Final Fridays: For What It’s Worth!

What? You don’t all have a toilet in your front hallway?

Number #14

It seems like I was just writing up my monthly recap! That’s how fast February seemed to go. I think it helped that there were sunny days. While I’m not a big fan of summer, I do like spring and am looking forward to planting some flowers on the hump as well as seeing how many of my other plants made it through the winter. If you’re new to the blog, this is my monthly recap with a few opinions thrown in. Those opinions are the “for what it’s worth” part of this! I’m also throwing a link party so please link up your favorite posts. Don’t have a blog? Don’t worry! You might find a new blog or two!

What I’ve been reading…


It was another slow month of reading for me. I think I’m just not finding books that speak to me. I always enjoy whatever Alice Hoffman writes, though. This book is an ethereal take on time travel, and I loved it! I think it was the only book I sped through! I know many of you love Tom Lake, but I found it just OK. I don’t know why it didn’t resonate with me, but I really didn’t care about much of anything in it except for the cherry picking. I wanted that done!


The Brutal Telling is another installment of the Louise Penny series about Armand Gamache. Because I’m reading these books out of order, I did know certain things…I almost gave it away! I had to google a couple of things to remember what was what. That’s the only problem I have with reading these books out of order. But, apparently, I’m not the only person who loves Louise Penny! The Brothers Hawthorne is the fourth book in this series. I think it verges on young adult, and I had to force myself to finish it. I was committed to finding out what was going to happen. Jennifer Lynn Barnes does love a twist and a turn.

What I’ve been watching…

We finished “The Brothers Sun,” and I’m pretty sure there will be another season. Here’s my question about these kinds of movies: Why don’t those guys stay down when they’ve been kicked or chopped? I mean, they are down, then they’re up and asking for more! We also watched “The Greatest Night in Pop” which tells the story behind “We Are the World.” I’m still processing it. You could tell it was a long time ago because Willie still has short hair! Michael Jackson just shines in it, but Lionel Richie steals the show. I am not a big fan of his music, but I have to give it to him for what he helped to accomplish on this song. And, Bob Dylan just made me laugh…go watch, then tell me what you think!

I’m still really confused about “American Nightmare.” It’s only three episodes long. Each episode is just plain strange. The final episode does bring the story to an end, but wow, just wow! We also watched a documentary about the Challenger disaster. If you’re about my age, it’s probably one of those moments in time when you remember exactly what you were doing and where you were. This was hard to watch, had me in tears, and finally just made me so angry for those families, friends, and students. We have never watched “Game of Thrones.” We watched part of one episode but kinda mutually decided we weren’t into it. For some odd reason, we did watch “House of the Dragon” which is a prequel to the other. I liked it well enough. The second part of it recasts some major roles so that was a bit confusing. But, I do love dragons and kinda want my own now! We have started watching “Griselda.” Let me tell you this is not Sofia Vergara as Gloria Pritchett! Wowza! I didn’t realize Griselda Blanco was a real person and was expecting something a little lighthearted. This is decidedly not that! If you’re not into drug cartels, murders, and general mayhem, this isn’t the show for you.

After Nigel goes to sleep, I’ve been watching “Feud: Capote vs the Swans.” I had read a book about Babe Paley a few years ago so I was familiar with the idea of Capote and his swans. The swans were a group of New York City socialites who included Paley as well as Lee Radziwill and Slim Keith. Paley’s husband was Bill Paley who began CBS. Radziwill was Jackie Kennedy’s younger sister. Slim Keith is another socialite. It’s a very interesting peek into life at that time as well as some very excellent acting by Tom Hollander. He has Capote’s voice and mannerisms down so well. I’m currently reading a fictional account of the relationship between Radziwill and Capote. I keep hearing Capote’s voice in my ear as I read!

What I’ve been working on…

We have been busy here at Haus der Mitte! We painted the guest bathroom and the third bedroom. The only rooms not repainted are the primary bathroom and the laundry room/my closet. I have plans for both, though! Lots of photos to show you how sloppy everything is while we’re painting. We listened to Harry Chapin in concert while painting the bedroom. There was a bit of repair work needed in the bathroom. A tiny bit of the LVP had chipped out. One of the carpenters told us the flooring people would just cut a square out and then glue down another piece. Nigel was not having any of that. So, we removed the toilet, took up several planks, fixed the flooring, and replaced the toilet. I tried to tell a certain someone who shall be nameless that we needed to get good toilets. My throne is a very good one and flushes every time. Now, the new toilet does the same! Sometimes, you just love saying, “I told you so,” right? The paint in the bathroom is Sherwin Williams Silver Strand while the paint in this bedroom (as well as the primary bedroom) is Sherwin Williams Silvermist. All of the art work in the bedroom was picked up from street vendors just outside Green Park in London.

A little more…

I took a silk scarf painting class and am waiting for it to be steamed to set the inks. I had so much fun learning something new! Now, I’m thinking this is a hobby I could get behind because I could always sell them or give them away! Who doesn’t love a handpainted silk scarf? I rearranged the living room and like it better (at least for now). I also made a new wreath for the front porch. It’s too high so I need to lengthen the hanger for it. I tried to alter this dress (seen here). I discovered these pieces of clothing aren’t necessarily subject to quality control. When I cut off the straps and reattached them, the bodice was not symmetrical. Now, I like asymmetry but not this way! I think, at this point, I’m going to cut off the bodice and make it a skirt. I finished a scrapghan for my women’s retreat. It will be raffled off. That presentation is in the polishing up stages as is the booklet each participant receives. And, of course, I started a new scrapghan!

What I’ve been buying…

I don’t think I spent much more this month than last month. I haven’t been doing a very good job at updating my spreadsheet, though. Early in the month, I bought two new tees from Old Navy, but I used rewards so they were literally pennies a piece! I also bought a denim skirt and was influenced by Amy to buy the pink striped shirt. The jury is still out on the denim skirt. A cute cardigan and striped tank also may have ended up at my house via Talbots. Believe it or not, I have credit balances at a couple of stores due to Christmas returns!

Where I’m going…

Nigel and I actually are in the process of having our passports renewed. By that I mean, everything has been submitted; we just have to wait to get them back. A friend asked if I wanted to go to Scotland and Ireland with her later this year. Nigel was thrilled to be off the hook so it appears I’ll be in the UK for a bit this year. I may extend my stay and travel on down to London. That makes more sense than making a separate trip, but who knows what I’ll end up doing. For the time being, I’m just excited to know I’m going somewhere! We are still in the planning stages so let me know your thoughts, please!

What I’ve been wearing…

Wrap it up, Marsha!

This month positively flew by! We broke a record here in Central Indiana last month…23 straight days without sunshine. I think all that sunshine motivated us to do things. We also celebrated Nigel’s birthday…let’s just say he’s a few years older than me and a few years younger than Alice Cooper! I did bake him some date nut cookies though our oldest ended up most of them. We’re only a few weeks from spring here in the Northern Hemisphere, and my hyacinths and daffodils are popping right up. I have more plans for the hump, too! So, can we talk? How was your February? Do you get more done when the sun is shining? Do you have any hints for visiting Scotland or Ireland? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as quickly as possible.

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing. Please feel free to share my blog with friends if you think they’d enjoy it. If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links, discount codes, and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

Featured favorites from last month…

A must read…
Amy’s Mathilda Jane pants are fabulous!
WWJD…remember that?
I love Sally’s bird shirt!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. How exciting you might be going to the UK! That is something to look forward to! I am so bad in reading in the winter. I read a lot in summer, while sitting in my garden. But in winter I don’t find the time somehow. Enjoy your weekend!

    • I am really planning on this trip happening, Nancy! If I go, I may extend my part of the trip and go on to London to meet up with some bloggers. That makes more sense than going on my own another time! I think I’m just not finding good books!

      Thanks, Nancy!

  2. Oh such an interesting post Marsha, and I went yes, to several items you talked about. Like you I thought Tom Lake was a nice story but, to be honest, I got bored in the end, and kept saying to the main character – just get on with it!!!! It was altogether just about OK but not exactly my kind of book. I really enjoyed, if that’s the right word, the Challenger documentary. It was very thorough and in the end like you I felt real anger and the mismanagement of those managers and jobsworths who just did as much as the parameters of their job and nothing more. The hierarchical structure really prevented any real safety for those lovely people inside Challenger – I was so relived to see at the end, that the very damaged son of one of them had a lovely daughter.

    We too have had very little sun in the UK and it has been a very grey, boring, wet and windy month. The storms we get cross the Atlantic and still blow hard where we live. I do feel more alive with some sunshine! When you go to Scotland and Ireland remember they’re very beautiful but they get a lot of rain! Bring a brolly!

    Thanks Marsha, that was a great read!

    • Thanks, Penny! I wish I could understand the appeal of Tom Lake. I think many liked it because it was written about a family in lockdown during Covid. I’ve read some other books like that, and they held my interest. This one was just OK.

      I am considering extending my portion of the trip to going down to London for a few days. That makes so much more sense than going home then flying back again a month or so later. I will let you know if I do!

  3. How exciting that you have a trip like that in the planning stages. I would love to go to England one of these days…the advantage is they speak our language (well, sort of, haha).
    And rearranging furniture is something I can relate to right now. In fact, I used to do it many times a year at our first house, but lately, once I get things placed, I have been keeping it that way.

    • I love going to England. I am still not giving up on getting Mike there one last time. He owes me a trip to Paris…we were going to go in 2020…we all know how that turned out! London is one of the easiest cities to navigate. You would love it…so much fashion and so much people watching! And, the museums are amazing!

      Unfortunately, the only room I can really rearrange is the living room. I can switch the dresser and the chest of drawers in the bedroom, but it’s really almost tit for tat and not worth the effort.

      Thanks, Jodie!

  4. HI Marsha a great wrap up for your February and perhaps you might like to link up at the end of next week to our What’s Been On Your Calendar? Tom Lake appears to be a popular book so will add to my TBR. How exciting that you will be in the UK later in the year. We would love to do a driving holiday of England and Scotland but are renovating our bathrooms this year so probably will only have local holidays. I love the idea of silk scarf printing and will be interested to see your finished product. I do love scarves. Have a lovely weekend. x

    • I will definitely link up, Sue! I thought maybe I just hadn’t seen it. You’ll have to let me know what you think of Tom Lake. I’m looking forward to returning to the UK. Mike and I always said we’d do a train trip of England and Scotland, but I’m not sure I can get him there anymore. He’s decided he’s an old man…seriously…and, it breaks my heart to see him so defeated. I will definitely paint silk scarves again. It was so fun and fulfilling!

      I hope your weekend is fabulous! Thanks, Sue!

  5. Your trip sounds like so much fun and the house is looking wonderful!

    • Thanks, Joanne! I’m slowly but surely making the house more me! I am really hopeful we can get it planned…first, my passport has to get here!!

  6. Ooo! Scotland and Ireland are so beautiful! Both are amazing places to visit! The silk scarf painting class sounds so fun!

    • I had so much fun at the silk scarf painting class. The woman teaching it is the friend I’m going to the UK with. Do you have any tips? You could always email me!!!

      Thanks, Laura!

  7. I’m chuffed I made the ‘must read’. I’m glad my rant resonated. I caught up with a friend yesterday who was complaing of some friends of hers that did the same thing – always complaing but not realising hwo good they had it compared to her…

    • Lydia, this post really resonated with me. I often wonder just how I happened to be so lucky/blessed in my life. I did lose my father at a young age, but I have never truly wanted for anything. We were able to put all three kids through college with them having absolutely no debt when they graduated. We paid off their student loans as graduation gifts. But, I know so many people can’t even afford college of any kind in the first place. Well, I could go on and on. But, your post truly was brave and amazing. Thank you for writing it and sharing it.

  8. Aww, thnak you! You are too sweet to say that. I sure have been getting my wear out of my MJs lately. They are comfy, easy on and off, and forgiving when you feel bloated.
    Tips on visiting Scotland – the trains are great. Don’t be afraid. Scotrail is the app to get. We did all of our purchasing from the app. We only went to Edinburgh and Glasgow and I really want to see more! Read Rick Steves books from the library!

    • You are so welcome, Amy! I love those Finns! I actually have to cut the last ruffle off because I’m so short, but they’re still cool! If we…no, when we go, I think we’ll be doing a tour. It’s hard to find a tour that encompasses both countries (provinces, commonwealths?). We did find one, but some of the reviews were awful. We have both Rick Steves books for each country. I’ll check the library to see if there are any different from what we have. My biggest thing is she wants to go COO! I want to buy souvenirs…maybe a kilt and definitely a Aran sweater! I don’t have any Irish or Scots blood, but she is definitely Irish. I think I may actually not go back to the US with her and skip on down to London to meet up with some bloggers and to see the places I love. I just can’t get a commitment from Mike to go again.

  9. I love the renovations! They look great!

    That is a lot of shows to watch and I haven’t watched any of them or heard of part of them. I guess I am very in the dark these days. Ha!

    • Thanks, Lisa! We usually only watch tv together about 60-90 minutes a day. Mike has the tv on all the time for “background noise.” I’m not sure I’d recommend any of them other than the one about “We are the world” just because it was amazing what was accomplished. I sometimes wonder if celebrities hate seeing themselves when they were younger. Bruce Springsteen looked so young (well, it was 1985, I think) compared to now. Cyndi Lauper, on the other hand, still looks amazing!

      We are down to one last room to paint. But, I’d still love to do something in the laundry room/my closet. That would mean moving the washer and dryer. And, we’re not exactly spring chickens anymore…well, one of us isn’t!

  10. We’ve had a lot of rain and overcast skies too, Marsha. When the sun does come out, it’s amazing how it lifts my spirits and energizes me. I’ve been wanting to visit Scotland and Ireland, but have not yet, so I hope you will share your experience with us. I’m visiting from #WBOYC. Here’s to a marvelous March!

    • Thank you so much, Christie! We have had some beautiful days lately. They’ve been a little chilly, but next week promises to be nice and warm. I will try to document my trip to Scotland/Ireland. I’m going with a non-blogging friend so she might find it a little strange!

  11. What a fabulously full month! Love the rugs, the fashion & the toilet in the hall. Thanks for linking up with us.

    • Thank you, Joanne! I always get a kick out of the places we put toilets! When we remodeled our house up north, the toilet sat out on the back deck…quite classy! Thanks for the link up!

  12. So much has been happening Marsha, no wonder your month flew by! I love the image of the toilet in the hall and all the painting and fixing up you’ve been doing but the news of your travels is most exciting – yay for you!! Thanks for joining us for #WBOYC with your full and glorious month, and your fashion shots are always great.

    • Thanks, Debbie! I always get a kick out of where we end up putting toilets. When I suggested we put it out in the front yard and plant flowers in it, Mike just said, “NO!” He didn’t think that would look very classy! Yes, we have made some decisions and just need to finalize the reservations! I’m very excited yet a little forlorn that Mike won’t be my traveling partner. It will be a new experience for me. Thank you for hosting the #WBOYC. I enjoy linking up with you!

  13. Hi, Marsha – Thank you for joing us at What’s Been On Your Calendar. I’ve heard good things about ‘Feud: Capote vs the Swans.’ Although I am typically not a Capote fan, I do have this on my list to read or watch. Congratulations on your bathroom renovations. We recently bought a new toilet with bidet for our downstairs bathroom. It has seriously changed my life! <3
    Oh, and if you have any extra summer days you would like to get rid of, I will happily take them. I LOVE summer!

    • Thank you so much for hosting WBOYC! I have the book on waitlist, and I’m waiting for the series to end to just binge watch it. I forget what happens from week to week. When we redid our bathrooms up north, I insisted on this one toilet because it was so beautiful! We put three of them in our last house. When we built this one, I insisted on it for the primary bathroom that I mainly use. The other bathroom is the one that got the reno and new toilet. The cheap one the builder installed just didn’t do the job!

      Well, we haven’t made it to summer quite yet. I’m pretty sure Mother Nature has a snowstorm or two to throw at us yet!

      Enjoy your week, and thanks so much for coming by, Donna!