Final Fridays: For What It’s Worth!

Number 11!

By the time you read this, Thanksgiving here in the US will be over. I sure hope I did well and didn’t eat too much! And, depending on what time you read it, I just might be out in the shopping frenzy that is Black Friday. It’s a tradition that started with my mom clear back when my kiddos were in strollers! There were a few years when Nigel had to go with me, but I think I’ve only missed it during Covid. I love the print shown above. It hung in my reading corner in my classroom for many years. In our last house, it was hidden under a big floral abstract in a bedroom. But, here, it seems to be right at home in the front hallways. If you’re new to the blog, this is my monthly recap with a few opinions thrown in. Those opinions are the “for what it’s worth” part of this! I’m also throwing a link party so please link up your favorite posts. Don’t have a blog? Don’t worry! You might find a new blog or two!

What I’ve been reading…

This was a slow reading month for me. I’m kind of surprised because I thought I had read quite a bit. I keep track on Goodreads so I guess I didn’t read that much. The Unteachables is a wonderful book for anyone who has ever taught as well as anyone with a middle schooler. There were so many times I thought, “Yep, that rings true!” The Five Star Weekend was a bit meh for me. I do have to say I don’t think it followed the usual Hilderbrand formula so that’s a good thing. Apparently, she is going to take a break from writing after her next novel set for next year. As always, I love a good murder mystery from Louise Penny. Both of these were so good. I’m not reading them in order so, sometimes, I get a little confused about why this character said that.

What I’ve been watching…

Would you believe we spent hours watching “Revenge?” It’s an older show. The cell phones give it away! There were 22 episodes! We decided to finish the season and then cleanse our palates on something else. That something else is “The Guilded Age.” If you love period dramas or even Julian Fellowes, you will like this show. I usually love Christine Baranski, but her character is just a bit too dry. We also watched the documentary behind the making of the Beatles’ “Now and Then.” It was really bittersweet to me as I can remember exactly what I was doing when I heard John Lennon had died. I can’t imagine the pain both Ringo and Paul feel as they watch or create something like this. We are also watching “All the Light You Cannot See.” It’s been a bit since I read the book so I don’t know how closely the show follows it. But, the series is very good.

What I’ve been working on…

We did it! We painted the front hallway! I have to tell you, the first time I climbed up on that ladder to do the edging, I wondered if we’d made a mistake in not paying someone to paint it. But, after that first time, it was a breeze! Nigel doesn’t like to cut in the ceilings and floors, and I don’t like to roll. So, we’re a bit like Jack Sprat and his wife! The whole house was painted Sherwin Williams Antique White. We had this color in our last home, but it was in limited areas. It didn’t take long before I realized I’d made a big mistake. The front hall is now Sherwin Williams Alabaster, a nice creamy white. It’s a subtle difference but just enough to really brighten up this dark hallway. We did try putting the hutch here, but it stuck too far out into the hallway. Instead, we moved the buffet from the living room to the hallway and put the hutch on the wall where the buffet had been. I must say the living room feels cozier now. And, the dining room feels more spacious. But, now that same area feels a bit naked! This makeover did take a bit longer because we went to Kentucky for a few days between painting walls.

A little more…

I wish I could say I’d finished at least one sweater, but I didn’t. I did finish one scrapghan, started another, and am plugging away on a C2C one. Maybe next month will be the month I actually finish a sweater!

It still looks like this!

What I’m buying…

Gudrun Sjödén had a sale early in the month so I picked up another jersey dress and a sweater. I bought several cashmere sweaters from Talbots and returned them all. I also tried some jeans from Old Navy but returned those, too. I did order and keep a graphic tee and a flannel shirt! Oh, I don’t think I shared this, but Jack ate the top of one of my Annemarie sandals…luckily, he didn’t like the taste of the velcro or the buckle. Let’s just say things were a bit colorful for a couple of days. I ordered another pair because they’ve become such a staple in my closet. Another Brahmin handbag may have found its way to my house, too. And, of course, I bought that beautiful bottle green velvet blazer from Old Navy (seen here).

Where I’m going…

We took a short trip to Louisville, KY a couple of weeks ago. We wanted to visit a nursery, Brian’s Botanicals, in order to look at elephant ears (alocasia and colocasia). Unfortunately, they’d already moved most of their stock to a larger greenhouse which wasn’t open to the public. From there, we went on to Lexington. Nigel’s oldest brother lives in Versailles, MK’s hometown (read about it here). We decided to take a little detour and spent a few hours visiting with him. We hadn’t seen him or his wife since Covid. Does anyone else measure time in before Covid and after?

The next day, we visited Mary Todd Lincoln’s home. We had been there a few years ago and were surprised at how it had changed. One of the docents told us they were always on the lookout for artifacts. Someone on their board of directors had actually found a silver tea set by reading obituaries around the country! That’s dedication. I always chuckle when I see the castle in the gallery above. It’s in Keeneland, I think. We visited the Lexington Cemetery, and I found John Hunt Morgan’s gravestone. When I was teaching, we had to teach about Indiana’s part in the Civil War. It wasn’t very much, but I do remember teaching about Morgan’s Raiders. I am renewing my passport after the first of the year…I’m letting Nigel decide about his! But, I am going places next year. I’m done staying home.

What I’ve been wearing…

Wrap it up, Marsha!

It’s amazing to think that I’m writing my Final Friday for November already. I’ve started my Christmas shopping but have so much more to do. Every year, I tell myself I’m going to cut back. Will this be the year? Hmmm… So, can we talk? How has your fall/spring been? Did you notice I didn’t mention the weather at all? Are you a Black Friday shopper or do you wait for Cyber Monday? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as quickly as possible.

Thank you!

Thank you so very much for reading today’s post. I hope you enjoyed it. I also very much appreciate those of you who comment, email and/or subscribe. It’s what keeps me going! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda and Lisa. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

Featured favorites from last month…

I love how Sally always puts her own take on the artwork for SIA!
Isn’t this a gorgeous transition outfit?
Will this be the year I do WOTY? This could help!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. I need to check out the Untouchables! It sounds really interesting. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    • Thanks, Laura! We had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Oh, I think you would really like The Unteachables and be able to relate to lots of it!

  2. I really need to start reading again. I only read in the garden, while I love to read! Need to read in the colder seasons too. I’m not joining BF today, well that’s not entirely true. I have some thing in my cart and waiting for them to reduce. Enjoy your weekend.

    • You need one of those conservatory rooms, Nancy! I can see why you would read in your garden in summer, though, as it’s quite beautiful. I got lots of shopping done this Friday! I hope you pushed the buy button!

      Thanks, Nancy, for coming by!

  3. Well done on painting the hallway. I wish I could galvanise Mr Mutton to do some home improvements! I haven’t seen the programs you mention. I’d like to see the Beatles documentary. I had goose bumps when I heard the song for the first time. Thanks for the link-up.

    • Thanks, Gail! We have one bedroom and two bathrooms to do now and already have the paint. It’s just a matter of figuring out when we’re going to do it. Mike is good about doing it once I’ve picked out a color. The Beatles documentary isn’t very long so you could watch it quite quickly. It was bittersweet to watch. I do like the song and felt the same way.

  4. Marsha, your home is so beautiful! The new paint looks amazing. I haven’t been reading or watching much tv but I have been making things as you know! LOL I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your Black Friday shopping excursion!


    • Thank you, Shelbee! You deserve some of the credit for being daring with paint colors after I saw your teal makeover! We were in a store with knotted hangings, and I told my daughter about your ragsody! We had a fabulous Thanksgiving, and I got quite a bit of my gift list completed on Friday!

  5. I haven’t even thought about Christmas shopping and I am not shopping the sales this weekend. I will have to sit down next week, come up with a budget and ideas and get to work! November sure flew by but I am looking forward to all of December!

    • I knocked out quite a bit of my shopping yesterday (Friday). I think I may start wrapping things as they come so I don’t have to any wrapping marathons. I wish I could say I had a budget and stuck to it, but I have never been good with budgets even when we were young and struggling. I am looking forward to December, too!

      Thanks, Mireille, for coming by!

  6. “Still Life” was the first Louise Penny book I read. I love authors that have series that you don’t HAVE to read them all to understand, but it’s fun when you do. 🙂 Your house renovations look lovely. We need to paint but I dread it so very much. Thanks for sharing my Word of the Year post here from last week’s linkup!

    • Thank you, Lisa! I am weird because I really do like to paint. It’s the choosing of the colors that has me nervous! Yes, the Louise Penny books might make more sense read from first to last, but it’s OK to read them as you can get them. She is such a good writer as I can really see Three Pines (and want to live there and eat croissants). Your post was really so good! Thank you for linking up!

  7. I watched quite a few episodes of Revenge a few years ago and enjoyed it but then got a bit fed up of it and I never finished it. I ought to try again really. I LOVE The Gilded Age though, I think it’s brilliant. Christine Baranski is a fabulous actress but her character is a bit awful, isn’t she? But I guess that’s the point. I loved Downton so anything Julian Fellowes makes is always worth a watch! I really enjoyed All The Light You Cannot See as well…it was so sad but beautifully done.
    That knitting project you’re working on looks so complicated with all those needles!! How on earth does that work? I struggle enough with two needles lol
    Big hugs, and Happy Thanksgiving
    Suzy xx

    • Thanks, Suzy! It took me a bit to get the hang of knitting with this many needles. I’d forget I needed to switch needles and end up with all the stitches on just two needles which completely defeated the purpose!

      I cannot say enough good things about All the Light You Cannot See. It was heartbreaking and beautiful. And, the Gilded Age is fabulous…I miss the humor Christine Baranski usually gets to deliver. But, she is pretty doggone good in her role. As for Revenge, I will probably finish it at some point. I’m curious how it could go for so many seasons!

      Thanks, my friend!

  8. I haven’t finished my knitting projects either, except some small ones. But I have loads of UFOs, LOL.
    We need to get painting too except if we are going to move, I’m not going to start now, right?

    • See, it was just in the cards for you not to paint because you don’t have to change things in case you do move. I seem to get into periods when I prefer knitting to crocheting and vice versa. I’m now in a crocheting era, it appears!

      Thanks, Jodie!

  9. Your trip sounds so fun!! I love to visit historical houses! And I love the paint color!

    • Thanks, Erin! It’s funny how light and lack of it can make such a big difference with paint colors. I am such a history nerd…I just love visiting old houses of any kind.

  10. It can be seen that your house is very warm, clean and orderly by you/and you can even knit a sweater, which is great.
    I only learned to knit scarves when I was in school, but I have forgotten it now~

    • Thank you so much, Kristen! I learned to knit when I was little, but I really didn’t take it up again until about eight years ago. It really relaxes me until I think about the things I need to get finished!

  11. I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving and some success with the sales. Maybe you’ve crossed off that Xmas list now?

  12. You guys did such a nice job on painting the entryway- those house projects can seem really daunting at first, but once you get in there and get the hang of it, they can be a lot more manageable.

    Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, Marsha! I definitely ate too much, haha, but that’s okay. Thanksgiving food is just too good!

    Le Stylo Rouge

    • Thank you, Ashley! We are old pros at painting. It’s just picking the right color for the right space, you know? Oh, I ate too much, too. And, I had promised myself I wouldn’t. But, like you say, Thanksgiving food is too good! And, it’s only once a year!

  13. Congrats on your painting and makeover – I love the Jack and Mrs. Sprat element to how you two prefer to paint. Could the sky behind Clay’s tomb be any more gorgeous a blue? Wow. (And thanks for the feature! Glad you enjoy my rabbit-infused SIA artwork.)

    • Thanks, Sally! We are a bit Jack and Mrs. Sprat in lots of things! Wasn’t that sky amazing? We just happened to luck out and have a gorgeous day! And, you are very welcome for being a feature. I love your rabbit-infused artwork!

  14. What a fun wrap up post Marsha! Thanks for joining us for #WBOYC and I always look forward to seeing your updates, you’re such a fun person :). I’m looking forward to watching All the Light We Cannot See, I loved the book. Great effort on the painting, it all looks fabulous! Enjoy your December.

    • Thank you so much, Debbie! I think we would laugh long and loud if we ever got together! You will love the series. It is done quite beautifully. Have a fabulous month! See you at the end of it…well, on the third Thursday, also!

  15. My first visit to your blog and such a lot of interesting reading. Thank you for sharing. Denyse #WBOYC

    • Thank you so much, Denyse! I hope you’ll come back! Originally, my Final Fridays was about print mixing, but there’s only so much you can say about that! It just seemed like a natural thing to do…recap my month.

  16. Your home improvements look great – congratulations. I remember watching Revenge back in the day – it was one of those really hyped up shows I recall. Even though we don’t have thanksgiving here in Australia, Black Friday sales have become a thing of late & the bombardment of emails begins at the beginning of the month …. sigh. Thanks for linking up with us.

    • Thank you, Joanne! Why I thought I could live in a house with antique white walls, I’ll never know!!! I’m just glad my husband is open to change because I’m always changing my mind! I didn’t realize how old Revenge was until I noticed the cell phones! That definitely gave it away. I imagine we will get back to it at some point. Oh, my goodness…the emails are astounding! I often get over 100 a day with several from the same retailers.

  17. Hi, Marsha – Thank you for joining us at #wboyc. I also measure time BC and AC. I’m glad it’s not just me!

    • Thanks for visiting, Donna! I often wonder about the youth of our world. How will they remember this time? I hope the future changes that for them…so they don’t think in terms of BC and AC.