Christmas happenings…
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. A few years ago, we (meaning I) decided to celebrate Christmas dinner in a less formal way (meaning not turkey or ham). We have had Italian and Mexican so far. This year, after my oldest granddaughter’s pleas, we went with pizza. There is a mom and pop pizza restaurant here, and they are open on Christmas Day. The employees have the option to work or not. Here’s the big thing…they receive all the profits from that day. At least, I think it’s the profits they share rather than the entire take. The only problem is they don’t open until 4:00pm. So, I ordered and paid for the pizzas on the day before Christmas Eve. My daughter and son-in-law were going to pick up the pizzas and breadsticks on Christmas Eve as I didn’t know what my schedule would be at church.

It’s always…
You know that old saying, “It’s always something?” Well, that’s the way Christmas dinner/lunch/supper always goes. Something always, always goes wrong. My daughter and I began a long text on Christmas Eve as the girl running the till couldn’t find our order. She couldn’t find where I’d paid or anything. Somehow or other, though, she knew what pizzas we were getting. Weird, right? She suggested rather than baking them at the restaurant, we do take and bake. They would be fresher and much tastier. I agreed, thinking between the two ovens (mine and my daughter’s), it wouldn’t be a big deal. On Christmas Day, I dashed over (see what I did there) to my daughter’s house to get my share of the pizzas. When I got there, I could tell something wasn’t quite right. I’d ordered two XXL pizzas for the ones I knew everyone would want. We got all Larges except for the small veggie pizza. We also didn’t get any dipping sauces.

You know what? In the grand scheme of things, we had plenty of pizza. I considered calling the next day to gently explain the mix up with my pizzas…not to get any refunds or free stuff…just to let them know. But, sometimes, you have to grant people grace, right? The restaurant was busy that night. The owners have this board where you can pay for a pizza or two, and they’ll put a tag on the board. If someone comes in and can’t afford a pizza, they pull one of those tags and get a free pizza. I also know they donate lots to the community, support the local sports teams, and are just good people. My family had more than enough to eat, so all was good!

A little more…
Remember, I said, “It’s always something?” Well, one of the desserts my Aunt Lou would make was something she called cherry delight. It’s basically a no bake cheesecake kinda dessert. I have made it for years, half cherry and half blueberry. The leftovers are always highly desired! This year, I decided to make an entire pan of each flavor. I used a cake pan my mom had had for many years, and I’ve had since she died. That means it’s probably close to 60 or 70 years old. I always make the “delights” in it. I don’t know if it was the pan, or I got some bum cream cheese, but it just smelled off. So, I dumped the entire pan out. I didn’t want anyone to end up with food poisoning. And, it was the blueberry one…my favorite! All was not lost as we also had a huge pecan pie.

New Year’s Eve…
Honestly, Nigel and I haven’t celebrated New Year’s Eve since the days before we became parents. I don’t know that we’ve ever even been invited to a NYE party. Nigel has always been an early to bed kinda guy. It’s funny because I remember we had this little tradition of making a couple different cheese dips and having chips and soda. We did that for a few years, and then we just quit. I think one of us has definitely turned into an old man person. I have never, however, been one to stay up to watch that ball drop. I regularly am up past midnight so that’s not a big deal for me. On December 31st at the stroke of midnight, I’ll probably be in bed watching Lucy Worsley or a baking show. Nigel will be sawing some really big logs. Jack will be snuggled into his crate, covered with extra thick blankets because I know people will be setting off fireworks.

The outfit…
If I were going to a dress up party, this would definitely be something I’d consider. This is the Clara Sunwoo Liquid Leather™ Signature Jacket in Merlot. I added an old vee neck tee from Old Navy. And, this skirt? Well, it’s also from Old Navy! I’m wearing a petite, but they appear to be sold out in petites. I tucked the tee into the skirt, but it needed something. I tried my leather obi belt, but the matte black of the leather didn’t work with the sequins. Instead, I wore this beautiful chain belt from Brighton. I used to frequent the local Brighton store a lot! I have several belts but not as much jewelry these days. Just a reminder…from now until December 31st (tomorrow, actually), you can save 20% off your entire order at Clara Sunwoo with my code, MARSHA20! I have worn this jacket several times already and absolutely love it!

The Lewk!

Need a little sass to balance out the glamour? Add an updated cowgirl boot like the L’Artiste Rodeha Boot. I purely do wish I got paid for the times I’ve shared my footwear from L’Artiste! I’d be…well, let’s be honest…I’d be buying more! These are on sale right now, too. The questions is, do I need the teal color? One of the things I like about these boots is the hint of a jangle when I walk in them. I added lots of bling since I was wearing a plain white tee. The necklace and both bracelets are from a holiday promotion Banana Republic did over ten years ago. I know because we still lived up north! I bought the earrings last year at J Crew, but a “gold” version is available here. These are surprisingly light.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I have to just accept that something will go wrong for our Christmas meal. I think I’m just going to call it a tradition from now on! We’ve already decided next year, we’ll get pizza again, but we will wait until after 4:00! We can open presents and play games until it’s time to eat. So, can we talk? Do you have traditions for holiday meals? Have you ever had something go wrong when you really needed it all to go right? What are you doing for New Year’s Eve? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as quickly as I can.

Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links, discount codes and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100 (it doesn’t appear to be working right now, but I’m working on it). Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA20, for 20% off your entire order just until December 31st. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, Suzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, Style Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Love the outfit! I am guessing it was Really Cold for Xmas there? (I am in Melbourne, Aust where it was Very Hot on Xmas Day. Thank goodness for aircon!) We were meant to travel (10 hrs in the car) to Sth Aust for Xmas to spend it with my husband’s family, but I came down with Covid, so we spent it here at home instead. Oh well, there is always next year..
Oh, Bronwyn, I’m so sorry you have (had) Covid. Pneumonia and some vicious stomach bug is making the rounds where I live. I’m in the state of Indiana which is in the Midwest even though we aren’t really in the middle of the US. When I was younger, it would have been quite cold on Christmas Day, but it was in the 50s (12.78C) this year. It’s supposed to get quite cold next week, though, with lows near freezing.
Thank you so much! I was quite happy with the way the skirt and jacket went together.
I love hearing about the Pizza place that feeds people who can’t afford to eat and all that they do in the community. We need more family run places like that all over the world.
Glad you didn’t get sick from the blueberry pudding.
I still love the jacket! It looks great.
Happy New Year.
Thank you so much, Rosie! Look for it to appear on the blog a few more times! I’m still not sure there was anything wrong with the blueberry delight but better safe than sorry.
I didn’t know about the feeding others until someone posted about it on Facebook. I shall definitely buy some of those tags as well as getting more pizza. This place is well loved by the community, and I hope it stays open for many, many years!
My ex and I had completely different sleeping rhythms. He was the earliest lark in the tree while I’m absolutely a vampire bat, so we were never awake together for long on New Year’s Eve, but we were both not party fans, so it didn’t really matter. On the rare occasions when we went to be with my family, I would usually wear black velvet which is my absolute favorite outside my casual “uniform”.
Nowadays I’m still awake or I wake up because of those stupid fireworks and then stay awake to be there for my cats if they want that. No need to dress up.
That skirt is lovely (I could wear it with velvet ;-)), is it very heavy?
Happy New Year and here’s to a quiet celebration!
Happy New Year to you and the cats, Cat! The skirt is not heavy at all. It is lined so it’s not itchy anywhere.
Yes, my husband is the same way…up early and to sleep early. I stay up late (vampire bat is a good way to describe it) and wake up late. It’s raining as I write this on NYE so I think the fireworks will probably be this weekend. They may be tomorrow night if people have the week off (most people do, it seems).
Thanks, Cat!
That skirt is gorgeous – my kind of skirt. And like you I’m very unsure as to whether I will stay up. We used to go to NYE parties – sigh, but no longer. And we might be in bed tucked up and asleep or we might just be in our pyjamas watching the TV – we’ll see.
The UK Christmas meal is very traditional – it’s always a turkey (or chicken) with a ham, plus pigs in blankets (that’s little sausages wrapped in bacon, plus loads of veg including brussel sprouts (which I adore) roast potatoes, red cabbage and then peas and sometimes carrot and swede mash. Then there’s loads of gravy, bread sauce (yes it’s a thing) and cranberry sauce and don’t forget English mustard (which is hot)! Oh and stuffing of course!!!!!! Which is how you feel after eating a plate of that!
Happy New Year Marsha xxxxx
Thanks, Penny! It was very inexpensive, but I must have had my head in the sand. I didn’t realize how bad sequins are for the environment. I will, however, keep this skirt for a long, long time! It’s so versatile…at least to me! Oh, I will definitely be up…I can’t fall asleep before midnight even if I wanted to. I’m currently watching A Gentleman in Moscow so I might be watching that or working on the blog.
I don’t believe I’d be able to walk after all of that! Goodness, that is quite the spread. Did you cook it all, or would your family bring in bits and pieces of it? When my mom was alive, we would have large meals with all the aunts and daughters bringing in sides and desserts.
I used to love brussels sprouts, but we ate so many of them a few years ago that I don’t have quite the same love for them. Luckily, Mike doesn’t like gravy because I cannot make it to save myself! We had a dog once that wouldn’t even eat it!
Have a wonderful New Year, Penny!
That is a fabulous outfit! We’ve never really celebrated New year’s either but I would absolutely wear something just as cute and sparkly as that if I did. Sorry to hear that you always have a minor problem of some sort with your Christmas dinner but it does sound like you were supporting a wonderful establishment.
Thanks, Joanne! I love this jacket and thought it worked well with the skirt. The only time I can recall celebrating New Year’s Eve was a couple of years after we were married when we went to our friends’ house. I’m pretty sure I wore jeans and a sweater if not a flannel shirt. I wouldn’t mind doing something on NYE some day, but it’s not really a big deal.
The problem with the pizzas was truly minor…as I said something always goes wrong so I’m just going to consider it a tradition from now on! I hope to get some more pizza from them soon because it was delicious!
You clean up fabulously. I adore this look.
I can’t stay up late anymore. I’m an early bird girl even though I don’t get up that early, LOL. We haven’t done much on those holidays in years.
And I think you did the right thing with the pizza place. Giving grace is what we all need. Right??
Thanks, Jodie! I try! I haven’t been an early bird girl since 2010 when I had my first foot operation. Something just got switched in my brain even though I still had to get up early while I was still teaching. Now, I honestly can’t fall asleep before midnight or even 1:00am. I can turn out the lights, turn off the devices (hours before), and I will still lie there and toss and turn, not falling asleep until even later.
At first, I was upset about the pizza place, but then I realized it was not intentional. Everyone had more than enough food, and the pizza was actually delicious! We will be returning. I’m even going to go in and buy some of those little tabs for free pizzas. We need all the grace we can get!
What a lovely skirt! You look absolutely gorgeous.. Wonderful Post! Wishing you a great day!
Thank you so very much, Jyoti! I have never owned a sequin skirt before, and this one was perfect!
Hello Marsha, love your outfit, I do love a bit of sparkle.
We don’t really celebrate New Year now. But when we lived in Scotland the village had its local ceilidh which was lots of fun, very noisy and very inclusive . But after the bells at midnight, the music would stop and folk used to wish each other an Happy New Year good night and make their way home.
We go for a traditional meal at Christmas- Turkey with all the trimmings followed by Christmas pud and mice pies with lots of custard, cream and brandy butter – always feel too full after and say we’ll not have Christmas pie next year but always do.
We all did go out for a curry one year for Christmas dinner but no one really enjoyed it so back to tradition which we have decided we all enjoy.
I’ll be in my PJ’s before midnight and most probably asleep!
I wish you a Happy New Year Marsha
Happy New Year to you, Linda! The ceilidh sounds like a wonderful way to welcome in the new year, especially ending at midnight! I think it will be quiet here because it’s been raining all day and night. But, I’m pretty sure many will make up for it tomorrow night or at the weekend. Your Christmas meal sounds delicious. Since we had moved and everyone was all in the same place for once, we have just begun making new traditions. Oh, I will definitely be in my pajamas before midnight and most likely working on the blog!
Thank you, Linda!
We went to a party at a neighbor’s house last night and weren’t home til 2. I am an early riser and haven’t been up at 2 am since I had little ones in the house lol. But it was fun and I wore my sparkly pants so felt very festive. Sounds like you rolled with all the things on Christmas Day and that’s a good attitude to have. You were with family and that’s the best part for me. Happy new year!
Oh, Joyce! That sounds like a wonderful outfit! You definitely beat me by staying up until 2:00! I was asleep by 1:00 but no party-going for me. Initially, I was upset, but then I decided that certainly wasn’t in the Christmas spirit! My daughter said I could call them the next day, and they’d make it right. I’m sure they would have, too. But, things happen, and it’s OK to give grace when we can. I think, even with the two little upsets, this was one of our best Christmases.
Thanks so much, Joyce!
The leather jacket looks terrific with sequins! Good call on dumping the questionable blueberry desert. Food poisoning is so not fun!
Thanks, Sally! The blueberry dessert just smelled off. I really think it must have been a chemical reaction with the pan, but who knows. I used the same pan at Thanksgiving and no problem.
Sounds like Christmas worked out despite all the mix -ups! That restaurant does sound awesome even if they messed up the order.
I’m usually up past midnight too but I don’t ever go anywhere. My brother calls and we wish each other a happy New Year but usually my husband is asleep so I give him his hug and kiss the next day.
Love the outfit.
Thanks, Lisa! It really did work out just fine. The taco pizza just had onions and spicy meats…no chips, lettuce or anything else. But, in the scheme of things, it really wasn’t a big deal. I can’t wait to have a fresh pizza from there…maybe even tomorrow night! That’s nice your brother calls…mine loves to text! It’s usually a group text which I detest!
What a frustration with the Christmas pizzas but I love that you gave the restaurant a pardon and some grace. The holiday season is just too crazy. I am going to borrow your idea and consider pizza to take and bake for next year’s Christmas meal. My bff fixed lasagna. A lot of friends did roasts. Here I was fixing the ham and turkey all over again. Ugh.
Shame you didn’t go out in all your sparkle. I just love it. And it deserved a night on the town. But we were in bed long before midnight ourselves so I totally get staying at home. It would be a lovely look for a special day night or even Valentine’s Day. Wearing a simple white tee with your blingy skirt was a great idea. I love white tees paired with ultra feminine pieces.
Sorry you had to dump the blueberry dessert. I used some sketchy nuts in some Christmas lemon cookies. I ate them and lived to tell about it but worried about my daughter, whose favorite cookies these are. Not sure if she thought they tasted off. I added a little extra lemon – ha – when I sampled the dough. You are a good mommy, you dumped your dessert to protect your loved ones. I just tried to mask the taste!!
Thanks, Leslie! I was mostly upset about the sizes of the pizzas because I was afraid we wouldn’t have enough. The take and bake is a good idea if you have enough ovens! We underbaked a couple which made for a soggy bottom (which I happen to kinda like as long as it’s not raw). I think everyone enjoyed it enough we’ll do it again next year. I also think my family just doesn’t really go for the traditional meals that close together. It was so strange about the blueberry delights because I’d just made the same thing in it at Thanksgiving. It’s a really old pan, and has been washed in the dishwasher a lot lately so I wonder if it absorbed some of that soap? I don’t know. I guess I will just use it for storing cookies from now on. Sketchy nuts? I didn’t know nuts went bad.
I actually ordered this skirt twice! I ordered it in a couple different sizes and paid full price because I had a feeling it would sell out. The very next day, I kid you not, they were half price! I just re-ordered them! It was a bit of a pain for the girl at the check out. I asked her if they’d put them out to sell, and she said yes. I’ve heard lots of stores don’t restock returns because it’s not worth the cost. They just pitch them. So, I figured if anyone would do that, it would be Old Navy. I wonder if it’s not higher end stores? Makes no sense to me. I will figure out a place to wear this even if it’s just to the grocery store!
I am sorry about the mix up with the pizzas. But I think I would have done the same as you did, just been happy everyone had enough. I love the sequin skirt and that gorgeous jacket! Hope you are having a good start to the new year!
Thanks, Laura! We even had leftovers so it was fine. We actually got pizza from there Friday night, and it was delicious! It’s more expensive than chain restaurants, but I’m more than happy to support local small businesses. I absolutely love this jacket! I want one in every color now.
I saw this look on Instagram and fell in love! The leather jacket and sequin skirt are the perfect combo!
Thank you so much, Kathrine! This jacket is amazing. I’ve already worn it several times. I’d love to have a couple more!
Hi, Marsha – I had to read this post because of that gorgeous skirt! Wow, who knows what we can get from Old Navy?! I have a jacket just like yours, but I never wear it. I don’t need to get dressed up for New Year’s either. This year, it was my husband and I lounging around and at midnight I got our favorite drinks (his is non-alcoholic) and toasted on the couch to another year together. Nothing wrong with that; it is a cozy moment of love to start the year right. I hope yours is a healthy, happy one! – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Thanks, Angie! I tell you…Old Navy has been killing it for me this year. I really love the skirt and can’t wait to wear it again soon. You’re lucky your husband was still awake! I don’t think Mike has seen midnight on NYE for decades! He’s an early bird so he goes to sleep well before me. Have an absolutely fabulous rest of the week and an even better year, Angie!
Missed this outfit, it’s perfect for celebrating and I do hope you had a super time Marsha. Xx Jacqui x
Thank you, Jacqui! I really loved wearing it and wear the jacket quite often. I hope you had an amazing New Year!