. I hope you enjoy July’s edition…I’m already taking notes!

  19. Great roundup! I keep having to renew my library books as I feel like I don’t have time to read as much even though our summer is pretty laid back. I am spending less money on clothes this year but that is mostly because MIL has been giving me a little spending money here and there and I am giving myself some no shopping breaks too. Barely watch tv anymore but I finally took the boys to the movies to watch Mario. They hadn’t been in about 6 years!

    • You are a busy mom with four boys…I don’t know how you manage to do as much as you do. There are times when I feel badly about the amount of money I spend on clothing, but then I remember all the years of scrimping and saving to get to this point. Mike doesn’t care, and I always try to donate as much as I take into my closet.

      Thanks, Mireille!

  20. I don’t usually like the typical action films or dramas but I could watch anything with Arnie in it! The little skirt is so cute…I love the print!

    Emma xxx

    • Thanks, Emma! I was really glad she found that print instead of the one she wanted first. It really turned out well. I listen to action films and shows as they are usually just the same thing over and over.