Pantone’s Color of the Year!


Yesterday, I had the weirdest thing happen. Nigel and I were eating lunch, and I saw these little flashes of light with my left eye. I just figured one of the lightbulbs was flickering. Later, after the light was turned off, the flashes became a little more regular and now had a C shape. Well, you know exactly what I did, right? I called the eye doctor. Nope! I googled it. Actually, I was googling because I was hoping it would be something somewhat better than what I was afraid it would be. I have worn glasses since second grade; my grandmother had macular degeneration and went blind; and, a very good friend’s retina detached in one of her eyes. So, I obsess a lot about my eyes.

A little more…

There were a few different things it could have been. I had an ocular migraine a few years ago, but this was different, no headache and no kaleidoscope kind of vision. I had to take Nigel to P/T, but I did call the eye doctor. Of course, in this day and age, you never talk to a human being on the first ring. You have to listen to the options. I finally just pressed a number and left a message. After dropping Nigel off, I decided to just drive to the eye doctor. Believe it or not, they had an opening in nine minutes! They dilated my eyes, and the eye doctor examined both eyes. Luckily, a part of my vitreous humor had detached. So, what I have is just a really big floater! It’s the weirdest feeling, though. I feel like there’s a film over my left eye. The eye doctor told me it would take a bit for it to settle down, and the blurriness is just a part of it. I go back in a few weeks to make sure everything is still OK. So, friends, don’t ignore those little things even when they’re just little things. The symptoms of a bit of your vitreous detaching and your retina detaching are the same. The results are drastically different.

Back to regular programming…

Since 1999, the Pantone Color Institute has proclaimed a color of the year. Last year’s was Fuzzy Peach which seemed like a really weird choice to me. What do I love about the color of the year is the explanation. I mean, they could make baby poop green sound like something you want to run out, buy gallons of paint and slather on all your walls! But, I can get behind this year’s color. It’s Mocha Mousse. Leatrice Eiseman, the executive director of the Institute, “said the color evokes ‘thoughtful indulgence…’Sophisticated and lush, yet at the same time an unpretentious classic, PANTONE 17-1230 Mocha Mousse extends our perceptions of the browns from being humble and grounded to embrace the aspirational and luxe.'”

And, more…

Who wouldn’t love Mocha Mousse? I don’t like coffee, but, hey, if you want to throw a titch in my chocolate mousse, go ahead! It’s been well established (here) I don’t like brown. But, Mocha Mousse is a brown I can get behind! It’s luscious and has a depth most browns don’t. Or, maybe, I’m just really craving some chocolate mousse right now! You can find more on the Pantone Color Institute’s explanation for this year’s color of the year here.

Still more…

Am I going to go out and find this color and paint anything in my house this color? Nope! I think, just like too much mousse will make me gack, too much of any one color makes me nauseous. I’m looking at you, Sherwin Williams Antique White. In case you don’t remember, that’s the color we had the builder paint in the house. By the end of week one, I knew it would all be changing soon. There are only two rooms still that color…the primary bathroom and the laundry/my walk-in closet. Painting the primary bathroom is on my list of goals and will happen soon. What about clothes, you say? As that color begins to drift into retail markets, I doubt I’ll buy much. It’s an OK color, but I like brighter, more jewel tone colors. I’m going to try to be much more intentional about my shopping this year. Yeah, I know I’ve been saying that for a bit now, but I really am going to try. But, at least, I can now say I’m “aspirational and luxe!”

Nigel must have been leaning a bit!

The outfit…

I’ve actually had this outfit for a couple of months. The whole outfit is from J Jill. Now, before you think I just bought what was on the mannequin, stop. I made a slight change. And, it really is rare for me to do that anyway so let’s give Marsha some grace this one time! I had seen this Pure Jill Jacquard Fringe Gilet in the catalog and in the store for a while before I finally decided to try it on. There was just something about that fringe and the length and the look that appealed to the quirky side of my nature. And, guess what? The color is “light mocha heather!” The tee doesn’t appear to be available anymore. It’s tunic length so I tucked it in, thinking that would be better for proportionizing. I think I was wrong. The next time I wear this combination, the tee will be untucked. The pants are Pure Jill Pleated Wide Leg Pants in “eggplant heather” (that was the change). The hem is raw. They’re a bit long even in a petite. I think I’m just going to use my rotary cutter and zap off a smidge. I have to tell you I really love this gilet which is a new term to me. Apparently, it’s just a fancy name for a vest. I’ve worn it with jeans and a white button down. It really is a unique piece.

The Lewk!

I bookended my look with these Sofft booties I got, maybe, in the NSale years ago. I can never remember. They are really, really comfortable! But, are they Chelsea boots? I always wonder about that. The necklace is also from J Jill and has appeared numerous times on the blog, usually with a coordinating necklace. The gold earrings are from Nigel and were a Christmas gift years and years ago.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I can play the “Six Degrees of” Game with Leatrice Eiseman. Nigel and I actually met her husband, Herb, in 2018 in Seattle. He was a delightful man, full of stories and just someone with whom you could spend hours just talking. If you’d like to read more about that, you can find an entire post about another color of the year as well as our experience with Herb here. So, can we talk? What do you think of the idea of the Pantone color of the year? What do you think of this year’s color? How does it influence you, either in home decorating or your clothing? Have you ever heard of a gilet? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as quickly as I can.

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

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Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100 (it doesn’t appear to be working right now, but I’m working on it). Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10 for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me…

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileSuzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!


  1. Oh you poor thing, I hope that the eye gets better soon.

    • Thanks, Rosie! I’m hoping so, too. It’s more an irritant than anything now that I know it’s going to go away.

  2. I totally love browns so I’m very happy with the colour. Or perhaps not…… because when everyone is wearing it I probably don’t like it that much anymore. Love the colour of your trousers! You would go mad in my house….. all white.

    • Thanks, Nancy! Oh, I’d just add an accent wall or two! No, honestly, I love other people’s all white houses, but it just doesn’t work for me. I tried it at our last house for several months. But, I couldn’t do it. It’s not like I use really far out colors…well, at our house up north, we did have a red dining room! And, the primary bedroom was Easter egg purple…but other than that…

  3. An online friend just shared IKEA going for mocha mousse, and I really have to say that this is not my color. Would I take it in a mousse? Absolutely. Do I want it all over? Absolutely not. I mostly like darker, wooden browns, but brown is not a color that generally goes much beyond wooden furniture in my life.

    Hope you will be getting rid of that weird floater feeling soon!


    • Thanks, Cat! I hope the floater is gone soon, too. It’s weird not being able to see clearly out of one eye. I definitely agree with you about brown. Almost all of my furniture is brown…well, the wooden furniture. I did have a gorgeous purple love seat, but I had to get rid of it when we moved the last time. There was literally no place to put it. But, I really do want some chocolate mousse to eat now!

  4. First of I’m glad all is okay with your eye! I really like your outfit but I had not heard of a gilet before and at first glance I though you were wearing a long cardigan. That fringe detailing is so neat!

    • Thanks, Joanne! I was so glad it was a floater and not retinal detachment. I thought, for a little bit, it was another ocular migraine, but the sensation was completely different. I had seen some bloggers from the UK use the term, gilet, but this was the first time I’d seen it in a US retailer. I loved the fringe details.

  5. Hi Marsha, finally getting back to you! We have to go next week to PA to visit my hubby’s mom. IT has been a tough 3 weeks or so. Anyhow, I just finished my post o the color of the year as well. I am posting next week, so I do like it. Kind of a sable brown. and your outfit is lovely on you. Sorry about your eye floater, great that they could get you in quickly. My hubbys dad had Macular Degeneration, and with EDS I could get it, so I know what you mean about eyes. Hope you have a great weekend.
    Jess xx

    • Thanks, Jess! Is PA a long drive for you? It’s a big state and seems to take forever when we drive from here to anywhere on the East Coast. I hope your mother-in-law is OK. Oh, I can’t wait to see your post. I’m betting this is a gorgeous color on you with that fabulous red hair. One of my biggest fears is going blind. There’s so much I want to see and continue to see.

      Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I love that.This is a shade of brown you can get behind. And how you put it together is absolutely gorgeous.
    I’m so glad your eye is okay and that you didn’t wait to have.It checked out. I’m not sure I would have been as smart but now I know I should be.

    • Thanks so much, Jodie! I won’t go rushing out to buy anything else in this color, and I wouldn’t have bought this gilet except for how weirdly cool I thought it was!

      I cannot wait until my eye completely clears up. It’s like there’s a smear of vaseline across it at times. I was just so glad my retina hadn’t detached.

  7. You are SO right – never ignore those symptoms. My husband had the same experience – twice! The first time, the retina detached and he needed laser surgery. He still has a big floater that he says looks like a spider with the legs hanging down. He’s named it Boris. Then it happened again in the other eye. This time the vitreous detached. He had a follow-up visit (one of many) with the retina specialist today and she finally released him. Floaters are now a part of his life. Best of luck to you with your eye.

    • Oh, gosh, Ann! Boris sounds terrible. Is he super duper big? I honestly don’t even see a floater which is weird because I’ve had them. I’ve always been able to get them resituated by rolling my eye a few times. I’m hoping this doesn’t turn into something worse. The eye doctor who isn’t a specialist (now you’ve got me thinking I need to see a specialist) said it would settle down with gravity. I surely hope she knows what she’s talking about. I wish your husband luck with Boris and hope no new little Borises (or Bori) appear.

      Thanks, Ann!

  8. So glad your eye is okay. I adore this look! I love the color palette and contrast of textures!

    • Thanks, Kathrine! I was a bit worried, but it will just take some time for the vitreous to heal, I guess. I’m glad you liked the outfit. I loved how different it was for me.

  9. I’m so glad everything is okay with your eye! Your outfit is fabulous! Love the layers and texture mix!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  10. Wonder who comes up with the names for the colors of the year? Might be a fun job. I like the alliteration of this one. Kind of fun to say. This kind of looks like my impression of mauve. Could that be? I am never sure what color mauve is. But I am kind of picking up cool, purple undertones to this mocha mousse. Maybe it’s just me.
    So impressed with the work you are doing in the bathroom in preparation for the the papering, I assume. Going to break up some of that antique white wall color and tick off an activity on your winter goals list!! Great job. Our baseboards have not been touched up yet but this is the week!!
    Very pretty outfit, Marsha. Your booties are such a pretty neutral mocha/mauvey color, too. And love the trousers. I have never been in a J.Jill but my sister loved that store when she lived in Houston.

    • Oh, oh! I know the answer to this one Leatrice Eiseman and her team at the Pantone Color Institute does…well, now I have to think about that. Do they come up with the name or just pick the color? Hmmm…maybe I need to do some research. If you look at the Pantone website, it doesn’t read mauve to me though I can see the hint of mauve in my gilet (I love typing that word). Mauve is one of those strange colors, though!

      Actually, that wall is just going to be painted. I wouldn’t worry as much about filling those holes if I were going to paper over them. I’m using a peel and stick wallpaper so wish me luck! I will be painting the other three walls. Mike wants to replace the shower in here with one like we did in “his” bathroom. I told him we’d have to wait a bit to save up for it. Given the way the stock market is going, I’m not very optimistic about that. Lucky you to have paintable baseboards. It would have cost us an arm and a leg to have white baseboards so we went with the lightest stain possible. It’s still brown wood which I despise, but we paid a lot to upgrade it to a wider baseboard. So, they won’t be going anywhere.

      Don’t go in a J Jill store, Leslie, don’t do it! I always swear I’m not going to buy anything and almost always come out with something! So, save yourself and don’t even go it!

      Thanks, my friend!

  11. I have eye floaters and it really stresses me out. They are everywhere in my vision most days. They’ve seemed worse lately but it hasn’t been long since my eye doctor appointment and she told me they are due to me being older and near-sighted and that my retinas looked good. She told me what to watch out for if my retina detaches. I know I’ll freak out if it happens. I’ve had ocular migraines three times and was sure I was dying. Even now I have weird things happen with my eyes. So glad you told us about this so I can keep my eye (har! Har!) on it. I worry about my eye sight so much – every day. My eye doctor says that can make the floaters worse but it’s hard not to look at them when they are all over my laptop screen half the time!

    My grandmother had macular degeneration- she was amazing with all the things she set up to deal with it. I still don’t want it to happen to me!

    • Ever since my grandma was diagnosed with macular degeneration, I’ve been obsessed with my eyesight. Then, when my friend’s retina detached and she, basically, lost most of her vision in that eye, I really became paranoid. Right now, it’s just irritating. It’s like there is a film over part of my eye. So, I guess this is a different kind of floater because I have had other floaters but nothing quite like this. Those ocular migraines are terrible even though they’re kinda pretty. But, the headache part is a killer! I had an eye doctor tell me to roll my eye around in my socket (not with my fingers but with my eye muscles) and that would help the floaters to settle. It worked for the smaller ones, but it doesn’t appear to be doing anything with this one. It must be a doozy! I mean, she showed me the x-ray (not really, but I don’t know what it would be called) of my eye and showed me exactly where it was. She said my retinas were fine. I hope they stay that way!

      Thanks, Lisa, and good luck to you!

  12. Mocha mousse doesn’t really draw me in or make me want to get more, but it is a versatile color. And it looks stunning with those plum pants! So glad your eye issue isn’t more serious!

    • Thanks, Laura! I liked it with the plum pants, but they showed it with pants of the same color which was really blah imho! I’m not sure I’d go out looking for mocha mousse, either. I’m hoping the eye issue truly isn’t serious…I go back in a few weeks for a recheck.