How I celebrate…

My birthday is rather a lowkey affair. My kids will probably call. My oldest sister will probably call me. Sometimes, my younger sister will call. My brother will post something snarky on Facebook! My mom always called us at the crack of dawn to sing “Happy Birthday”! When she passed, I started doing it. I call all of my family members including three great-nephews!
One year early in our marriage, Nigel had his oldest brother’s wife bake me a cherry tart. He dug out the recipe (it’s a secret family recipe…haha…no it isn’t) and gave it to her. A cherry tart is similar to cheesecake but not as thick if that makes any sense. As I recall, it was delicious! I was truly touched by his thoughtfulness.

If your birthday is in October, you can choose from rose quartz, tourmaline or opal for your birthstone. Of the three, my favorite is an opal.
My Grandma Rose was also born in October and had a gorgeous pair of opal earrings. She had always promised those to me. They were huge (in my eyes) round opals, almost like pearls. The setting had a screw on back. See, my long-term memory is amazing, right? When my dad passed away, Grandma hung in there for a bit. She’d had a stroke in 1967 and was partially paralyzed on her right side. She lived in a nursing home and often came to our house on Sundays. Grandma was a feisty woman and fiercely proud of her heritage. I can never remember, but somehow we are related to James K Polk (11th President of the United States). Grandma passed in 1976 just a couple of weeks before my wedding (which she swore she wouldn’t live to see…I told you she was feisty). My mom didn’t feel like she could ask Dad’s sisters about the opals. To this day, I have no idea what happened to them. Grandma always said if you weren’t born in October, wearing opals was bad luck.
For my first birthday after we were married, Nigel bought me a pair of opal earrings. For Christmas, he bought me the matching pendant. For our first anniversary, he bought me a lovely ring with three oval opals. I have numerous opal rings, but I rarely wear them because they are rather fragile. I should have worn them for this post!
Would Rodin sculpt me? Yep, I’m a tree hugger! More Hollywood glamour! I spy with my little eye…
Hmmm…what else?
After the kids came along and money became a little tighter, there were years Nigel didn’t buy me a gift. Birthdays, when I was a kid, were nothing special. Mom would bake a cake; neighbor kids might come over for cake; but, presents were not on the agenda. The first few years of our relationship, Nigel was all about the gifts! As the years went by, Nigel became not so much about the gifts. I have to admit that hurt a bit. It wasn’t the lack of gifts so much as the feeling that he didn’t care enough about my birthday anymore. As the kids got older and I started teaching, money became less (I feel like I need to put an “of” here) an issue. And, Nigel bought me lovely and wonderful gifts. He bought me more opals as well as other gemstones. Many years, when April Cornell had an actual store in Indianapolis, we would travel almost three hours to the store. One year, Nigel bought me three dresses! I still have two of them…I might have all three, but I don’t remember which one would be the third one! In 2012, the year I retired, Nigel surprised me with a trip to London as a combination retirement/birthday gift! He tried to be sneaky about it and suggested I renew my passport. When I said I really didn’t feel like doing it just then, he had to break down and tell me about the trip! As you can tell I am well loved and completely spoiled!

What about Nigel?
Nigel hates gifts! On our first anniversary, I bought him a watch. He made me take it back. I may have mentioned Nigel’s family was poor, and gifts were rarely, if ever, given. He honestly had no idea how to accept a gift. My mom, while not an extravagant gift giver, taught him the value of giving gifts as well as receiving them. Mom taught him gifts, when given with love and sincerity, are to be cherished. To this day, Nigel still hates to be on the receiving end of gift giving, but he’s getting better. I almost always give the kids a list of things to buy him (usually tools or motorcycle related). I have learned small gifts are the best with him. I’m not talking those little blue boxes one might get from a certain store at which Holly Golightly liked to breakfast either (bonus points if you get the reference).

Ok, this is not the most flattering picture of me, but isn’t it cool? We have no idea what happened. This is using Nigel’s iPhone and with no filters of any kind (I’ve become quite lazy and don’t use filters anymore anyway). Those black spaces just occurred. Mercury is in retrograde so that may explain it!
The Lewk!
I have a few sentimental items in this post. One of them is the pin on my dress. My dad bought it for me on a business trip. I thought it was bronze, but now I’m not sure. It’s probably just bronze colored. I think it’s a roadrunner. Another item is the ring. Nigel bought it for me when I completed my Master’s degree. My ring was from LS Ayres and has a garnet as the center stone with little diamond chips on either side. My earrings, which didn’t make it into a photo, were a Christmas gift from Nigel and were also from LS Ayres. My dress is actually a cardigan! I had seen one of the sales associates at J Jill wearing this a couple of times and didn’t really think about it. Then, I saw it on sale and pounced! Believe it or not, this is a petite! I sized up to a medium petite so there would be more room when it was buttoned completely. I belted it with Grandpa’s belt again. My bracelets are old Stella & Dot. The necklace is from J Jill a couple of years ago. The sneakers are old and from DSW, I think. The only thing I can give you a link for is the cardigan/dress!
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I’m curious about what’s going to happen for my birthday this year. Nigel tells me he’s got something planned. My daughter and her family are in Florida so I don’t think we’re going to have a party. For my fiftieth, he hosted a big party for me at an Italian restaurant. All of my siblings and their spouses as well as my kids and their spouses were there. I was gobsmacked! What do you do for your birthday? Is it a big deal, or is it just another day? What’s your birthstone? Please leave me a comment or two. I promise I will respond. Let’s have a conversation. If you like my blog, won’t you consider subscribing? I’m almost up to 50 subscribers! That is a huge deal to me! Thank you to all of you who read, comment, and subscribe! I hope you’re enjoying my blog as much I enjoy writing it!
I hope you get the birthday you want! The older I get the more I just want quality time rather than gifts! I am turning 50 soon and I am planning my own backyard taco bar party. I love the planning! Happy birthday!
P.S. – 28th year of teaching currently!
Wow! Twenty-eight years…congratulations! I truly regret retiring when I did, but I was so burned out and tired of the toxic atmosphere in our building. If I had known it would all change in a couple of years, I would have stayed!
I have never thrown myself a party…hmmm…maybe next year. The problem is my kids’ kids are on Fall Break (one group has two weeks; the other has one week) and rarely home. But, you’ve definitely given me ideas! Happy birthday to you on your upcoming 50th!
Thanks so much for coming by!
I told my husband that for my 50th I am leaving everyone for a week and meeting my best friend on a tropical island. She lives in France and her 50th is the 6 month from mine. He doesn’t believe me so he has 4 more years to get used to the idea. He always likes to get me something but I don’t always get him something for his birthday: he is very hard to shop for (despite what he says).
I love this cardigan as a dress, it looks really soft and those sneakers are really cute!! I just had my wedding band and engagement ring cut off at the firestation, I couldn’t get them off and they were really tight on my finger. I am not thinking of getting them not just resized but turned into something a little different. Waiting for the swelling to go down. My favorite piece of jewelry from my husband is a 10th anniversary ring which I wasn’t even sure I liked when I received it =)
Oh, that’s a wonderful idea! I have never been to a tropical island! I think the two of you would have a fabulous time! I am like you in not buying birthday gifts. I usually just get him a fabulous cake!
I wish those sneakers were as comfortable as they are cute! All of the seams on the inside hit my foot in the wrong place. I need to poke some mole skin in them!
I can’t wait to see what you do with your engagement ring and wedding band. Do you have any ideas?
I forgot! Happy Birthday!!
Hahaha! Thanks, Mireille!
Happy Birthday Week. I also am very sentimental. I understand the correlation to my grandmother’s dishes, my adult children’s toys but in regards to my closet…I think its more being overwhelmed and INDECISIVE. Have a lovely week and a fabulous birthday. One idea for a future blog post…why is i impossible to find a knee length, pretty, warm, wool coat …that is not a wrap style (every…single…year….Nordstroms sells the same Ralph Lauren wrap coat) that would fit my size XL (or XXL depending on the cut of the item). Talbots used to sell great coats but have not been impressed with the quality past few years, Mainly what I see are puffer coats…I am already puffy enough. I also do not want a “car coat or 3/4 length…then i have to deal with what shows at the hem of the coat…does it coordinate? etc.
I’m glad I’m not the only sentimental one. That Marie Kondo really had me shook for a bit! When we moved a few years ago, we had to clean out the attic. We had so many bikes and scooters up there. We put them by the road for free. One lady came along and was overwhelmed because her kids didn’t have bikes. Nigel told her to take as many as she needed. Our daughter’s Barbie toys (dream house and such) just crumbled when her daughter tried to play with them. But, the Legos were still as good as new…bin after bin of those!
Oh, that’s a good idea about coats, but I have just as much trouble finding those to fit! By the time they fit my hips, they’re huge in the shoulders. I’ll see what I can find out there! I have to admit I did break down about three years ago and buy one of those North Face puffer coats. It’s not too puffy and definitely warm. And, I agree! There is nothing worse than wearing a dress or skirt and having it hang down below the hem of your coat. Luckily, Nigel bought me a London Fog long coat when I graduated from college. You would never know it was 32 years old and still looks new! It’s more of an a-line swing type coat.
Thanks as always, Nancy, for coming by!
Happy birthday! My sister’s birthday is in October and my grandmother had a few opal pieces she was going to leave to my sister because my grandmother always said the same thing; it was bad luck to wear them if you weren’t born in October. (Funny enough that as I write this I realize my grandmother was born in April but I guess the bad luck didn’t apply to her. LOL).
Hi, Joanne! That is funny your grandmother would say that and then have opals to pass down! Ooh, but her birthstone was a diamond! Now, that’s a good one!
Thanks so much for coming by!
Happy Birthday Marsha!!
We have gotten to the point where we don’t give many gifts, because really what do we need. For Christmas the family (mom, Nancy, Rob and I) go on a trip to have an experience together…no gifts. Even for our birthdays Rob and I will go do something instead. Sometimes it’s shopping so I might get a “gift” that way, haha!!
This was fun to hear your past this way.
And I just love that you wore a cardigan as a dress. I did that once too.
Gosh, I don’t know what happened! I replied and then it disappeared! We do still give (usually) small gifts. Nigel surpassed himself this year with diamond earrings. I was shocked! All of our kids and their families are rarely here at the same time during the holidays so an experience wouldn’t work. I do give the grands experience type gifts…memberships to the zoo or museums.
When I saw this cardigan hanging, it took me a minute to realize it was the same cardigan the sales associate had been wearing. I knew I was going to wear it as a dress. I will still definitely wear it as a cardigan, though.
Thanks, Jodie, as always!
Birthdays are so special, i like to give and receive surprises (no matter a little one) as to me it shows a love and concern how much your special one remember little details about you. By the way Happy Birthday to you
Sometimes, it is the smallest gifts that mean the most, right? And, thank you for the birthday wishes!
Happy Belated Birthday!! I totally understand your disappointment with the not receiving gifts thing. I grew up in a family where giving gifts meant going out and trying to find the perfect gift for the person you were buying for. I still do it today. Then to marry someone who has none of the excitement…where giving is more exciting than receiving? It was a bit of a let down. Both of us have had to do a little adjusting over our almost 28 year marriage. The important thing is we are still together and love each other. My birthday is in March and my birthstone is an aquamarine. I love that beautiful light blue stone. I got my first ring on my 16th birthday from my mother. Oh, the card was from my parents, but I knew who it was from. It was my favorite ring from one of my favorite people. Nothing beats beautiful rings….Opals are beautiful as well. I don’t have many, if any, of those. Cameos…do you have any of those? I have my mother’s. Oh, this is the start of my 29th year of teaching. I am blessed to be teaching with some of the best co workers ever, and blessed to have taught with my best friend in the past. She is beautiful, brave and a very talented writer!
Mayo…you’re making me cry! I miss teaching so much, and I especially miss teaching with you! We had a blast, didn’t we? So many memories, so many tears, but most of all so many laugh fests! There is no way you’ve been married 28 years! I remember when you came back to school after your honeymoon…just a baby teacher!!! I surely do wish I had known your mom…she produced one amazing woman! Aquamarines are gorgeous. I do have one cameo. My little brother bought it for me for Christmas one year so it probably cost all of $5! I bet I could find one on eBay…wink, wink! How lucky are you that you taught with your best friend? I did, too. She is gorgeous, has the biggest heart of anyone I know, and is an absolutely exceptional person! I love her dearly! Give her a hug the next time you look in the mirror!
I loved reading your story about your grandmother’s opals, but what a shame that you never received them. I used to have large collection of my grandmother’s hats from the 40’s and 50’s and I don’t know what ever happened to it but I have it no more! The first year that my husband and I were dating, I celebrated his birth-month and gave him a gift every day for 31 days! He doesn’t like receiving gifts either and it made him really uncomfortable. Now we don’t really exchange gifts because we are always surprising each other with special little things anyway. Happy Birthday week, my friend!
You know…one time, my dad’s mom, my Grandma Rose, gave us a bunch of her old hats. These were so cool…feathers, netting, all kinds of embellishments. I’m not sure why she gave them to us because we were not very old. Needless to say, we ruined them, but I’ll never forget how fabulous they were. I wish I’d seen pictures of her wearing them.
Oh, I wouldn’t even attempt to buy him 28 (his birthday is in February) gifts to open each day unless it was a screwdriver or a socket or some kind of tool! But, what a fun thing to do!
I hope you have a very happy birthday, whatever is planned!
I had no idea your “dress” was a cardigan until you mentioned it! I really like the long necklaces with it.
I love giving and getting gifts – doesn’t have to be expensive, just little things make me smile. My husband doesn’t understand it, it’s not something his family do really. On the other hand, I bought the kids a little lego toy when we were at the shops yesterday as they were being good and it looked cute. And they always get a book when we visit the opshop (thrift store) Hubby just rolls his eyes, haha! My mum frequently got us little gifts – even just a little bar of chocolate or something, we like giving gifts. Birthdays are always special in my family and we always try spend the day as a big family with my parents and sister although this can be tricky with work and family life, we set a date as close to the birthday as possible for everyone to get together, and no-one is ever alone on their birthday, someone will visit!
Thank you for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup! Hope you are having a good weekend
I had a nice quiet birthday. My daughter and her family were on vacation in Florida. My oldest came by as did my youngest. We don’t live close to my siblings, but I heard from them! My husband surprised me with an absolutely scrumptious cheesecake…plain with just some whipped cream…the way I like it! We cut it up and froze it sharing it out over the last several days! You have the right idea about gifts. I love giving just because gifts. I like to get them, too! That doesn’t happen very often. When my youngest was five (which is 32 years ago now), we would walk to an ice cream shop for a treat a couple of times a day. The ladies there even grew to expect him and take his order. He still remembers it to this day! Oh, books…I am an avid reader and bought my kids so many books…but not near as many as I buy my grandchildren! Books are the ultimate gift…except for diamonds…they can take you on adventures, back in time, into the future, give you a different persona! Can you tell I was an elementary school teacher? I just loved reading to my class.
Thank you so much, Mica, for hosting the Weekday Linkup!
Have a fabulous what’s left of it weekend!