Songful Style: “These Dreams!”

I usually ask how your summer is going, but I guess I need to ask how your fall is going. How is your spring going if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere? I hope, if you’re anywhere in the path of Hurricane Helene, you are safe and have power. We have had quite a bit of wind and rain the last couple of days. I can’t imagine what it has been like if you’re in the path or near it. Welcome to the last Monday in September and another edition of Songful Style! Suzy and Shelbee decided to riff (see what I did there) on Style Imitating Art only with music! Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, Suzy of Suzy Turner, and I make up the bloggers in this group. You can find all of us on our blogs and Instagram.  Our ensembles (pun intended) may be inspired by the lyrics of a song, the artwork of the album cover, maybe the MTV video, or even a memory the song evokes. Suzy chose this month’s song which is so good! Last month, Shelbee selected “Vienna” by Billy Joel. I was in Scotland and didn’t participate. Oh, and there’s a link party, too!

The artists…

Would you believe Heart actually began as an all male band? The group formed in 1973 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Initially, Roger Fisher and Steve Fossen formed a band called The Army (1967), changed to Hocus Pocus in 1969, and then White Heart in 1970. In 1975, they wised up and added Ann and Nancy Wilson as well as Michael Derosier and Howard Leese. This was the core group into the late 70s. They were the members inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013.

A little more…

The band changed members about as often as they changed names! White Heart was originally to be White Hart, but Mike Fisher, Roger’s brother, added the “e.” The band’s name has remained the same even though the musicians changed multiple times over the years. That same Mike Fisher evaded the draft and moved to Canada in 1971 or 1972. The rest of the group soon followed after Nancy and Mike fell in love. Ann soon joined the group, and the band, Heart, we know today began making music. Mike Flicker, a producer, helped the group, which now included Howard Leese on keyboard, record Dreamboat Annie. It was released in September, 1975. Originally known as Can-Base Studios, Mushroom Studios put out this album which included the singles, “Magic Man” and “Crazy on You.” The band was helped by opening for Rod Stewart at the Montreal Forum in October 1975. The album was released in the US and reached number seven on the Billboard 200. It would become their first million copy seller.

Still more…

After some wrangling with studios, Heart soon was recording for a CBS subsidiary, Portrait Records. The band released its second million seller with Little Queen. That album contained “Barracuda” which was written by Ann. A rumor, supposedly released by Mushroom Studios, was making the rounds that Ann and Nancy were involved in an incestuous affair. Ooooh, that would make me furious, too! I looked at those lyrics, but I sure don’t see that story. I guess I’m not that deep. One of my favorite albums, Dog & Butterfly, was released in 1978 and contained the title song as well as “Straight On.”

Even more…

The early 80s were not kind to the band, but the end of that decade saw the release of Heart. The band had moved to Capitol Records during this time. As part of the move, the band got a glam metal makeover which seemed to have worked as that album reached number one, sold five million copies and contained four top 10 hits: “What About Love,” “Never,” “These Dreams,” and “Nothin’ at All.” In 1987, the power ballad, “Alone,” appearing on Bad Animals, became Heart’s greatest pop song. It spent three weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and number two for the year on the Hot 100.

Just a skosh more…

The band continued to record albums with varying levels of success, and the Wilson sisters also recorded solo albums. In 2016, Ann’s husband pled guilty to assaulting Nancy’s twin sons which led to an estrangement between the two sisters. They would occasionally communicate via text. In 2019, the band, Heart, reunited with different backing members and toured through the end of the year. Nancy began touring as “Nancy Wilson’s Heart” in 2022, playing primarily Heart songs. In late 2023, the band played together again with two concerts in California and one in Seattle. On New Year’s Day, the played “Barracuda” and “Magic Man” at the 2024 NHL Winter Classic in Seattle. On January 29, they announced their Royal Flush World Tour. Included on the bill would be Cheap Trick, Def Leppard, Journey, and Squeeze. Unfortunately, earlier this summer, the UK and European dates were cancelled after Ann underwent surgery to have a growth removed. That growth turned out to be cancerous and has been (or is being) treated with chemotherapy. She vows to return to the tour by 2025.

The song…

What it means…

Again, I think this is one of those songs that can be interpreted so many different ways. I think it’s, basically, about dreams and how they’re all different. Sometimes, we have very clear dreams, and sometimes, they’re just shadows. I really don’t think this has any deep meaning other than to describe the ephemeral nature of dreams.

The video…

Like many older songs, there are other videos of Heart playing “These Dreams,” but I always use the official one for this post. You’ll notice Nancy is actually singing lead for this song. Ann usually sang lead but is singing backup.

Interesting covers…

There are a few moments when you’d almost think you were listening to Ann Wilson with this group from Australia!

I can’t tell if the video is distorted on purpose or not…maybe, it’s to give it a dream-like quality. The singer has a beautiful voice, though.

Hmmm…I had my doubts about a dude doing this song justice, but this guy does!

I have mixed feelings about this one. I think, if I’d never heard Heart sing the song, I’d like it. But, I think her voice lacks the depth to sing the song properly. Her backing band, though…amazing! I love the chimes!

Unfortunately, my favorite Norwegian heavy metal rocker, Leo, has let me down yet again! No “Sweet Dreams” from him.

My interpretation…

I really wanted to wear a blazer with gigantic shoulder pads, but I got rid of those decades ago! In the video, you can spot Ann wearing a sparkly blazer with a pink top under it. I chose this heavy paillette covered unstructured blazer as my building block. I added another of those Old Navy Luxe sleeveless tops in a berry color. You can’t see Ann from the waist down so I’m assuming she was wearing black pants of some kind or another. It took me a little minute to come up with with the bottoms…leggings, joggers, or jeans. As you can see, I went with jeans. I think I bought these in the NSale a few years ago. They’re Wit & Wisdom and really comfortable though I’m not so sure dark grey jeans are very flattering on me.

The Lewk!

I was stumped when it came to what to wear because, for a little bit, you see Nancy kick her foot into the air. And, of course, she’s wearing boots with heels! For a bit, I thought about going barefoot because I could almost see Nancy Wilson doing that. In the end, I compromised by thinking, “Well, Nancy Wilson is 70 years old. I bet she’d go for some black strappy sandals.” Nah, I doubt, even at 70, she would do that. I bet she’s still rocking the heels. But, I went with these black strappy Franco Sarto sandals. Oops…I’m dressing like Ann, but I bet she’d still be rocking heels even at age 74. Ann’s hair was long in the video so I couldn’t really see if she was wearing earrings. I went with these blingy J Crew earrings I’d bought last year (probably Black Friday).

Wrap it up, Marsha!

This past Friday, my youngest son and I went to an exhibit of Jim Irsay’s guitars at Indiana University in Bloomington. In one room was a special exhibit of special guitars which was only going to be there for that one day. Included was one of Nancy’s guitars! My son said it wasn’t an especially expensive guitar, but what makes it special is the USMC sticker on the back. When she plays it, she always flashes the sticker at the crowd. Since my dad was a Marine, I was glad to get a copy of the photo. How did I get that photo? I was schmoozing with some of the police there to guard the exhibit, and one of them shared the photos with me! My son couldn’t believe I gave the guy my phone number. I couldn’t believe he thought I was only 56! So, can we talk? Do you think either of the Wilson sisters is still rocking the heels? What do you think the song means? Which cover did you like best? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Thank you so very much for reading today’s post. I hope you enjoyed it. I also very much appreciate those of you who comment, email and/or subscribe. It’s what keeps me going! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

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Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileSuzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. Thanks Marsha, I don’t follow much music these days, but the dream questions and thoughts are interesting to think about.

    • Thanks, Rosie! It’s funny because I’m one of those people who doesn’t hear the lyrics right. So, when I read the actual lyrics, I’m always thinking, “Huh! I didn’t get that!”

  2. We were hoping to see Heart at a festival last summer. But alas. We where so looking forward to it. I think they were very cool. But didn’t know all the history.

    • Oh, I bet that’s when they had to cancel because of Ann’s cancer. I hope they reschedule at a time you can see them. I bet they put on a great show! They were definitely cool and are still out there rockin’ so I guess they’re still cool!

      Thanks, Nancy!

  3. I LOVE your outfit! That sparkly blazer is so fun and that pink shirt really pops. I definitely remember my dreams in lots of detail too but it’s funny how much they seem to make sense when I’m asleep and experiencing them but then when I wake up I realize they are actually quite bizarre!

    • Thanks, Joanne! Mike bought me this blazer for my birthday ages ago. I had moved it to a different closet and was panicking when I was getting ready for the photos! Then, I noticed several jackets were gone and realized I’d put them in the front closet. I’m just glad I no longer have nightmares. But, yes, my dreams are bizarre when I try to explain them to Mike. He just looks at me and shakes his head.

  4. What a fun look, Marsha! I love the sequin blazer and jeans together. I wonder what kind of shoes 70 year old Ann is wearing? That would be interesting to know!
    Thanks for a fun trip down memory lane. It’s so sad to think the sisters lost a few years together, I hope they have repaired their damaged relationship. Life is short!

    • Thanks, Kellyann! I was just really glad to see that sparkly blazer and pink top in the video because I knew I wouldn’t be able to come up with that big hair! I’m betting whatever Ann is wearing, they’re pretty doggone cool! And, it is sad they lost those years. But, they seem to have repaired it well enough to tour together.

  5. I think she’d still be rocking heels, Marsha!! LOL….but perhaps only when she performs. Otherwise, it’ll be black strappy sandals for sure!!
    I really wanted to wear my black boots but they’re still packed away for summer…hopefully soon it will be cold enough to get them all out again!
    I like your interpretation and I think the dark jeans do look great on you!
    Big hugs
    Suzy xx

    • Thanks, Suzy! I thought about digging out a pair of black heels, but I just didn’t want to! Bad blogger award here! My boots are easily accessible; it’s the heels and such that aren’t! It’s getting cooler here at night which is really nice.

  6. I think the sequins are a good option for this song. Dreams are sparkly and disappear and it seems so perfect.

  7. First off, I had no idea that Heart started out without the gals. So crazy! Second, this is my favorite song from them and I always think it’s interesting that Nancy is the lead vocalist on this one which I think is their most popular. Love this look you paired with the song. The cardigan is a gorgeous contrast with the pink top!

    • Thanks, Kathrine! I wish I had been able to lay my hands on a pink satin suit with padded shoulders, but this worked well, I though. I was so surprised when I read the band actually started with guys. I also read that Nancy had had a sore throat or a cold, and that’s why her voice is raspy. They asked her to recreate the sound, and she told them she couldn’t because she wasn’t sick!

  8. Marsha, I love this outfit on you! It represents the song really well while still being true to your personal style. The sparkly blazer is amazing and I really like that you wore flat sandals instead of the dreadful high heels! I am glad I still had some high heeled boots to style but I am ready to ditch all of my heels once I get motivated to clean them out! I am looking forward to styling “Wildflowers” next!


    • Oh, thank you so much, Shelbee! I was just glad I found the blazer because it wasn’t in my main closet. I couldn’t believe I had donated it. Luckily, I realized some other jackets were missing and found it. I really do need to wear it more often. The only problem is those paillettes get stuck around each other under the arms. Heel height is one of the first things I check when I buy a new pair of shoes or boots. I always see if there’s a platform, too, to see if that whittles the true height down. Thanks again, my friend!

  9. Hi, Marsha – Here in Detroit, we just got some drizzle and a strong breeze for a couple of days from Hurricane Helene. We were lucky to be just on the edge of it. You certainly do go into deep detail on things. That gets to all the interesting details. I love your paillette jacket! You look wonderful, as usual. Thanks for sharing a rock-inspired look – Angie,

    • Thanks, Angie! I love to find out new information…always learning and teaching, I guess! I had fun putting this look together once I found my jacket (I thought I’d donated it). We had several days of rain, sometimes coming down in sheets, other times just drizzle. We had a couple of days of high winds. It’s not unusual for us to feel the effects of a hurricane, but we generally don’t get that for a week or so. It was surprising to experience it as the hurricane was ravaging the other states.

  10. I love how this outfit turned out! That cardigan is stunning and looks so good paired with pink!

    • Thank you, Laura! I was happy with it, too. I should have done my photos before I got my hair cut and at least tried to go for Nancy’s hair!