Fast fashion…
I am not going to write a lot on this topic. We all know what fast fashion is. Or, do we? When I think of fast fashion, I think of clothing that is cheaply made, inexpensive to the consumer, and doesn’t last. It turns out there is much more to fast fashion than that. This trend of shopping and dressing lies in the desire to copy what shows up on those catwalks most of us never see.
“Fast fashion can be defined as cheap, trendy clothing that samples ideas from the catwalk or celebrity culture and turns them into garments at breakneck speed to meet consumer demand. The idea is to get the newest styles on the market as fast as possible, so shoppers can snap them up while they are still at the height of their popularity and then, sadly, discard them after a few wears (source).”
A little more…
The article referenced above goes on to say repeating outfits is a big no-no in the fashion world as well as everyday life. The reasoning is that you can’t be relevant and wear last year’s, last month’s, or even last week’s jeans, sweater, or dress. And, I realized I may be playing into that with my blog. I rarely repeat an outfit on the blog. Sure, I may wear the same shoes, boots, or jeans, but you don’t often see the same sweaters and dresses here. I am going to try to “rerun” items more. But, I want to reassure you I wear my clothes over and over and over again!

A skosh more…
Fast fashion does more than create overconsumption, though. It starts with the production of the garments themselves. The jeans you and I buy are usually made where labor is cheap, and health and safety standards are iffy. One of the big fabrics used in fast fashion is polyester which is a petroleum product. On top of that, it is not biodegradable. Before you congratulate yourself like I did, cotton is not that much better for the environment. Huge quantities of water are needed in the production of cotton and denim. And, that’s not even getting into the production and use of toxic dyes.

What to do…
Obviously, curbing our consumption of these items would be a natural first step. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but my shopping has slowed tremendously in the last several years. Another option is to use reputable resale sites. I’ll be honest. I don’t have much luck with selling on Poshmark. I haven’t bought anything there, either. In the past, I did buy and sell quite a bit on eBay. Thrifting is also a good way to go. Perhaps, the biggest step is to educate yourself. I found a lot of information here and here.

A little more…
Interestingly, Old Navy did not make the list of big retailers on the article I posted above. I would definitely place Old Navy there, though. Even as I say that, I admit I buy quite a bit at Old Navy. I love their graphic tees as well as their jeans. Again, these are cotton so there’s that environmental impact. But, (can I refute myself in the same paragraph) I have graphic tees and jeans that are several years old. I have found Old Navy’s quality to be just as good as some higher end retailers when it comes to jeans.

My outfit…
I started with this graphic tee and built my outfit around it. I added a pair of wide leg jeans I got either late last year or early this year. The belt (yeah, you have to look closely to see it) is over 10 years old, and I think the cardigan is probably around that age. Both the belt and the cardigan are from Talbots. I wore this cardigan so many times when I first got it. I like how it’s more white than ivory because that makes it easier to wear. My tee is a bit long so I tucked the hem of it into my bra band. And, bingo, bango, boingo! It’s a cropped top!

The Lewk!

This may be the first time I’ve worn these sandals (similar) on the blog! I bought them a few years ago in the NSale and should have exchanged them for a half size bigger. My left foot is such a picky booger, and it doesn’t care for these sandals. I need to figure out a way to stretch them. The silver cuff is from J Jill. The malachite bracelet and earrings are from eBay. I think the wrap bracelet is from Victoria Emerson.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
Well, I guess I had more to say about fast fashion than I thought! I love graphic tees and have several in my closet. Most of them are from Old Navy and are old. You can tell because they have those little pin holes at the waist where my jeans poke through! My intent for this post was not to guilt anyone into buying differently or less. I wrote this as a way of reminding myself that fast fashion is not good for our people, our lives, and our planet. So, can we talk? Are you a fan of graphic tees? If so, what are your favorite kinds? Do you worry about fast fashion and your impact? How are you trying to counter the effects of fast fashion? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!
Thank you so very much for reading today’s post. I hope you enjoyed it. I also very much appreciate those of you who comment, email and/or subscribe. It’s what keeps me going! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

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Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: https://www.zuvilife.com/products/buy-zuvi-halo-hair-dryer?sca_ref=4039595.v4RNNsWxxF. If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda and Lisa. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
This post is a great reminder for us all about the effects of consumerism. In the past three years I have changed size 3times due to illness. I got into the habit of buying new clothes out of necessity. Recently I have realized my closet is bulging and I can’t really wear all the clothes I now own. I got rid of the biggest sizes by donating the to need people at our church. The other two sizes I have been hanging onto till I see where I end up. But I was still browsing the ads all the time. I have started going through my emails each morning and and deleting all the sales ads first so I won’t be tempted to browse. It is a tough job. But someone has to do it.
Don’t wear too many graphic tees these days. But I have a few for our Women’s basketball team which I wear to games.
Oh, Eileen! We truly are soul sisters! My problem, though, is I went the other way on the scales and have scads of clothing smaller than I can wear. But, I’m determined to lose the weight; the clothing is classic; and I have the space to keep it. I do have problems finding a place to donate. I did take some things to a consignment shop this summer and made a whopping $50! Yeah, I’m subscribed to lots of retailers, and I almost always delete them without even reading them. A lot of them, though, are for when I start Christmas shopping for the kids and grands.
Thanks, Eileen!
I really don’t like graphic tees on myself but enjoy seeing what other people wear. I did buy a graphic tee last fall and have worn it exactly twice (and am pretty sure it will end up in my donate pile before getting packed away this winter). I should have known myself better and not bought it but I definitely find myself influenced more often than I’d like.
See, that’s how I am with v neck clothing. People may say I look good in them, but if I don’t like them, I’m not going to wear them. I am getting better at not buying them!
Thanks, Joanne!
Great read Marsha! I am not a fan of graphic tees on myself so much, I have tried to wear them but always feel a bit funny. I have one I really like but it’s expensive. Other people wear graphic tees and look so good but I always feel like I look funny in them!
Thanks, Kellyann! I like to find graphic tees that don’t necessarily have sayings on them because I don’t want anyone staring at my chest too long! And, the same goes for looking at them on other people. I think we all have things in which we feel we just don’t look that good.
Cute sweater!
Thanks, Lisa!
Those sandals are adorable! And I agree, I love Old Navy jeans and can wear them forever. I’m not hard on my jeans though. Billy can’t wear them, they just don’t last for him.
I am a thrifter when it comes to clothes. I find some of the best stuff at the Goodwill! In fact the shirt I wore to our girls trip I got at the thrift store and my friend who only buys pricey brands like Banana Republic was so convinced my shirt was a Banana Republic she checked my tag like a goober. LOL. I was like nope. It is obviously a dupe and one I got for $1.00! Lol. I also tend to look for good quality materials thrifiting.
I actually had no idea that cotton was not a sustainable option! Thanks for sharing that!
Thanks, Erin! I hope I can stretch them out a bit so they’re more comfortable for my frankenfoot. That is a wonderful score for $1.00! I think, when you know what you’re doing (and I don’t), thrifting is a good thing to do. I found out about cotton a few years ago, but I have to say I know I’ll wear cotton for much longer than a manmade fabric.
You have a very beautiful smile and I love the jeans.
Thank you so much, Bernice!
Yes she does have a beautiful smile!
Oh, thank you, Eileen!
Love graphic tees when it’s a message that I think is good for us!! Besides it’s awesome easy way to add a bit of print to the outfit without it being too much!!
As for fast fashion I feel like I’ve learned so much in the last couple of years. Not that I don’t buy anything but at least I feel better about my thrifting habits!
Thanks, Jodie! I do love my graphic tees, but I don’t like the ones I struggle to read on someone else. I mean…who wants someone gawking at their chest, right? I figure if I wear something for several years, it isn’t fast fashion. But, it does bother me a lot about the pollution and working conditions. It’s kind of a no win situation…those clothes are going to be made whether or not I buy them.
You know graphic tees are my favorite, and you rock it!
Aww, you are the best, my friend!
I do like graphic Ts but I have gotten very picky about them in recent years because I don’t wear them terribly often; this way I can make sure my favorite ones get worn more often. I like the 30 wears concept as a benchmark for ensuring that we aren’t treating clothing as quickly disposable. That doesn’t have to translate into spending a lot more on clothing either…it’s not like only expensive clothing can be worn 30 times. For me, it’s recognizing that I have a limited number of days each season, so if I want to hit 30 wears on things, I have to buy with longevity in mind. Or commit to wearing the heck out of that trendy item to reach 30 wears. My clothing purchases have scaled way back since adopting the 30 wears target.
But it is fun how a new purchase can rejuvenate our closets, getting us to pull out old favorites like this cardigan into our current rotation. I think there’s value in questioning whether a potential purchase is going to have that rejuvenating quality to help you wear the clothes you already own more.
Hmmm…you are really making me think about this one. I think most of the items in my closet are easily worn 30 times or more. My dresses…probably not as many. That is a really good benchmark, though, to ensure slow fashion.
When I buy a graphic tee, I always consider its placement on my body, what I’ll wear with it, and how much it truly represents me. That being said, I do have a couple that were dumb impulse buys. I’m waiting for them to grow on me!
Thanks, Sally, for a really thought-provoking comment.
Fast fashion has really changed mindsets to quantity versus quality, especially with younger generations. My daughter struggled with this in high school, and she never felt comfortable wearing the same thing twice, which was ridiculous. I try to make purchases from brands that are focused on ethical manufacturing and sustainability, but I’m also guilty of buying from those fast fashion brands to incorporate trends into my wardrobe inexpensively. Great post!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! I think peer pressure is definitely a driving factor for teens. You have to shop at the right stores and get the just right things. Factor in dress codes, and shopping for teens and tweens can be hard! I am not as good as looking at the brands’ ethics as I should be. But, I do try to make sure I have at least three things that work with what I’m going to buy.
I like sharing the same pieces with something new added or a twist to it using what is in my closet. Case in point, this month’s Sunday showcase, shows the same thrifted dress that has made the blog several times with different topper and shoes. I do buy graphic tees from Target and Old Navy (just did) but I am trying to limit that consumption.
I have been trying to spend less though it probably doesn’t look like it. I seem to go in spurts. I always enjoy how you show the same item styled different ways!
Thanks, Mireille!
Fast fashion is certainly a hot topic. Personally I try to balance it all. And when I do get fast fashion, I try to ensure they are pieces I will enjoy for a while.
That’s what I try to do, Laura. So, does that make it fast fashion or not…have to say I’m a bit confused by it all at times.
Thanks, Laura, for coming by!
I like graphic tees…as long as they’re colourful! White clothing is a no-no for me. I tend to buy more clothes on Vinted than anywhere else now – it’s better for the planet and my bank balance! It’s also great for finding sold out pieces. Thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
I haven’t tried Vinted yet. I do try to sell on Poshmark with very little luck! I am very careful with my white clothes because our water is so bad it ruins them after one wash.
Thanks, Emma!