From Our Home to Yours!

We’ll need to have another table for all of my people!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of my people to all of your people! Today, as well as every other day, I am thankful for you!


  1. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family. Hoping Mike is feeling much better,

  2. HappyThanksgiving Marsha – have a lovely day!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Marsha!

  4. Lovely table, elegant and peaceful. I’m sure you had a wonderful time around it with your people. Thanks for sharing.

    • Thank you, Aletha! We did have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had to set up another table for four. We used to all squish in around the table, but three of the ten of us insisted on growing up!

  5. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Marsha!

  6. Hi, Marsha – I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving feast and continue to enjoy the holiday weekend and throughout the season! XO – Angie,

    • Thanks so much, Angie! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and had lots of fun Black Friday shopping. I hope your neighbor’s food was enjoyed by all!

  7. Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!