Spring trends 2024…
There have been many blog posts and articles about the Spring trends for 2024. I’m not reinventing any wheels here, my friends, but I thought I’d give you my take on one of the Spring trends for this year. As many of you know, skinny jeans are considered out. I was never into skinny jeans so this didn’t break my heart. But, if you love your skinny jeans, go on and rock them! Don’t let any blogger, writer, or even AI generated articles tell you you have to give up your beloved skinny jeans. The Spring trend for 2024 is toward a straighter leg as well as a wide leg jean.

What about…
If you’re like me, you might be thinking, “What about my tunics?” What do I wear with them? Are leggings out as well as skinny jeans? Just exactly what should I do given the Spring trend 2024? My answer is you do you! I tried on some leggings with this tunic and wasn’t really thrilled with the look. But, if they’d looked good, you can bet I’d wear them! Then, I remembered my favorite Talbots jeans are a straight leg. While I’ve seen articles saying darker denim is more on trend, I’ve also seen lighter denim is also on trend. And, while I don’t mind putting flowy pants under flowy tops, I don’t think tunics are usually very flowy.

Spring trends 2024…
Before we get serious, I wanted to share this article from British Vogue with you showing the spring trends in denim. They talk about six denim trends for this year. I love that first photo! Kaia Gerber isn’t wearing jeans at all! Those pants are made from silk then hand embroidered with thousands of glass beads dyed to look like denim! If I looked like that, I’d wear it all from those statement chandelier earrings down to the fun silver bow-embellished shoes! Well, I might skip those particular pants because my pension just isn’t that great! I think the only trend I will skip from this article is the horseshoe denim. You’ll have to check it out for yourself!

Do we care…
As they used to say, that’s the $64,000 question. Do we care about ever changing trends in denim as well as other items of clothing? Trends come and go, lasting longer than fads, but they still have an expiration date. The problem is what happens to all that denim after we decide we don’t want to wear it anymore. If you’re like me, you keep it for years and years! There are many who would say the denim we wore in the 80s is not the same. And, they would be correct! It isn’t, but that doesn’t mean you can’t style it to make it look fresh and modern or not (if that’s not your thing)! Remember, vintage is in! You just might be sitting on a treasure trove if you have your jeans from the 70s and 80s! Of course, another problem is the blow to our wallets. If you’re constantly chasing trends, your wallet is going to get thinner and thinner.

Why we care…
Denim production is, in itself, a complicated process which involves thousands and thousands of gallons of water which then results in polluted waterways as the chemicals and dyes used to produce various washes are returned to the earth. This article talks about denim recycling, the good, the bad, and the ugly. The “life cycle” of a pair of jeans is more than we think! And, I think we do need to care about the production of denim garments as well as other clothing.
For a pair of denim jeans, the life cycle (Figure 2) starts with the production of raw materials such as fibers and chemicals. These materials are then transported to fabric manufacturer and processed to become a fabric. During fabric production, energy and water are consumed in addition to raw materials while emission to air and to water and production waste are generated. The following process for the fabric is garment manufacturing in which the fabric is cut, sewn, washed, and accessorized (rivets, buttons, etc.) according to the design. Finally, the finished garment is sent to a warehouse or directly stores to be sold. After it is bought, the garment is washed and dried (or dry-cleaned depending on its nature) many times throughout its use phase. When it completes its life span, the garment has various “end of life” scenarios such as recycling, reused, refurbished, and disposed in landfill or incinerated, etc., which were discussed in the previous sections (source).
In the graphic below, which is a bit confusing to my brain, we need to start at the “cradle.” Then, the above paragraph makes sense (at least to me).

My outfit…
I’m a hypocrite. I’ll admit it. While the jeans I’m wearing are over two years old and still going strong (see my review here), the tunic is brand new. I hadn’t been to the mall in weeks as in close to two months! I actually had a credit at J Jill and a coupon so I spent nothing on this new top. It’s made of cotton and Tencel™ which is a more sustainable fabric. On the J Jill website, they show different ways to wear the top, and none are skinny jeans. All of them are a rendition of a straight leg pant or jean. I guess I was on the right track.

The Lewk!

I’m beginning to get these sneakers broken in so they’re easier to wear! They are a couple of years old and are from L’Artiste. Mine are similar to these. The lacey earrings and bracelet are from Stella & Dot. I think the necklace is from Premier Designs. There’s just a tad of pink in the print of my tunic so I thought I’d pick that up with my rose gold accessories.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I honestly didn’t mean to write such a heavy post. But, once I started reading and writing, I really thought I needed to bring to the forefront the problems we are facing with denim production. This isn’t a US problem; it’s a worldwide problem. I hope you read the article I linked to regarding denim recycling. It was an eye opener for me. And, yes, I do buy lots of clothing and am part of the problem. I also keep my clothing for years. I avoid most fast fashion stores though I do love Old Navy. Spring trends 2024 is such a hot thing right now, isn’t it? I think that’s because we’re all just done with winter! So, can we talk? Do you have denim that years old? What do you think of the trends for denim this Spring 2024? Are you into vintage clothing and have scarfed up some denim from the 70s? Please leave me a comment, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

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Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: https://www.zuvilife.com/products/buy-zuvi-halo-hair-dryer?sca_ref=4039595.v4RNNsWxxF. If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, Style Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Hi Marsha, I never get tired of hearing about your teaching days – they’e so interesting so keep writing about your experiences, they’re a good read!
As for fashions, I think the most important thing is to understand your own body, which leads to an understanding of what suits you well and the look you want to put out there. This self awareness is far better than any journalist (usually younger) who tells you what to wear. So for me, it’s always skinny jeans every time, they look good on my thin long legs, and tbh, I really hate wide leg jeans or pants as because I’m tall they make me look really big as well. I also don’t wear tunics as I do like a nipped in waist. It’s all about the body, the one you’ve got!
And as for the making of jeans – their life cycle is astonishing! One pair alone needs humongous amounts of water and energy to get into ones closet. So my favourite black skinnies are very old, and just lately I bought two second hand prs of jeans (which are straight actually) and that’s what I aim to do in future. No more new jeans, instead second hand every time.
Loving your accessories – your shoes are wonderful as usual
Thanks Marsha for a very interesting post.
Thank you, Penny! I think I will probably always talk about my teaching days as I had so much fun and have so many stories! I’m glad you like them.
I do think you are right about understanding what works for your body shape and sticking to that. I know I have made mistakes even last year because I was convinced I could make it work! I know many people like vee necks. I just don’t like them in sweaters even though I know it elongates the neckline. But, if I don’t like them, I won’t wear them. So, now I keep reminding myself of that every time I’m tempted to buy a vee neck sweater!
I honestly was amazed when I read about cotton and denim production. It’s sad and maddening.
Most of my denim isn’t that old; I needed all new pants when I dropped several sizes. I held onto those larger sizes for over 3 years though “just in case” and finally sent them off as donations. I do try to only buy pants and clothes that I absolutely love and know I’ll get lots and lots of use out of for years. I don’t follow many trends and tend to only start wearing them as they are on their way out but that doesn’t bother me at all. I was much more into trends during high school and college trying out totally new looks all the time! Now I am much more content to dress using the classics with a few fun pieces thrown in.
I still have a huge range of sizes of jeans in my closet. I am bound and determined to get back into those smaller ones. Luckily, I kept some of the bigger sizes as I grew back into them…dang! I just love clothes but am trying to curb my shopping because I had gotten a bit out of control when I first started blogging!
Thanks, Joanne!
Marsha, I bet your students will always remember that life cycle lesson – eggs to chicken nuggets – wow!!!
I had no idea the process involved in making denim. It seems like anything goes when it comes to denim. I say wear what you love. The straight leg looks great on you!
Thanks, Kellyann! I forgot to mention we also had an egg drop contest tied into the scientific process. We had a blast with that, and so did the kids! I was amazed at how creative they got.
I do think anything goes right now with denim. I do like straight leg jeans if I can find the right fit!
Thanks again, Kellyann!
I absolutely love this tunic with these jeans! Thanks for sharing on how the process goes with making them. I think you should wear jeans more because you rock them!
Thanks, Kathrine! I actually wear jeans a lot of the time but just don’t feel like I have enough other “stuff” to make the blog!
Mmm, I actually like the horseshoe trend. Big and baggy is not for me. I think your outfit looks very good. The tunic looks great on those jeans. Much better then on skinnier or leggings.
Now, see, Nancy, I can totally see you wearing those horseshoe jeans and looking fabulous in them! You’re tall and slender. I didn’t really like those big and baggy, puddling jeans, either. They look like an accident waiting to happen!
Thank you so much, Nancy! I really liked the way the tunic looked with the lighter wash jeans.
I don’t call you a hypocrite. It’s fun to be able to try out all of the different styles of jeans. That’s how I am!!
Thanks, Jodie! I just meant I’d been writing about the high costs of making denim and other clothes, and I’ve gone and bought something new! I was astounded at how much water cotton fabrication uses.
I don’t really follow trends. I haven’t worn denim in years. I prefer my yoga pants but that’s probably because of my weight gain. I don’t know what i was a fan of jeans even when I was skinny though. You, however, look great in jeans.
I hear you on the weight gain…I just keep buying bigger sizes. I’m hoping to make some really big changes at the end of the month, though. I’ve always liked jeans after I figured out why certain styles didn’t work for me. But, yoga pants are wonderful!
Thanks, Lisa!
I’m the type of person who will wear my clothes until they fall apart, then ask Billy to mend them. Lol. I am so never on trend with clothing, although I think I still have some straight leg pants from years ago in my closet. I may have some bootcut as well. I have tshirts I bought probably 15 years ago. I probably need to buy some new clothes, reading this over…..
Thanks for sharing this!
You know…those jeans you have are probably right on trend right now! I have this old sweatshirt that is fraying at the cuffs. I love that and keep pulling at the cuffs to get them to fray even more. My grandma and my aunt used to patch things until what they were wearing was more patch than original garment! I have a sneaky feeling I may end up that way. I love that Billy mends your clothes. I wonder if Mike could even thread a needle. Yes, you need some new things…I bet I have some things you would look super cute in! Email me!!!
Hi Marsha, it’s a bit hit and miss with me and trends – mainly miss! I don’t follow them anymore but I’ve found what suits my shape and tend to stick with that these days. Your outfit is grea, casual and comfortable and that’s what I aim for when I dress these days plus a splash of colour never goes astray! Your shoes are fabulous!! Thanks for joining us for Mins’ #wwwhimsy linkup, great to have you here
Thanks, Debbie for the comments and the link up! I have struggled over the last few years as I’ve gained quite a bit of weight and am finding it hard to dress this new body. That’s part of why my outfits veer from one kind of look to another! I do love a good splash of color, too! As for trends, I truly only buy what’s in the store. I’m not actively seeking any trends though it may seem like it.
Pingback:Spring Trends for Denim Jackets 2024 - Marsha in the Middle
Those shoes are gorgeous! Lovely cool look (both for temp and jus…cool!)
Thanks, Lydia! They are cute, but they aren’t quite as intricate as they look. Parts of them are just stamped to look like cut outs. But, I like them…just have to get them broken in.
Wow! Your shoes are amazing!! While I try to thrift more and wear my closet, I do still shop and like to add things to my closet every so often and it often is cyclical for me. The recent two weeks, I have added a number of things and added some old things to my donation pile. I do feel good when I see how old (but still wearable) some things are. Denim lately have been mostly thrifted but the ones I bought retail usually stay in my closet until they fall apart.
Thanks, Mireille! These shoes are a few years old, but I never wore them much. I always wore my Sofft ones. But, now that those are just about shot, I need something to replace them! I need to find a place to donate other than Goodwill. My consignment store isn’t taking anything right now because she’s so far behind!
I have 6 pairs of blue jeans: 2 skinny (new in 2019), 2 straight leg (new in 2017), 2 wider-leg trouser style (thrifted in 2018). So I think I’ve got my main categories covered. These jeans vary between 29 (so close to my target of 30!) and 87 total wears also, so they have been workhorses for me.
I love the look of the tunic with the light wash straight leg jeans. The light jeans pick up the lighter colors in the print and create gorgeous contrast with the dark background. Those sneakers are amazing too.
I don’t get excited about denim trends in general; I think I have a “I’ve worn it all before” feel (except for some of the extreme fringe trends I would never wear anyway) so I just wear what style I like in any given outfit. I agree that though perhaps the most current version of the X jeans style is different in subtle ways from the X jeans style we have in our closets or that we can find in thrift stores, how much does that really matter? After seeing this information about the jeans life cycle and what it costs our environment to constantly buy new ones, I’m even more committed to not chasing the current denim just for the sake of having new jeans. Do I care if a random 13 year old finds my jeans or my look cool vs. uncool? Not really (sorry, kids, haha). And I think that jeans often just feel better once they’ve been worn a while.
I have a few more pairs than that (so many in sizes I can’t currently wear), but I tend to hang on to jeans forever! Well, not forever or I’d have some of the fabulous jeans from my high school years! And, I do think jeans are so much better after being worn a few days. I try not to wash them too often. I remember the days when I’d wash them every time I wore them. Of course, when my kids were little, they HAD to be washed as they were often covered in mud or grass stains! I don’t really worry too much about following denim trends because they rarely work for my legs! So, I find a pair that works and get a couple in that size and style.
Thanks, Sally!
The key thing with denim, for me, is to buy several pairs when I find jeans that really work for me. I did this about 10 years ago, bought 4 pairs in 2 sizes, and 1 pair is still going strong. The others became a bit worn and holey but I still wore them at home. It helps offset the environmental cost of denim. Thanks for linking, have a great weekend.
Thanks, Gail! I agree that buying multiples of denim that works for you is a wonderful idea. That way, you can either cycle them in and out or keep one for when the first pair wears out. I’m really trying to be better about buying sustainable products.
I try to have a few styles of denim in different shades and keep them for as long as I can. Probably less than 10 pairs. It’s hard to be sustainable when you get c/o items, but I try to give a lot away and get many things used for my kids! Every little bit helps! Your light wash pair is great on you! Love the tunic top toO!
Thanks, Laura! I have a few more than 10 but only because so many don’t fit right now. I’m determined they will so I’m not getting rid of them quite yet!