Another short, but not so sweet one…
I bought this skirt weeks ago and never wore it past these pictures! It has been packed away and will likely be a wrinkled mess before I see it again! This skirt, on top of having my favorite colors and one of my favorite prints, is 100% cotton! It is even lined with cotton…it’s the color of the bottom stripe…and has pockets! What’s not to love, right? Except, I don’t love the way I’ve got it styled.

Let’s talk words…
I have read a couple of things where people object to the word, “style”, as in to style an outfit. They feel it’s uppity, a little too influencer-y. They say it’s a noun not a verb. I’m stuck if I don’t use the word styled. Sure, I could say, “Today, I wore this skirt with a denim jacket and tank.” But, I think everyone understands what you mean when you use the word “style” as a verb. Am I wrong in my thinking? Do you use different verbage?

The styling of this outfit…
We’ve already determined I like the skirt (did I mention it also has an elastic back with a flat front). And, goodness knows I have rarely met a denim jacket I didn’t love. You can see where I wore this jacket here. I love Talbots’ tanks. They wash and wear like iron though I must remind you I rarely wash things unless they’re dirty or stinky! But, this outfit doesn’t speak to me. I think it emphasizes two things I’d rather were less emphatic! I bet you can’t guess what they are!! When I resurrect these items, I’m going to see if I can make this work better. Suggestions are appreciated! This is one of those outfits where my face, especially my eyes, gives it away. I am not in love with this one at all!

So, life…
On Tuesday, I finally got into the gastroenterologist’s office. I actually met with a physician’s assistant. I have struggled with heartburn for years, but it has really gotten bad this year. It is not unusual for me to wake up in the middle of the night with an acid taste in my mouth. I made that appointment in the late winter or early spring months, and this was the earliest I could get in! I was worried something would happen that I’d have to cancel this appointment and reschedule. After listening to me and reading my history, she agreed I need an endoscopy. I have had two of those so it’s no big deal…nothing like when they’re going the other end! And, that procedure isn’t scheduled until the first week of October! Those poor gastro people are busy! She also prescribed a higher dose of medication. I’m hoping that quiets this flare, and I get some relief. I have tried so many things. I’ve changed my diet, drunk apple cider vinegar, drunk another evil concoction which gives me the shudders whenever I think of it, and I’ve quit drinking Diet Coke. All to no avail!

House update…
I’m sure you’re getting tired of reading about this! We are set to move out of our present house in just a few weeks. Hopefully, our new house will be finished. They are currently working on woodwork, shelving, and painting. Luckily, the painting crew are fanatical about finishes so I’m confident we will have wonderfully plain walls with nary a nail pop or blemish in sight! The kitchen cabinets are in, but the doors and drawers are not here yet. I met with the trim carpenter today to go over the layout of my closet. I don’t know if I mentioned it or not. My closet will include the laundry area and is 6 feet x 19 feet. That sounds like a lot, but almost four feet of that will be the washer and dryer. I’m hopeful to have it organized soon after we move in. I wish it had been wider. That would have eliminated feet from Nigel’s garage!

The Lewk!

This necklace was a gift from my last fourth grade class. I don’t know what the stone is, but it’s so pretty. The earrings (similar) are John Hardy. The sandals are old Jack Rogers (similar) with a slight wedge.
Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I recently became a Brand Ambassador for Sarah Flint shoes. You can use SARAHFLINT-BAMARSHA for $50 off your first pair. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

August 10 on the 10th!
Gail, of Is This Mutton?, came up with this month’s prompt and questions! They have to do with sports! I do hope you’ll join us, sharing your answers as well as linking up!

Wrap it up, Marsha!
Gosh, this is a whiny post! I apologize for that, but I also want to be real with you. Life is not all rosy and rainbows here at Haus der Mitte! I could have skipped this outfit completely, but I wanted you to see the struggles as well as the successes! This heartburn really had me worried, but the PA was almost 100% sure it wasn’t anything truly serious. So, can we talk? What do you think about styling your clothes? Is that a word that sends you up the wall? Or, do you use it because you understand its meaning in that context? Do you have any suggestions for improving the look of this skirt/outfit? Leave a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as soon as possible!

Thank you!
I am so grateful to all of you who read this blog. You have no idea how much I appreciate your support. An extra big thank you goes out to my subscribers! Thank you, thank you, thank you! If you are on Instagram, you can follow me here.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Friday Print Mixing on the last Friday of the month. I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
I’m so looking forward to seeing photos of your house all finished. Is the closest to be all yours or will it be a shared one with your husband? We’re hoping to embark on a main-suite makeover this Fall which will include a bit of a closet expansion for me but it will pale in size compared to yours. And I hope that your med team is able to figure out your heartburn problem. I’ve got a similar one that needs attention as well.
Thanks, Rena! Oh, yes, this is my closet only! I’ve had clothes in several closets in this house and will now have them all in one. I do hope it comes out as I see it in my head! It’s a little weird not doing any of the work on this house. When we built our first house in 1988, we did all of the painting and staining of the woodwork. I love to DIY though Nigel’s passion for it has cooled quite a bit! I can’t wait to see your main-suite makeover. I am hoping they don’t find anything during the scope yet I hope there is some kind of answer at the same time! I hope you get some answers, too.
Hi Marsha, I think it’s a very pretty skirt which looks absolutely great on you and with a top outside the waistband it would be fab, and what’s not to love about a white denim jacket! You must be so excited about the new house, but it’s all very stressful too – you take care, and I hope the medical issue resolves.
As for styling – I think it’s a very legitimate word to use. We can all put on something like a pair of jeans and a top and not care too hoots about the way it looks, but I think it’s great to style an outfit and sometimes like yesterday when we were off to an Art Gallery it’s quite an effort, but worth it in the end. Yes, I tried three different dresses before I decided on the one that I wore. but thank goodness I did, as it was the right one!
Have a good rest of the week
Thanks so much, Penny! Isn’t it funny how we think one thing will work for an event or even just a simple outing…then we decide, no, that’s not that right thing at all! I do hope we see images from the Art Gallery! I
I’m glad you think styling is a good word. I do, too. It’s more intentional as Fonda said. I love this skirt and hope to find the right combination for it soon!
I don’t have any issues with the word “styled.” and I love the way you styled this outfit. Styling an outfit is a little more intentional than just “putting on clothes.”
Thanks, Fonda! That’s the best way to describe it, isn’t it? I hadn’t thought of it like that, but I will now!
I love that skirt! It’s so pretty. I hope you get some relief from your reflux soon and that all continues to go well with the house for your anticipated move-in date.
Thanks so much, Joanne! The skirt really is very nice. I need to figure out a different way to style it! And, the house is moving right along…just crossing our fingers and toes that we don’t have to “live” somewhere else for too many days!
We all have those moments Marsha and why not mention it indeed! I am a fan of that, real women! That skirt is very beautiful and the tanktop looks good on it. I am just not a fan of white clothing. It’s such a ,, nothing,, colour. Bare in mind that my hole interiour is white……. I personally would wear it with a dark blue denim jacket then. But that’s just me.
Thanks, Nancy! I do like white tee shirts and waited for years to get a white denim jacket. This one just needs to be broken in so it’s softer and hangs better! I’m glad you didn’t mind my whinging around!
First the skirt. It’s amazing, and I think this outfit really is beautiful. I am not seeing what you don’t like about this look. To me, it shows an hourglass figure which is what most women are clamoring to have. Proportion-wise, maybe a more cropped jacket?? But I think it’s truly fabulous Marsha.
Second, Rob used to have heartburn like that (he still does very occasionally but he has Papaya chews that he will take right away and they help tremendously). Once he went gluten-free, it helped his heartburn like you wouldn’t believe. Which made him sad and happy at the same time (he does miss his breads and pasta but he’s so happy to feel better).
One of the things our naturopath talked about is how the medication for heartburn can make it worse because it’s stopping the natural acids in your stomach which you need to break down the food.
Of course it’s good to get it scoped to make sure, but may I suggest a functional practitioner as a secondary option??
Thanks, Jodie! I do think a shorter jacket would be better. I need to find a white one and just chop the bottom off. Hmmm…I hadn’t thought about gluten. I don’t really eat much (that I know of), but I’ll keep an eye on it. I do know the medication could be a problem, but when I don’t take it, the heartburn is even worse. It hasn’t been a big issue until this past year though I’ve struggled with it for a long time.
I am looking forward to seeing your new house posts!
The word style doesn’t bug me. I can’t think of what else you could say either, unless you go with what GenZ is saying these days, calling their outfits “fits”.
And I hope you find relief for your heartburn soon.
Thanks, Erin! I am hopeful something will happen soon with the heartburn! Oh, that just made me spit out my Diet Coke…calling my outfit a fit!!! I think I’m pretty cool for an old lady, but I’m not that cool!!
I can’t wait to take some pictures of the house with us living in it, too!
I love the skirt. I could be wrong, but I think the tank would better untucked. Then it wouldn’t call attention to parts you don’t want to emphasize. Good luck with the house move. I agree with Nigel, I don’t want to paint or stain anymore at my age.
Thanks, Leah! I will give that a try. Usually, tanks are so long on me, but this one is a petite. Oh, it’s not the painting he minds so much as the building of things to paint and stain!!
Love the skirt Marsha! So sorry for the heartburn issue. I hope you get some relief soon. How exciting that you are moving into your new house soon. I can’t wait to see the pics!
Thanks, Kathrine! The house build is at that stage where they’re doing all of the little things so the progress seems really slow. I’m hoping we can move right into it from this house, but it’s not looking too promising!
First of all I always use the word styled! I mean thats what us ladies do when we piece together an outfit right? For the outfit, I actually like this outfit on you. The skirt is so fabulous and the white jean jacket is perfect for summer. I too, am a huge fan of jean jackets or jean shirts. My favorite! The purple top matches the purple to a T in your skirt. But if you do not want to switch things up try a black or white shirt with a light blue denim jacket and maybe a small gold belt around the top of the skirt. Sorry about the heartburn. Hope you feel better. So excited for your new house!
Oh, Meagan…I love the idea of a black shirt with the blue denim! I’m going to try that as soon as I can! Oh, the new house is going to be a work in progress for a long time!!! It’s just antique white right now, but I have plans for sure!!
Thanks for dropping by!!
First off, I LOVE this outfit! The colors, the paisley pattern of the skirt, and pockets too? Swoon! I know that a lot of women prefer clothing doesn’t emphasize their bust, but coming from the land of DD silicon breast implants on 98 pound women (Las Vegas, and Los Angeles), I say if you’ve got ‘em, flaunt them. I’m glad you have an appointment for your heartburn. I hope you get some answers – and most importantly some relief! I never tire of hearing about your new house. Your closet / washer & dryer room sounds amazing. Oh and about word styling, I think it’s a perfectly fine word. The only other word might be “create,” but that might sound uppity too.
Thanks, Michelle! This skirt is pretty doggone fabulous!! I can’t wait to wear it again. As for the boobs…I haven’t had them this big in over a decade so I’m having to get used to them all over again! And, the heartburn…ugh…prescription isn’t working at all yet. I cannot wait for this next month to be over! I know that’s wishing away lots of time, but I’m so tired of living in limbo! Yeah, I like the word “create,” but I think style is the best word.
Styling is most definitely a verb! I wouldn’t know what else to use in place of it either. In regards to what is emphasized, I’d recommend blousing out your tank a bit or wearing that skirt with a top you can do that with if that makes sense. Right now the tank is snug over top of your chest and then is immediately tucked in so the profile of your chest is more noticeable. But with a looser top or pull out your tank a bit it hopefully won’t emphasize the profile of your chest as much.
Now, why didn’t I think of that, Laura? I will definitely try that the next time I’m putting this outfit together!
I always use the word style as a verb! As for the outfit, love all of the pieces: sometimes though if I feel like my chest or tummy is emphasized i untuck the tank and have it be longer than the jacket. I find that it helps especially with higher waisted skirts or pants that have almost a paperbag waist.
Thanks, Mireille. The only problem with untucking this tank is the floofiness of the skirt at the waist. But, I think I will try what Laura suggested…pull it out a bit so it’s not as close to my body.
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I think the verb “style” is a great way to say “how I wear it” and doesn’t sound influencer-y at all to me. I have the same issue with tucked in tops that you are showing here – I’m both short waisted and fat so it’s not a great look for me at all. I agree with others who said a partial front tuck with some volume blousoned out (haha, that’s really not a word! I just mean “poofed out” I think) might rebalance the proportions more to your liking. That type of styling with a skirt is a go-to for me.
Thanks, Sally! It’s a tough slog when you’re short waisted, right? And, I don’t really ever seem to have any luck with partial front tucks. But, I am definitely going to give the blousoning out (I think it’s a wonderful word) a try!
Good luck with everything and I would like to say i love the whole outfit. I have a similar white jacket and love to add it to my looks, especially when it’s cooler. Have a super week. Jacqui x
Thanks, Jacqui! We finally got a move-in date so that’s a good thing! I really do like white denim jackets for that instant pop of brightness!