I apologize from the beginning. There will be no photos of pumpkins in this post. But, I do have pumpkins on my mind. We went to Newfields (aka Indianapolis Museum of Art) today. The architects knew what they were doing when they designed the gift shop. One full (almost) wall of the gift shop is window. And, I always longingly gaze in that window. The last time we were there, they had glass pumpkins on display in that window. Today, there was nary a glass pumpkin in sight. I know they did that on purpose to draw me inside.
Velvet pumpkins…
A few years ago, I started collecting different kinds of pumpkins. A friend of mine made some from fabric and polyfil. I figured I could make those, and I did. Then, I discovered velvet pumpkins. So, I bought a few in shades of rust and burgundy. The next year, I found them in greys and black. I haven’t seen them in stores for a couple of years now.

But, today, at Newfields, they had them aplenty! One was even a harlequin velvet. Some of the little ones had feathers adorning their stems. Of course, these were in the locked cases so I should have known they were a little pricey. After wandering around a bit longer, I finally noticed a sign in one of the cases. The prices ranged from $25-$265! The littlest would fit in my semi-closed palm. And, the harlequin one was quite large. I figure it was probably closer to the $265 than the $25. So, can you guess what I’ll be buying this weekend? If you guessed one of the glass-enclosed pumpkins, you’re wrong! I’m going to look for some feathers to hot glue onto my pumpkins. But, that harlequin one is calling my name.

The gardens…
We did make it out into the gardens today. It was a glorious day to spend outside. The temps were just right for a slow meander along the pathways. The sun was out, but Newfields is heavily shaded. We stuck to the Border Gardens today. The borders are full of wildflowers native to Indiana. Some might even call them weeds. There were also lots of alocasia and colocasia as well as bromeliads and hostas. I wonder if they’d noticed if I pitched a tent on the Grand Allee!

My outfit…
I’m currently dealing with some residual bloating as a result of my surgery as well as weight gain. I decided to embrace my roundness and went with this black smocked skirt from J Jill. I’ve had this for several years and love the way it moves. It’s also light and good for a warm day. I added a sweater tank from Talbots and my aqua cropped cardigan from April Cornell. At this point, I have no idea where my natural waist is so I just let my skirt waistband go wherever it wanted!

The Lewk!

I can’t begin to tell you how old these Rieker Regina sandals are. I’m guessing I bought them in 2017 or so. If I were figuring CPW, I think I’d be in the negatives by now. They’re beginning to show some wear on the elastic that goes around the metal ring. I may need to replace them soon. I have the grey, but the muschel is an interesting color. The earrings (here) and bracelets (here) have appeared on the blog numerous times. They were gifts from Nigel.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
So sorry for the clickbait-y title! I usually decorate for fall the first week of September. This year, I’ve put it off for a couple of reasons. The biggest one is I just don’t want to venture up into the attic. I know it will be stifling up there. I think I will probably decorate in the next week or so. So, can we talk? How do you feel about the popularity of pumpkin anything and everything in the fall? If you’re one of my readers from the Southern Hemisphere, do you decorate with pumpkins at another time of the year? Are you ready for the changing seasons? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!
I truly appreciate everyone who subscribes or comments. I also love hearing from you via emails. You are why I continue to blog! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off any order over $75. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: https://www.zuvilife.com/products/buy-zuvi-halo-hair-dryer?sca_ref=4039595.v4RNNsWxxF. If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where I link up:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend with Emma every Thursday. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Oh I do love a black skirt, I’m spoiled today as Jodie also showed black skirts. And I’m not ready for the change of seasons at all. I want it to stay summer for the rest of the year. And I don’t decorate at all. It’s boring white and clean here lol.
Thanks, Nancy! Isn’t it funny how we bloggers seem to do the same thing? I wonder if your summers are different than mine, though? I just like being cold rather than hot! I can cover up when I’m cold!
I am a sucker for just about anything made out of velvet! Those gardens look lovely and so do you.
Thanks, Joanne! I love velvet a lot, but I don’t really have a lot of it (except for my pumpkins). The gardening staff and volunteers are constantly changing things so it’s almost always a new place when we go.
I was just at my daughter’s house in Westfield and we wanted to go to Newfields to see the gardens but they are closed on Mondays. We also thought $20 was high as we were only interested in the gardens and there would be four adults and two children. Do you recommend the gardens for that price? Love your teal cardigan!
Wow! No, I don’t think I would pay that much for that many people, but that price also includes the museum. They don’t break them into two segments. Does that make sense? If your daughter would go regularly, she could buy a family pass which allows two additional adults (or maybe kids) to go. That would be less than paying for four adults and one child. I think certain mornings are free. The first Thursday of every month is now also free. It tends to be a bit crowded as we discovered when we went last month. We go several times a year and also use the pass at other botanical gardens that offer reciprocal admissions. We get discounted tickets for Winterlights and Harvest Nights. I love Winterlights, but we’ve never gone to Harvest Nights. I think we’ll do that this year.
Thanks, Amy!
If you buy the Harlequin pumpkin, please share a photo! Hope you have a great day!
Thanks, Kathy! I definitely will do that. Once I get the house decorated for fall, I’ll do a blog post of it.
Have a fabulous weekend!
The weirdest thing just happened. I commented on your post and the autofill section was filled out with someone else’s info! That has freaked me out a tad. Her last name is the same but different first name and different email.
Hmmm…I wonder if it was Kathy Elliott? But, it’s strange that it would autofill that for you. I’m so glad you commented, though!
I love pumpkins and will happily eat a pumpkin muffin any day of the year. I don’t really do seasonal decoration other than occasionally putting up my Christmas tree because my place is All Bunnies All Year but I do think pumpkins are cute decoration choices. The aqua cardigan is SUCH a pretty color, and it really adds some nice lightness to the black skirt. I like that the black skirt doesn’t look really dark and heavy – it has a lovely floaty, buoyant quality that is so good for summer->fall.
Thanks, Sally! This skirt truly is floaty and very light. It feels like silk but is probably polyester (you know, silk’s distant black sheep cousin). I hope April Cornell will do more of these cardigans because they are the perfect length for me.
Oh, I bet your home is so cozy with your bunnies. Do they multiply (oops…pun not intended…read on)? I used to collect apples (duh…I was a teacher). At one point, every single square inch of my kitchen and dining room (at our house before the last one) was wallpapered in an apple wallpaper with a coordinating wainscoting paper. Then, I had all the apple things…they truly did seem to multiply during the night!
I think you look super adorable. And that place is gorgeous!!!
I always wonder that too, about people who are not from four season states! I love pumpkin things, but not all the pumpkin flavors. I like pumpkin pie and pumpkin doughnuts at the orchard and that is it. I am more apple flavor in the fall than pumpkin.
Pumpkin decor though, different story. I will put them everywhere in the fall!
Thanks, Erin! It is amazing. There are several different gardens. The same firm that designed Central Park in NYC did these gardens. They are always adding seasonal plants, too so it’s like a different place every time we go. I am not a fan of pumpkin spice as in coffee and such, but I do love pumpkin cake and muffins. Oh, and pumpkin donuts!!!
Those gardens are beautiful! Keep us posted about the pumpkin, will it come home with you eventually? That makes me think I should start considering decorating for Fall. Even though it is 5 bajillion degrees here. I blast the a/c and light candles that smell like all things autumn so I can pretend.
Let me just say how much I love this little cropped cardi on you with that skirt! It is so flattering and just goes to show us all that even when we feel bloated, styling makes a difference. You look all curvy and va va va voom!!! Hold your hat Nigel, Marsha is looking fine!!!
Awww, thanks, Kellyann! You’re making me feel so good! I wish I could find more cardigans this short because it does hit at just the right spot. It’s funny you and Jill featured cropped cardigans on your posts!
I really do want that pumpkin. I just didn’t have the nerve to ask how much it was. You know, when they have to unlock a case, you almost feel compelled to buy it! I also love the Mackenzie Childs pumpkins. I just haven’t convinced myself to spend the money yet. I need to start decorating or it will be time for Christmas!
Now that’s a brilliant idea to decorate the pumpkins you already have. Heck, I bet you could even find some velvet and wrap yours or put patches on them. What a cool DIY.
And the black skirt. YES, so versatile and I love it with the cropped cardigans. Just like Kellyann and Jill were talking about today,
Thanks, Jodie! I have actually made my own velvet pumpkins, but I just love the harlequin nature of this. I’ve also decoupaged pumpkins as well as crocheted them! You might say I have a problem!
That’s so funny that Kellyann and Jill did cropped cardigans, too. I think this is the perfect one for me (well, I also have it in ecru) because it does fall at my somewhat natural waist. And, this black skirt is a definite favorite!
I love your outfit and the gardens as a background are perfect.
Thanks, Eileen! I think, back when I was teaching, this would have been my uniform! A cardigan, a tee under, and a skirt! Oh, I didn’t take photos of most of the gardens. I honestly would love to just pitch a tent there!
That skirt is very flattering on you! The gardens look beautiful in the background! I love to DIY so much of my fall decor. Well, I actually DIY a lot of my whole house decor. Adding feathers to your pumpkins is a great way to have fun and save some $$!
Thank you so much, Laura! I love to DIY my home decor. I have made every wreath I hang up. On top of having the fun of making it, I don’t have to pay the prices of custom wreaths! I do buy some things like a garland with felt balls in fall colors. I have even made all of the curtains for our house (except for sheers). With this new, smaller house, I don’t have as much to decorate so my decorating mojo is feeling quite neglected!
Hi Marsha and I this is why I love corresponding with people across the pond as no we don’t decorate Autumn with pumpkins. They are not grown much here but enough are grown to come out at Halloween, when people do put them in their windows with the grinning teeth and so on! Autumn often comes early here but not this year as we have one more hot day before the rain and colder weather kicks in – just in time for my little holiday in Dungeness!
Lovely outfit – I do like the skirt, and that with the top together is such a nice combo. Have a great weekend
Thank you, Penny! I have had so many compliments on this outfit! I’m going to wear it often. I do think it’s the proportions of the sweater and the skirt hitting at just the right spot.
I’m so glad you commented about the pumpkins. I wonder how we, on this side of the pond, decided pumpkins were something to use when decorating. Many, many years ago, we were host to a group of young people from Australia. The one comment that has stuck with me is one a young woman made. She said they just didn’t decorate the walls of their homes like Americans did. That just struck me so.
Marsha, I love this light turquoise/aqua color on you! What a pretty outfit. So perfect for a garden walk. And such a gorgeous garden, too! I love pumpkin decor but we usually decorate for Halloween (which we have already done) and then skip right to Christmas decorations in time for Thanksgiving. But if I had a collection of fabric and other fake pumpkins, I would probably get my pumpkin on, too! Maybe I need to start making velvet pumpkins.. Happy Fall, my friend!
Thanks, Shelbee! I would take one of these cardigans in every color if I could. It hits at just the right spot on me!
I decorate for fall with the pumpkins, put out my ghosts and other Halloween stuff, then move onto Christmas.
You should definitely make some velvet pumpkins. Just cut a circle, put in some stuffing, gather it up, tie it up, find a stick and push it in where you’ve tied it up. Add leaves or feathers, and you’ve got a velvet pumpkin! I know some people have even used the stems from real pumpkins, but I worry they’d rot.
Have an amazing Fall!!!
The gardens look beautiful, as do you in that gorgeous aqua or turquoise cardigan. Pumpkins aren’t so common in the UK, we mainly see them carved for Halloween and that’s it. Would be interested to see your collection! Thanks for linking at #WowOnWednesday.
Thank you so much, Gail! I really like this cardigan and wish I could get it in several more colors! I hope to have my pumpkins out and the house decorated this week. I’m planning to post about it.