Style is defined as “a particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character (source).” Now, that is about as open ended as you can get, right? Is it any wonder we sometimes struggle with developing a sense of style? I have been grappling with this idea for a while now. Kellyann wrote a post about this very subject, and I have been thinking about it ever since.

Finding your words…
One of the things Kellyann suggested doing when you’re trying to find your own style is to find “3 -5 adjectives you’d like used to describe your ideal style.” I have been thinking and thinking about that. I don’t think I’ve ever thought of my style in just that way. I like that she put it as how I’d want someone to describe my style. That seems to put the pressure on someone else!

A little more…
I kept going into my closet to try to find inspiration for those words. Then, it occurred to me. My closet was the absolute worst place to look! If I’m trying to define my style, the clothing I already have may not be a part of that definition. Does that make sense? If you realize some of the clothing in my closet is decades old, and you know I’m a bit of a sentimental fool about some things, you’ll know there may be some things in my closet that are not really suitable for my style. They’re there because I can’t part with them for one reason or another. On the other hand, they may be exactly my style! So, I stayed out of my closet to come up with my words.

My words…
Now, don’t hold me to these for a bit. I’m just experimenting with this right now. My words are feminine, boho, classic, unique, and quirky. OK…somehow or other, I feel like I need to tattoo them somewhere so I remember when I’m shopping! I think it would be a good idea to sit with these for a bit before I start culling things from my closet. But, being the sentimental fool that I am, I probably won’t do that for a while anyway! And, I’m not sure how closely I’ll stick to these words because, in Shelbee’s words, I’m a bit of a chameleon in my style. Once upon a time, I would have definitely said my style was classic. While I still have that side, I also like to be different!

Why those words…
One of Kellyann’s suggestions was to think about the clothing you’re wearing when you receive the most compliments. I had to stop and think about that one for a little minute. People don’t seem to compliment my clothing as much as they do my hair. And, that truly cracks me up! I have always had this fine, thin, limp nondescript hair. The only time it’s had any body is when I’ve sprayed and spritzed it into a helmet that wouldn’t move in a hurricane! Now, the silver color seems to garner the most compliments. I’m learning to take my own advice and thank the complimentor! But, I digress!

Those words…
I still have problems coming up with what clothing delivers compliments. The only thing I can think of are the kimonos I’ve worn lately with most of those coming from Kantha Bae. It’s rather ironic when you consider I bought my first kimono just a year or so ago! I wonder if I just exude more confidence when I’m wearing these because I love the way they look. So much to ponder! But, the kimonos are usually a feminine print; they are definitely boho; and, they are quite certainly unique! Today’s kimono (which appears to be currently sold out) is an example of a quirky look. I kind of wonder if it doesn’t look too much like a dressing gown of yore. But, I love the way I feel in it. I have another (shown here). When I wore this to the mall, I felt like I got lots of side eyes! This time, though, I didn’t care because I felt amazing in it!

The outfit…
I actually didn’t start with the kimono! I started with these pants. I have them in a few colors and love them. They’re a swooshy fabric that is a little more elevated than normal yoga pants. In fact, I’ve never worn them as anything other than regular pants!! These are a really pretty greyed purple color. Using that color, I then went looking through my closet to see what would work. I remembered I’d gotten this Spellbound kimono during the sale in December. I was thrilled to see that the purples played well together. Next, I needed some kind of top to go under it. I didn’t set out to do a print mix, but I ended up with one (unless you consider stripes a neutral)! This navy and white striped tee from Old Navy seemed just the ticket. I twisted it up behind me, but now I wonder if it wouldn’t be better just left out. Tying the kimono gives me that one-third/two-thirds proportion we are supposed to aim for. I also think the striking contrast of the stripes against the softer hues of the kimono and pants may be a bit too much. I need to delve deeper into my closet the next time.

The Lewk!

One of the problems I have with my Kantha Bae clothing is the footwear! Since the Kantha Bae clothing tends to be more of a statement, I always feel I should downplay the footwear. I don’t have this problem as much during the summer because I have so many more pairs of sandals. For this outfit, I chose these greige booties from Sofft. I then added two coiled bracelets as well as a cuff. My earrings and the coiled bracelets are old and from Stella & Dot. The other bracelet is from Premier Designs.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
We have been busy here at Haus der Mitte! As I’m writing this, the hutch is completely empty. Its contents are on top of the dining room table which is sitting in the living room. Jack doesn’t seem to care because that means he’s closer to the television so he can watch his favorites! Oh, I didn’t explain why the house is a mess! Someone (that would be me) finally convinced someone else (that would be Nigel) to paint! We started with the kitchen/dining area. As much as I’m glad we’re doing this, I really dislike my home to be in such a state of dishevel! So, can we talk? Have you defined your personal style? Are you sticking to that and finding life so much easier? Or, are you more like me…a bit of a chameleon? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as quickly as possible. Just a reminder this Friday is another Final Friday with a link party! I hope you can join!

Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!
As always, I am so glad you’re here! I appreciate you whether you comment, subscribe, or email! You make my day! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, and I do deClaire and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties! Just a note…Traffic Jam will be back in March in a little different format!
Marsha, I am so happy my post resonated with you! I agree with your words – you definitely have a feminine flair and I see the Boho vibes too. You have such pretty hair and I would NEVER guess it was fine or limp and I have seen you in person!!
Yay for the painting too – I know you are going to love it when it is all done!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! Oh, I spend so much time on my hair to make it not any of those things. The greying did change the texture a bit but not enough to really notice!
I truly have been thinking and thinking about your post since reading it. It took me this long to come up with my words so I’m glad you see it in my style!
The dining room and kitchen are done…on to the living room!
I love the words you came up with for your style. This kimono is so pretty. The colors and print are fabulous!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I love it and hope to wear it often!
I definitely tend to be more feminine, classic, and comfy in my style. Though I can switch it up from time to time and sport other looks with ease. Back when I was working in the school I became known for the fact that my nail polish always matched my outfit! I had one fellow teacher that would pop in each day and ask to see my nails then ask how I had time to do that with 3 little boys underfoot. I honestly have no idea but I loved matching my nails to my outfits (still do!).
I love that you were known for your nail polish! My nails are very thin and prone to peeling. Painting them makes them worse; acrylics make them even worse! I don’t know what the nails thingees you use would do, though!
Thanks, Joanne!
How good of you to put in words your style. I never know what my syle is!
Thanks, Nancy! I think your style is edgy, chic, and cool!
How about this, since your hair is garnering the most compliments… think of 5 words about your hair! Maybe your style is “all in [on] your head”, haha.
You’ll get there. Have you tried a Kondo journey through your closet? The take everything out, pile it up on the bed, and hold each garment to your chest and ask yourself if it makes you happy process? The feel-good ones are the keepers. Put the “not sures” in a separate pile. Put the “ughs” in a donation/ resell box. I did it last year and it was pretty interesting. As for the sentimental items (I sure have a few), put them in a box. After all of that you’ll have fresh, happy energy in your closet and THEN the words will come!
Anne, you make me chuckle while making me think!! I honestly wish I could wear my hair like yours, but it wouldn’t do a darn thing!
It might be time for another Kondo trip in my closet. I did a shortened version this summer when I unpacked. My clothes still spark joy, but will I wear them ever again? That is the question! I like your process of using piles/boxes!
Thanks, Anne!
I love that pattern a lot it is very pretty. I hope you are enjoying your week.
Thanks so much, Heather! It is even better IRL!
I think you’re off to a great start with your 5 words! I can definitely see these various components in your outfits. Your silver hair is very striking, so I’m not surprised that you get compliments on it. Thinking about outfits/garments that garner the most compliments is an interesting approach I’ve not thought much about – I think I tend to focus on what outfits *I* like best, haha!
Thanks, Sally! I am more like you in picking outfits I like rather than ones I think will give me compliments. But, it was an interesting way to determine what works for a person.
I’m glad you like my words…I have been giving them lots of thought!
Chameleon could be one of your words which could give you more leeway, LOL. But I do think it’s good to reevaluate this idea every so often because we should be evolving, just like how life changes.
And I love the kimono, it’s super glamorous.
BTW, I know what you mean about downplaying the footwear with some of the bolder items, but sometimes I think we need to match the boldness. Not always, but you ought to try that too!!
Thanks, Jodie! I should add chameleon to my list! My clothing has definitely evolved the last few years. When I first retired, it took me several years to realize I was still buying clothes for when I was teaching! So, now, my clothing is a bit better at reflecting this part of my life!
As for shoes, I just am a bit stumped on what would look right when the weather is colder!
I definitely get feminine, boho, and quirky for your style, Marsha! In all the best ways- you always seem to have fun with your looks, too, which I feel is so important.
I have no idea how to describe my style- I agree, it’s hard! I’m more interested at this stage in just trying things that interest me and seeing if I can pull them off, ha!
I have a new post up featuring just one of those fashion experiments- I hope you’ll swing by!
Thanks, Ashley! I will definitely check it out…I’m running behind on my commenting on blogs! I’m so glad you think I picked the right adjectives! I love clothes…bet you couldn’t have guessed that one! You have amazing style even if you can’t pinpoint or label it. You always look stunning!
I just love this fun post. And the pop of colour is phenomenal. I think this is just gorgeous. https://www.bauchlefashion.com/2023/02/5-must-thrift-fashionphile-finds-crowd.html
Thanks so much, Heather! I love color, and my husband is finally figuring that out!
I love that kimono! I keep intending to buy something from Kantha Bae myself, but I get so overwhelmed and can’t make a decision. This is a beautiful outfit. It is hard to define one’s own personal style, because I think it depends on what you’re doing. Most of the time, I strive for bright and happy, but every once in awhile, I’m in the mood for something subdued like here: https://funkyfashionstyle.com/not-my-usual-fashion-colors/. It’s rare, but it happens. I’d definitely say Boho. Also, comfortable. I don’t know if that’s a style adjective or not. You’ve given me something to think about.
Thanks, Michelle! I’m just tired of looking in my closet and not loving everything in there. A lot of that has to do with the weight gain and not feeling good in my clothes. I like bright and happy, though! You always look that way in your clothing! I’ll check out your blog soon…still not getting emails about new posts though!
understand the weight gain issue, I am right there with you. I try to mourn the clothes that don’t fit and make sure I have plenty of clothes that fit properly I buy A LOT from ThredUp. LOL! I tried signing you up for emails again. I hope it works!
Thanks, Michelle. I just feel so uncomfortable all the time. I’m coming to grips with the lifestyle changes I need to return to in order to lose it!
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I think you have some good words to describe your style! I would definitely agree with them, especially the feminine and boho!
Thanks so much, Laura! I thought long and hard, and these just seemed right!
I like that you included unique in your list of words describing your style but think you need to add fun. Your smile is contagious and your looks are always fun. From my perspective over in on the couch, your style is fun, unique, boho and feminine. The quirky hits pretty well, too, but quirky in the very best sense of that word. Because your looks always work. Are always put together.
Love the movement in this piece. And in many of your outfits. The colors are like a breath of spring time. And I am always in awe of your fabulous footwear.
Thanks, Leslie! You’re making me blush! If you saw me every day, though, you’d wonder what in the world!!! I do like fun as part of my style, but quirky seemed more fashion related if that makes sense! I have to chuckle about looking put together because it takes me so long to get ready anymore. I think it’s because I have the time so I used it!
I love color a lot but seem to gravitate toward dark colors usually!