I’ve been a titch peaky the last few days as I got my flu and Covid shots. They always knock me off my butt for a bit, but I thought I’d share a few photos of the Ring of Kerry. It’s also why I’m behind on commenting and replying to comments. These may not be in the right order as I downloaded the photos on the day WordPress was giving me fits. I’m working from the locations on my phone! This was a one day bus trip which actually was a bit tiring. I know I nodded off a few times. But, I wouldn’t have missed it.

These are both photos of Doire Fhionain – Coomatloukane. I am pretty sure these were taken through the windows of the bus. I think they’re just gorgeous, but I’m a moody kinda person! And, the photos really don’t do them justice because the colors are so much more vivid that they appear. How I would love to visit Ireland again! It’s really a magical place.
Muckross House…

This was a beautiful home close to the eastern shore of Muckross Lake. It was finished in 1843 for Henry Arthur Herbert and his wife, Mary Balfour (from Scotland). In August, 1861, the Herberts hosted Queen Victoria which meant a spiffing up was in order. By the end of the 19th century, the Herberts were bankrupt (probably thanks to the Queen) and Muckross House and the estate were bought by Lord Ardilaun, a member of the Guinness brewing family (they aren’t going bankrupt anytime soon). But, in 1911, the property was sold to William Bowers Bourn, a wealthy American (aren’t they all). He and his wife, Agnes, gave it to their daughter, Maud, and her husband Arthur Rose Vincent of Clonclara, County Clare. Unfortunately, Maud died in 1929, and the family presented Muckross House and the estate to the Irish Nation becoming Ireland’s first national park on January 1, 1933.

The ladies quarters were beautiful, but catch a glimpse out the windows for that view!

Some rather splendid rooms for entertaining!

Beach on the Ring of Kerry…
Don’t let anyone tell you the Irish don’t take beach vacations! They do, but they may not be quite what we expect! Still, the landscape is breathtaking! It was another chilly day; my knee was still painful, but I was going to the beach! Our tour guide said they do picnic on the beach when they go, and they definitely go!

A little more…
These are actually a little out of order, I think. But, I wanted you to see how dramatic and gorgeous the landscape is. Can you tell I love Ireland?

Wrap it up, Marsha!
Ireland is truly a magical place. The people are so kind and just so doggone content. I don’t know, of course. They may have the same troubles we all do, but on the surface, I found the Irish people to be personable and friendly. I would love to take Nigel there and just spend the days riding the roads (with a driver, of course) and seeing the scenery. I do feel as if my trip was a “taste of Ireland” kind of trip. And, now, I want the whole buffet! So, can we talk? Is there a place in the world you find especially magical? What makes it that way for you? Wouldn’t you love to receive a house and estate for a wedding present? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.
Thank you!
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Beautiful photos! Friends of us totally love Ireland and I’ve seen many photos of the country especially the coast. I’m having my Covid shot today and next week the flu one.
Thanks, Nancy! It’s a beautiful country, and I’d go back again in a heartbeat. Good luck with your shots. My arm is still sore, but I don’t feel as achy now.
For ten years, we went to California every year to stay with a friend. One day was always reserved for a trip to a certain beach near Bodega Bay which I always enjoyed, but I don’t think I would want to hang out there all the time.
I’m nowhere near the beach where I live and I’m not used to it. For me, it’s rolling hills that make me happy and I prefer lakes to the ocean. I don’t know how to describe it exactly, but looking at the ocean is a bit overwhelming for me if I’m too close.
I’m quite landlocked myself. I do love going to the oceans, listening to the waves and sitting with my feet in the sand. But, I don’t exactly enjoy getting in the water because of jellyfish. I do love rolling hills and the Smoky Mountains, though.
Thanks, Cat!
Lovely photos and memories. Visiting the beach and getting some Vitamin Sea is always good for the soul.
Hahaha!!! Vitamin Sea is truly good for the soul, Rosie! I am glad you enjoyed the photos!
We loved the Ring of Kerry and I’m with you – I love Ireland! Pictures don’t do it justice, it’s truly beuatiful!
Thanks, Kellyann! It really is absolutely beautiful. I hope to go back some day…probably another tour because there’s no way I’d drive myself!
We, too, love Ireland. It is so beautiful and the people were wonderful. We went in October 2021 and when we came home, Mark started researching property values and how to buy a house in Ireland. We haven’t done it . . .but it is so fun to dream.
Wow, you really did love Ireland. Did you see anything you liked? It would be something to learn how to drive on the other side of the car and road!
Thanks, Lisa!
These are lovely photos! It sounds like you had a great time.
Thanks, Joanne! We had so much fun. We interacted with people from around the world on the bus, saw amazing sites, and just had an amazing time!
Looks like an amazing place. So very cool.
Thank you, Patrick! I wasn’t prepared for just how beautiful Ireland is!
Thanks for this interesting (photos and commentary) post, Marsha.
I, too, love Ireland and have been to/around Kerry. I also have/had several very close Irish friends. I like the people’s sense of humour, love of music and dancing in the pubs, literature and strong sense of justice… and, of course, I must mention Guinness. It certainly tastes better there than here in England. (I’m told it’s the water.)
Cat mentioned being overwhelmed by the ocean. I understand that: I never feel very confident (probably because I’m not a strong swimmer), and I’m not very keen on mountains either. I feel overwhelmed – probably because I grew up in Essex – one of the flattest counties in England. My husband loves the height for the views; I reckon I see more on the flat – without having to clamber up
I hope you’re feeling better than you were a week or so ago, Marsha. I can identify with some of what you said. Some years ago we moved from London to a pretty little village on the edge of the Cotswolds where I felt very lonely and out of place. It took me a long time to get over it, but I never felt I belonged. Thank heaven you have your blogging for connection. I hope Nigel’s hip/mobility is improving.
Go well, Mary
Mary, you are so sweet. I just feel very isolated even though I did almost the opposite of what you did. We moved from a small town to a suburb of Indianapolis (nowhere near as big as London, but still huge). It’s more a bedroom community with everyone commuting to somewhere else. My neighbors are all elderly and don’t go outside often. I am thankful for my blogging community…especially for people like you who comment. His mobility is improving because he’s decided to start walking circles in the garage (with his walker). It’s hard because that left hip is holding him back, and that’s the good one at this point.
As for Ireland, oceans, and mountains…I truly loved Ireland and would go back any time. We spent some time in the pubs, and you are exactly right. They are the places to be if you want to experience Ireland at its best. Some of the people there are really enjoying their lives!!! Hahaha!! I like to sit by the ocean, watch the waves, and just listen. But, I’m not particularly a fan of swimming in the ocean because of jellyfish and such. As for mountains, I do like the Smoky Mountains which are south and east of us (quite a bit, actually). They’re old mountains and don’t have all the crags and cliffs. But, driving through them is rather boring as we usually go on the interstates which are designed to move you through fast.
Thank you again, Mary!
It’s one place I’ve never thought to go yet with your descriptions and photos, I’m sure I’d love it.
Rob would want to know, how is the food? LOL
You definitely should go, Jodie! It’s truly magical, and the people are so welcoming. The food was good…it wasn’t spectacular, but it was good. We had many times when we had to find our own lunches so we’d just meander down a street and end up having a sandwich or some soup. The scones were good!
Thanks, Jodie!
Thank you for sharing these photos! That rustic coast is so beautiful and breathtaking!
Thanks, Kathrine! Everywhere we looked it was beautiful. I know that sounds so cliched, but it’s so true. Ireland is one of the most beautiful countries I’ve ever seen!
Ireland is on my bucket list. Your photos are beautiful! It sounds like a wonderful trip!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! I don’t want to say it was the trip of a lifetime, but it ranks pretty high up there. I’m hoping Mike will be up to going in a year or so. You should definitely go…it’s truly stunning.
The photos are lovely and I really should go to Ireland. My other half has Irish ancestors and on his mother’s side he has some apparent connection to Michael Collins which he can’t confirm. Do hope you feel a bit better I’ve had my shots and thankfully have felt OK. Very best wishes to Nigel – and to you!
Wow! We went to the GPO where the revolution sort of began, and Michael Collins was spoken of a lot in there. That’s rather cool! Yes, you should definitely go to Ireland. It is lovely. I’m feeling all back to normal now. I have to go in in a week or so for my pneumonia shot. I’ve never had one of those so I’m not sure how that will affect me. Thank you, Penny, for the good wishes!
These are lovely photos! I’m glad you enjoyed the trip to Ireland and the sights. I love how green it is, you don’t see things like that often here in Brisbane, we are not a very green country with all the droughts and heat!
Hope that you are feeling better though and manage to rest up so you are back to feeling 100%
Thanks so much, Mica! It was amazingly green! One of the women on the tour with us was from a small town outside of Brisbane. She’d actually already done a tour of Iceland and was staying on in Scotland for a few days…all by herself!
I’ve been to Ireland multiple times and it keeps drawing me back! It’s truly a magical place and the people are wonderful! I hope you are able to make it back with your hubby one day.
Oh, how lucky are you! Do you have relatives in Ireland? I really do hope to get Mike there some day. I think he’d like it almost as much as me. I’m sure he’d like the Guinness factory if nothing else!
Thanks, Laura!
Gorgeous! I am a moody person too, I love fog and rain and mist. I could totally live in Ireland or Scotland, even though I have never been.
Oo, is my magical place somewhere I have been? If it is someplace I have been, I would say… Chincoteague Island with all of the ponies or the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Thanks, Erin! I wasn’t disappointed at all that it rained every day but the last day we were in Edinburgh. It just made the atmosphere that much more magical. I’ve always wanted to go to Chincoteague Island and love the Blue Ridge Mountains. I could see myself living in a nice cabin in the mountains (as long as there was good shopping nearby).
Hi, Marsha – I’m sorry you haven’t been feeling well, but you sure are determined to have fun! My husband is French and Irish. We’ve always thought about visiting Ireland but haven’t gone. We really should. Your “taste of Ireland” is inspiring. Thanks for sharing your photos – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Thanks, Angie! I’m feeling much better now. Those shots just knock me for a loop! Oh, if you can go at all, I think you would love Ireland. It is so beautiful, and the people are so open and friendly. Who knows? You might meet a relative of your husband’s in a pub!