How to celebrate 50 posts?

Yep, that’s me in the middle!

Can you believe it?

I’m sure you’re all on pins and needles…how to celebrate 50 posts? First, I’m going to start off with a huge thank you! And, I have a little help doing so! I may have mentioned this before; my maiden name was Rose! So, Moira and I are related, sort of!

Stretching my brain…

I thank you so much for reading, commenting, and subscribing! Fifty posts are about 49 more than I thought I would write! When I began this blog, it was with the idea of learning something new, growing new wrinkles in my brain! I have to tell you, this woman has learned a lot! It takes work to write a blog so humongous kudos to those of you who do it every day! I have no idea how you do it! First, you have to find a wonderful photographer. Nigel was forced enlisted to take my photos. Then, you have to figure out what your niche is. I’m not sure I’ve actually accomplished that. I think I’m a little bit fashion, a little bit memoir, and a lot of meandering!

My Mae West interpretation!

Next, you have to actually attempt the technical aspects of a blog. I’m still blundering my way through that. While it would be nice to receive clothing, shoes, or anything actually, this blog is not my meal ticket to life. Luckily, I have a pension and Nigel! But, that also means I don’t have the means to pay someone to create this little corner of the blogosphere. I mean, when I learned how to link things without posting the link itself, I felt I’d conquered something!

Taking photos…

And, then there is the taking of photos. I really don’t enjoy this aspect of blogging. I like putting together outfits and writing the posts. But, I just haven’t gotten the smiles and the poses down just yet. I think you can probably tell when I’m more comfortable. The smiles are more genuine, right? I need to venture out of my backyard, though!

Getting it out there…

And, after you find your niche, take the photos, conquer (to some extent) the technology, and write the post, you probably have the hardest part of all…getting it out there! Thankfully, the blogging community is one of the most open and generous of which I’ve been a part. I’ve asked questions; people answer them. Bloggers have invited me to take part in monthly and weekly link ups. I am forging relationships with people across this country and the oceans! Jodie is just as genuine and kind as you would expect. Mica, Gail, Mireille, Michelle, Nancy, and Shelbee host some of the best link ups! And, I feel like Darlene and I would sit down for a drink and never stop talking! There are so many other blogs and bloggers who have helped along the way. Thank you to all of you!

You goof! Jets don’t deliver the blog!

And, then there are all of you…

I have been surprised by the number of people who read and comment on my blog. I’m indebted to those of you who have been there from the beginning! And, then there are the ladies at my J Jill store! When I walk into the store, I feel like Norm from “Cheers”! I’m greeted with smiles and “Hi, Marsha”! Lest you think it’s because I’m now famous (you know…I have a blog), the fabulous women at J Jill have greeted me this way for years now! If you’re ever in the Indianapolis area, go to the Fashion Mall and see the ladies at J Jill. Tell them, “Marsha sent me!” I’m serious…they are the absolute best! I am grateful to those of you who have found me through other blogs, maybe even Instagram. However you’ve found me, I’m truly so happy you did!

The biggest thank you…

My biggest thank you, by far, is to Debbie from Your Styled Story (previously Fashion Fairy Dust). Debbie retired from teaching at the end of the last school year and began a new career. Most of you probably know Debbie for her fierce attitude, cool fashion, but more than likely her absolutely fabulous pink hair! Debbie continues to blog but has switched her focus to coaching. I was lucky enough to be one of her first life coaching clients. I cannot tell you how excited I was for our first meeting! She is every bit as amazing in real life as she is on her blog and Instagram (I don’t tweet, so she may be pretty doggone awesome on Twitter, too)! Debbie helped me realize some of my strengths and weaknesses, what I wanted to do next with my life, and gave me tips, tools, and, ultimately, the shove to start this blog! If you’re thinking about your next steps in life, or need some fashion advice, reach out to Debbie. Seriously, you won’t regret it!

This is how to celebrate 50 posts!

What about the fashion?

I couldn’t celebrate my 50th post without sharing some fashion, right? I began my blog with a single picture! That’s it! I didn’t know how to do anything else, but Debbie said I had to publish a blog post so publish one I did (how’s that for a run on sentence)! That first little picture featured a dress from April Cornell. And, this post, my fiftieth post, features one, too. This dress is called the Fragrant Dress. When I first saw it in a catalog or online, something about it spoke to me. I absolutely adore it, and it’s one of my favorites! To this day, I’m not sure if the background is a really dark charcoal, black, or even navy! The three quarter sleeves have a ruffle around the bottom, and it has pockets! Now before you get excited and decide you need one, I have to admit this dress is probably ten years old! Don’t worry! April is having a huge sale right now, and I’m sure you can find something just as lovely! Go shop now, but remember to come back!

An aha moment…

Remember I said this dress spoke to me? On my “About Me” page, I wrote about an outfit my mom bought me when I was a little girl. I was scrounging around in some boxes before the holidays, and I found this picture!!! I think it was second or third grade.

Check out the glasses! And, those bangs?

This just may have led me down the road to this blog! I don’t remember any other clothes before this top and jumper. But, I remember that day as if it were yesterday! I can still recall my excitement when I realized I had new clothes which were not an everyday occurrence at our house. For all I know, this might have even been a hand me down from a cousin or friend. It has always been one of my favorite pictures! Do you notice any similarity between this picture and today’s dress? Yes, black with a floral print has always been one of my favorites!

The Lewk!

When I was teaching, I would have probably worn off white hose with a pair Aigner Gotham shoes. I had those shoes in every color possible! I think I’ve upped my fashion game a bit since then. I still would have worn blue topaz jewelry. The bracelets (here, here, here) necklace, rings (here, here, here) and earrings are Lagos and were all gifts from Nigel. My boots are L’Artiste. The dress is April Cornell (similar, similar, similar).

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I honestly cannot believe I am publishing my 50th post! I guess I should have picked out gold jewelry or at least a gold colored dress! Oops! I know I may have said it a time or two, but I do appreciate each and every one of you…those who read, those who comment, and those who subscribe. I am so very, very grateful! How about you? Did you start something this past year? Do you intend to start something next year? What do you think of that freckle face little kid with the cat eye glasses? Please leave me a comment or two! Let’s have a conversation!

Where I often link up:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, and Away from the Blue.


  1. Congrats!! You know you have rhe only blog newsletter that goes into my inbox vs my trash folder? That’s how much i love your blog! Well done!!

    • Oh, I feel honored, Mireille! I’m so glad you love my blog! I feel like we’re a lot alike in how we approach blogging. I wish I had the scenery you do!

      Thanks so much, Mireille!

  2. Congrats on 50! You look fabulous and my son noticed right away that your dress today closely matches the one from your childhood.

    • Thanks so much, Joanne! Your son has some fabulous observation powers! I knew there was a reason why I really liked this dress, but, until I found that picture, I didn’t realize why!

  3. Congratulations on 50! How cool is it that your childhood dress resembles your grown up dress!

    • Thanks, Daenel! I really hadn’t realized it until I found that picture. I have a couple of other dresses that are black with a blue floral print so it’s obviously always there in the back of my mind!

  4. Many congrats on your 50th post! And thank you for the lovely shout out. Personally, I love a blog whose niche is a bit ambiguous, because life is never about just one thing. (Says the lady whose own blog is rather ambiguous as well.) And you write very well. Your “voice” is personable. I feel like I’ve been invited into your life and offered tea. So here’s to many more posts.

    P.S. I could tell this dress was one of April’s. Beautiful!


    • Oh, Michelle, this just warmed my heart right up…especially when you mention my “voice”. That was something I had to teach to my fourth graders. It’s such a hard concept for others who don’t write to understand! And, yes, you can come any time and have tea! I wish I still had my willow tree. We could sit under it and have a party!

      I hope you are soon able to make it into the April store in Asheville. It’s in such a cool part of the city. But, the flagship store in Burlington, VT is amazing! We should go there!

  5. That dress is so pretty. And your accessories are PERFECTION. The rings, the bracelets mimic the hardware on your great booties. Perfect pairing. That dress would work great for our upcoming periwinkle post with the Ageless Style girls. At least I think that bluish color is kind of periwinkle. I think I recognize periwinkle and then I am not sure. Sometimes it seems blue, then purple. Anyway, that print is really pretty. And does look so similar to your childhood outfit.

    Congrats on 50 posts. On becoming more comfy in front of the camera. I still struggle with that. And with convincing PC to take my photos. I am so excited to get to know you better in the coming year and through your next 50 posts.

    • Oh, Leslie, I didn’t even see the connection between my jewelry and my boots! Duh! I have to say this is one of my favorite dresses. It’s just such a beautiful print. I didn’t really think about the connection between my dress and my childhood dress until I found the picture! But, I look at my closet and there are so many black dresses with blue floral prints! I guess that means the love runs true and deep, right?

      I think periwinkle is one of those colors that are differently perceived. Same with burgundy, right?

      Thanks for the congrats! Honestly, I was shocked when I looked and realized it was 50 posts already! I can tell by my smile when I’m feeling more confident in my look and attitude. I’m hoping it doesn’t show too much! Nigel is getting so comfortable with this…he even suggests poses!

  6. Congratulations dear…Beautiful pictures 🙂
    Beauty and Fashion/Rampdiary/Glamansion

  7. I just found your blog via the link up for A Sentence a Day – it’s nice to ‘meet’ you! Congratulations on your 50th post – and here’s to many more!

    • Thanks so much, Deb! I honestly was surprised to make it to 50, but there’s just so much fun in blogging! I hope you come back for more!

  8. Marsha, congratulations on your 50th post! It really is such a wonderful accomplishment, isn’t it?! I remember the first time I hit publish on a post back in 2015! It was so scary and I never thought anyone would read anything I wrote. But at the same time, I was afraid of people reading what I wrote! Haha. Now here I am, almost 7 years later and over 1,400 posts published! I have no idea how that all happened but I am grateful beyond words for this blogging community!

    I love the way you have described your niche…”a little bit fashion, a little bit memoir, and a lot of meandering”! That’s perfect! I always just put myself in the “fashion & lifestyle” category because I feel that encompasses everything we do on our blogs.

    I chuckled out loud at the part where you talked about your blog not being your meal ticket to life because you have Nigel and a pension! LOL. I always say the same thing about my blog…I have Jeff and Jeff’s pension! Ha. But I am happy to say that I made a whopping $4,000 from blogging in 2021! Hey…it’s $4000 more than I had before, right?!

    I love this beautiful dress on you! And those boots are absolutely fabulous! I also really enjoyed the pictures of you as a child. How wonderful. You were so adorable and very fashionable early on, too! I will be featuring this post in tomorrow’s link up.

    Also, thanks for the shout out! I have really enjoyed getting to know you! And I agree that you and Darlene would totally hit it off! I had the pleasure to Zoom with Darlene and Kellyann a while back and they are both just as lovely in person!

    Wishing you all the best in the new year, my friend! I am excited to see where your blog heads!

    Shelbee xoxo

    • Awww, Shelbee, you are so sweet! I retired early so my pension is pretty small, but, at least, I do have it. I also heavily invested in my 503b. That being said, Nigel’s pension is far superior to mine, and he has insurance! Win-Win! I’m actually looking forward to this fall when I hit 65..gasp, gasp…because then I can go on Medicare! Insurance takes such a huge bite! And, Nigel was always the one who handled our financial affairs…good thing, otherwise, we’d be living a lot differently.

      I have said it many times, but it bears repeating…the blogging community is so warm and welcoming. I have been amazed at everyone, yourself included! I really hope, if Covid ever gets under control, to meet some bloggers face to face! Oh, a Zoom would be such fun! My ADHD goes into overdrive during Zooms!

      I truly thought I would be a fashion blogger only, but I just kind of found myself having to tell stories as I went along. My students would always side track me if possible by getting me to tell a story!

      I have to say this is one of my favorite April Cornell dresses of all time, and I think it’s because of the similarity to my childhood dress. I only just realized it as I was writing this post even though I’d seen that picture countless times. I do love these boots and hope to add a few more (stop, Marsha, stop)!

      Thank you so much for your support and help, Shelbee! I can’t wait to see tomorrow’s link up!

  9. Pingback:Hemp Hemp Hooray! New Underwear for the New Year & Link Up On the Edge #278 – Shelbee On the Edge