A new one for me…
I’ve written before about not setting resolutions for a couple of reasons. One of those was I knew failure was just a matter of time. The other was if someone tells me I should do something, I usually will do the opposite. You can ask Nigel. He’ll tell you that’s pretty much true. But, this year, I’ve decided to have a try at a Word of the Year aka WOTY.

A little “history”…
I’ll be honest. Until I started blogging and reading other blogs regularly, I’d never even heard of a Word of the Year. I’m not sure if having a WOTY is just a thing in the blogosphere. Maybe, it’s been a thing in real life, and I’ve just never heard of it. Well, I stepped away for a second to google it. Guess what? Depending on your definition, there have been WOTYs for decades. Those, however, seem to be more like a Pantone Color of the Year. And, depending on which post/article you read, people and businesses have been choosing Words of the Year for some time.

Why now…
The last few years have been challenging. We moved to a town where I knew virtually no one. The political unrest in this country is, well, let’s call it what it is, ridiculous and maddening. Both Nigel and I have had some health scares. Add a pandemic to this mess, and you can see why I’m feeling the need for a change in attitude. There were times during the pandemic when I would look at Nigel and ask, “Do you think these are the end times?” I’m still not convinced they aren’t. I also realize the number of days behind me probably far outnumber those in front of me. And, dammit! I’m not done. So, I need a focus, and a WOTY seems like a good start.

My WOTY is…
I’ve chosen Journey as my Word of the Year. I think it’s open to lots of different of interpretations. And, I’m going to try to use those interpretations to rev up my life, to give it meaning, and to make me move!

My outfit…
Striped sweaters are all the rage this season. Well, if I’m honest, striped sweaters are always on my radar and in my closet. I’m pretty sure this is the sweater I’m wearing, but the neck buttons, no snaps involved. It’s a cotton blend which is something I really like. What makes me chuckle is the neck. I remember wearing these types of “turtlenecks” years ago. You can wear them buttoned or unbuttoned. Unlike those sweaters, this one unbuttons all the way to the shoulder seam.

The bottom half…
I’m wearing a different silhouette in jeans. These are boyfriend jeans from Old Navy. While I usually prefer all cotton clothing, I love the WOW line at Old Navy. They’re made from recycled polyester and cotton. There’s a bit of give to them, too. I’m trying to decide what to do about the hem. I bought them in the short (not petite) length. I don’t really like the rolled hem look. I feel like I should be wearing a white tee shirt with a pack of ciggies rolled up in a sleeve. Now, watch, that’s going to become a whole thing! They’re just a titch too long even with heels. I keep wondering how much longer the cut off and distressed hemlines will be around. I like the dark wash, too.

The Lewk!

If you’re lucky and wear a size 5, you might be able to find these L’Artiste Waterlily boots on a drastic discount. I couldn’t find them anywhere with a wide variety of sizes. The necklace and earrings are…wait for it…new! While I had no intentions of buying any new Kendra Scott jewelry, Miranda, A, and I ventured into the store the other day. If you bought four or more sale items, the price was further reduced by 50%. Of course, I ended up with three things, while Miranda only bought one! None of them are online so they must have been quite popular. The sale is still going so if you’ve been wanting anything, have a look!
Wrap it up, Marsha!
Now, I’m going to have to figure out a way to address this WOTY! Maybe, I’ll add something to my Final Fridays post. But, I almost think I need to do a bit more than that. I’ll have to ponder it for a bit. So, can we talk? Have you had a Word of the Year? Are you using one this year to guide you? How much grace do you give yourself? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing last year! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: https://www.zuvilife.com/products/buy-zuvi-halo-hair-dryer?sca_ref=4039595.v4RNNsWxxF. If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda and Lisa. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
I love your first ever WOTY, Marsha. It does have a wide scope and it will guide you during 2024. Well done you! I also love a navy and white stripe top. I have a jumper similar to yours as well as mid season tops which are a little lighter. Navy/white always looks smart. x
Thank you so much, Sue! That means a lot coming from someone who’s done it for a few years. Navy and white just seem to be made for each other, don’t they?
Happy New Year Marsha!
And looking forward to follow you on your,, journey,,!
Happy New Year, Nancy! I’m so glad you’re along for the ride!
That is such a cute outfit! I haven’t chosen a WOTY in a few years but so love hearing about everyone else’s. Best of luck on your journey this year.
Thanks, Joanne! So many people comment they don’t see me in jeans very often…which is hilarious because I wear them almost every day! This is my first WOTY so we’ll see how it goes!
journey is such a good word of the year, also love your booties, chic beauty!
xoxo, midori
Thanks so much, Midori! I really do love these booties!
I don’t do a WOTY because I am very superstitious and don’t want to jinx myself. But, I like goals and intentions!
I love this outfit. I will need to look into the WOW line. I really like to cut my jeans hems at 5’4 and then just let them be undone. I know this is a little casual and unprofessional, but I even wear these hems to school now. Teachers are dressing much ore casually post-pandemic. I can relate to the sadness and despair of the last few years. The pandemic hit when my twins were seniors and I felt like I missed out on so much. Then, they left home and I was sad, sad, sad. I am better now, but I still have those moments of figuring out what my place is at this stage.
Goals and intentions are good. I just know I use them as negative self-talk.
I really do like the WOW line because there’s just that bit of stretch, but it’s not a lycra kinda stretch. Some people complain that their jeans bag out. I don’t wash mine very often and have no problem with them getting baggy. I wish I was 5’4″! I’m 5’1″ on a good day! I really do like the distressed hem. I would probably have worn them to school on Fridays. By the time I retired, every Friday was jeans day. I just probably wouldn’t wear the heavily distressed jeans.
I’m so sorry your twins and you missed out on all that goes with a senior year. I’m not sure we’ve seen the last of the effects of the pandemic. Several of my friends are still teaching and can see drastic differences in kids (they teach older grades).
I am constantly trying to figure out my place in this world. Do you think it has to do with the teacher inside us?
Thanks, Amy, for coming by!
I was actually thinking of a WOTY today. I’ve never found just the right one. Journey is a good one!
Thanks, Lisa! I had another one in mind (but totally can’t remember it now), and I woke up one day with Journey in my thoughts.
A couple years ago I used the word of the day for myself as Grace and I can’t tell you how much saying that word almost daily made such a positive effect for me!
I’m not sure if I’m choosing one this year. Right now things are in flux! Haha
You do have quite a bit on your plate right now, Jodie! I have never done this so I can’t imagine having a word of the day. But, that might be easier as you would use it every day. Grace is definitely a good one as we all need to grant ourselves grace so often and never do.
Thanks, Jodie!
Hi Marsha!
I apologize for flaking on regular blog reading. I’m sorry you and Nigel have had some health scares. I understand about coming to terms with less days in front of you than behind. Same. I just turned 60. I did choose a WOTY. “Truce.” It basically has to do with me listening to my body and treating it the way it wants to be treated rather than continually trying to eke out a bit more energy from it. So it wins. Maybe this way we will both win.
I do have a new blog. It’s about fabric art mostly. I don’t expect you to follow and read. As for me, I will pop in again when the mood strikes (and as “the queen” – my new term for my petulant body – allows).
No apologies are necessary, Michelle! Yes, this summer was not a fun one for me…two different surgeries…but all is well now! I’m glad someone else gets that feeling of knowing your mortality is coming to an end. I love your WOTY. I have not been listening to my body…or, maybe I’ve been listening to certain parts of it too much!
I didn’t know you had a new blog. I’d love to see it, but you didn’t say the name…maybe send me an email?
Thanks, my friend!
I started choosing a WOTY quite a few years ago but it was definitely because it was a blog thing! Last year I did not have one amd maybe not the year before either. I have chosen one for this year – Rhythm – and the influences that led to my choice are very similar to yours. We moved to a place where we didn’t know anyone, and between that and some health concerns, and figuring how to do life as empty nesters, I need to learn some new rhythms of life.
Kym, I think our stories are so similar. I’m finding friends at church, but it’s not quite the same because they’ve all known each other forever. Here’s to your Rhythm and my Journey!
Marsha, these jeans are super flattering on you! I really like this classic striped sweater and denim combination. And those boots! Love them! What a wonderful word of the year for your first one. I think you should maybe consider a road trip to Asheville in February to add some zest to your Journey! Hehehe. I am heading there the week of Feb. 18 and definitely having a lunch and shopping day with Michelle. I cordially invite you to drive 1,000 miles to join us!
Thank you so much, Shelbee! You have made my day! Hahaha!!! I’d love to meet up with you and Michelle, but that’s the week of Nigel’s birthday. You will definitely have a wonderful time! Give Michelle a hug for me!
I don’t choose a word of the year but I like to hear other people’s words and the reasoning behind them. I love Old Navy denim. It lasts and fits me well. That pair looks great on you!
Thank you, Laura! I haven’t ever bought any premium denim so I’m not sure how Old Navy compares. But, I certainly get my CPW down really low with every pair! I am hoping the WOTY will help me focus on changing some things.
Hi Marsha, I’ve been catching up with your activities and think journey is a fabulous word of the year! It’s great to have a focus and I hope you enjoy the journey into 2024 and beyond. Love a striped jumper
Thanks, Debbie! I kept thinking of others, but I always came back to this one. I’m hoping it works as well for me as it does for you and so many others!