Last month, I joined the fabulous women from Is This Mutton, MK’s Adventures in Style, Deb’s World, Grownup Glamour, Frugal Fashion Shopper, and Following My Muse in their new challenge. This is not a fashion challenge. It’s a global writing challenge. Jill of Grownup Glamour chose this month’s theme which is scent! I am not a member of this group so you will need to visit one of the women above to link your posts.
My history with scent…
I have had bad allergies for most of my life. In fact, for several years in my adulthood, I completely lost my sense of smell. I could put the strongest scent up to my nose and not smell a thing. That’s a good thing when you’re changing diapers. It’s not so good if you’re a new mom and want to be able to smell fire should your house catch on fire! Remember I’m a bit older than some of you, and we didn’t have to have smoke detectors back then. When my daughter broke her ankle (the first time), we met our insurance deductible so I took myself off to the allergist. I discovered I was allergic to trees (budding, shedding) and mold. Once I started therapy for those things, my sense of smell returned. Funny story…as I was talking to this guy, I told him I didn’t smell very well. He looked at me like I had grown another head! Then, I realized what I’d said and clarified the matter!

Ironically, in that same allergist’s office was posted a very large sign: No scent as others may be allergic (or words to that effect). Scent is such an evocative thing, isn’t it? Don’t believe me? Think about camp fires when you were younger (even if that was just last week). What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it the flickering colors of the fire, the sound of the logs crackling, or the smell of the woodsmoke? I’m betting it’s the smell you first think of.

These prompts…
They’re rather difficult, aren’t they? I mean, you can go off in any direction! Last month, the prompt was play so I wrote about the playground we had in our backyard as I was growing up. You can read more here if you’d like. I had considered writing about attending plays (which is the route Gail took). I think it’s rather cool how these ladies are selecting ideas that have different interpretations!

Back to scent…
I’m trying to think of any childhood scents and memories, but I can’t think of a single one. I don’t recall my dad or even my mom wearing a specific scent. Oh, wait! I remember. Cigarette smoke! That’s what I remember from my youth. Both of my parents were quite heavy smokers. I cringe to think what I smelled like when I went to school. Unfortunately, that heavy smoking took a massive toll on both of them. My father passed at 45, and my mom developed Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and lung cancer in her 60s. It drastically shortened her life as well as changing the way she thought her retirement years would go. So, that’s my first scent memory.

Another scent memory…
One year, for Christmas, Nigel bought me some Anais, Anais perfume. I loved that stuff and wore it all the time. Then, I got pregnant and couldn’t stomach (pardon the pun) the smell. I kept that bottle for years and would sniff it every once in a while. In no time at all, I was back in the 80s and feeling nauseous! Another perfume Nigel bought me was Pleasures by Estee Lauder. I still love it and have a bottle. The memory that always comes back to me is a trip we took to Washington, DC with Nigel’s older brother and our families. I wore that perfume then. Nigel’s brother was so entranced by it that he bought his wife a bottle as soon as we got home. When I wear it now, I not only think of that vacation, I think of the hotel room where we were staying! How’s that for memory!

A vacation scent…
A few years ago, we went to the Biltmore Estate. I love going there and really wish I lived closer. We visited there for the first time when my kids were really little. We had gone with my mom. I think the kids may have gone back a time or two with her in the years after. But, I digress! Nigel and I were strolling through the rose gardens, and I bent over to sniff one of the heirloom roses and actually gasped! Oh, I was transfixed, transported, and transcendent! That rose smelled just like roses from my childhood! When your last name is Rose (my maiden name), you just naturally love roses! We are having some roses planted this spring, and I really hope they smell like those!

Scents I wear…
I always wanted to be one of those people with a signature scent. I’m way too fickle for that. I like to wear different scents. I’ve already mentioned Pleasures by Lauder. A few years ago, I discovered Jo Malone colognes. Nigel bought me my first bottle…Red Roses, naturally. Then came several more. My only problem was the smell never lasted. I could spray it on my skin, my clothes (I don’t like doing that). It didn’t matter. Within an hour or two, the scent was gone. Eventually, I discovered Jo Malone Body Creme. I rarely wear my colognes anymore and just go with the creme. My favorite is grapefruit. To my dismay, it appears to be either discontinued or being reformulated. It’s the perfect layering scent! Apparently, that’s one of the things Jo Malone is known for…layering scents. My daughter happened to have dry hands so I let her use some of my grapefruit creme. She loved it so I gave her the remainder of the container I had open. I didn’t know, at the time, it would become so precious! I love floral, citrusy scents the best as you can probably tell.

Scents in the home…
Once upon a time, a favorite parent of mine (as in parent of a student) gave me a candle for Christmas. It was a Gold Canyon candle, and the scent was Christmas Presence. It’s an odd scent. I wish I could describe it. I think it has some citrus as one of its notes. I used to have several jars of it. I am now down to my last jar, and, of course, it’s been discontinued…has been, in fact, for years. I light this candle only on Christmas Day and only for a bit. That doesn’t mean I don’t go to my linen closet, open it, and inhale every once in a while. It always brings a sigh of delight.

Wrap it up, Marsha!
When I first started this post, I didn’t think I would have much to say. As I was writing, I discovered there was sooooo much more I could have written! But, I’ll spare you that! So, can we talk? Are you a scent person? Do you have a signature scent? How would you have approached this writing challenge? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond quickly!!

Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!
Thank you all whether you subscribe, comment, email, or just read Marsha in the Middle! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, and I do deClaire and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend with Michelle every Thursday. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Great post, thanks for joining us! One of my earliest scent memories was on a school trip to Buckland Abbey, former home of Sir Francis Drake. It was early spring and dewy, and the herb garden smelt wonderful. I also love layering a Jo Malone fragrance for special nights out: shower gel, body lotion and perfume. Hope you’ll add your post to the link up.
Thanks, Gail! That sounds like a wonderful school trip! Oh, I do love an herb garden! Which Jo Malone scents are your favorites?
I do have a signature scent but mostly because of my husband.. in high school I purchased Sunflowers and any time I try to switch out my perfume he buys me a new bottle of Sunflowers because that’s what he likes to smell. LOL. I don’t care because I really don’t notice it after I spray it. My preferred scents tend to be coconut, shay butter, and things like that that remind me of the beach or the tropics. For candles and household smells I tend to stick to more cinnamon/ food type smells like vanilla or Yankee Candle’s Christmas cookie, pumpkin pie, or apple spice.
I love that, Joanne! I am not familiar with that perfume, but it must be a good one!
I used to love Cinnamon bun Yankee Candles, but now, I just can’t tolerate the smell of the cooking ones. I’m not sure why.
What an interesting prompt! I love the smell of rain and fresh cut grass. As much as I love flowers, I’m very sensitive to heavy floral scents. I love Jo Malone fragrances too!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! Those are two wonderful scents, too!
I love this post Marsha! Scents are memories just like you described here. When I smell chlorine I think of family vacations to resorts in the Midwest. I totally went back to the 80″s when you mentioned Anais Anais. Thanks for sharing your scent memories!
Oh, the smell of chlorine takes me back to summers by the pool when my kids swam on a summer swim league!
Thanks for visiting, Kathrine!
Haha, a lot of scents here and not all good ones. I love the smell of garlic when I’m making dinner. And the smell of summer!
Oh, that’s a good smell, Nancy! There’s just something about garlic that makes you feel all cozy inside!
Oh, I loved being privy to your scent memories. I had to laugh about the cigarette smoke. And it brought back a number of memories. One is being at my parents’ friends’ house, and the children being relegated to another part of the house. However, I always felt secure every time I smelled matches, because then I knew my parents were nearby. Another is about my dad. He always smelled like cigarettes and rum & coke. To me, those were good smells then. Now I hate cigarette smoke.
It’s funny you should say matches because I do like the smell of a lit match! Weird, right? I just can’t handle cigarette smell anymore. I don’t know if it’s all in my head or if I truly can’t tolerate it!
Thanks, Michelle, for coming by!
It’s amazing how scents can be so powerful. I’ve heard that it’s even more powerful than our sight. Have you ever walked down the cleaning aisle at the store with your eyes closed? It’s overwhelming how strong the scents are and there are so many toxins in those things. I try to go around that aisle now, haha.
Since you love scents so much, you’re going to absolutely love this new non-toxic perfume that my friend just made. It’s not available until next month, but I’ve been beta-testing it, and it’s the perfect summer scent.
Thanks, Jodie! I do think scents are more powerful than sight because they’re more emotion based…at least that’s what I think! I haven’t been down a cleaning aisle in years! I have so much saved up and don’t even use fabric softener…I use vinegar and wool balls!
Can’t wait to read about your friend’s perfume!
Bless your heart, growing up in all that secondhand smoke. Such a shame that smoking drastically shortened your parents’ lives. I am so sorry.
I was very allergic to dust, grass, pollen, etc. when I was a girl. The allergy doctor suggested I sleep in a room with nothing but a bed. And that my poor mother change my bedding and wipe down the walls of the room everyday. But I was a typical teenager who wanted a cute room with the stuffed animals and dolls, carpeting, curtains, pretty bedspread. I outgrew some of my issues but have started wondering if they are back with all this congestion and coughing I’ve been doing for six months.
Wish I could smell the fragrances you mentioned. I am not familiar with them. Wouldn’t it be something if our blogs had a ‘scratch and smell’ feature?
Thanks so much, Leslie. You sound like my youngest son…those are all the things he’s allergic to. The allergist wanted me to get plastic covers for the mattress and pillows. Can you imagine sleeping on that noisy stuff?
Oh, a scratch and sniff would be fun, wouldn’t it?
Marsha, what a great post on scents. Really got me thinking of my favorite scents.
When it comes to candles or house sprays, I like vanilla, cinnamon and coconut. My favorite lotions and bar soaps would have to be coconut and almond. I guess this all makes sense because when I bake coconut, almond and cinnamon are my favorite flavors. My two signature scents would be Ralph Lauren Romance and Versace Bright Crystal. I fell in love with these scents in my 20’s and I always get tons of compliments. Lastely, my favorite scents are spray paint, gasoline, wood fires, chia teas, citrus household cleaners, sharpies, garlic cooking and white cake.
I always have so much fun stopping into your blog. Have a good weekend.-Meagan
Hahaha!!! I love your new favorite scents as you make so many beautiful things with them! Oh, Ralph Lauren Romance is a good one, but it’s outlawed in our family! My daughter’s longtime boyfriend (decades ago) gave it to her, and her husband hates that! Coconut is a wonderful smell…especially on white cake!
I did enjoy reading your scent post Marsha, so glad you joined in. I am finding it so interesting how each of us puts our own spin on the monthly topic. Scent evokes such strong memories for me that seen to take me back in time. I hope the new roses have that glorious old scent you are hoping for.
Thanks, Jill! I agree that scent just sends me back in my memories…sometimes good, sometimes bad! I can’t wait to see the new bushes…and I hope they’re everything the landscaper said they’d be!
A great response to the prompt Marsha, thanks o much for joining in! Your recollections and scent memories make a lovely story.
Thanks, Debbie! I enjoyed remembering all these different things! Thanks for the prompt and the link up!
Scent is such a funny thing, but so powerful too! Interesting post and prompts!
Thanks, Laura! It’s funny how we associate scent with certain things and either love them or that them then!
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