Bucket list item…
I am one of those people who loves snow! I love to wake up in the morning and see white where there had previously been green. Is there anything better than a pine tree with branches dusted with glistening snow? Well, yes, there are lots of things better than that, but you get the picture. I have always said I wanted to live in Buffalo, New York or spend the winter on Mackinac Island. I’m sure it would be only one year as Nigel would be complaining the entire time! Even though it’s on my bucket list, I sincerely doubt I will ever do either of these!

Blizzard of ’78…
Nigel and I had been married almost two years when this blizzard hit. He worked nights at a small factory in town. I worked during the day in Fort Wayne. Luckily, he made it home before the roads closed! I remember being home for several days. I don’t think we ever lost power. The internet wasn’t around nor was cable so we didn’t have to worry about losing either! Here’s what I do remember. Our neighbors had just had a delivery of lots of ice cream from Schwann’s. I will always equate heavy snowfalls with butter pecan and raspberry ripple ice cream! A few days into the aftermath, three or four of the neighborhood men (Nigel included) decided it was time to brave the roads. We lived about eight miles north of town. None of the photos below are mine (source, source, source, source); however, I distinctly remember the state highway leading into town looking a lot like the first photo in the gallery! I don’t remember how many days we were off work, but it was probably around three or four.

Buffalo plaid, that is…
I’m not sure there’s a plaid I don’t like! And, I don’t think I have any Scots blood. Nigel does the ancestry stuff; I need to have him figure out if I am! But, I digress! Buffalo plaid is one of my favorites. I wrote an entire post about plaid if you’d like to read it! You can find it here. It’s funny how we don’t usually find plaids in the warmer months unless we consider gingham to be plaid. I don’t wear red very often, but I do love it with black in a buffalo plaid! Nigel bought this cardigan for me for Christmas as well as the jewelry. I thought I’d try my hand at styling it two different ways. You’ll have to wait until Thursday for the other look!

Happy surprise…
When I decided to style this cardigan, I thought I’d just go with the black column underneath. Then, my eye fell upon this merino cardigan from Talbots (years old). I couldn’t believe how well the reds matched! While I know they don’t have to match, it’s always nice when they do. I love that it’s an unexpected leopard print! Well, it’s unexpected for me. We don’t have too many red leopards around here! I’m wearing my tried and true pima cotton leggings from J Jill. I swear by these leggings! I have them in almost every color offered!

My other accessories…
You can’t really see them, but I am sporting many, many other accessories. Those would be dog hairs! When you have a white dog, you do one of two things. You either accept you’re constantly cleaning your clothing. Or, you do as I do and call them accessories! Jack is my third Westie. Max and Pete (yeah, I know, I give my dogs really imaginative names) were my first Westies. I grew up with an American Eskimo dog called Mindy. My mom’s husband (not my dad) hated to have those white hairs on his black socks. So, poor Mindy was relegated to the basement for the short duration of that marriage. If you see me out and about and see a white hair on my clothing, feel free to pick it off! I’ll gladly share my bonus accessories!

The Lewk!

I think I have a lot of shoes and boots. But, it seems like I almost always pick the same ones! Does that mean I’m in a rut? I don’t think so. I like to wear fun shoes, but I also like classics. I think these boots are a little bit edgy, a little bit classic. They are by Born, but I can’t find them anywhere to purchase! You can see them here, here, and here. The necklace and earrings were Christmas gifts from Nigel this year. They are both from J Jill, but the earrings appear to be sold out online.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I don’t want to diminish the tragedy of the recent blizzard. I know there is danger when weather of this magnitude hits. I cannot imagine the anguish of the people left behind. I do, however, love snow and heavy snowstorms. We had severely frigid temperatures the week of Christmas. Tomorrow, the forecast is 65 (18.3C) but back down to 36 (2.2C) on Friday! So, can we talk? Are you a fan of snow? Do you like to snuggle up with a warm beverage, a throw, and enjoy the time? Or, do you detest the white stuff (as Nigel does)? What do you think of plaid? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible!

Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!
As always, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! As we enter this new year, my wish is that you have all the happiness, joy, and good things you deserve! I also hope you continue to read my blog! I am truly grateful to all who comment, subscribe or email me. If you’d like to follow me on Instagram (please do), you can find me here. I’m not on TikTok, but you never know!

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and I do deClaire and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Friday Print Mixing on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
I am totally the opposite, I hate snow! Lol. But I do love buffalo plaid. And we have two Mainecoon cats and have brushes everywhere to get rid of the hairs. We don’t mind the love of our pets at bigger right.
Oh, you love the heat, don’t you, Nancy? Give me a nice crisp day where I can layer on lots of sweaters, and I’m happy! I didn’t know you had cats! I am definitely a cat lover, but Nigel is not. He barely tolerates the dog! But, he’s really good at taking care of Jack!
Thanks for coming by, Nancy!
Having grown up in New England snow is just a way of life in the winter. I have lived through many blizzards and I do remember losing power for quite a few of them! Thankfully we always made out just fine though and while I can not say I am a fan of the “white stuff” I do love how pretty it looks with freshly fallen snow all around. I just wish it wasn’t so darn cold and wet and almost always icy too. LOL.
Now, see…you’re going to make me even more jealous! You have that gorgeous lake to look at, and you’re telling me about blizzards! I suppose if they were a regular occurrence, they would lose lots of their luster!
Thanks for coming by, Joanne!
Well, snow for us in the UK is a very mixed blessing. Up north and in Scotland it probably will be lovely and white and deep, but down south we had the first snow in a very long time and as per usual, it snowed a bit (that looked nice) and about 2 inches lay around (again that was nice). And then it melted a bit, then it froze. And the snow became an icy, messy, grey surface that was lethal when you walked on it into town. I hated every moment of it as I was sooo afraid of slipping. So no, not a lover of snow.
I do love any kind of tartan &/or plaid and that red plaid cardigan is stunning, and must be especially good during cold winter days. As ever you rock your accessories – love those boots.
Thanks so much, Penny! We are both lovers of the edgy boots, right? I hope this cardigan is warm because I usually keep the heat set rather low.
Snow removal is probably non-existent for you, isn’t it? Here in Indiana, you see the snow plows on fronts of trucks starting in November. I think the highway department actually puts down some kind of de-icer if they know ice is on the way. I love snow, but ice is scary! We have been watching a lot of television re: England and Scotland. It makes me yearn to take that train trip from London to Edinburgh. Time will only tell if I can convince Nigel to actually do it!
I love the print mixing Marsha. You always amaze me with that skill.
And that was a crazy snowstorm. We got it in Ohio too, and I even looked it up recently because I talked about it in one of our Where Blogger’s Live posts and so many people remembered it. It was a huge snowstorm for many, many states.
Thanks, Jodie! That is a huge compliment! It’s funny how that blizzard seems like it was just yesterday. I can remember so much about it. But, it blows my mind that is was 45 years ago! And, I honestly do crave ice cream whenever we get big snowstorms!! I wonder if you had even more snow due to lake effect…you lived in Toledo, right?
The plaid and leopard together is amazing! I love this beautifully print mixed outfit. As for snow, now that I don’t have to drive in it since I’m retired, I like it better than I used to. Especially if the temps remain in the 20s. I pretty much hate super cold temps. Just call me Goldilocks. I’m not a fan of the heat either. ?
OK, Goldilocks! You sound a bit like me! I don’t mind driving in snow…it’s the other drivers that worry me! I am really not a fan of hot weather at all. I’d rather be cold because you can always cover up with more, but there is a limit to what you can take off! I was so happily surprised by how well the leopard and the plaid worked together. The reds were almost exactly the same, and that cardigan is years old!
I love that cute cardigan! It does match so well with your red leopard print!
Thanks, Laura! I couldn’t believe how closely the reds matched! And, I was nice and warm (though the outside is really warm for this time of year)!
Magnificent print mixing – don’t you love it when colors bought at different stores/brands/seasons match up so easily?? I love snow also. We’ve had about 11″ inches since yesterday morning and it’s GORGEOUS out there. My husband, who uses street parking at our apartment, will have to dig his car out later today so he’s not quite as enamored of it
Thanks so much, Sally! I was really excited when I saw how closely they matched especially since there are years between the two! Oh, I envy you that snow! There’s just something about freshly fallen snow! But, I don’t envy your husband!!
Pingback:Wearing Buffalo Plaid - Marsha in the Middle
Your husband did a great job picking this cardigan. I love the print and length and it works so well with you leopard sweater! Now to go back and read the post I had started reading =) I am wearing a yellow buffalo plaid cardigan today.
Thanks, Mireille! I’ll tell him (though he might have had a slight nudge in that direction)! I really liked the plaid and the leopard together! Oh, a yellow buffalo plaid? That sounds intriguing!
We had an Eskie!!! His name was Chevis. He was my buddy for so long!
I love snow too. And plaid, all plaids.
I remember that blizzard a little!! I was three, and my mom and dad shoveled the snow off the sidewalk into such a large pile we could sled down it! It was so cool. There is a picture of me somewhere standing between the piles of snow on either side of the sidewalk.
They were the smartest dogs, right? We taught ours to climb the stairs of our school playground-size slide and slide down it! She was a wonderful dog! I think you and I are made for winter…plaid, snow, and all the good things to eat!
Thanks, Erin, for coming by!