“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…”

Darlene, of Aquamarinastyle, wrote recently about styling a black velvet shirt she’d purchased from Poshmark. And, as soon as I saw it, I knew I could certainly create my own version just from shopping my own closet! If you haven’t seen Darlene’s post, take a look here! Go ahead, I’ll wait! What did you think? Darlene’s blog is one I’ve found since my entry into the blogosphere. It’s funny how you can “meet” people and instantly have a connection. Darlene and I are both retired from the educational community…she was an administrator (and continues to work occasionally), and I am a retired teacher. We have discovered we have similar tastes in clothing and other things. Her post on this cute dress forced (ok, influenced) me to buy it!

But, I digress as usual! Darlene’s post was about her pre-loved black velvet shirt. I was pretty sure I’d hung onto my black velvet shirt from Coldwater Creek (which makes it probably 10-15 years old) so I went scrounging around in my closet. Yep, sure enough! There it was…just hanging around with its red twin! I love a good velvet. One of the first things I do when I’m buying velvet is to run my hand over it. I don’t know about you, but I want the nap of the velvet (or its cousin twice removed, velour) to run down the length of the garment. Nap is the direction of the pile. If the fabric feels rough, the pile is going up. If the fabric is smooth, the nap is going down. I don’t have any idea if the direction of the nap makes a garment more or less expensive. What I do know is I like the nap running down and feeling smooth and luxurious.

A little history lesson…
Once upon a time, my closet contained many items from Coldwater Creek. I received catalogs from them long before a brick and mortar store opened near me. I don’t know if you received those catalogs or not, but, it was always a happy day when one arrived at our house! They were different from the Sears and Penneys catalogs for sure! I loved reading the descriptions of the different items. And, it wasn’t the clothing items that drew my attention! Coldwater Creek catalogs contained some of the coolest home decor things I’d seen (I am not sophisticated and have never claimed to be)! Items I’d not even considered received second and third glances from me! I’m not sure exactly when this was, but online shopping was not a thing. I don’t think we even had internet at the time. If I even ordered, and I’m not 100% sure I did, it would have been via telephone. Talk about how times have changed!
Eventually, Jefferson Pointe (an outdoor upscale-ish mall in Fort Wayne, IN) opened. I happily anticipated the opening of the Coldwater Creek store! It was always filled with such gorgeous clothes, nice fabrics, interesting details, and lots of accessories. The sales associates were friendly and helpful once I’d established a rapport with them. One of my favorite things to buy were the tencel jackets. I must have had a dozen! They were cut similarly to a jean jacket, but the tencel fabric gave them a dressier feel. I wore them with everything…jeans, skirts, dresses! I acquired quite the collection of Coldwater Creek jackets. Here is one of my favorites! I waited and waited for it to go on sale! It was a truly gorgeous jacket! When I lost all of that weight after retirement, this jacket just hung on me. I donated it so that some person could enjoy all of its glory!
More information…

And, of course, there was a humongous store at the Fashion Mall at Keystone in Indianapolis! I could talk Nigel into traveling south for a few hours every once in a while. Usually, though, I would convince other teacher friends to make the journey with me. Coldwater Creek was very popular with teachers! Another item I could always rely on were the Holly pants. They fit my very fluffy short body perfectly. I don’t think I even had to hem them when I ordered them in a petite size. I had every solid color available and even duplicates in grey and black! Every once in a while, the brand would tease with a stripe or a plaid. I pounced on those! I actually wore out a pair or two of these pants. I was devastated when they discontinued them.
Back to the store at Keystone…it was huge and overflowing with all manner of clothing, accessories, and home decor including throws and candles. I should have suspected something when I would visit the store and leave without buying a single thing, especially after traveling 2.5 hours each way! It just seemed something had changed at one of my favorite places to shop. Little did I know…

Continuing the lesson…
Coldwater Creek was begun by a married couple who managed to turn it into a multi-million dollar company in less than ten years. In the mid 90’s, Ann and Dennis Pence opened their first store. Can you believe turning a $40,000 investment into millions in less than ten years based only upon a catalog presence? You can read lots more here about the company. By 2014, the company had had several CEOs and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. What went wrong? This is my personal opinion based on nothing but my experience. I think the recession which began in 2007 and continued into 2009 played a huge role in the demise of Coldwater Creek. I also think what had made the company unique fell a bit to the wayside. Garments and accessories began to show a change in demographic. Again, this is my personal opinion. Please don’t think I truly know! It just seemed the company was leaning hard into the older demographic and less into the unique, kind of funky vibe it had had. Also, those perennial favorites were disappearing. Items like the tencel jacket disappeared. Coldwater Creek became the “Baby Jane” of the retail world…trying to retain its relevance while dressed in garish beribboned and heavily embellished jackets and skirts.
The end…
Within a few short months in 2014, Coldwater Creek stores closed. Later that same year, after being purchased by Sycamore Partners, the company relaunched as online only. And, my dear readers, I just took a quick look at the online store. Honestly, the styles look similar to what I was buying back in the late 90s and early aughts. Is that a bad thing? I’m not sure. I have to admit the teacher in me still gravitates to that look! There are a couple of things I might consider buying if I were still teaching. But, I don’t think it works for my life and style now. Does that mean I couldn’t find something that would work in my closet? Not at all. I’m sure I could make lots of things work. Do I want to? Nope. I don’t. I have plenty of retailers I know and trust. I do find the story of the rise and fall of Coldwater Creek interesting as it impacted so heavily on my life.
The Lewk
I looked through my closet and wanted to do that whole dichotomy thing…soft velvet with the ragged jeans. I wanted to wear the shirt as a jacket rather than buttoning it up (the shirt is actually too big for me and buttoning it would have shown that). Darlene’s shirt is oversized, too, and she is wearing it open. I thought the tie dyed tee (similar from Banana Republic) would also work well with the look. As I look at the pictures, I’m not convinced this did work. You may not have noticed, but the velvet shirt has a shirttail hem. At times, the tee peeks out. While I like that layered look sometimes, I don’t usually like it with a shirttail hem. I probably should have tucked the tee in my jeans. I’m also wearing these Old Navy jeans. I accessorized with my Kendra Scott Rayne necklace and Elle earrings in rose gold with rhodium filigree (which are either the same or very similar to Darlene’s) as well as an old Stella & Dot rose gold necklace. These mules are the Josef Seibel Kimberly mules (see, I still remember the name…that’s how much I love them) and are like walking on air! I loved them so much I bought them in grey, too! They are close to 15 years old!
Wrap it up, Marsha!
One of the benefits of blogging is “meeting” other people who think and shop the way you do. One of the downsides of blogging is “meeting” other people who think and shop the way you do! Honestly, I love meeting these new people and forming relationships I hope will turn into friendships in real life or virtually. And, Darlene is one of those! I’m hoping to meet her some day in real life! Who wants to take bets on whether or not we’ll be wearing the same thing? What about you? Is there a blogger you’d like to meet IRL? Were you a shopper at Coldwater Creek? Do you like velvet? Let’s have a conversation! I’d love to hear from you! If you haven’t already done so, won’t you consider subscribing to my blog, or perhaps recommending it to a friend? I do appreciate the time you take to read my posts!
Isn’t it great when we get inspired by other bloggers. Darlene is such a lovely woman. I remember the days of catalogs in my teens. I always love to browse those and get some inspiration and then give it my own twist. I love the feel of velvet!
Oh, Nancy, I haven’t forgotten you! I so want a tulle skirt! I love the idea of a black one. That would fit my aesthetic best, but maybe a burgundy one would be even better? I can see how they become addictive! I have to admit I’ve rarely used a catalog or any other media (except blogs) as inspiration. Isn’t that odd?
I did enjoy my little style steal from Darlene! And, I adore velvet. It makes me feel regal!
Thanks, Nancy!
Marsha what a great post this morning! I plan on starting to shop for a black velvet shirt as soon as I finish telling you how much I enjoy your blog. My history with Coldwater Creek is much the same as yours. I really miss that store and wish I had kept one of their original catalogs. I loved the story that started descriptions of their fabulous pieces.
Thanks for sharing a good shopping memory with me this morning. Keep up the great blog message too.
Lesley, I’ll bet by this time, you’ve already located a black velvet shirt or two! I told Jodie I think you and I were twins separated at birth…we sure do like the same things! Coldwater Creek was such a cool shopping experience in the beginning. And, you’re right; those catalogs would be so much fun to reread right now. They were so imaginative. I don’t think I ever bought anything but clothing. But, it was the home decor in those first catalogs that pulled me in!
Thank you, Lesley, for your support. You have no idea how much I appreciate it!
I loved Darlene’s outfit when I saw it for the first time too—I’ve always been a bit mad for velvet! I think your look is great. You look fab wearing the shirt as a jacket. There are lots of bloggers I’m hoping to meet one day, and a few who have become really good friends, even though we’ve never met! One day!
Suzy xx
Suzy, I have to admit I have no idea where you live. For some reason, I want to say you live in Portugal. But, I may have dreamed that up one night! I am overwhelmed with the kindness of the blogging community…at least those I’ve interacted with. Everyone is so generous and eager to help. It’s a bright spot in this crazy world right now!
I, too, love velvet…add some embroidery and I’ll be even happier! Thank you so much for your compliments! I appreciate them!
Well Marsha, you just taught me something about velvet – thank you! You did a fabulous job styling this and I agree- Darlene is a gem. We had a zoom call once and it was nice to get to have an actual conversation.
I remember Coldwater Creek and oohing and ahhhing over the catalogs. I was thrilled when they opened here although I never actually purchased anything – it was a little too pricey for me at that time. I do hate to see a former favorite go by the wayside and sometimes I think if they would just ask US what we want we’d be happy to tell them! Ha! If only it were that easy!
I’ll be honest, Kellyann; I didn’t know that about velvet until I consulted Mrs. Google. I just knew there were some velvets I didn’t like. I should have included in my post that the nap running upward gives a more lustrous color. That must be why so many velvet and velour items are cut the wrong (at least to me) way. But, I just can’t buy it if feels that way…I don’t want to be sitting there running my hands up my front! Talk about awkward!
Weren’t the catalogs from Coldwater Creek special? I honestly read almost all of the descriptions because they were such fun! You are so right about the consumer being the last to have any input. I do get surveys from the Gap Brand for input on future lines. Honestly, I don’t have any idea if my thoughts matter because I don’t ever remember what I was shown months later when the line comes out! But, the thrill of shopping is the browsing, right?
Oh, how lucky are you to have talked with Darlene! I worked closely with Debbie (Fashion Fairy Dust now Your Styled Story) this summer. She was so much fun and absolutely as real as you can get! I hope I can actually meet her someday!
Thanks for coming by, Kellyann!
I love a good style steak, Marsha! I can see why you were inspired by Darlene’s post. And what a great look on you as well! I can remember looking forward to the Coldwater Creek catalog. I never purchased from them then, because money was tight. Thanks for the reminder!
Didn’t Darlene look gorgeous? I thought I still had that black velvet shirt in my closet. I might have squealed a little when I found it! Thank you so much for the compliment. Nigel has always said I look good in black. I think my grey hair helps a lot, too.
Coldwater Creek was a mainstay for me. Something about the brand just read teacher! I shopped the sales and clearance racks almost exclusively…because it’s true what they say about teacher pay! Luckily, I was married to an engineer!
I’m glad you enjoyed the post!
I have met Jodie and one more blogger IRL. We are planning to visit Arizona during our spring break next year and hope to beet with her longer than our intersecting paths at the airport. The difficult thing for me with blogging and reading fashion blogs is that I get tempted to shop but it is also great for inspiration for making new outfits out of my closet. So that is what I am working one for these next two months. If I make it that will be the longest I have not shopped for clothes. I am in week 4 now!
Mireille, I admit it…I am greatly influenced by blogs! I don’t always make purchases of the exact items, but I sure am tempted! I think you are so wise to shop in your closet. There are days I walk in mine, pull something out and have absolutely no idea when I bought it! That is terrible. I’m blaming it on my nighttime meds! I applaud you for your restraint. My problem is I have rewards and dividends at retailers, and I can’t convince my kids or husband they need anything! Of course, I also shop beyond that. But, I have cut back drastically even though people may find that hard to believe! You have come up with the cutest outfits so brava!
And, I am jealous you have met Jodie in real life! I bet you had lots of fun! I hope to meet up with someone some day!
Oh, Marsha, you sweet lady!! I am flattered beyond words, my friend. I absolutely do feel a connection with you! And Coldwater Creek??!! Oh, my. It was THE store for teachers and principals, too!! And you are so right that they just didn’t keep up with the times and trends. But, as you say, I could probably find a thing or two online with them today! Lol! Fashion is everywhere, it’s just in how we each see it. I LOVE the way you styled your top with ripped jeans. You look adorable and your photos are fantastic!! Thanks so much. I’m sure I’ll be “style stealing” from you in the future!! lol!
xx Darlene
Awwwww, Darlene! I just had to do it! Your style is a little more chic than mine, but it’s fun to come up with my own recreation. Maybe one day, our paths will cross! I can only hope so! Isn’t it funny how Coldwater Creek really was THE place for educators? For a while, Eddie Bauer was, too. Then, they reverted to their roots. Fashion really is everywhere…our interpretations make it our style!
Thank you so much for your compliments! Adorable is an adjective I’m not sure I’ve ever had applied to me! But, I’ll take it!
I just love how we can make friends this way Marsha, and especially get inspiration for what is already hanging in our closets. Don’t get me wrong, I love to shop, but I already have so many cute things.
I was never a big Coldwater Creek shopper, but I do have a couple of things handed down from friends.
Jodie, I have to tell you I was utterly and completely gobsmacked when you replied to that first tentative email of mine! I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the blogging community (I know I’ve said that multiple times). I have made several virtual friendships over the years. Those friendships are as real as the ones I have in real life…sometimes, even more honest and real.
Oh, I love to shop, too. I have cut down quite a bit. I try very hard, if I buy something new, to pull out at least one item of that category to donate. I am almost embarrassed by the amount of clothing I have. I’ve thought about doing a blog post featuring my closets (yes, I have three), but I feel it might be a little “braggy”? I don’t know…
Coldwater Creek was a staple in my closet probably because shopping was pretty limited where I lived. I was just struck, as I was researching, how fast it grew and how fast it fell. It’s a shame because people lost their jobs when the stores closed. I’m sure that scenario has been playing out over and over this past couple of years.
Thanks, Jodie, for coming by!
What a beautiful recreated look! Velvet is so perfect for the season. I remember Coldwater Creek and loved their catalogs too. So many goodies in there! So sad that it’s gone now.
I wish I’d saved one or two of those early catalogs. They were so much fun to just sit and look through. It is rather amazing how quickly the chain grew to such dizzying heights and then crashed and burned. I hope we don’t see that happening to other retailers now.
Thanks, Kathrine, for coming by!
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Hmm I was sure I’d commented on this post before but I can’t see it so I’ll just say thanks for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup! I like your outfit
Hope that you had a wonderful weekend. We had a great one staying at Sea World on the Gold Coast
That’s strange! You did comment on it, and I can see it! Oh, well!
We had a lovely weekend! Yours sounds like lots of fun!